/* * Copyright (c) 2019 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "video/encoder_bitrate_adjuster.h" #include #include #include "api/units/data_rate.h" #include "rtc_base/fake_clock.h" #include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "test/field_trial.h" #include "test/gtest.h" namespace webrtc { namespace test { class EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest : public ::testing::Test { public: static constexpr int64_t kWindowSizeMs = 3000; static constexpr int kDefaultBitrateBps = 300000; static constexpr int kDefaultFrameRateFps = 30; // For network utilization higher than media utilization, loop over a // sequence where the first half undershoots and the second half overshoots // by the same amount. static constexpr int kSequenceLength = 4; static_assert(kSequenceLength % 2 == 0, "Sequence length must be even."); EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest() : target_bitrate_(DataRate::BitsPerSec(kDefaultBitrateBps)), target_framerate_fps_(kDefaultFrameRateFps), tl_pattern_idx_{}, sequence_idx_{} {} protected: void SetUpAdjuster(size_t num_spatial_layers, size_t num_temporal_layers, bool vp9_svc) { // Initialize some default VideoCodec instance with the given number of // layers. if (vp9_svc) { codec_.codecType = VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecVP9; codec_.numberOfSimulcastStreams = 1; codec_.VP9()->numberOfSpatialLayers = num_spatial_layers; codec_.VP9()->numberOfTemporalLayers = num_temporal_layers; for (size_t si = 0; si < num_spatial_layers; ++si) { codec_.spatialLayers[si].minBitrate = 100 * (1 << si); codec_.spatialLayers[si].targetBitrate = 200 * (1 << si); codec_.spatialLayers[si].maxBitrate = 300 * (1 << si); codec_.spatialLayers[si].active = true; codec_.spatialLayers[si].numberOfTemporalLayers = num_temporal_layers; } } else { codec_.codecType = VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecVP8; codec_.numberOfSimulcastStreams = num_spatial_layers; codec_.VP8()->numberOfTemporalLayers = num_temporal_layers; for (size_t si = 0; si < num_spatial_layers; ++si) { codec_.simulcastStream[si].minBitrate = 100 * (1 << si); codec_.simulcastStream[si].targetBitrate = 200 * (1 << si); codec_.simulcastStream[si].maxBitrate = 300 * (1 << si); codec_.simulcastStream[si].active = true; codec_.simulcastStream[si].numberOfTemporalLayers = num_temporal_layers; } } for (size_t si = 0; si < num_spatial_layers; ++si) { encoder_info_.fps_allocation[si].resize(num_temporal_layers); double fraction = 1.0; for (int ti = num_temporal_layers - 1; ti >= 0; --ti) { encoder_info_.fps_allocation[si][ti] = static_cast( VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo::kMaxFramerateFraction * fraction + 0.5); fraction /= 2.0; } } adjuster_ = std::make_unique(codec_); adjuster_->OnEncoderInfo(encoder_info_); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); } void InsertFrames(std::vector> media_utilization_factors, int64_t duration_ms) { InsertFrames(media_utilization_factors, media_utilization_factors, duration_ms); } void InsertFrames( std::vector> media_utilization_factors, std::vector> network_utilization_factors, int64_t duration_ms) { RTC_DCHECK_EQ(media_utilization_factors.size(), network_utilization_factors.size()); const int64_t start_us = rtc::TimeMicros(); while (rtc::TimeMicros() < start_us + (duration_ms * rtc::kNumMicrosecsPerMillisec)) { clock_.AdvanceTime(TimeDelta::Seconds(1) / target_framerate_fps_); for (size_t si = 0; si < NumSpatialLayers(); ++si) { const std::vector& tl_pattern = kTlPatterns[NumTemporalLayers(si) - 1]; const size_t ti = tl_pattern[(tl_pattern_idx_[si]++) % tl_pattern.size()]; uint32_t layer_bitrate_bps = current_adjusted_allocation_.GetBitrate(si, ti); double layer_framerate_fps = target_framerate_fps_; if (encoder_info_.fps_allocation[si].size() > ti) { uint8_t layer_fps_fraction = encoder_info_.fps_allocation[si][ti]; if (ti > 0) { // We're interested in the frame rate for this layer only, not // cumulative frame rate. layer_fps_fraction -= encoder_info_.fps_allocation[si][ti - 1]; } layer_framerate_fps = (target_framerate_fps_ * layer_fps_fraction) / VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo::kMaxFramerateFraction; } double media_utilization_factor = 1.0; double network_utilization_factor = 1.0; if (media_utilization_factors.size() > si) { RTC_DCHECK_EQ(media_utilization_factors[si].size(), network_utilization_factors[si].size()); if (media_utilization_factors[si].size() > ti) { media_utilization_factor = media_utilization_factors[si][ti]; network_utilization_factor = network_utilization_factors[si][ti]; } } RTC_DCHECK_GE(network_utilization_factor, media_utilization_factor); // Frame size based on constant (media) overshoot. const size_t media_frame_size = media_utilization_factor * (layer_bitrate_bps / 8.0) / layer_framerate_fps; constexpr int kFramesWithPenalty = (kSequenceLength / 2) - 1; RTC_DCHECK_GT(kFramesWithPenalty, 0); // The positive/negative size diff needed to achieve network rate but // not media rate penalty is the difference between the utilization // factors times the media rate frame size, then scaled by the fraction // between total frames and penalized frames in the sequence. // Cap to media frame size to avoid negative size undershoot. const size_t network_frame_size_diff_bytes = std::min( media_frame_size, static_cast( (((network_utilization_factor - media_utilization_factor) * media_frame_size) * kSequenceLength) / kFramesWithPenalty + 0.5)); int sequence_idx = sequence_idx_[si][ti]; sequence_idx_[si][ti] = (sequence_idx_[si][ti] + 1) % kSequenceLength; const DataSize frame_size = DataSize::Bytes( (sequence_idx < kSequenceLength / 2) ? media_frame_size - network_frame_size_diff_bytes : media_frame_size + network_frame_size_diff_bytes); adjuster_->OnEncodedFrame(frame_size, si, ti); sequence_idx = ++sequence_idx % kSequenceLength; } } } size_t NumSpatialLayers() const { if (codec_.codecType == VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecVP9) { return codec_.VP9().numberOfSpatialLayers; } return codec_.numberOfSimulcastStreams; } size_t NumTemporalLayers(int spatial_index) { if (codec_.codecType == VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecVP9) { return codec_.spatialLayers[spatial_index].numberOfTemporalLayers; } return codec_.simulcastStream[spatial_index].numberOfTemporalLayers; } void ExpectNear(const VideoBitrateAllocation& expected_allocation, const VideoBitrateAllocation& actual_allocation, double allowed_error_fraction) { for (size_t si = 0; si < kMaxSpatialLayers; ++si) { for (size_t ti = 0; ti < kMaxTemporalStreams; ++ti) { if (expected_allocation.HasBitrate(si, ti)) { EXPECT_TRUE(actual_allocation.HasBitrate(si, ti)); uint32_t expected_layer_bitrate_bps = expected_allocation.GetBitrate(si, ti); EXPECT_NEAR(expected_layer_bitrate_bps, actual_allocation.GetBitrate(si, ti), static_cast(expected_layer_bitrate_bps * allowed_error_fraction)); } else { EXPECT_FALSE(actual_allocation.HasBitrate(si, ti)); } } } } VideoBitrateAllocation MultiplyAllocation( const VideoBitrateAllocation& allocation, double factor) { VideoBitrateAllocation multiplied_allocation; for (size_t si = 0; si < kMaxSpatialLayers; ++si) { for (size_t ti = 0; ti < kMaxTemporalStreams; ++ti) { if (allocation.HasBitrate(si, ti)) { multiplied_allocation.SetBitrate( si, ti, static_cast(factor * allocation.GetBitrate(si, ti) + 0.5)); } } } return multiplied_allocation; } VideoCodec codec_; VideoEncoder::EncoderInfo encoder_info_; std::unique_ptr adjuster_; VideoBitrateAllocation current_input_allocation_; VideoBitrateAllocation current_adjusted_allocation_; rtc::ScopedFakeClock clock_; DataRate target_bitrate_; double target_framerate_fps_; int tl_pattern_idx_[kMaxSpatialLayers]; int sequence_idx_[kMaxSpatialLayers][kMaxTemporalStreams]; const std::vector kTlPatterns[kMaxTemporalStreams] = { {0}, {0, 1}, {0, 2, 1, 2}, {0, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 3}}; }; TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, SingleLayerOptimal) { // Single layer, well behaved encoder. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 300000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 1, false); InsertFrames({{1.0}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // Adjusted allocation near input. Allow 1% error margin due to rounding // errors etc. ExpectNear(current_input_allocation_, current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, SingleLayerOveruse) { // Single layer, well behaved encoder. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 300000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 1, false); InsertFrames({{1.2}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // Adjusted allocation lowered by 20%. ExpectNear(MultiplyAllocation(current_input_allocation_, 1 / 1.2), current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, SingleLayerUnderuse) { // Single layer, well behaved encoder. