const ORIGINS = { 'same-origin': get_host_info().HTTPS_ORIGIN, 'cross-origin': get_host_info().HTTPS_REMOTE_ORIGIN, 'cross-site': get_host_info().HTTPS_NOTSAMESITE_ORIGIN, } function url(params) { let origin = null; for (const key of Object.keys(ORIGINS)) { if ( { origin = ORIGINS[key]; } } const child = params.window_open ? 'window' : 'iframe'; let file = `measure-memory/resources/${child}.sub.html`; if (params.redirect) { file = `measure-memory/resources/${child}.redirect.sub.html`; } let url = `${origin}/${file}?id=${}`; if (params.redirect === 'server') { url = (`${origin}/measure-memory/resources/` + `location=${encodeURIComponent(url)}`); } return url; } // A simple multiplexor of messages based on iframe ids. let waitForMessage = (function () { class Inbox { constructor() { this.queue = []; this.resolve = null; } push(value) { if (this.resolve) { this.resolve(value); this.resolve = null; } else { this.queue.push(value); } } pop() { let promise = new Promise(resolve => this.resolve = resolve); if (this.queue.length > 0) { this.resolve(this.queue.shift()); this.resolve = null; } return promise; } } const inbox = {}; window.onmessage = function (message) { const id =; const payload =; inbox[id] = inbox[id] || new Inbox(); inbox[id].push(payload); } return function (id) { inbox[id] = inbox[id] || new Inbox(); return inbox[id].pop(); } })(); function getMainWindow() { let main = window; while (true) { if (main === main.parent) { if (!main.opener) { break; } else { main = main.opener; } } else { main = main.parent; } } return main; } function isSameOrigin(other) { try { other.descendants; } catch (e) { // Cross-origin iframe that cannot access the main frame. return false; } return !!other.descendants; } function getId() { const params = new URLSearchParams(; return params.get('id'); } function getParent() { if (window.parent == window && window.opener) { return window.opener; } return window.parent; } // Constructs iframes based on their descriptoin. async function build(children) { window.descendants = {iframes: {}, windows: {}}; await Promise.all(; const result = window.descendants; return result; } async function buildChild(params) { let child = null; function target() { return params.window_open ? child : child.contentWindow; } if (params.window_open) { child =; if (!'same-origin')) { // Cross-origin windows gets their own browsing context groups with COOP. // The postMessage calls before would not work for them, so we do not // wait for them to load. return; } } else { child = document.createElement('iframe'); child.src = url(params); =; document.body.appendChild(child); } const ready = await waitForMessage(; target().postMessage({id: 'parent', payload: params.children}, '*'); const done = await waitForMessage(; if (!params.window_open) { const main = getMainWindow(); if (isSameOrigin(main)) { main.descendants.iframes[] = child; } } } // This function runs within an iframe. // It gets the children descriptions from the parent and constructs them. async function setupChild() { const id = getId(); const main = getMainWindow(); if (isSameOrigin(main)) {[id] = window; } document.getElementById('title').textContent = id; getParent().postMessage({id : id, payload: 'ready'}, '*'); const children = await waitForMessage('parent'); if (children) { await Promise.all(; } getParent().postMessage({id: id, payload: 'done'}, '*'); } function sameOriginContexts(children) { const result = []; for (const [id, child] of Object.entries(children)) { if (id.includes('same-origin')) { result.push(child.contentWindow ? child.contentWindow.performance : child.performance); } } return result; } async function createWorker(bytes) { const worker = new Worker('resources/worker.js'); let resolve_promise; const promise = new Promise(resolve => resolve_promise = resolve); worker.onmessage = function (message) { resolve_promise(; } worker.postMessage({bytes}); return promise; }