/* author: W3C http://www.w3.org/ help: http://www.w3.org/TR/navigation-timing/#sec-window.performance-attribute */ // // Helper Functions for ResourceTiming W3C tests // var performanceNamespace = window.performance; var timingAttributes = [ 'connectEnd', 'connectStart', 'domComplete', 'domContentLoadedEventEnd', 'domContentLoadedEventStart', 'domInteractive', 'domLoading', 'domainLookupEnd', 'domainLookupStart', 'fetchStart', 'loadEventEnd', 'loadEventStart', 'navigationStart', 'redirectEnd', 'redirectStart', 'requestStart', 'responseEnd', 'responseStart', 'unloadEventEnd', 'unloadEventStart' ]; var namespace_check = false; // // All test() functions in the WebPerf test suite should use wp_test() instead. // // wp_test() validates the window.performance namespace exists prior to running tests and // immediately shows a single failure if it does not. // function wp_test(func, msg, properties) { // only run the namespace check once if (!namespace_check) { namespace_check = true; if (performanceNamespace === undefined || performanceNamespace == null) { // show a single error that window.performance is undefined // The window.performance attribute provides a hosting area for performance related attributes. test(function() { assert_true(performanceNamespace !== undefined && performanceNamespace != null, "window.performance is defined and not null"); }, "window.performance is defined and not null."); } } test(func, msg, properties); } function test_namespace(child_name, skip_root) { if (skip_root === undefined) { var msg = 'window.performance is defined'; // The window.performance attribute provides a hosting area for performance related attributes. wp_test(function () { assert_not_equals(performanceNamespace, undefined, msg); }, msg); } if (child_name !== undefined) { var msg2 = 'window.performance.' + child_name + ' is defined'; // The window.performance attribute provides a hosting area for performance related attributes. wp_test(function() { assert_not_equals(performanceNamespace[child_name], undefined, msg2); }, msg2); } } function test_attribute_exists(parent_name, attribute_name, properties) { var msg = 'window.performance.' + parent_name + '.' + attribute_name + ' is defined.'; wp_test(function() { assert_not_equals(performanceNamespace[parent_name][attribute_name], undefined, msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_enum(parent_name, enum_name, value, properties) { var msg = 'window.performance.' + parent_name + '.' + enum_name + ' is defined.'; wp_test(function() { assert_not_equals(performanceNamespace[parent_name][enum_name], undefined, msg); }, msg, properties); msg = 'window.performance.' + parent_name + '.' + enum_name + ' = ' + value; wp_test(function() { assert_equals(performanceNamespace[parent_name][enum_name], value, msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_timing_order(attribute_name, greater_than_attribute, properties) { // ensure it's not 0 first var msg = "window.performance.timing." + attribute_name + " > 0"; wp_test(function() { assert_true(performanceNamespace.timing[attribute_name] > 0, msg); }, msg, properties); // ensure it's in the right order msg = "window.performance.timing." + attribute_name + " >= window.performance.timing." + greater_than_attribute; wp_test(function() { assert_true(performanceNamespace.timing[attribute_name] >= performanceNamespace.timing[greater_than_attribute], msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_timing_greater_than(attribute_name, greater_than, properties) { var msg = "window.performance.timing." + attribute_name + " > " + greater_than; test_greater_than(performanceNamespace.timing[attribute_name], greater_than, msg, properties); } function test_timing_equals(attribute_name, equals, msg, properties) { var test_msg = msg || "window.performance.timing." + attribute_name + " == " + equals; test_equals(performanceNamespace.timing[attribute_name], equals, test_msg, properties); } // // Non-test related helper functions // function sleep_milliseconds(n) { var start = new Date().getTime(); while (true) { if ((new Date().getTime() - start) >= n) break; } } // // Common helper functions // function test_true(value, msg, properties) { wp_test(function () { assert_true(value, msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_equals(value, equals, msg, properties) { wp_test(function () { assert_equals(value, equals, msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_greater_than(value, greater_than, msg, properties) { wp_test(function () { assert_true(value > greater_than, msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_greater_or_equals(value, greater_than, msg, properties) { wp_test(function () { assert_true(value >= greater_than, msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_not_equals(value, notequals, msg, properties) { wp_test(function() { assert_not_equals(value, notequals, msg); }, msg, properties); } function test_tao_pass(entry) { test_greater_than(entry.redirectStart, 0, 'redirectStart > 0 in cross-origin redirect with Timing-Allow-Origin.'); test_greater_than(entry.redirectEnd, 0, 'redirectEnd > 0 in cross-origin redirect with Timing-Allow-Origin.'); test_greater_than(entry.fetchStart, 0, 'fetchStart > 0 in cross-origin redirect with Timing-Allow-Origin.'); test_greater_than(entry.fetchStart, entry.startTime, 'startTime < fetchStart in cross-origin redirect with Timing-Allow-Origin.'); } function test_tao_fail(entry) { test_equals(entry.redirectStart, 0, 'redirectStart == 0 in cross-origin redirect with failing Timing-Allow-Origin.'); test_equals(entry.redirectEnd, 0, 'redirectEnd == 0 in cross-origin redirect with failing Timing-Allow-Origin.'); test_greater_than(entry.fetchStart, 0, 'fetchStart > 0 in cross-origin redirect with failing Timing-Allow-Origin.'); test_equals(entry.fetchStart, entry.startTime, 'startTime == fetchStart in cross-origin redirect with failing Timing-Allow-Origin.'); }