/* * Copyright 2019 WebAssembly Community Group participants * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "wabt/decompiler.h" #include "wabt/decompiler-ast.h" #include "wabt/decompiler-ls.h" #include "wabt/decompiler-naming.h" #include "wabt/stream.h" #define WABT_TRACING 0 #include "wabt/tracing.h" #include <inttypes.h> namespace wabt { struct Decompiler { Decompiler(const Module& module, const DecompileOptions& options) : mc(module), options(options) {} // Sorted such that "greater precedence" is also the bigger enum val. enum Precedence { // Low precedence. None, // precedence doesn't matter, since never nested. Assign, // = OtherBin, // min Bit, // & | Equal, // == != < > >= <= Shift, // << >> Add, // + - Multiply, // * / % If, // if{} Indexing, // [] Atomic, // (), a, 1, a() // High precedence. }; // Anything besides these will get parentheses if used with equal precedence, // for clarity. bool Associative(Precedence p) { return p == Precedence::Add || p == Precedence::Multiply; } struct Value { std::vector<std::string> v; // Lazily add bracketing only if the parent requires it. // This is the precedence level of this value, for example, if this // precedence is Add, and the parent is Multiply, bracketing is needed, // but not if it is the reverse. Precedence precedence; Value(std::vector<std::string>&& v, Precedence p) : v(v), precedence(p) {} size_t width() { size_t w = 0; for (auto& s : v) { w = std::max(w, s.size()); } return w; } // This value should really never be copied, only moved. Value(Value&& rhs) = default; Value(const Value& rhs) = delete; Value& operator=(Value&& rhs) = default; Value& operator=(const Value& rhs) = delete; }; std::string to_string(double d) { auto s = std::to_string(d); // Remove redundant trailing '0's that to_string produces. while (s.size() > 2 && s.back() == '0' && s[s.size() - 2] != '.') s.pop_back(); return s; } std::string Indent(size_t amount) { return std::string(amount, ' '); } std::string OpcodeToToken(Opcode opcode) { std::string s = opcode.GetDecomp(); std::replace(s.begin(), s.end(), '.', '_'); return s; } void IndentValue(Value& val, size_t amount, std::string_view first_indent) { auto indent = Indent(amount); for (auto& stat : val.v) { auto is = (&stat != &val.v[0] || first_indent.empty()) ? std::string_view(indent) : first_indent; stat.insert(0, is.data(), is.size()); } } Value WrapChild(Value& child, std::string_view prefix, std::string_view postfix, Precedence precedence) { auto width = prefix.size() + postfix.size() + child.width(); auto& v = child.v; if (width < target_exp_width || (prefix.size() <= indent_amount && postfix.size() <= indent_amount)) { if (v.size() == 1) { // Fits in a single line. v[0].insert(0, prefix.data(), prefix.size()); v[0].append(postfix.data(), postfix.size()); } else { // Multiline, but with prefix on same line. IndentValue(child, prefix.size(), prefix); v.back().append(postfix.data(), postfix.size()); } } else { // Multiline with prefix on its own line. IndentValue(child, indent_amount, {}); v.insert(v.begin(), std::string(prefix)); v.back().append(postfix.data(), postfix.size()); } child.precedence = precedence; return std::move(child); } void BracketIfNeeded(Value& val, Precedence parent_precedence) { if (parent_precedence < val.precedence || (parent_precedence == val.precedence && Associative(parent_precedence))) { return; } val = WrapChild(val, "(", ")", Precedence::Atomic); } Value WrapBinary(std::vector<Value>& args, std::string_view infix, bool indent_right, Precedence precedence) { assert(args.size() == 2); auto& left = args[0]; auto& right = args[1]; BracketIfNeeded(left, precedence); BracketIfNeeded(right, precedence); auto width = infix.size() + left.width() + right.width() + 2; if (width < target_exp_width && left.v.size() == 1 && right.v.size() == 1) { return