use crate::{ constants::{BYTES_TO_OVERFLOW_U64, MAX_PRECISION, MAX_STR_BUFFER_SIZE, OVERFLOW_U96, WILL_OVERFLOW_U64}, error::{tail_error, Error}, ops::array::{add_by_internal_flattened, add_one_internal, div_by_u32, is_all_zero, mul_by_u32}, Decimal, }; use arrayvec::{ArrayString, ArrayVec}; use alloc::{string::String, vec::Vec}; use core::fmt; // impl that doesn't allocate for serialization purposes. pub(crate) fn to_str_internal( value: &Decimal, append_sign: bool, precision: Option<usize>, ) -> (ArrayString<MAX_STR_BUFFER_SIZE>, Option<usize>) { // Get the scale - where we need to put the decimal point let scale = value.scale() as usize; // Convert to a string and manipulate that (neg at front, inject decimal) let mut chars = ArrayVec::<_, MAX_STR_BUFFER_SIZE>::new(); let mut working = value.mantissa_array3(); while !is_all_zero(&working) { let remainder = div_by_u32(&mut working, 10u32); chars.push(char::from(b'0' + remainder as u8)); } while scale > chars.len() { chars.push('0'); } let (prec, additional) = match precision { Some(prec) => { let max: usize = MAX_PRECISION.into(); if prec > max { (max, Some(prec - max)) } else { (prec, None) } } None => (scale, None), }; let len = chars.len(); let whole_len = len - scale; let mut rep = ArrayString::new(); // Append the negative sign if necessary while also keeping track of the length of an "empty" string representation let empty_len = if append_sign && value.is_sign_negative() { rep.push('-'); 1 } else { 0 }; for i in 0..whole_len + prec { if i == len - scale { if i == 0 { rep.push('0'); } rep.push('.'); } if i >= len { rep.push('0'); } else { let c = chars[len - i - 1]; rep.push(c); } } // corner case for when we truncated everything in a low fractional if rep.len() == empty_len { rep.push('0'); } (rep, additional) } pub(crate) fn fmt_scientific_notation( value: &Decimal, exponent_symbol: &str, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>, ) -> fmt::Result { #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] use alloc::string::ToString; // Get the scale - this is the e value. With multiples of 10 this may get bigger. let mut exponent = -(value.scale() as isize); // Convert the integral to a string let mut chars = Vec::new(); let mut working = value.mantissa_array3(); while !is_all_zero(&working) { let remainder = div_by_u32(&mut working, 10u32); chars.push(char::from(b'0' + remainder as u8)); } // First of all, apply scientific notation rules. That is: // 1. If non-zero digit comes first, move decimal point left so that e is a positive integer // 2. If decimal point comes first, move decimal point right until after the first non-zero digit // Since decimal notation naturally lends itself this way, we just need to inject the decimal // point in the right place and adjust the exponent accordingly. let len = chars.len(); let mut rep; // We either are operating with a precision specified, or on defaults. Defaults will perform "smart" // reduction of precision. if let Some(precision) = f.precision() { if len > 1 { // If we're zero precision AND it's trailing zeros then strip them if precision == 0 && chars.iter().take(len - 1).all(|c| *c == '0') { rep = chars.iter().skip(len - 1).collect::<String>(); } else { // We may still be zero precision, however we aren't trailing zeros if precision > 0 { chars.insert(len - 1, '.'); } rep = chars .iter() .rev() // Add on extra zeros according to the precision. At least one, since we added a decimal place. .chain(core::iter::repeat(&'0')) .take(if precision == 0 { 1 } else { 2 + precision }) .collect::<String>(); } exponent += (len - 1) as isize; } else if precision > 0 { // We have precision that we want to add chars.push('.'); rep = chars .iter() .chain(core::iter::repeat(&'0')) .take(2 + precision) .collect::<String>(); } else { rep = chars.iter().collect::<String>(); } } else if len > 1 { // If the number is just trailing zeros then we treat it like 0 precision if chars.iter().take(len - 1).all(|c| *c == '0') { rep = chars.iter().skip(len - 1).collect::<String>(); } else { // Otherwise, we need to insert a decimal place and make it a scientific number chars.insert(len - 1, '.'); rep = chars.iter().rev().collect::<String>(); } exponent += (len - 1) as isize; } else { rep = chars.iter().collect::<String>(); } rep.push_str(exponent_symbol); rep.push_str(&exponent.to_string()); f.pad_integral(value.is_sign_positive(), "", &rep) } // dedicated implementation for the most common case. #[inline] pub(crate) fn parse_str_radix_10(str: &str) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { let bytes = str.as_bytes(); if bytes.len() < BYTES_TO_OVERFLOW_U64 { parse_str_radix_10_dispatch::<false, true>(bytes) } else { parse_str_radix_10_dispatch::<true, true>(bytes) } } #[inline] pub(crate) fn parse_str_radix_10_exact(str: &str) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { let bytes = str.as_bytes(); if bytes.len() < BYTES_TO_OVERFLOW_U64 { parse_str_radix_10_dispatch::<false, false>(bytes) } else { parse_str_radix_10_dispatch::<true, false>(bytes) } } #[inline] fn parse_str_radix_10_dispatch<const BIG: bool, const ROUND: bool>(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { