// Based on similar tests in html/infrastructure/safe-passing-of-structured-data/shared-array-buffers/. "use strict"; self.importScripts("/resources/testharness.js"); let state = "start in worker"; self.onmessage = e => { if (e.data === "start in window") { assert_equals(state, "start in worker"); e.source.postMessage(state); state = "we are expecting a messageerror due to the window sending us an RTCEncodedVideoFrame or RTCEncodedAudioFrame"; } else { e.source.postMessage(`worker onmessage was reached when in state "${state}" and data ${e.data}`); } }; self.onmessageerror = e => { if (state === "we are expecting a messageerror due to the window sending us an RTCEncodedVideoFrame or RTCEncodedAudioFrame") { assert_equals(e.constructor.name, "ExtendableMessageEvent", "type"); assert_equals(e.data, null, "data"); assert_equals(e.origin, self.origin, "origin"); assert_not_equals(e.source, null, "source"); assert_equals(e.ports.length, 0, "ports length"); state = "onmessageerror was received in worker"; e.source.postMessage(state); } else { e.source.postMessage(`worker onmessageerror was reached when in state "${state}" and data ${e.data}`); } };