// META: title=Blob Valid Before Commit // META: script=resources/support.js let key = "key"; indexeddb_test( function upgrade(t, db) { db.createObjectStore('store'); }, function success(t, db) { const blobAContent = "Blob A content"; const blobBContent = "Blob B content"; const blobA = new Blob([blobAContent], {"type" : "text/plain"}); const blobB = new Blob([blobBContent], {"type" : "text/plain"}); const value = { a0: blobA, a1: blobA, b0: blobB }; const tx = db.transaction('store', 'readwrite', {durability: 'relaxed'}); const store = tx.objectStore('store'); store.put(value, key); const request = store.get(key); request.onsuccess = t.step_func(function() { const record = request.result; const promise1 = record.a0.text().then(t.step_func(text => { assert_equals(text, blobAContent); }, t.unreached_func())); const promise2 = record.a1.text().then(t.step_func(text => { assert_equals(text, blobAContent); }, t.unreached_func())); const promise3 = record.b0.text().then(t.step_func(text => { assert_equals(text, blobBContent); }, t.unreached_func())); Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]).then(function() { // The test passes if it successfully completes. t.done(); }); }); }, "Blobs can be read back before their records are committed.");