function runTest(config, qualifier) { var prefix = testnamePrefix(qualifier, config.keysystem) + ', requestMediaKeySystemAccess: '; function expect_error(keySystem, configurations, expectedError, testname) { var audioCapabilities = configurations.length ? configurations[0].audioCapabilities : undefined, videoCapabilities = configurations.length ? configurations[0].videoCapabilities : undefined, audiocontenttypes = audioCapabilities ? function(ac) { return "'" + ac.contentType + "'"; } ).join(',') : '', videocontenttypes = videoCapabilities ? function(ac) { return "'" + ac.contentType + "'"; } ).join(',') : '', modifiedtestname = testname.replace( '%audiocontenttype', audiocontenttypes ).replace( '%videocontenttype', videocontenttypes ); promise_test(function(test) { var p = navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess(keySystem, configurations); // expectedError is a string name for the error. We can differentiate // JS Errors from DOMExceptions by checking whether // window[expectedError] exists. If it does, expectedError is the name // of a JS Error subclass and window[expectedError] is the constructor // for that subclass. Otherwise it's a name for a DOMException. if (window[expectedError]) { return promise_rejects_js(test, window[expectedError], p); } else { return promise_rejects_dom(test, expectedError, p); } }, prefix + modifiedtestname + ' should result in ' + expectedError ); } function assert_subset(actual, expected, path) { if (typeof expected == 'string') { assert_equals(actual, expected, path); } else { if (expected.hasOwnProperty('length')) { assert_equals(actual.length, expected.length, path + '.length'); } for (property in expected) { assert_subset(actual[property], expected[property], path + '.' + property); } } } function expect_config(keySystem, configurations, expectedConfiguration, testname) { promise_test(function(test) { return navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess(keySystem, configurations).then(function(a) { assert_subset(a.getConfiguration(), expectedConfiguration, testname + ': '); }); }, testname); } // Tests for Key System. expect_error('', [{}], 'TypeError', 'Empty Key System'); expect_error('com.example.unsupported', [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Unsupported Key System'); expect_error(config.keysystem + '.', [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Key System ending in "."'); expect_error(config.keysystem.toUpperCase(), [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Capitalized Key System'); expect_error(config.keysystem + '\u028F', [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Non-ASCII Key System'); // Parent of Clear Key not supported. expect_error(config.keysystem.match(/^(.*?)\./)[1], [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Root domain of Key System alone'); expect_error(config.keysystem.match(/^(.*?)\./)[0], [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Root domain of Key System, with dot'); expect_error(config.keysystem.match(/^(.*?\..*?)\./)[1], [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Domain of Key System along'); expect_error(config.keysystem.match(/^(.*?\..*?)\./)[0], [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Domain of Key System, with dot'); // Child of Clear Key not supported. expect_error(config.keysystem+'.foo', [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Child of Key System'); // Prefixed Clear Key not supported. expect_error('webkit-'+config.keysystem, [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Prefixed Key System'); // Incomplete names. expect_error(config.keysystem.substr(0,7)+config.keysystem.substr(8), [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Missing characters in middle of Key System name'); expect_error(config.keysystem.substr(0,config.keysystem.length-1), [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Missing characters at end of Key System name'); // Spaces in key system name not supported. expect_error(' '+config.keysystem, [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Leading space in Key System name'); expect_error(config.keysystem.substr(0,6) + ' ' + config.keysystem.substr(6), [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Extra space in Key System name'); expect_error(config.keysystem + ' ', [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Trailing space in Key System name'); // Extra dots in key systems names not supported. expect_error('.' + config.keysystem, [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Leading dot in Key System name'); expect_error(config.keysystem.substr(0,6) + '.' + config.keysystem.substr(6), [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Extra dot in middle of Key System name'); expect_error(config.keysystem + '.', [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Trailing dot in Key System name'); // Key system name is case sensitive. if (config.keysystem !== config.keysystem.toUpperCase()) { expect_error(config.keysystem.toUpperCase(), [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Key System name is case sensitive'); } if (config.keysystem !== config.keysystem.toLowerCase()) { expect_error(config.keysystem.toLowerCase(), [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Key System name is case sensitive'); } // Tests for trivial configurations. expect_error(config.keysystem, [], 'TypeError', 'Empty supportedConfigurations'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{}], 'NotSupportedError', 'Empty configuration'); // Various combinations of supportedConfigurations. expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ initDataTypes: [config.initDataType], audioCapabilities: [{contentType: config.audioType}], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}], label: 'abcd', }], { initDataTypes: [config.initDataType], audioCapabilities: [{contentType: config.audioType}], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}], label: 'abcd', }, 'Basic supported configuration'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ initDataTypes: ['fakeidt', config.initDataType], audioCapabilities: [{contentType: 'audio/fake'}, {contentType: config.audioType}], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: 'video/fake'}, {contentType: config.videoType}], }], { initDataTypes: [config.initDataType], audioCapabilities: [{contentType: config.audioType}], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}], }, 'Partially supported configuration'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [{contentType: config.audioType}], }], { audioCapabilities: [{contentType: config.audioType}], }, 'Supported audio codec'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [{contentType: config.audioType.replace(/^(.*?);(.*)/, "$1; $2")}], }], { audioCapabilities: [{contentType: config.audioType.replace(/^(.*?);(.