/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsIRequest.idl"

interface nsIRequest;
interface nsIRequestObserver;

interface nsIBitsRequest;

interface nsIBitsNewRequestCallback;
interface nsIBitsCallback;

typedef long nsProxyUsage;
typedef long nsBitsErrorType;
typedef long nsBitsErrorAction;
typedef long nsBitsErrorStage;

 * An interface for interacting with Windows Background Intelligent Transfer
 * Service. This should only be used on Windows.
 * It would be preferable for the functions in this interface to return
 * Promises, but this interface is implemented in Rust, which does not yet have
 * support for Promises. There is a JS wrapper around this class that should be
 * preferred over using this interface directly, located in Bits.sys.mjs.
 * Methods of this class that take a nsIBitsNewRequestCallback do not return or
 * throw errors. All errors will be reported through the callback. The only
 * things that should cause methods to directly throw errors are null arguments.
[scriptable, uuid(495d6f3d-9748-4d30-8ce5-0290c0001edf)]
interface nsIBits : nsISupports
   * nsBitsErrorType values
   * The BITS interface returns many error codes. These are intended to help
   * determine appropriate fallback actions and to report to telemetry.
  const long ERROR_TYPE_SUCCESS                                           = 0;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_UNKNOWN                                           = 1;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_METHOD_THREW                                      = 2;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_METHOD_TIMEOUT                                    = 3;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_NULL_ARGUMENT                                     = 4;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_INVALID_ARGUMENT                                  = 5;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_NOT_INITIALIZED                                   = 6;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_NO_UTF8_CONVERSION                                = 7;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_INVALID_GUID                                      = 8;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED                                = 9;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_PIPE_TIMEOUT                                      = 10;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_PIPE_BAD_WRITE_COUNT                              = 11;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_PIPE_API_ERROR                                    = 12;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_CREATE_BITS_JOB                         = 13;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_ADD_FILE_TO_JOB                         = 14;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_APPLY_BITS_JOB_SETTINGS                 = 15;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_RESUME_BITS_JOB                         = 16;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_OTHER_BITS_ERROR                                  = 17;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_OTHER_BITS_CLIENT_ERROR                           = 18;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_BITS_JOB_NOT_FOUND                                = 19;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_GET_BITS_JOB                            = 20;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_SUSPEND_BITS_JOB                        = 21;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_COMPLETE_BITS_JOB                       = 22;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_PARTIALLY_COMPLETED_BITS_JOB                      = 23;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_CANCEL_BITS_JOB                         = 24;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_MISSING_RESULT_DATA                               = 25;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_MISSING_CALLBACK                                  = 26;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_CALLBACK_ON_WRONG_THREAD                          = 27;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_MISSING_BITS_SERVICE                              = 28;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_BITS_SERVICE_ON_WRONG_THREAD                      = 29;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_MISSING_BITS_REQUEST                              = 30;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_BITS_REQUEST_ON_WRONG_THREAD                      = 31;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_MISSING_OBSERVER                                  = 32;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_OBSERVER_ON_WRONG_THREAD                          = 33;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_MISSING_CONTEXT                                   = 34;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_CONTEXT_ON_WRONG_THREAD                           = 35;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_START_THREAD                            = 36;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_CONSTRUCT_TASK_RUNNABLE                 = 37;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_DISPATCH_RUNNABLE                       = 38;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_TRANSFER_ALREADY_COMPLETE                         = 39;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_OPERATION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS                     = 40;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_MISSING_BITS_CLIENT                               = 41;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_GET_JOB_STATUS                          = 42;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_BITS_STATE_ERROR                                  = 43;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_BITS_STATE_TRANSIENT_ERROR                        = 44;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_BITS_STATE_CANCELLED                              = 45;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_BITS_STATE_UNEXPECTED                             = 46;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_VERIFICATION_FAILURE                              = 47;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_ACCESS_DENIED_EXPECTED                            = 48;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_FAILED_TO_CONNECT_TO_BCM                          = 49;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_USE_AFTER_REQUEST_SHUTDOWN                        = 50;
  const long ERROR_TYPE_BROWSER_SHUTTING_DOWN                             = 51;
   * nsBitsErrorAction values
   * These values indicate where the error occurred.
  const long ERROR_ACTION_UNKNOWN                                         = 1;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_NONE                                            = 2;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_START_DOWNLOAD                                  = 3;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_MONITOR_DOWNLOAD                                = 4;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_CHANGE_MONITOR_INTERVAL                         = 5;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_CANCEL                                          = 6;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_SET_PRIORITY                                    = 7;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_COMPLETE                                        = 8;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_SUSPEND                                         = 9;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_RESUME                                          = 10;
  const long ERROR_ACTION_SET_NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT                         = 11;

