// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! RestartManager include file use shared::minwindef::{BOOL, DWORD, FILETIME, LPDWORD, PBYTE, UINT, ULONG}; use um::winnt::{LPCWSTR, LPWSTR, WCHAR}; pub const RM_SESSION_KEY_LEN: usize = 16; // mem::size_of::<GUID>() pub const CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY: usize = RM_SESSION_KEY_LEN * 2; pub const CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME: usize = 255; pub const CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME: usize = 63; pub const RM_INVALID_TS_SESSION: DWORD = -1i32 as u32; pub const RM_INVALID_PROCESS: DWORD = -1i32 as u32; ENUM!{enum RM_APP_TYPE { RmUnknownApp = 0, RmMainWindow = 1, RmOtherWindow = 2, RmService = 3, RmExplorer = 4, RmConsole = 5, RmCritical = 1000, }} ENUM!{enum RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE { RmForceShutdown = 0x1, RmShutdownOnlyRegistered = 0x10, }} ENUM!{enum RM_APP_STATUS { RmStatusUnknown = 0x0, RmStatusRunning = 0x1, RmStatusStopped = 0x2, RmStatusStoppedOther = 0x4, RmStatusRestarted = 0x8, RmStatusErrorOnStop = 0x10, RmStatusErrorOnRestart = 0x20, RmStatusShutdownMasked = 0x40, RmStatusRestartMasked = 0x80, }} ENUM!{enum RM_REBOOT_REASON { RmRebootReasonNone = 0x0, RmRebootReasonPermissionDenied = 0x1, RmRebootReasonSessionMismatch = 0x2, RmRebootReasonCriticalProcess = 0x4, RmRebootReasonCriticalService = 0x8, RmRebootReasonDetectedSelf = 0x10, }} STRUCT!{struct RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS { dwProcessId: DWORD, ProcessStartTime: FILETIME, }} pub type PRM_UNIQUE_PROCESS = *mut RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS; STRUCT!{struct RM_PROCESS_INFO { Process: RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS, strAppName: [WCHAR; CCH_RM_MAX_APP_NAME + 1], strServiceShortName: [WCHAR; CCH_RM_MAX_SVC_NAME + 1], ApplicationType: RM_APP_TYPE, AppStatus: ULONG, TSSessionId: DWORD, bRestartable: BOOL, }} pub type PRM_PROCESS_INFO = *mut RM_PROCESS_INFO; ENUM!{enum RM_FILTER_TRIGGER { RmFilterTriggerInvalid = 0, RmFilterTriggerFile, RmFilterTriggerProcess, RmFilterTriggerService, }} ENUM!{enum RM_FILTER_ACTION { RmInvalidFilterAction = 0, RmNoRestart = 1, RmNoShutdown = 2, }} UNION!{union RM_FILTER_INFO_u { [u32; 3] [u64; 2], strFilename strFilename_mut: LPWSTR, Process Process_mut: RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS, strServiceShortName strServiceShortName_mut: LPWSTR, }} STRUCT!{struct RM_FILTER_INFO { FilterAction: RM_FILTER_ACTION, FilterTrigger: RM_FILTER_TRIGGER, cbNextOffset: DWORD, u: RM_FILTER_INFO_u, }} pub type PRM_FILTER_INFO = *mut RM_FILTER_INFO; FN!{cdecl RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK( nPercentComplete: u32, ) -> ()} extern "system" { pub fn RmStartSession( pSessionHandle: *mut DWORD, dwSessionFlags: DWORD, strSessionKey: *mut WCHAR, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmJoinSession( pSessionHandle: *mut DWORD, strSessionKey: *const WCHAR, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmEndSession( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmRegisterResources( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, nFiles: UINT, rgsFileNames: *mut LPCWSTR, nApplications: UINT, rgApplications: *mut RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS, nServices: UINT, rgsServiceNames: *mut LPCWSTR, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmGetList( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, pnProcInfoNeeded: *mut UINT, pnProcInfo: *mut UINT, rgAffectedApps: *mut RM_PROCESS_INFO, lpdwRebootReasons: LPDWORD, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmShutdown( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, lActionFlags: ULONG, fnStatus: RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmRestart( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, dwRestartFlags: DWORD, fnStatus: RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmCancelCurrentTask( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmAddFilter( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, strModuleName: LPCWSTR, pProcess: *mut RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS, strServiceShortName: LPCWSTR, FilterAction: RM_FILTER_ACTION, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmRemoveFilter( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, strModuleName: LPCWSTR, pProcess: *mut RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS, strServiceShortName: LPCWSTR, ) -> DWORD; pub fn RmGetFilterList( dwSessionHandle: DWORD, pbFilterBuf: PBYTE, cbFilterBuf: DWORD, cbFilterBufNeeded: LPDWORD, ) -> DWORD; }