match bytes { [b, rest @ ..] => byte_dispatch_u64::<false, false, false, BIG, true, ROUND>(rest, 0, 0, *b), [] => tail_error("Invalid decimal: empty"), } } #[inline] fn overflow_64(val: u64) -> bool { val >= WILL_OVERFLOW_U64 } #[inline] pub fn overflow_128(val: u128) -> bool { val >= OVERFLOW_U96 } /// Dispatch the next byte: /// /// * POINT - a decimal point has been seen /// * NEG - we've encountered a `-` and the number is negative /// * HAS - a digit has been encountered (when HAS is false it's invalid) /// * BIG - a number that uses 96 bits instead of only 64 bits /// * FIRST - true if it is the first byte in the string #[inline] fn dispatch_next<const POINT: bool, const NEG: bool, const HAS: bool, const BIG: bool, const ROUND: bool>( bytes: &[u8], data64: u64, scale: u8, ) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { if let Some((next, bytes)) = bytes.split_first() { byte_dispatch_u64::<POINT, NEG, HAS, BIG, false, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale, *next) } else { handle_data::<NEG, HAS>(data64 as u128, scale) } } #[inline(never)] fn non_digit_dispatch_u64< const POINT: bool, const NEG: bool, const HAS: bool, const BIG: bool, const FIRST: bool, const ROUND: bool, >( bytes: &[u8], data64: u64, scale: u8, b: u8, ) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { match b { b'-' if FIRST && !HAS => dispatch_next::<false, true, false, BIG, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale), b'+' if FIRST && !HAS => dispatch_next::<false, false, false, BIG, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale), b'_' if HAS => handle_separator::<POINT, NEG, BIG, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale), b => tail_invalid_digit(b), } } #[inline] fn byte_dispatch_u64< const POINT: bool, const NEG: bool, const HAS: bool, const BIG: bool, const FIRST: bool, const ROUND: bool, >( bytes: &[u8], data64: u64, scale: u8, b: u8, ) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { match b { b'0'..=b'9' => handle_digit_64::<POINT, NEG, BIG, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale, b - b'0'), b'.' if !POINT => handle_point::<NEG, HAS, BIG, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale), b => non_digit_dispatch_u64::<POINT, NEG, HAS, BIG, FIRST, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale, b), } } #[inline(never)] fn handle_digit_64<const POINT: bool, const NEG: bool, const BIG: bool, const ROUND: bool>( bytes: &[u8], data64: u64, scale: u8, digit: u8, ) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { // we have already validated that we cannot overflow let data64 = data64 * 10 + digit as u64; let scale = if POINT { scale + 1 } else { 0 }; if let Some((next, bytes)) = bytes.split_first() { let next = *next; if POINT && BIG && scale >= 28 { if ROUND { maybe_round(data64 as u128, next, scale, POINT, NEG) } else { Err(Error::Underflow) } } else if BIG && overflow_64(data64) { handle_full_128::<POINT, NEG, ROUND>(data64 as u128, bytes, scale, next) } else { byte_dispatch_u64::<POINT, NEG, true, BIG, false, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale, next) } } else { let data: u128 = data64 as u128; handle_data::<NEG, true>(data, scale) } } #[inline(never)] fn handle_point<const NEG: bool, const HAS: bool, const BIG: bool, const ROUND: bool>( bytes: &[u8], data64: u64, scale: u8, ) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { dispatch_next::<true, NEG, HAS, BIG, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale) } #[inline(never)] fn handle_separator<const POINT: bool, const NEG: bool, const BIG: bool, const ROUND: bool>( bytes: &[u8], data64: u64, scale: u8, ) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { dispatch_next::<POINT, NEG, true, BIG, ROUND>(bytes, data64, scale) } #[inline(never)] #[cold] fn tail_invalid_digit(digit: u8) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { match digit { b'.' => tail_error("Invalid decimal: two decimal points"), b'_' => tail_error("Invalid decimal: must start lead with a number"), _ => tail_error("Invalid decimal: unknown character"), } } #[inline(never)] #[cold] fn handle_full_128<const POINT: bool, const NEG: bool, const ROUND: bool>( mut data: u128, bytes: &[u8], scale: u8, next_byte: u8, ) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { let b = next_byte; match b { b'0'..=b'9' => { let digit = u32::from(b - b'0'); // If the data is going to overflow then we should go into recovery mode let next = (data * 10) + digit as u128; if overflow_128(next) { if !POINT { return tail_error("Invalid decimal: overflow from too many digits"); } if ROUND { maybe_round(data, next_byte, scale, POINT, NEG) } else { Err(Error::Underflow) } } else { data = next; let scale = scale + POINT as u8; if let Some((next, bytes)) = bytes.split_first() { let next = *next; if POINT && scale >= 28 { if ROUND { maybe_round(data, next, scale, POINT, NEG) } else { Err(Error::Underflow) } } else { handle_full_128::<POINT, NEG, ROUND>(data, bytes, scale, next) } } else { handle_data::<NEG, true>(data, scale) } } } b'.' if !POINT => { // This call won't tail? if let Some((next, bytes)) = bytes.split_first() { handle_full_128::<true, NEG, ROUND>(data, bytes, scale, *next) } else { handle_data::<NEG, true>(data, scale) } } b'_' => { if let Some((next, bytes)) = bytes.split_first() { handle_full_128::<POINT, NEG, ROUND>(data, bytes, scale, *next) } else { handle_data::<NEG, true>(data, scale) } } b => tail_invalid_digit(b), } } #[inline(never)] #[cold] fn maybe_round( mut data: u128, next_byte: u8, mut scale: u8, point: bool, negative: bool, ) -> Result<Decimal, crate::Error> { let digit = match next_byte { b'0'..