import argparse import os import time from typing import Any, Iterator, Tuple from tools.wpt.testfiles import get_git_cmd here = os.path.dirname(__file__) wpt_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, os.pardir, os.pardir)) def calculate_cutoff_date(until: int, epoch: int, offset: int) -> int: return (((until - offset) // epoch) * epoch) + offset def parse_epoch(string: str) -> int: UNIT_DICT = {"h": 3600, "d": 86400, "w": 604800} base = string[:-1] unit = string[-1:] if base.isdigit() and unit in UNIT_DICT: return int(base) * UNIT_DICT[unit] raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('must be digits followed by h/d/w') def get_tagged_revisions(pattern: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str, int]]: ''' Iterates the tagged revisions as (tag name, commit sha, committer date) tuples. ''' git = get_git_cmd(wpt_root) args = [ pattern, '--sort=-committerdate', '--format=%(refname:lstrip=2) %(objectname) %(committerdate:raw)', '--count=100000' ] ref_list = git("for-each-ref", *args) # type: ignore for line in ref_list.splitlines(): if not line: continue tag, commit, date, _ = line.split(" ") date = int(date) yield tag, commit, date def get_epoch_revisions(epoch: int, until: int, max_count: int) -> Iterator[str]: # Set an offset to start to count the the weekly epoch from # Monday 00:00:00. This is particularly important for the weekly epoch # because fix the start of the epoch to Monday. This offset is calculated # from Thursday, 1 January 1970 0:00:00 to Monday, 5 January 1970 0:00:00 epoch_offset = 345600 count = 0 # Iterates the tagged revisions in descending order finding the more # recent commit still older than a "cutoff_date" value. # When a commit is found "cutoff_date" is set to a new value multiplier of # "epoch" but still below of the date of the current commit found. # This needed to deal with intervals where no candidates were found # for the current "epoch" and the next candidate found is yet below # the lower values of the interval (it is the case of J and I for the # interval between Wed and Tue, in the example). The algorithm fix # the next "cutoff_date" value based on the date value of the current one # skipping the intermediate values. # The loop ends once we reached the required number of revisions to return # or the are no more tagged revisions or the cutoff_date reach zero. # # Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat # | | | | | | | | | # -A---B-C---DEF---G---H--IJ----------K-----L-M----N--O-- # ^ # now # Expected result: N,M,K,J,H,G,F,C,A cutoff_date = calculate_cutoff_date(until, epoch, epoch_offset) for _, commit, date in get_tagged_revisions("refs/tags/merge_pr_*"): if count >= max_count: return if date < cutoff_date: yield commit count += 1 cutoff_date = calculate_cutoff_date(date, epoch, epoch_offset) def get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--epoch", default="1d", type=parse_epoch, help="regular interval of time selected to get the " "tagged revisions. Valid values are digits " "followed by h/d/w (e.x. 9h, 9d, 9w ...) where " "the mimimun selectable interval is one hour " "(1h)") parser.add_argument("--max-count", default=1, type=int, help="maximum number of revisions to be returned by " "the command") return parser def run_rev_list(**kwargs: Any) -> None: # "epoch_threshold" is a safety margin. After this time it is fine to # assume that any tags are created and pushed. epoch_threshold = 600 until = int(time.time()) - epoch_threshold for line in get_epoch_revisions(kwargs["epoch"], until, kwargs["max_count"]): print(line)