var TEST_ALLOWED_TIMING_DELTA = 20; var waitTimer; var expectedEntries = {}; var initiatorTypes = ["iframe", "img", "link", "script", "xmlhttprequest"]; var tests = {}; setup(function() { for (var i in initiatorTypes) { var type = initiatorTypes[i]; tests[type] = { "entry": async_test("window.performance.getEntriesByName() and window.performance.getEntriesByNameType() return same data (" + type + ")"), "simple_attrs": async_test("PerformanceEntry has correct name, initiatorType, startTime, and duration (" + type + ")"), "timing_attrs": async_test("PerformanceEntry has correct order of timing attributes (" + type + ")"), "network_attrs": async_test("PerformanceEntry has correct network transfer attributes (" + type + ")"), "protocol": async_test("PerformanceEntry has correct protocol attribute (" + type + ")") }; } }); function resolve(path) { var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = path; return a.href; } onload = function() { // check that the Performance Timeline API exists test(function() { assert_idl_attribute(window.performance, "getEntriesByName", "window.performance.getEntriesByName() is defined"); }); test(function() { assert_idl_attribute(window.performance, "getEntriesByType", "window.performance.getEntriesByType() is defined"); }); test(function() { assert_idl_attribute(window.performance, "getEntries", "window.performance.getEntries() is defined"); }); var expected_entry; var url; var type; var startTime; var element; var encodedBodySize; var decodedBodySize; for (var i in initiatorTypes) { startTime =; type = initiatorTypes[i]; if (type != "xmlhttprequest") { element = document.createElement(type); } else { element = null; } switch (type) { case "iframe": url = resolve("resources/resource_timing_test0.html"); element.src = url; encodedBodySize = 215; decodedBodySize = 215; break; case "img": url = resolve("resources/resource_timing_test0.png"); element.src = url; encodedBodySize = 249; decodedBodySize = 249; break; case "link": element.rel = "stylesheet"; url = resolve("resources/resource_timing_test0.css"); element.href = url; encodedBodySize = 44; decodedBodySize = 44; break; case "script": element.type = "text/javascript"; url = resolve("resources/resource_timing_test0.js"); element.src = url; encodedBodySize = 133; decodedBodySize = 133; break; case "xmlhttprequest": var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); url = resolve("resources/");'GET', url, true); xmlhttp.send(); encodedBodySize = 112; decodedBodySize = 125; break; } expected_entry = {name:url, startTime: startTime, initiatorType: type, encodedBodySize: encodedBodySize, decodedBodySize: decodedBodySize }; switch (type) { case "link": poll_for_stylesheet_load(expected_entry); document.body.appendChild(element); break; case "xmlhttprequest": xmlhttp.onload = (function(entry) { return function (event) { resource_load(entry); }; })(expected_entry); break; default: element.onload = (function(entry) { return function (event) { resource_load(entry); }; })(expected_entry); document.body.appendChild(element); } } }; function poll_for_stylesheet_load(expected_entry) { var t = tests[expected_entry.initiatorType]; function inner() { for(var i=0; i 0; } catch(e) { hasRules = false; } if (hasRules) { t["entry"].step_timeout(function() { resource_load(expected_entry); }, 200); return; } } } t["entry"].step_timeout(inner, 100); } inner(); } function resource_load(expected) { var t = tests[expected.initiatorType]; t["entry"].step(function() { var entries_by_name = window.performance.getEntriesByName(; assert_equals(entries_by_name.length, 1, "should have a single entry for each resource (without type)"); var entries_by_name_type = window.performance.getEntriesByName(, "resource"); assert_equals(entries_by_name_type.length, 1, "should have a single entry for each resource (with type)"); assert_not_equals(entries_by_name, entries_by_name_type, "values should be copies"); for (p in entries_by_name[0]) { var assertMethod = assert_equals if (Array.isArray(entries_by_name[0][p]) && Array.isArray(entries_by_name_type[0][p])) { assertMethod = assert_array_equals } assertMethod(entries_by_name[0][p], entries_by_name_type[0][p], "Property " + p + " should match"); } this.done(); }); t["simple_attrs"].step(function() { var actual = window.performance.getEntriesByName([0]; var expected_type = expected.initiatorType; assert_equals(,; assert_equals(actual.initiatorType, expected_type); assert_equals(actual.entryType, "resource"); assert_greater_than_equal(actual.startTime, expected.startTime, "startTime is after the script to initiate the load ran"); assert_equals(actual.duration, (actual.responseEnd - actual.startTime)); this.done(); }); t["timing_attrs"].step(function test() { const entries = window.performance.getEntriesByName(; assert_equals(entries.length, 1, 'There should be a single matching entry'); const actual = entries[0]; if (window.location.protocol == "http:") { assert_equals(actual.secureConnectionStart, 0, 'secureConnectionStart should be 0 in http'); } else { assert_greater_than(actual.secureConnectionStart, 0, 'secureConnectionStart should not be 0 in https'); } assert_equals(actual.redirectStart, 0, 'redirectStart should be 0'); assert_equals(actual.redirectEnd, 0, 'redirectEnd should be 0'); assert_equals(actual.fetchStart, actual.startTime, 'fetchStart is equal to startTime'); assert_greater_than_equal(actual.domainLookupStart, actual.fetchStart, 'domainLookupStart after fetchStart'); assert_greater_than_equal(actual.domainLookupEnd, actual.domainLookupStart, 'domainLookupEnd after domainLookupStart'); assert_greater_than_equal(actual.connectStart, actual.domainLookupEnd, 'connectStart after domainLookupEnd'); assert_greater_than_equal(actual.connectEnd, actual.connectStart, 'connectEnd after connectStart'); assert_true(actual.secureConnectionStart == 0 || actual.secureConnectionStart <= actual.requestStart, "secureConnectionStart should be either 0 or smaller than/equals to requestStart") assert_greater_than_equal(actual.requestStart, actual.connectEnd, 'requestStart after connectEnd'); assert_greater_than_equal(actual.responseStart, actual.requestStart, 'responseStart after requestStart'); assert_greater_than_equal(actual.responseEnd, actual.responseStart, 'responseEnd after responseStart'); this.done(); }); t["network_attrs"].step(function test() { var actual = window.performance.getEntriesByName([0]; assert_equals(actual.encodedBodySize, expected.encodedBodySize, "encodedBodySize size"); assert_equals(actual.decodedBodySize, expected.decodedBodySize, "decodedBodySize size"); // Transfer size will vary from browser to browser based on default headers, etc. This // test verifies that transferSize for uncached resources is greater than on-the-wire // body size. assert_greater_than(actual.transferSize, actual.encodedBodySize, "transferSize size"); this.done(); }); t["protocol"].step(function() { var actual = window.performance.getEntriesByName([0]; assert_equals(actual.nextHopProtocol, "http/1.1", "expected protocol"); this.done(); }); }