// This file was autogenerated by some hot garbage in the `uniffi` crate. // Trust me, you don't want to mess with it! {% import "macros.rs" as rs %} // Check for compatibility between `uniffi` and `uniffi_bindgen` versions. // Note that we have an error message on the same line as the assertion. // This is important, because if the assertion fails, the compiler only // seems to show that single line as context for the user. uniffi::assert_compatible_version!("{{ uniffi_version }}"); // Please check that you depend on version {{ uniffi_version }} of the `uniffi` crate. {% for ty in ci.iter_types() %} {%- match ty %} {%- when Type::Map with (k, v) -%} {# Next comment MUST be after the line to be in the compiler output #} uniffi::deps::static_assertions::assert_impl_all!({{ k|type_rs }}: ::std::cmp::Eq, ::std::hash::Hash); // record<{{ k|type_rs }}, {{ v|type_rs }}> {%- else %} {%- endmatch %} {% endfor %} {% include "RustBuffer.rs" %} // Error definitions, corresponding to `error` in the UDL. {% for e in ci.error_definitions() %} {% include "ErrorTemplate.rs" %} {% endfor %} // Enum definitions, corresponding to `enum` in UDL. {% for e in ci.enum_definitions() %} {% include "EnumTemplate.rs" %} {% endfor %} // Record definitions, implemented as method-less structs, corresponding to `dictionary` objects. {% for rec in ci.record_definitions() %} {% include "RecordTemplate.rs" %} {% endfor %} // Top level functions, corresponding to UDL `namespace` functions. {%- for func in ci.function_definitions() %} {% include "TopLevelFunctionTemplate.rs" %} {% endfor -%} // Object definitions, corresponding to UDL `interface` definitions. {% for obj in ci.object_definitions() %} {% include "ObjectTemplate.rs" %} {% endfor %} // Callback Interface definitions, corresponding to UDL `callback interface` definitions. {% for cbi in ci.callback_interface_definitions() %} {% include "CallbackInterfaceTemplate.rs" %} {% endfor %} // External and Wrapped types {% include "ExternalTypesTemplate.rs" %} // The `reexport_uniffi_scaffolding` macro {% include "ReexportUniFFIScaffolding.rs" %} {%- import "macros.rs" as rs -%}