=b'9' => u32::from(next_byte - b'0'), b'_' => 0, // this should be an invalid string? b'.' if point => 0, b => return tail_invalid_digit(b), }; // Round at midpoint if digit >= 5 { data += 1; // If the mantissa is now overflowing, round to the next // next least significant digit and discard precision if overflow_128(data) { if scale == 0 { return tail_error("Invalid decimal: overflow from mantissa after rounding"); } data += 4; data /= 10; scale -= 1; } } if negative { handle_data::<true, true>(data, scale) } else { handle_data::<false, true>(data, scale) } } #[inline(never)] fn tail_no_has() -> Result<Decimal, Error> { tail_error("Invalid decimal: no digits found") } #[inline] fn handle_data<const NEG: bool, const HAS: bool>(data: u128, scale: u8) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { debug_assert_eq!(data >> 96, 0); if !HAS { tail_no_has() } else { Ok(Decimal::from_parts( data as u32, (data >> 32) as u32, (data >> 64) as u32, NEG, scale as u32, )) } } pub(crate) fn parse_str_radix_n(str: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<Decimal, Error> { if str.is_empty() { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: empty")); } if radix < 2 { return Err(Error::from("Unsupported radix < 2")); } if radix > 36 { // As per trait documentation return Err(Error::from("Unsupported radix > 36")); } let mut offset = 0; let mut len = str.len(); let bytes = str.as_bytes(); let mut negative = false; // assume positive // handle the sign if bytes[offset] == b'-' { negative = true; // leading minus means negative offset += 1; len -= 1; } else if bytes[offset] == b'+' { // leading + allowed offset += 1; len -= 1; } // should now be at numeric part of the significand let mut digits_before_dot: i32 = -1; // digits before '.', -1 if no '.' let mut coeff = ArrayVec::<_, 96>::new(); // integer significand array // Supporting different radix let (max_n, max_alpha_lower, max_alpha_upper) = if radix <= 10 { (b'0' + (radix - 1) as u8, 0, 0) } else { let adj = (radix - 11) as u8; (b'9', adj + b'a', adj + b'A') }; // Estimate the max precision. All in all, it needs to fit into 96 bits. // Rather than try to estimate, I've included the constants directly in here. We could, // perhaps, replace this with a formula if it's faster - though it does appear to be log2. let estimated_max_precision = match radix { 2 => 96, 3 => 61, 4 => 48, 5 => 42, 6 => 38, 7 => 35, 8 => 32, 9 => 31, 10 => 28, 11 => 28, 12 => 27, 13 => 26, 14 => 26, 15 => 25, 16 => 24, 17 => 24, 18 => 24, 19 => 23, 20 => 23, 21 => 22, 22 => 22, 23 => 22, 24 => 21, 25 => 21, 26 => 21, 27 => 21, 28 => 20, 29 => 20, 30 => 20, 31 => 20, 32 => 20, 33 => 20, 34 => 19, 35 => 19, 36 => 19, _ => return Err(Error::from("Unsupported radix")), }; let mut maybe_round = false; while len > 0 { let b = bytes[offset]; match b { b'0'..=b'9' => { if b > max_n { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: invalid character")); } coeff.push(u32::from(b - b'0')); offset += 1; len -= 1; // If the coefficient is longer than the max, exit early if coeff.len() as u32 > estimated_max_precision { maybe_round = true; break; } } b'a'..=b'z' => { if b > max_alpha_lower { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: invalid character")); } coeff.push(u32::from(b - b'a') + 10); offset += 1; len -= 1; if coeff.len() as u32 > estimated_max_precision { maybe_round = true; break; } } b'A'..=b'Z' => { if b > max_alpha_upper { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: invalid character")); } coeff.push(u32::from(b - b'A') + 10); offset += 1; len -= 1; if coeff.len() as u32 > estimated_max_precision { maybe_round = true; break; } } b'.' => { if digits_before_dot >= 0 { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: two decimal points")); } digits_before_dot = coeff.len() as i32; offset += 1; len -= 1; } b'_' => { // Must start with a number... if coeff.is_empty() { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: must start lead with a number")); } offset += 1; len -= 1; } _ => return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: unknown character")), } } // If we exited before the end of the string then do some rounding if necessary if maybe_round && offset < bytes.len() { let next_byte = bytes[offset]; let digit = match next_byte { b'0'..=b'9' => { if next_byte > max_n { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: invalid character")); } u32::from(next_byte - b'0') } b'a'..=b'z' => { if next_byte > max_alpha_lower { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: invalid character")); } u32::from(next_byte - b'a') + 10 } b'A'..