*)/, "$1; $2")}], }, 'ContentType formatting must be preserved'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [{contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs=fake'}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Unsupported audio codec (%audiocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [{contentType: 'video/webm; codecs=fake'}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Unsupported video codec (%videocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs=mp4a'}, {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs=mp4a.40.2'} ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Mismatched audio container/codec (%audiocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Video codec specified in audio field (%audiocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.audioType}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Audio codec specified in video field (%videocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs=avc1'}, {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs=avc1.42e01e'} ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Mismatched audio container/codec (%audiocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'audio/mp4; codecs=vorbis'} ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Mismatched audio container/codec (%audiocontenttype)'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ initDataTypes: ['fakeidt'], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}] }, { initDataTypes: [config.initDataType], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}] } ], { initDataTypes: [config.initDataType], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}] }, 'Two configurations, one supported'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ initDataTypes: [config.initDataType], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}] }, { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}] } ], { initDataTypes: [config.initDataType], videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType}] }, 'Two configurations, both supported'); // Audio MIME type does not support video codecs. expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs="vp8,vorbis"'}, {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs="vorbis, vp8"'}, {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs="vp8"'} ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Audio MIME type does not support video codecs (webm) (%audiocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'audio/mp4; codecs="avc1"'}, {contentType: 'audio/mp4; codecs="avc1.4d401e"'}, ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Audio MIME type does not support video codecs (mp4) (%audiocontenttype)'); // Video MIME type does not support audio codecs. expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'video/webm; codecs="vp8,vorbis"'}, {contentType: 'video/webm; codecs="vorbis, vp8"'}, {contentType: 'video/webm; codecs="vorbis"'} ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Video MIME type does not support audio codecs (webm) (%videocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'video/mp4; codecs="mp4a"'}, {contentType: 'video/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2"'} ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Video MIME type does not support audio codecs (mp4) (%videocontenttype)'); // WebM does not support AVC1/AAC. expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs="aac"'}, {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs="avc1"'}, {contentType: 'audio/webm; codecs="vp8,aac"'} ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'WebM audio does not support AVC1/AAC (%audiocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [ {contentType: 'video/webm; codecs="aac"'}, {contentType: 'video/webm; codecs="avc1"'}, {contentType: 'video/webm; codecs="vp8,aac"'} ], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'WebM video does not support AVC1/AAC (%videocontenttype)'); // Extra space is allowed in contentType. expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: ' ' + config.videoType}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: ' ' + config.videoType}], }, 'Leading space in contentType'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType.replace( /^(.*?);(.*)/, "$1 ;$2")}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType.replace( /^(.*?);(.*)/, "$1 ;$2")}], }, 'Space before ; in contentType'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType + ' '}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType + ' '}], }, 'Trailing space in contentType'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType.replace( /^(.*?codecs=\")(.*)/, "$1 $2")}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType.replace( /^(.*?codecs=\")(.*)/, "$1 $2")}], }, 'Space at start of codecs parameter'); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType.replace( /^(.*?codecs=\".*)\"/, "$1 \"")}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType.replace( /^(.*?codecs=\".*)\"/, "$1 \"")}], }, 'Space at end of codecs parameter'); // contentType is not case sensitive (except the codec names). expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: 'V' + config.videoType.substr(1)}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: 'V' + config.videoType.substr(1)}], }, 'Video/' ); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType.replace( /^(.*?)c(odecs.*)/, "$1C$2")}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType.replace( /^(.*?)c(odecs.*)/, "$1C$2")}], }, 'Codecs='); var t = config.videoType.match(/(.*?)(;.*)/); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: t[1].toUpperCase() + t[2]}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: t[1].toUpperCase() + t[2]}], }, 'Upper case MIME type'); t = config.videoType.match(/(.*?)codecs(.*)/); expect_config(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: t[1] + 'CODECS' + t[2]}], }], { videoCapabilities: [{contentType: t[1] + 'CODECS' + t[2]}], }, 'CODECS='); // Unrecognized attributes are not allowed. expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: 'video/webm; foo="bar"'}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Unrecognized foo with webm (%videocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: 'video/mp4; foo="bar"'}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Unrecognized foo with mp4 (%videocontenttype)'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: config.videoType + '; foo="bar"'}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'Unrecognized foo with codecs (%videocontenttype)'); // Invalid contentTypes. expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: 'fake'}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'contentType: %videocontenttype'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ audioCapabilities: [{contentType: 'audio/fake'}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'contentType: %audiocontenttype'); expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: 'video/fake'}], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'contentType: %videocontenttype'); // The actual codec names are case sensitive. t = config.videoType.match( /(.*?codecs=\")(.*?\")(.*)/ ); if (t[2] !== t[2].toUpperCase()) { expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: t[1] + t[2].toUpperCase() + t[3] }], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'contentType: %videocontenttype'); } if (t[2] !== t[2].toLowerCase()) { expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: t[1] + t[2].toLowerCase() + t[3] }], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'contentType: %videocontenttype'); } // Extra comma is not allowed in codecs. expect_error(config.keysystem, [{ videoCapabilities: [{contentType: t[1] + ',' + t[2] + t[3] }], }], 'NotSupportedError', 'contentType: %videocontenttype'); }