Value{{cat(left.v[0], " ", infix, " ", right.v[0])}, precedence}; } else { Value bin{{}, precedence}; std::move(left.v.begin(), left.v.end(), std::back_inserter(bin.v)); bin.v.back().append(" ", 1); bin.v.back().append(infix.data(), infix.size()); if (indent_right) { IndentValue(right, indent_amount, {}); } std::move(right.v.begin(), right.v.end(), std::back_inserter(bin.v)); return bin; } } Value WrapNAry(std::vector<Value>& args, std::string_view prefix, std::string_view postfix, Precedence precedence) { size_t total_width = 0; size_t max_width = 0; bool multiline = false; for (auto& child : args) { auto w = child.width(); max_width = std::max(max_width, w); total_width += w; multiline = multiline || child.v.size() > 1; } if (!multiline && (total_width + prefix.size() + postfix.size() < target_exp_width || args.empty())) { // Single line. auto s = std::string(prefix); for (auto& child : args) { if (&child != &args[0]) s += ", "; s += child.v[0]; } s += postfix; return Value{{std::move(s)}, precedence}; } else { // Multi-line. Value ml{{}, precedence}; auto ident_with_name = max_width + prefix.size() < target_exp_width; size_t i = 0; for (auto& child : args) { IndentValue(child, ident_with_name ? prefix.size() : indent_amount, !i && ident_with_name ? prefix : std::string_view{}); if (i < args.size() - 1) { child.v.back() += ","; } std::move(child.v.begin(), child.v.end(), std::back_inserter(ml.v)); i++; } if (!ident_with_name) { ml.v.insert(ml.v.begin(), std::string(prefix)); } ml.v.back() += postfix; return ml; } } std::string_view VarName(std::string_view name) { assert(!name.empty()); return name[0] == '$' ? name.substr(1) : name; } template <ExprType T> Value Get(const VarExpr<T>& ve) { return Value{{std::string(VarName(ve.var.name()))}, Precedence::Atomic}; } template <ExprType T> Value Set(Value& child, const VarExpr<T>& ve) { return WrapChild(child, VarName(ve.var.name()) + " = ", "", Precedence::Assign); } std::string TempVarName(Index n) { // FIXME: this needs much better variable naming. Problem is, the code // in generate-names.cc has allready run, its dictionaries deleted, so it // is not easy to integrate with it. return "t" + std::to_string(n); } std::string LocalDecl(const std::string& name, Type t) { auto struc = lst.GenTypeDecl(name); return cat(VarName(name), ":", struc.empty() ? GetDecompTypeName(t) : struc); } bool ConstIntVal(const Expr* e, uint64_t& dest) { dest = 0; if (!e || e->type() != ExprType::Const) { return false; } auto& c = cast<ConstExpr>(e)->const_; if (c.type() != Type::I32 && c.type() != Type::I64) { return false; } dest = c.type() == Type::I32 ? c.u32() : c.u64(); return true; } void LoadStore(Value& val, const Node& addr_exp, uint64_t offset, Opcode opc, Address align, Type op_type) { bool append_type = true; auto access = lst.GenAccess(offset, addr_exp); if (!access.empty()) { if (access == "*") { // The variable was declared as a typed pointer, so this access // doesn't need a type. append_type = false; } else { // We can do this load/store as a struct access. BracketIfNeeded(val, Precedence::Indexing); val.v.back() += "." + access; return; } } // Detect absolute addressing, which we try to turn into references to the // data section when possible. uint64_t abs_base; if (ConstIntVal(addr_exp.e, abs_base)) { // We don't care what part of the absolute address was stored where, // 1[0] and 0[1] are the same. abs_base += offset; // FIXME: make this less expensive with a binary search or whatever. for (auto dat : mc.module.data_segments) { uint64_t dat_base; if (dat->offset.size() == 1 && ConstIntVal(&dat->offset.front(), dat_base) && abs_base >= dat_base && abs_base < dat_base + dat->data.size()) { // We are inside the range of this data segment! // Turn expression into data_name[index] val = Value{{dat->name}, Precedence::Atomic}; // The