{ "tests": [ { "name": "reduceL2 float32 1D tensor all positive default options", // default options: {axes: null, keepDimensions: false} "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [24], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 272.0996398925781, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 1D tensor all negative default options", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [24], "data": [ -66.80042739154972, -53.00005108985402, -59.58587770117833, -46.14393008028177, -49.60613922872308, -12.832738832929593, -88.05061277508285, -75.56246522621561, -50.767774970060664, -36.96630141451547, -26.34404432713906, -58.905464928590476, -94.28752832403735, -22.780279721601616, -84.34877530084705, -60.477345782692815, -41.45580712299912, -92.84781353832356, -85.0544854150549, -30.23526041853337, -47.33807956591096, -25.26842900087003, -78.1195878278582, -28.3309437256642 ], "type": "float32" } }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 292.57574462890625, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 1D tensor all positive integers default options", // test with float32 values which are equivalent to integers "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [24], "data": [ 4, 29, 8, 56, 42, 78, 89, 64, 56, 81, 85, 18, 6, 39, 35, 63, 87, 50, 81, 89, 5, 8, 37, 37 ], "type": "float32" } }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 274.4029846191406, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 1D tensor all negative integers default options", // test with float32 values which are equivalent to integers "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [24], "data": [ -70, -78, -65, -77, -25, -47, -63, -67, -66, -15, -28, -75, -88, -54, -13, -27, -5, -18, -68, -71, -50, -56, -99, -99 ], "type": "float32" } }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 300.3830871582031, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 2D tensor default options", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [4, 6], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 272.0996398925781, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 3D tensor default options", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 3, 4], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 272.0996398925781, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 4D tensor default options", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 2, 2, 3], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 272.0996398925781, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 5D tensor default options", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 1, 4, 1, 3], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 272.0996398925781, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 3D tensor options.axes", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 3, 4], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "options": { "axes": [2] }, "expected": { "name": "output", "shape": [2, 3], "data": [ 122.352783203125, 124.8213119506836, 128.20062255859375, 128.14801025390625, 87.18083953857422, 55.043975830078125 ], "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 4D tensor options.axes", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 2, 2, 3], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "options": { "axes": [0, 2] }, "expected": { "name": "output", "shape": [2, 3], "data": [ 114.44775390625, 110.26422882080078, 133.47344970703125, 64.96752166748047, 128.0914764404297, 101.677734375 ], "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 3D tensor options.keepDimensions=false", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 3, 4], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "options": { "keepDimensions": false }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 272.0996398925781, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 3D tensor options.keepDimensions=true", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 3, 4], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "options": { "keepDimensions": true }, "expected": { "name": "output", "shape": [1, 1, 1], "data": [ 272.0996398925781 ], "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 4D tensor options.keepDimensions=false", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 2, 2, 3], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "options": { "keepDimensions": false }, "expected": { "name": "output", "data": 272.0996398925781, "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 4D tensor options.keepDimensions=true", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 2, 2, 3], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "options": { "keepDimensions": true }, "expected": { "name": "output", "shape": [1, 1, 1, 1], "data": [ 272.0996398925781 ], "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 4D tensor options.axes with options.keepDimensions=false", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 2, 2, 3], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "options": { "axes": [1, 3] }, "expected": { "name": "output", "shape": [2, 2], "data": [ 138.580078125, 166.67791748046875, 149.91552734375, 67.6578598022461 ], "type": "float32" } }, { "name": "reduceL2 float32 4D tensor options.axes with options.keepDimensions=true", "inputs": { "input": { "shape": [2, 2, 2, 3], "data": [ 4.860227954324237, 88.23184532015614, 54.489688892595865, 64.75027573238448, 6.855991445231058, 91.3987084155092, 41.888577644260664, 73.65445188651776, 35.31573479319383, 48.345430062443896, 82.3919051922353, 77.86200561022456, 93.31141688733462, 62.486883544675194, 60.292898644959706, 13.23059966965019, 20.535988317971942, 53.451616950541414, 11.32008585820996, 64.75763553379184, 43.65894603418228, 0.8374307376408652, 0.6848266407317727, 33.504704671527506 ], "type": "float32" } }, "options": { "axes": [1, 3] }, "expected": { "name": "output", "shape": [1, 2, 2, 1], "data": [ 138.580078125, 166.67791748046875, 149.91552734375, 67.6578598022461 ], "type": "float32" } } ] }