/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIAutoCompleteResult.idl"

interface nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResultListener;

 * This class implements nsIAutoCompleteResult and provides simple methods
 * for setting the value and result items. It can be used whenever some basic
 * auto complete results are needed that can be pre-generated and filled into
 * an array.

[scriptable, uuid(23de9c96-becb-4d0d-a9bb-1d131ce361b5)]
interface nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResult : nsIAutoCompleteResult
   * A writer for the readonly attribute 'searchString' which should contain
   * the string that the user typed.
  void setSearchString(in AString aSearchString);

   * A writer for the readonly attribute 'errorDescription'.
  void setErrorDescription(in AString aErrorDescription);

   * A writer for the readonly attribute 'defaultIndex' which should contain
   * the index of the list that will be selected by default (normally 0).
  void setDefaultIndex(in long aDefaultIndex);

   * A writer for the readonly attribute 'searchResult' which should contain
   * one of the constants nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_* indicating the success
   * of the search.
  void setSearchResult(in unsigned short aSearchResult);

   * Inserts a match consisting of the given value, comment, image, style and
   * the value to use for defaultIndex completion at a given position.
   * @param aIndex
   *        The index to insert at
   * @param aValue
   *        The value to autocomplete to
   * @param aComment
   *        Comment shown in the autocomplete widget to describe this match
   * @param aImage
   *        Image shown in the autocomplete widget for this match.
   * @param aStyle
   *        Describes how to style the match in the autocomplete widget
   * @param aFinalCompleteValue
   *        Value used when the user confirms selecting this match. If not
   *        provided, aValue will be used.
  void insertMatchAt(in long aIndex,
                     in AString aValue,
                     in AString aComment,
                     [optional] in AString aImage,
                     [optional] in AString aStyle,
                     [optional] in AString aFinalCompleteValue,
                     [optional] in AString aLabel);

   * Appends a match consisting of the given value, comment, image, style and
   * the value to use for defaultIndex completion.
   * @param aValue
   *        The value to autocomplete to
   * @param aComment
   *        Comment shown in the autocomplete widget to describe this match
   * @param aImage
   *        Image shown in the autocomplete widget for this match.
   * @param aStyle
   *        Describes how to style the match in the autocomplete widget
   * @param aFinalCompleteValue
   *        Value used when the user confirms selecting this match. If not
   *        provided, aValue will be used.
  void appendMatch(in AString aValue,
                   in AString aComment,
                   [optional] in AString aImage,
                   [optional] in AString aStyle,
                   [optional] in AString aFinalCompleteValue,
                   [optional] in AString aLabel);

   * Removes an existing match.
   * @note this is different from removeValueAt, since it's not a consequence of
   * a user action, and as such it won't notify onValueRemoved.
  void removeMatchAt(in long aIndex);

   * Gets the listener for changes in the result.
  nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResultListener getListener();

   * Sets a listener for changes in the result.
  void setListener(in nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResultListener aListener);

[scriptable, uuid(004efdc5-1989-4874-8a7a-345bf2fa33af)]
interface nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResultListener : nsISupports
   * Dispatched after a value is removed from the result.
   * @param aResult
   *        The result from which aValue has been removed.
   * @param aValue
   *        The removed value.
  void onValueRemoved(in nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResult aResult, in AString aValue);