#! /usr/bin/env vpython3 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import unittest from pylib.utils import proguard class TestParse(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.maxDiff = None def testClass(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', ' Superclass: java/lang/Object']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': 'java.lang.Object', 'annotations': {}, 'methods': [] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testMethod(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Methods (count = 1):', '- Method: ()V']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': {}, 'methods': [ { 'method': '', 'annotations': {} } ] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testClassAnnotation(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Class file attributes (count = 3):', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/Annotation;]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithValue;]:', ' - Constant element value [attr \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val]', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithTwoValues;]:', ' - Constant element value [attr1 \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val1]', ' - Constant element value [attr2 \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val2]']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': { 'Annotation': None, 'AnnotationWithValue': {'attr': 'val'}, 'AnnotationWithTwoValues': {'attr1': 'val1', 'attr2': 'val2'} }, 'methods': [] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testClassAnnotationWithArrays(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Class file attributes (count = 3):', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithEmptyArray;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithOneElemArray;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val]', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithTwoElemArray;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val1]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val2]']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': { 'AnnotationWithEmptyArray': {'arrayAttr': []}, 'AnnotationWithOneElemArray': {'arrayAttr': ['val']}, 'AnnotationWithTwoElemArray': {'arrayAttr': ['val1', 'val2']} }, 'methods': [] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testNestedClassAnnotations(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Class file attributes (count = 1):', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/OuterAnnotation;]:', ' - Constant element value [outerAttr \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [outerVal]', ' - Array element value [outerArr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [outerArrVal1]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [outerArrVal2]', ' - Annotation element value [emptyAnn]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/EmptyAnnotation;]:', ' - Annotation element value [ann]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/InnerAnnotation;]:', ' - Constant element value [innerAttr \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [innerVal]', ' - Array element value [innerArr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [innerArrVal1]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [innerArrVal2]', ' - Annotation element value [emptyInnerAnn]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/EmptyAnnotation;]:']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': { 'OuterAnnotation': { 'outerAttr': 'outerVal', 'outerArr': ['outerArrVal1', 'outerArrVal2'], 'emptyAnn': None, 'ann': { 'innerAttr': 'innerVal', 'innerArr': ['innerArrVal1', 'innerArrVal2'], 'emptyInnerAnn': None } } }, 'methods': [] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testClassArraysOfAnnotations(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Class file attributes (count = 1):', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/OuterAnnotation;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayWithEmptyAnnotations]:', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/EmptyAnnotation;]:', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/EmptyAnnotation;]:', ' - Array element value [outerArray]:', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/InnerAnnotation;]:', ' - Constant element value [innerAttr \'115\']', ' - Utf8 [innerVal]', ' - Array element value [arguments]:', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/InnerAnnotation$Argument;]:', ' - Constant element value [arg1Attr \'115\']', ' - Utf8 [arg1Val]', ' - Array element value [arg1Array]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'73\']', ' - Integer [11]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'73\']', ' - Integer [12]', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/InnerAnnotation$Argument;]:', ' - Constant element value [arg2Attr \'115\']', ' - Utf8 [arg2Val]', ' - Array element value [arg2Array]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'73\']', ' - Integer [21]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'73\']', ' - Integer [22]']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': { 'OuterAnnotation': { 'arrayWithEmptyAnnotations': [None, None], 'outerArray': [ { 'innerAttr': 'innerVal', 'arguments': [ {'arg1Attr': 'arg1Val', 'arg1Array': ['11', '12']}, {'arg2Attr': 'arg2Val', 'arg2Array': ['21', '22']} ] } ] } }, 'methods': [] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testReadFullClassFileAttributes(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Class file attributes (count = 3):', ' - Source file attribute:', ' - Utf8 [Class.java]', ' - Runtime visible annotations attribute:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/IntValueAnnotation;]:', ' - Constant element value [value \'73\']', ' - Integer [19]', ' - Inner classes attribute (count = 1)', ' - InnerClassesInfo:', ' Access flags: 0x9 = public static', ' - Class [org/example/Class1]', ' - Class [org/example/Class2]', ' - Utf8 [OnPageFinishedHelper]']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': { 'IntValueAnnotation': { 'value': '19', } }, 'methods': [] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testMethodAnnotation(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Methods (count = 1):', '- Method: Test()V', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/Annotation;]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithValue;]:', ' - Constant element value [attr \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val]', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithTwoValues;]:', ' - Constant element value [attr1 \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val1]', ' - Constant element value [attr2 \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val2]']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': {}, 'methods': [ { 'method': 'Test', 'annotations': { 'Annotation': None, 'AnnotationWithValue': {'attr': 'val'}, 'AnnotationWithTwoValues': {'attr1': 'val1', 'attr2': 'val2'} }, } ] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testMethodAnnotationWithArrays(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Methods (count = 1):', '- Method: Test()V', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithEmptyArray;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithOneElemArray;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val]', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationWithTwoElemArray;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val1]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val2]']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': {}, 'methods': [ { 'method': 'Test', 'annotations': { 'AnnotationWithEmptyArray': {'arrayAttr': []}, 'AnnotationWithOneElemArray': {'arrayAttr': ['val']}, 'AnnotationWithTwoElemArray': {'arrayAttr': ['val1', 'val2']} }, } ] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testMethodAnnotationWithPrimitivesAndArrays(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Methods (count = 1):', '- Method: Test()V', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationPrimitiveThenArray;]:', ' - Constant element value [attr \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val]', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val]', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationArrayThenPrimitive;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val]', ' - Constant element value [attr \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val]', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/AnnotationTwoArrays;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr1]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val1]', ' - Array element value [arrayAttr2]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [val2]']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': {}, 'methods': [ { 'method': 'Test', 'annotations': { 'AnnotationPrimitiveThenArray': {'attr': 'val', 'arrayAttr': ['val']}, 'AnnotationArrayThenPrimitive': {'arrayAttr': ['val'], 'attr': 'val'}, 'AnnotationTwoArrays': {'arrayAttr1': ['val1'], 'arrayAttr2': ['val2']} }, } ] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testNestedMethodAnnotations(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Methods (count = 1):', '- Method: Test()V', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/OuterAnnotation;]:', ' - Constant element value [outerAttr \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [outerVal]', ' - Array element value [outerArr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [outerArrVal1]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [outerArrVal2]', ' - Annotation element value [emptyAnn]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/EmptyAnnotation;]:', ' - Annotation element value [ann]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/InnerAnnotation;]:', ' - Constant element value [innerAttr \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [innerVal]', ' - Array element value [innerArr]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [innerArrVal1]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'13\']', ' - Utf8 [innerArrVal2]', ' - Annotation element value [emptyInnerAnn]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/EmptyAnnotation;]:']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': {}, 'methods': [ { 'method': 'Test', 'annotations': { 'OuterAnnotation': { 'outerAttr': 'outerVal', 'outerArr': ['outerArrVal1', 'outerArrVal2'], 'emptyAnn': None, 'ann': { 'innerAttr': 'innerVal', 'innerArr': ['innerArrVal1', 'innerArrVal2'], 'emptyInnerAnn': None } } }, } ] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def testMethodArraysOfAnnotations(self): actual = proguard.Parse( ['- Program class: org/example/Test', 'Methods (count = 1):', '- Method: Test()V', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/OuterAnnotation;]:', ' - Array element value [arrayWithEmptyAnnotations]:', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/EmptyAnnotation;]:', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/EmptyAnnotation;]:', ' - Array element value [outerArray]:', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/InnerAnnotation;]:', ' - Constant element value [innerAttr \'115\']', ' - Utf8 [innerVal]', ' - Array element value [arguments]:', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/InnerAnnotation$Argument;]:', ' - Constant element value [arg1Attr \'115\']', ' - Utf8 [arg1Val]', ' - Array element value [arg1Array]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'73\']', ' - Integer [11]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'73\']', ' - Integer [12]', ' - Annotation element value [(default)]:', ' - Annotation [Lorg/example/InnerAnnotation$Argument;]:', ' - Constant element value [arg2Attr \'115\']', ' - Utf8 [arg2Val]', ' - Array element value [arg2Array]:', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'73\']', ' - Integer [21]', ' - Constant element value [(default) \'73\']', ' - Integer [22]']) expected = { 'classes': [ { 'class': 'org.example.Test', 'superclass': '', 'annotations': {}, 'methods': [ { 'method': 'Test', 'annotations': { 'OuterAnnotation': { 'arrayWithEmptyAnnotations': [None, None], 'outerArray': [ { 'innerAttr': 'innerVal', 'arguments': [ {'arg1Attr': 'arg1Val', 'arg1Array': ['11', '12']}, {'arg2Attr': 'arg2Val', 'arg2Array': ['21', '22']} ] } ] } } } ] } ] } self.assertEqual(expected, actual) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()