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 300000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 1, false); InsertFrames({{0.5}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // Undershoot, adjusted should exactly match input. ExpectNear(current_input_allocation_, current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.00); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, ThreeTemporalLayersOptimalSize) { // Three temporal layers, 60%/20%/20% bps distro, well behaved encoder. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 180000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, 60000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 2, 60000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 3, false); InsertFrames({{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); ExpectNear(current_input_allocation_, current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, ThreeTemporalLayersOvershoot) { // Three temporal layers, 60%/20%/20% bps distro. // 10% overshoot on all layers. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 180000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, 60000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 2, 60000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 3, false); InsertFrames({{1.1, 1.1, 1.1}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // Adjusted allocation lowered by 10%. ExpectNear(MultiplyAllocation(current_input_allocation_, 1 / 1.1), current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, ThreeTemporalLayersUndershoot) { // Three temporal layers, 60%/20%/20% bps distro, undershoot all layers. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 180000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, 60000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 2, 60000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 3, false); InsertFrames({{0.8, 0.8, 0.8}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // Adjusted allocation identical since we don't boost bitrates. ExpectNear(current_input_allocation_, current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.0); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, ThreeTemporalLayersSkewedOvershoot) { // Three temporal layers, 60%/20%/20% bps distro. // 10% overshoot on base layer, 20% on higher layers. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 180000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, 60000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 2, 60000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 3, false); InsertFrames({{1.1, 1.2, 1.2}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // Expected overshoot is weighted by bitrate: // (0.6 * 1.1 + 0.2 * 1.2 + 0.2 * 1.2) = 1.14 ExpectNear(MultiplyAllocation(current_input_allocation_, 1 / 1.14), current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, ThreeTemporalLayersNonLayeredEncoder) { // Three temporal layers, 60%/20%/20% bps allocation, 10% overshoot, // encoder does not actually support temporal layers. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 180000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, 60000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 2, 60000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 1, false); InsertFrames({{1.1}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // Expect the actual 10% overuse to be detected and the allocation to // only contain the one entry. VideoBitrateAllocation expected_allocation; expected_allocation.SetBitrate( 0, 0, static_cast(current_input_allocation_.get_sum_bps() / 1.10)); ExpectNear(expected_allocation, current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, IgnoredStream) { // Encoder with three temporal layers, but in a mode that does not support // deterministic frame rate. Those are ignored, even if bitrate overshoots. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 180000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, 60000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; SetUpAdjuster(1, 1, false); encoder_info_.fps_allocation[0].clear(); adjuster_->OnEncoderInfo(encoder_info_); InsertFrames({{1.1}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // Values passed through. ExpectNear(current_input_allocation_, current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.00); } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, DifferentSpatialOvershoots) { // Two streams, both with three temporal layers. // S0 has 5% overshoot, S1 has 25% overshoot. current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, 