=b'Z' => { if next_byte > max_alpha_upper { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: invalid character")); } u32::from(next_byte - b'A') + 10 } b'_' => 0, b'.' => { // Still an error if we have a second dp if digits_before_dot >= 0 { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: two decimal points")); } 0 } _ => return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: unknown character")), }; // Round at midpoint let midpoint = if radix & 0x1 == 1 { radix / 2 } else { (radix + 1) / 2 }; if digit >= midpoint { let mut index = coeff.len() - 1; loop { let new_digit = coeff[index] + 1; if new_digit <= 9 { coeff[index] = new_digit; break; } else { coeff[index] = 0; if index == 0 { coeff.insert(0, 1u32); digits_before_dot += 1; coeff.pop(); break; } } index -= 1; } } } // here when no characters left if coeff.is_empty() { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: no digits found")); } let mut scale = if digits_before_dot >= 0 { // we had a decimal place so set the scale (coeff.len() as u32) - (digits_before_dot as u32) } else { 0 }; // Parse this using specified radix let mut data = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32]; let mut tmp = [0u32, 0u32, 0u32]; let len = coeff.len(); for (i, digit) in coeff.iter().enumerate() { // If the data is going to overflow then we should go into recovery mode tmp[0] = data[0]; tmp[1] = data[1]; tmp[2] = data[2]; let overflow = mul_by_u32(&mut tmp, radix); if overflow > 0 { // This means that we have more data to process, that we're not sure what to do with. // This may or may not be an issue - depending on whether we're past a decimal point // or not. if (i as i32) < digits_before_dot && i + 1 < len { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: overflow from too many digits")); } if *digit >= 5 { let carry = add_one_internal(&mut data); if carry > 0 { // Highly unlikely scenario which is more indicative of a bug return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: overflow when rounding")); } } // We're also one less digit so reduce the scale let diff = (len - i) as u32; if diff > scale { return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: overflow from scale mismatch")); } scale -= diff; break; } else { data[0] = tmp[0]; data[1] = tmp[1]; data[2] = tmp[2]; let carry = add_by_internal_flattened(&mut data, *digit); if carry > 0 { // Highly unlikely scenario which is more indicative of a bug return Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: overflow from carry")); } } } Ok(Decimal::from_parts(data[0], data[1], data[2], negative, scale)) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use crate::Decimal; use arrayvec::ArrayString; use core::{fmt::Write, str::FromStr}; #[test] fn display_does_not_overflow_max_capacity() { let num = Decimal::from_str("1.2").unwrap(); let mut buffer = ArrayString::<64>::new(); let _ = buffer.write_fmt(format_args!("{:.31}", num)).unwrap(); assert_eq!("1.2000000000000000000000000000000", buffer.as_str()); } #[test] fn from_str_rounding_0() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("1.234").unwrap().unpack(), Decimal::new(1234, 3).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_rounding_1() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("11111_11111_11111.11111_11111_11111") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(11_111_111_111_111_111_111_111_111_111, 14).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_rounding_2() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("11111_11111_11111.11111_11111_11115") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(11_111_111_111_111_111_111_111_111_112, 14).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_rounding_3() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("11111_11111_11111.11111_11111_11195") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(1_111_111_111_111_111_111_111_111_1120, 14).unpack() // was Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(1_111_111_111_111_111_111_111_111_112, 13) ); } #[test] fn from_str_rounding_4() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("99999_99999_99999.99999_99999_99995") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(10_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, 13).unpack() // was Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, 12) ); } #[test] fn from_str_no_rounding_0() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10_exact("1.234").unwrap().unpack(), Decimal::new(1234, 3).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_no_rounding_1() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10_exact("11111_11111_11111.11111_11111_11111"), Err(Error::Underflow) ); } #[test] fn from_str_no_rounding_2() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10_exact("11111_11111_11111.11111_11111_11115"), Err(Error::Underflow) ); } #[test] fn from_str_no_rounding_3() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10_exact("11111_11111_11111.11111_11111_11195"), Err(Error::Underflow) ); } #[test] fn from_str_no_rounding_4() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10_exact("99999_99999_99999.99999_99999_99995"), Err(Error::Underflow) ); } #[test] fn from_str_many_pointless_chars() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("00________________________________________________________________001.1") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(11, 1).