<!doctype html>
<title>Navigating to a text fragment directive</title>
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<script src="stash.js"></script>
  This test suite performs scroll to text navigations to
  scroll-to-text-fragment-target.html and then checks the results, which are
  communicated back from the target page via the WPT Stash server (see stash.py).
  This structure is necessary because scroll to text security restrictions
  specifically restrict the navigator from being able to observe the result of
  the navigation, e.g. the target page cannot have a window opener.
let test_cases = [
  // Test non-text fragment directives
    fragment: '#',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Empty hash should scroll to top'
    fragment: '#:~:text=this,is,test,page',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Text directive with invalid syntax (context terms without "-") should not parse as a text directive'
    fragment: '#element:~:directive',
    expect_position: 'element',
    description: 'Generic fragment directive with existing element fragment should scroll to element'
    fragment: '#:~:TEXT=test',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Uppercase TEXT directive should not parse as a text directive'
  // Test exact text matching, with all combinations of context terms
    fragment: '#:~:text=test',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description:  'Exact text with no context should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=this is a-,test',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Exact text with prefix should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=test,-page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Exact text with suffix should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=this is a-,test,-page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Exact text with prefix and suffix should match text'
  // Test tricky edge case where prefix and query are equal
    fragment: '#:~:text=foo-,foo,-bar',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Exact text with prefix and suffix and query equals prefix.'
  // Test text range matching, with all combinations of context terms
    fragment: '#:~:text=this,page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Text range with no context should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=this-,is,test',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Text range with prefix should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=this,test,-page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Text range with suffix should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=this-,is,test,-page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Text range with prefix and suffix should match text'
  // Test partially non-matching text ranges
    fragment: '#:~:text=this,none',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Text range with non-matching endText should not match'
    fragment: '#:~:text=none,page',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Text range with non-matching startText should not match'
  // Test non-matching context terms
    fragment: '#:~:text=this-,is,page,-none',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Text range with prefix and nonmatching suffix should not match'
    fragment: '#:~:text=none-,this,test,-page',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Text range with nonmatching prefix and matching suffix should not match'
  // Test percent encoded characters
    fragment: '#:~:text=this%20is%20a%20test%20page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Exact text with percent encoded spaces should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=test%20pag',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Non-whole-word exact text with spaces should not match'
    fragment: '#:~:text=%26%2C%2D',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Fragment directive with percent encoded syntactical characters "&,-" should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=%E3%83%8D%E3%82%B3',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Fragment directive with percent encoded non-ASCII unicode character should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=!$\'()*+./:;=?@_~',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Fragment directive with all TextMatchChars should match text'
  // Test multiple text directives
    fragment: '#:~:text=this&text=test,page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Multiple matching exact texts should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=tes&text=age',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Multiple non-whole-word exact texts should not match'
    fragment: '#:~:text=none&text=test%20page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'A non-matching text directive followed by a matching text directive should match and scroll into view the second text directive'
    fragment: '#:~:text=test%20page&directive',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Text directive followed by non-text directive should match text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=test&directive&text=page',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Multiple text directives and a non-text directive should match text'
  // Test text directive behavior when there's an element fragment identifier
    fragment: '#element:~:text=test',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Text directive with existing element fragment should match and scroll into view text'
    fragment: '#pagestate:~:text=test',
    expect_position: 'text',
    description: 'Text directive with nonexistent element fragment should match and scroll into view text'
    fragment: '#element:~:text=nomatch',
    expect_position: 'element',
    description: 'Non-matching text directive with existing element fragment should scroll to element'
    fragment: '#pagestate:~:text=nomatch',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Non-matching text directive with nonexistent element fragment should not match and not scroll'
  // Test ambiguous text matches disambiguated by context terms
    fragment: '#:~:text=more-,test%20page',
    expect_position: 'more-text',
    description: 'Multiple match text directive disambiguated by prefix should match the prefixed text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=test%20page,-text',
    expect_position: 'more-text',
    description: 'Multiple match text directive disambiguated by suffix should match the suffixed text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=more-,test%20page,-text',
    expect_position: 'more-text',
    description: 'Multiple match text directive disambiguated by prefix and suffix should match the text with the given context'
  // Test context terms separated by node boundaries
    fragment: '#:~:text=prefix-,test%20page,-suffix',
    expect_position: 'cross-node-context',
    description: 'Text directive should match when context terms are separated by node boundaries'
  // Test text directive within shadow DOM
    fragment: '#:~:text=shadow%20text',
    expect_position: 'shadow',
    description: 'Text directive should match text within shadow DOM'
  // Test text directive within hidden and display none elements. These cases should not scroll into
  // view, but still "match" in that they should be highlighted or otherwise visibly indicated
  // if they were to become visible.
    fragment: '#:~:text=hidden%20text',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Text directive should not scroll to hidden text'
    fragment: '#:~:text=display%20none',
    expect_position: 'top',
    description: 'Text directive should not scroll to display none text'
  // Test horizontal scroll into view
    fragment: '#:~:text=horizontally%20scrolled%20text',
    expect_position: 'horizontal-scroll',
    description: 'Text directive should horizontally scroll into view'

for (const test_case of test_cases) {
  promise_test(t => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let key = token();

    test_driver.bless('Open a URL with a text fragment directive', () => {
      window.open(`scroll-to-text-fragment-target.html?key=${key}${test_case.fragment}`, '_blank', 'noopener');

    fetchResults(key, resolve, reject);
  }).then(data => {
    // If the position is not 'top', the :target element should be the positioned element.
    assert_true(data.scrollPosition == 'top' || data.target == data.scrollPosition);
    assert_equals(data.href.indexOf(':~:'), -1, 'Expected fragment directive to be stripped from the URL.');
    assert_equals(data.scrollPosition, test_case.expect_position,
                  `Expected ${test_case.fragment} (${test_case.description}) to scroll to ${test_case.expect_position}.`);
  }), `Test navigation with fragment: ${test_case.description}.`);