// This script is loaded in HTTP and HTTPS contexts to validate // PerformanceResourceTiming entries' attributes when reusing connections. // // Note: to ensure that we reuse the connection to fetch multiple resources, we // use the same XMLHttpRequest object throughout an individual test. Although // it doesn't seem to be specified, each browser tested by WPT will reuse the // underlying TCP connection with this approach. Pre-establishing the XHR's // connection helps us to test connection reuse also in browsers that may key // their connections on the related request's credentials mode. const connection_reuse_test = (path, follow_on_assertions, test_label) => { const {on_200, on_304} = follow_on_assertions; // Make the first request before calling 'attribute_test' so that only the // second request's PerformanceResourceTiming entry will be interrogated. We // don't check the first request's PerformanceResourceTiming entry because // that's not what this test is trying to validate. const client = new XMLHttpRequest(); const identifier = Math.random(); path = `${path}?tag=${identifier}`; client.open("GET", path, false); client.send(); attribute_test( async () => { client.open("GET", path + "&same_resource=false", false); client.send(); // We expect to get a 200 Ok response because we've requested a different // resource than previous requests. if (client.status != 200) { throw new Error(`Got something other than a 200 response. ` + `client.status: ${client.status}`); } }, path, entry => { invariants.assert_connection_reused(entry); on_200(entry); }, `PerformanceResrouceTiming entries need to conform to the spec when a ` + `distinct resource is fetched over a persistent connection ` + `(${test_label})`); attribute_test( async () => { client.open("GET", path, false); client.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", identifier); client.send(); // We expect to get a 304 Not Modified response because we've used a // matching 'identifier' for the If-None-Match header. if (client.status != 304) { throw new Error(`Got something other than a 304 response. ` + `client.status: ${client.status}, response: ` + `'${client.responseText}'`); } }, path, entry => { invariants.assert_connection_reused(entry); on_304(entry); }, `PerformanceResrouceTiming entries need to conform to the spec when the ` + `resource is cache-revalidated over a persistent connection ` + `(${test_label})`); }