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_leading_0s_1() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("00001.1").unwrap().unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(11, 1).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_leading_0s_2() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("00000_00000_00000_00000_00001.00001") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(100001, 5).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_leading_0s_3() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("0.00000_00000_00000_00000_00000_00100") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(1, 28).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_trailing_0s_1() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("0.00001_00000_00000").unwrap().unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(10_000_000_000, 15).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_trailing_0s_2() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("0.00001_00000_00000_00000_00000_00000") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(100_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, 28).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_overflow_1() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("99999_99999_99999_99999_99999_99999.99999"), // The original implementation returned // Ok(10000_00000_00000_00000_00000_0000) // Which is a bug! Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: overflow from too many digits")) ); } #[test] fn from_str_overflow_2() { assert!( parse_str_radix_10("99999_99999_99999_99999_99999_11111.11111").is_err(), // The original implementation is 'overflow from scale mismatch' // but we got rid of that now ); } #[test] fn from_str_overflow_3() { assert!( parse_str_radix_10("99999_99999_99999_99999_99999_99994").is_err() // We could not get into 'overflow when rounding' or 'overflow from carry' // in the original implementation because the rounding logic before prevented it ); } #[test] fn from_str_overflow_4() { assert_eq!( // This does not overflow, moving the decimal point 1 more step would result in // 'overflow from too many digits' parse_str_radix_10("99999_99999_99999_99999_99999_999.99") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(10_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, 0).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_mantissa_overflow_1() { // reminder: assert_eq!(OVERFLOW_U96, 79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_336); assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_33.56") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_34, 0).unpack() ); // This is a mantissa of OVERFLOW_U96 - 1 just before reaching the last digit. // Previously, this would return Err("overflow from mantissa after rounding") // instead of successfully rounding. } #[test] fn from_str_mantissa_overflow_2() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_335.6"), Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: overflow from mantissa after rounding")) ); // this case wants to round to 79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_340. // (79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_336 is OVERFLOW_U96 and too large // to fit in 96 bits) which is also too large for the mantissa so fails. } #[test] fn from_str_mantissa_overflow_3() { // this hits the other avoidable overflow case in maybe_round assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("7.92281625142643375935439503356").unwrap().unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_34, 27).unpack() ); } #[ignore] #[test] fn from_str_mantissa_overflow_4() { // Same test as above, however with underscores. This causes issues. assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("7.9_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_335_6") .unwrap() .unpack(), Decimal::from_i128_with_scale(79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_34, 27).unpack() ); } #[test] fn from_str_edge_cases_1() { assert_eq!(parse_str_radix_10(""), Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: empty"))); } #[test] fn from_str_edge_cases_2() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("0.1."), Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: two decimal points")) ); } #[test] fn from_str_edge_cases_3() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("_"), Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: must start lead with a number")) ); } #[test] fn from_str_edge_cases_4() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("1?2"), Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: unknown character")) ); } #[test] fn from_str_edge_cases_5() { assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("."), Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: no digits found")) ); } #[test] fn from_str_edge_cases_6() { // Decimal::MAX + 0.99999 assert_eq!( parse_str_radix_10("79_228_162_514_264_337_593_543_950_335.99999"), Err(Error::from("Invalid decimal: overflow from mantissa after rounding")) ); } }