new offset is from the start of the data segment, instead of // whatever it was.. this may be a different value from both the // original const and offset! offset = abs_base - dat_base; } } } // Do the load/store as a generalized indexing operation. // The offset is divisible by the alignment in 99.99% of // cases, but the spec doesn't guarantee it, so we must // have a backup syntax. auto index = offset % align == 0 ? std::to_string(offset / align) : cat(std::to_string(offset), "@", std::to_string(align)); // Detect the very common case of (base + (index << 2))[0]:int etc. // so we can instead do base[index]:int // TODO: (index << 2) on the left of + occurs also. // TODO: sadly this does not address cases where the shift amount > align. // (which happens for arrays of structs or arrays of long (with align=4)). // TODO: also very common is (v = base + (index << 2))[0]:int if (addr_exp.etype == ExprType::Binary) { auto& pe = *cast<BinaryExpr>(addr_exp.e); auto& shift_exp = addr_exp.children[1]; if (pe.opcode == Opcode::I32Add && shift_exp.etype == ExprType::Binary) { auto& se = *cast<BinaryExpr>(shift_exp.e); auto& const_exp = shift_exp.children[1]; if (se.opcode == Opcode::I32Shl && const_exp.etype == ExprType::Const) { auto& ce = *cast<ConstExpr>(const_exp.e); if (ce.const_.type() == Type::I32 && (1ULL << ce.const_.u32()) == align) { // Pfew, case detected :( Lets re-write this in Haskell. // TODO: we're decompiling these twice. // The thing to the left of << is going to be part of the index. auto ival = DecompileExpr(shift_exp.children[0], &shift_exp); if (ival.v.size() == 1) { // Don't bother if huge. if (offset == 0) { index = ival.v[0]; } else { BracketIfNeeded(ival, Precedence::Add); index = cat(ival.v[0], " + ", index); } // We're going to use the thing to the left of + as the new // base address: val = DecompileExpr(addr_exp.children[0], &addr_exp); } } } } } BracketIfNeeded(val, Precedence::Indexing); val.v.back() += cat("[", index, "]"); if (append_type) { val.v.back() += cat(":", GetDecompTypeName(GetMemoryType(op_type, opc)), lst.GenAlign(align, opc)); } val.precedence = Precedence::Indexing; } Value DecompileExpr(const Node& n, const Node* parent) { std::vector<Value> args; for (auto& c : n.children) { args.push_back(DecompileExpr(c, &n)); } // First deal with the specialized node types. switch (n.ntype) { case NodeType::FlushToVars: { std::string decls = "let "; for (Index i = 0; i < n.u.var_count; i++) { if (i) { decls += ", "; } decls += TempVarName(n.u.var_start + i); } decls += " = "; return WrapNAry(args, decls, "", Precedence::Assign); } case NodeType::FlushedVar: { return Value{{TempVarName(n.u.var_start)}, Precedence::Atomic}; } case NodeType::Statements: { Value stats{{}, Precedence::None}; for (size_t i = 0; i < n.children.size(); i++) { auto& s = args[i].v.back(); if (s.back() != '}' && s.back() != ':') { s += ';'; } std::move(args[i].v.begin(), args[i].v.end(), std::back_inserter(stats.v)); } return stats; } case NodeType::EndReturn: { return WrapNAry(args, "return ", "", Precedence::None); } case NodeType::Decl: { cur_ast->vars_defined[n.u.var->name()].defined = true; return Value{{"var " + LocalDecl(std::string(n.u.var->name()), cur_func->GetLocalType(*n.u.var))}, Precedence::None}; } case NodeType::DeclInit: { if (cur_ast->vars_defined[n.u.var->name()].defined) { // This has already been pre-declared, output as assign. return WrapChild(args[0], cat(VarName(n.u.var->name()), " = "), "", Precedence::None); } else { return WrapChild(args[0], cat("var ", LocalDecl(std::string(n.u.var->name()), cur_func->GetLocalType(*n.u.var)), " = "), "", Precedence::None); } } case NodeType::Expr: // We're going to fall thru to the second switch to deal with ExprType. break; case NodeType::Uninitialized: assert(false); break; } // Existing