180000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, 60000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 2, 60000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 0, 400000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 1, 150000); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 2, 150000); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; // Run twice, once configured as simulcast and once as VP9 SVC. for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { SetUpAdjuster(2, 3, i == 0); InsertFrames({{1.05, 1.05, 1.05}, {1.25, 1.25, 1.25}}, kWindowSizeMs); current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); VideoBitrateAllocation expected_allocation; for (size_t ti = 0; ti < 3; ++ti) { expected_allocation.SetBitrate( 0, ti, static_cast(current_input_allocation_.GetBitrate(0, ti) / 1.05)); expected_allocation.SetBitrate( 1, ti, static_cast(current_input_allocation_.GetBitrate(1, ti) / 1.25)); } ExpectNear(expected_allocation, current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); } } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, HeadroomAllowsOvershootToMediaRate) { // Two streams, both with three temporal layers. // Media rate is 1.0, but network rate is higher. ScopedFieldTrials field_trial( "WebRTC-VideoRateControl/adjuster_use_headroom:true/"); const uint32_t kS0Bitrate = 300000; const uint32_t kS1Bitrate = 900000; current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, kS0Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, kS0Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 2, kS0Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 0, kS1Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 1, kS1Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 2, kS1Bitrate / 3); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; // Run twice, once configured as simulcast and once as VP9 SVC. for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { SetUpAdjuster(2, 3, i == 0); // Network rate has 10% overshoot, but media rate is correct at 1.0. InsertFrames({{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}}, {{1.1, 1.1, 1.1}, {1.1, 1.1, 1.1}}, kWindowSizeMs * kSequenceLength); // Push back by 10%. current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); ExpectNear(MultiplyAllocation(current_input_allocation_, 1 / 1.1), current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); // Add 10% link headroom, overshoot is now allowed. current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_, DataRate::BitsPerSec(current_input_allocation_.get_sum_bps() * 1.1))); ExpectNear(current_input_allocation_, current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.01); } } TEST_F(EncoderBitrateAdjusterTest, DontExceedMediaRateEvenWithHeadroom) { // Two streams, both with three temporal layers. // Media rate is 1.1, but network rate is higher. ScopedFieldTrials field_trial( "WebRTC-VideoRateControl/adjuster_use_headroom:true/"); const uint32_t kS0Bitrate = 300000; const uint32_t kS1Bitrate = 900000; current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 0, kS0Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 1, kS0Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(0, 2, kS0Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 0, kS1Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 1, kS1Bitrate / 3); current_input_allocation_.SetBitrate(1, 2, kS1Bitrate / 3); target_framerate_fps_ = 30; // Run twice, once configured as simulcast and once as VP9 SVC. for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { SetUpAdjuster(2, 3, i == 0); // Network rate has 30% overshoot, media rate has 10% overshoot. InsertFrames({{1.1, 1.1, 1.1}, {1.1, 1.1, 1.1}}, {{1.3, 1.3, 1.3}, {1.3, 1.3, 1.3}}, kWindowSizeMs * kSequenceLength); // Push back by 30%. current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_)); // The up-down causes a bit more noise, allow slightly more error margin. ExpectNear(MultiplyAllocation(current_input_allocation_, 1 / 1.3), current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.015); // Add 100% link headroom, overshoot from network to media rate is allowed. current_adjusted_allocation_ = adjuster_->AdjustRateAllocation(VideoEncoder::RateControlParameters( current_input_allocation_, target_framerate_fps_, DataRate::BitsPerSec(current_input_allocation_.get_sum_bps() * 2))); ExpectNear(MultiplyAllocation(current_input_allocation_, 1 / 1.1), current_adjusted_allocation_, 0.015); } } } // namespace test } // namespace webrtc