[flake8] select = E,W,F,N # E128: continuation line under-indented for visual indent # E129: visually indented line with same indent as next logical line # E226: missing whitespace around arithmetic operator # E231: missing whitespace after ‘,’, ‘;’, or ‘:’ # E251: unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals # E265: block comment should start with ‘# ‘ # E302: expected 2 blank lines, found 0 # E303: too many blank lines (3) # E305: expected 2 blank lines after end of function or class # E402: module level import not at top of file # E731: do not assign a lambda expression, use a def # W504: line break after binary operator # W601: .has_key() is deprecated, use ‘in’ # N801: class names should use CapWords convention # N802: function name should be lowercase # N806: variable in function should be lowercase # N818: exception should be named with an Error suffix ignore = E128,E129,E226,E231,E251,E265,E302,E303,E305,E402,E731,W504,W601,N801,N802,N806,N818 exclude = .tox, third_party, wptserve/docs/conf.py, wptserve/tests/functional/docroot/invalid.py max-line-length = 141