ExprTypes. switch (n.etype) { case ExprType::Const: { auto& c = cast<ConstExpr>(n.e)->const_; switch (c.type()) { case Type::I32: return Value{{std::to_string(static_cast<int32_t>(c.u32()))}, Precedence::Atomic}; case Type::I64: return Value{{std::to_string(static_cast<int64_t>(c.u64())) + "L"}, Precedence::Atomic}; case Type::F32: { float f = Bitcast<float>(c.f32_bits()); return Value{{to_string(f) + "f"}, Precedence::Atomic}; } case Type::F64: { double d = Bitcast<double>(c.f64_bits()); return Value{{to_string(d)}, Precedence::Atomic}; } case Type::V128: return Value{{"V128"}, Precedence::Atomic}; // FIXME default: WABT_UNREACHABLE; } } case ExprType::LocalGet: { return Get(*cast<LocalGetExpr>(n.e)); } case ExprType::GlobalGet: { return Get(*cast<GlobalGetExpr>(n.e)); } case ExprType::LocalSet: { return Set(args[0], *cast<LocalSetExpr>(n.e)); } case ExprType::GlobalSet: { return Set(args[0], *cast<GlobalSetExpr>(n.e)); } case ExprType::LocalTee: { auto& te = *cast<LocalTeeExpr>(n.e); return args.empty() ? Get(te) : Set(args[0], te); } case ExprType::Binary: { auto& be = *cast<BinaryExpr>(n.e); auto opcs = OpcodeToToken(be.opcode); // TODO: Is this selection better done on Opcode values directly? // What if new values get added and OtherBin doesn't make sense? auto prec = Precedence::OtherBin; if (opcs == "*" || opcs == "/" || opcs == "%") { prec = Precedence::Multiply; } else if (opcs == "+" || opcs == "-") { prec = Precedence::Add; } else if (opcs == "&" || opcs == "|" || opcs == "^") { prec = Precedence::Bit; } else if (opcs == "<<" || opcs == ">>") { prec = Precedence::Shift; } return WrapBinary(args, opcs, false, prec); } case ExprType::Compare: { auto& ce = *cast<CompareExpr>(n.e); return WrapBinary(args, OpcodeToToken(ce.opcode), false, Precedence::Equal); } case ExprType::Unary: { auto& ue = *cast<UnaryExpr>(n.e); // BracketIfNeeded(stack.back()); // TODO: also version without () depending on precedence. return WrapChild(args[0], OpcodeToToken(ue.opcode) + "(", ")", Precedence::Atomic); } case ExprType::Load: { auto& le = *cast<LoadExpr>(n.e); LoadStore(args[0], n.children[0], le.offset, le.opcode, le.align, le.opcode.GetResultType()); return std::move(args[0]); } case ExprType::Store: { auto& se = *cast<StoreExpr>(n.e); LoadStore(args[0], n.children[0], se.offset, se.opcode, se.align, se.opcode.GetParamType2()); return WrapBinary(args, "=", true, Precedence::Assign); } case ExprType::If: { auto ife = cast<IfExpr>(n.e); Value* elsep = nullptr; if (!ife->false_.empty()) { elsep = &args[2]; } auto& thenp = args[1]; auto& ifs = args[0]; bool multiline = ifs.v.size() > 1 || thenp.v.size() > 1; size_t width = ifs.width() + thenp.width(); if (elsep) { width += elsep->width(); multiline = multiline || elsep->v.size() > 1; } multiline = multiline || width > target_exp_width; if (multiline) { auto if_start = std::string_view("if ("); IndentValue(ifs, if_start.size(), if_start); ifs.v.back() += ") {"; IndentValue(thenp, indent_amount, {}); std::move(thenp.v.begin(), thenp.v.end(), std::back_inserter(ifs.v)); if (elsep) { ifs.v.push_back("} else {"); IndentValue(*elsep, indent_amount, {}); std::move(elsep->v.begin(), elsep->v.end(), std::back_inserter(ifs.v)); } ifs.v.push_back("}"); ifs.precedence = Precedence::If; return std::move(ifs); } else { auto s = cat("if (", ifs.v[0], ") { ", thenp.v[0], " }"); if (elsep) s += cat(" else { ", elsep->v[0], " }"); return Value{{std::move(s)}, Precedence::If}; } } case ExprType::Block: { auto& val = args[0]; val.v.push_back( cat("label ", VarName(cast<BlockExpr>(n.e)->block.label), ":")); // If this block is part of a larger statement scope, it doesn't // need its own indenting, but if its part of an exp we wrap it in {}. if (parent && parent->ntype != NodeType::Statements && parent->etype != ExprType::Block && parent->etype != ExprType::Loop && (parent->etype != ExprType::If || &parent->children[0] == &n)) { IndentValue(val, indent_amount, {}); val.v.insert(val.v.begin(), "{"); val.v.push_back("}"); } val.precedence = Precedence::Atomic; return std::move(val); } case ExprType::Loop: { auto& val = args[0]; auto& block = cast<LoopExpr>(n.e)->block; IndentValue(val, indent_amount, {}); val.v.insert(val.v.begin(), cat("loop ", VarName(block.label), " {")); val.v.push_back("}"); val.precedence = Precedence::Atomic; return std::move(val); } case ExprType::Br: { auto be = cast<BrExpr>(n.e); return Value{{(n.u.lt == LabelType::Loop ? "continue " : "goto ") + VarName(be->var.name())}, Precedence::None}; } case ExprType::BrIf: { auto bie = cast<BrIfExpr>(n.e); auto jmp = n.u.lt == LabelType::Loop ? "continue" : "goto"; return WrapChild(args[0], "if (", cat(") ", jmp, " ", VarName(bie->var.name())), Precedence::None); } case ExprType::Return: { return WrapNAry(args, "return ", "", Precedence::None); } case ExprType::Rethrow: { return WrapNAry(args, "rethrow ", "", Precedence::None); } case ExprType::Drop: { // Silent dropping of return values is very common, so currently // don't output this. return std::move(args[0]); } case ExprType::Nop: { return Value{{"nop"}, Precedence::None}; } case ExprType::Unreachable: { return Value{{"unreachable"}, Precedence::None}; } case ExprType::RefNull: { return Value{{"null"}, Precedence::Atomic}; } case ExprType::BrTable: { auto bte = cast<BrTableExpr>(n.e); std::string ts = "br_table["; for (auto& v : bte->targets) { ts += VarName(v.name()); ts += ", "; } ts += ".."; ts += VarName(bte->default_target.name()); ts += "]("; return WrapChild(args[0], ts, ")", Precedence::Atomic); } case ExprType::CodeMetadata: { auto cme = cast<CodeMetadataExpr>(n.e); std::string c = "// @metadata.code." + cme->name + " "; c += BinaryToString(cme->data); return Value{{std::move(c)}, Precedence::None}; } default: { // Everything that looks like a function call. std::string name; auto precedence = Precedence::Atomic; switch (n.etype) { case ExprType::Call: name = cast<CallExpr>(n.e)->var.name(); break; case ExprType::ReturnCall: name = "return_call " + cast<ReturnCallExpr>(n.e)->var.name(); precedence = Precedence::None; break; case ExprType::Convert: name = std::string(OpcodeToToken(cast<ConvertExpr>(n.e)->opcode)); break; case ExprType::Ternary: name = std::string(OpcodeToToken(cast<TernaryExpr>(n.e)->opcode)); break; case ExprType::Select: // This one looks like it could be translated to "?:" style ternary, // but the arguments are NOT lazy, and side effects definitely do // occur in the branches. So it has no clear equivalent in C-syntax. // To emphasize that all args are being evaluated in order, we // leave it as a function call. name = "select_if"; break; case ExprType::MemoryGrow: name = "memory_grow"; break; case ExprType::MemorySize: name = "memory_size"; break; case ExprType::MemoryCopy: name = "memory_copy"; break; case ExprType::MemoryFill: name = "memory_fill"; break; case ExprType::RefIsNull: name = "is_null"; break; case ExprType::CallIndirect: name = "call_indirect"; break; case ExprType::ReturnCallIndirect: name = "return_call call_indirect"; break; default: name = GetExprTypeName(n.etype); break; } return WrapNAry(args, name + "(", ")", precedence); } } } bool CheckImportExport(std::string& s, ExternalKind kind, Index index, std::string_view name) { // Figure out if this thing is imported, exported, or neither. auto is_import = mc.module.IsImport(kind, Var(index, Location())); // TODO: is this the best way to check for export? // FIXME: this doesn't work for functions that get renamed in some way, // as the export has the original name.. auto xport = mc.module.GetExport(name); auto is_export = xport && xport->kind == kind; if (is_export) s += "export "; if (is_import) s += "import "; return is_import; } std::string InitExp(const ExprList& el) { assert(!el.empty()); AST ast(mc, nullptr); ast.Construct(el, 1, 0, false); auto val = DecompileExpr(ast.exp_stack[0], nullptr); assert(ast.exp_stack.size() == 1 && val.v.size() == 1); return std::move(val.v[0]); } // FIXME: Merge with WatWriter::WriteQuotedData somehow. std::string BinaryToString(const std::vector<uint8_t>& in) { std::string s = "\""; size_t line_start = 0; static const char s_hexdigits[] = "0123456789abcdef"; for (auto c : in) { if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~') { s += c; } else { s += '\\'; s += s_hexdigits[c >> 4]; s += s_hexdigits[c & 0xf]; } if (s.size() - line_start > target_exp_width) { if (line_start == 0) { s = " " + s; } s += "\"\n "; line_start = s.size(); s += "\""; } } s += '\"'; return s; } std::string Decompile() { std::string s; // Memories. Index memory_index = 0; for (auto m : mc.module.memories) { auto is_import = CheckImportExport(s, ExternalKind::Memory, memory_index, m->name); s += cat("memory ", m->name); if (!is_import) { s += cat("(initial: ", std::to_string(m->page_limits.initial), ", max: ", std::to_string(m->page_limits.max), ")"); } s += ";\n"; memory_index++; } if (!mc.module.memories.empty()) s += "\n"; // Globals. Index global_index = 0; for (auto g : mc.module.globals) { auto is_import = CheckImportExport(s, ExternalKind::Global, global_index, g->name); s += cat("global ", g->name, ":", GetDecompTypeName(g->type)); if (!is_import) { s += cat(" = ", InitExp(g->init_expr)); } s += ";\n"; global_index++; } if (!mc.module.globals.empty()) s += "\n"; // Tables. Index table_index = 0; for (auto tab : mc.module.tables) { auto is_import = CheckImportExport(s, ExternalKind::Table, table_index, tab->name); s += cat("table ", tab->name, ":", GetDecompTypeName(tab->elem_type)); if (!is_import) { s += cat("(min: ", std::to_string(tab->elem_limits.initial), ", max: ", std::to_string(tab->elem_limits.max), ")"); } s += ";\n"; table_index++; } if (!mc.module.tables.empty()) s += "\n"; // Data. for (auto dat : mc.module.data_segments) { s += cat("data ", dat->name, "(offset: ", InitExp(dat->offset), ") ="); auto ds = BinaryToString(dat->data); if (ds.size() > target_exp_width / 2) { s += "\n"; } else { s += " "; } s += ds; s += ";\n"; } if (!mc.module.data_segments.empty()) s += "\n"; // Code. Index func_index = 0; for (auto f : mc.module.funcs) { cur_func = f; auto is_import = CheckImportExport(s, ExternalKind::Func, func_index, f->name); AST ast(mc, f); cur_ast = * if (!is_import) { ast.Construct(f->exprs, f->GetNumResults(), 0, true); lst.Track(ast.exp_stack[0]); lst.CheckLayouts(); } s += cat("function ", f->name, "("); for (Index i = 0; i < f->GetNumParams(); i++) { if (i) s += ", "; auto t = f->GetParamType(i); auto name = "$" + IndexToAlphaName(i); s += LocalDecl(name, t); } s += ")"; if (f->GetNumResults()) { if (f->GetNumResults() == 1) { s += cat(":", GetDecompTypeName(f->GetResultType(0))); } else { s += ":("; for (Index i = 0; i < f->GetNumResults(); i++) { if (i) s += ", "; s += GetDecompTypeName(f->GetResultType(i)); } s += ")"; } } if (is_import) { s += ";"; } else { s += " {\n"; auto val = DecompileExpr(ast.exp_stack[0], nullptr); IndentValue(val, indent_amount, {}); for (auto& stat : val.v) { s += stat; s += "\n"; } s += "}"; } s += "\n\n"; mc.EndFunc(); lst.Clear(); func_index++; cur_ast = nullptr; cur_func = nullptr; } return s; } ModuleContext mc; const DecompileOptions& options; size_t indent_amount = 2; size_t target_exp_width = 70; const Func* cur_func = nullptr; AST* cur_ast = nullptr; LoadStoreTracking lst; }; std::string Decompile(const Module& module, const DecompileOptions& options) { Decompiler decompiler(module, options); return decompiler.Decompile(); } } // namespace wabt