   * nsBitsErrorStage values
   * These values allow the caller to determine at what point in the download
   * mechanism a failure occurred.
  const long ERROR_STAGE_UNKNOWN                                          = 1;
  const long ERROR_STAGE_PRETASK                                          = 2;
  const long ERROR_STAGE_COMMAND_THREAD                                   = 3;
  const long ERROR_STAGE_AGENT_COMMUNICATION                              = 4;
  const long ERROR_STAGE_BITS_CLIENT                                      = 5;
  const long ERROR_STAGE_MAIN_THREAD                                      = 6;
  const long ERROR_STAGE_MONITOR                                          = 7;
  const long ERROR_STAGE_VERIFICATION                                     = 8;

   * These values indicate what type of error code was returned. These are used
   * to allow the different types taken by the different callback failure
   * functions to be made into one generic error type in Javascript.
  const long ERROR_CODE_TYPE_NONE                                         = 1;
  const long ERROR_CODE_TYPE_NSRESULT                                     = 2;
  const long ERROR_CODE_TYPE_HRESULT                                      = 3;
  const long ERROR_CODE_TYPE_STRING                                       = 4;
  const long ERROR_CODE_TYPE_EXCEPTION                                    = 5;

   * Indicates whether init() has been called.
  readonly attribute boolean initialized;

   * Initializes the BITS interface. Unlike other functions here, this happens
   * synchronously.
   * init() should only be called only once.
   * @param jobName
   *        The name of the BITS job. This is used both to set the name during
   *        job creation and to verify that a job is ours.
   * @param savePathPrefix
   *        The directory that downloads will be saved to. Providing a safe
   *        directory here ensures that the download path cannot be manipulated
   *        to save files to a malicious location. Downloads are guaranteed to
   *        be saved to this directory or a subdirectory.
   * @param monitorTimeoutMs
   *        The amount of time to wait between download monitor notifications.
   *        This should be larger than the largest monitorIntervalMs that will
   *        be passed to startDownload(), monitorDownload(), or
   *        changeMonitorInterval(). This value may not be 0.
  void init(in AUTF8String jobName,
            in AUTF8String savePathPrefix,
            in unsigned long monitorTimeoutMs);

   * Downloads the specified URL to the specified location within the
   * savePathPrefix passed to init().
   * @param downloadURL
   *        The URL to be downloaded.
   * @param saveRelativePath
   *        The location to download to. The path given should be a path
   *        relative to the savePathPrefix passed to init(). If this attempts to
   *        escape the directory specified by savePathPrefix, this call will
   *        fail (ex: Don't pass "../filename").
   * @param proxy
   *        Specifies what proxy to use when downloading. Valid values are
   *        listed below.
   * @param noProgressTimeoutSecs
   *        The number of seconds for the "no progress" timeout. After there has
   *        been no download progress for this long, BITS will not retry the job
   *        following a transient error, producing instead a permanent error.
   * @param monitorIntervalMs
   *        The number of milliseconds between download status notifications.
   * @param observer
   *        An observer to be notified of various events. OnStartRequest is
   *        called once the BITS job has been created. OnStopRequest is called
   *        when the file transfer has completed or when an error occurs. If
   *        this object implements nsIProgressEventSink, then its OnProgress
   *        method will be called as data is transferred.
   *        IMPORTANT NOTE: When OnStopRequest is called, the download has
   *                        completed, but nsIBitsRequest::complete() still
   *                        needs to be called to save the file to the
   *                        filesystem.
   * @param context
   *        User defined object forwarded to the observer's onProgress method.
   *        This parameter, unlike others for this interface, can be passed a
   *        null pointer.
   * @param callback
   *        The callback used to relay the response from BITS.
  void startDownload(in AUTF8String downloadURL,
                     in AUTF8String saveRelativePath,
                     in nsProxyUsage proxy,
                     in unsigned long noProgressTimeoutSecs,
                     in unsigned long monitorIntervalMs,
                     in nsIRequestObserver observer,
                     in nsISupports context,
                     in nsIBitsNewRequestCallback callback);

  // nsProxyUsage values
  const long PROXY_NONE = 1;
  const long PROXY_PRECONFIG = 2;
  const long PROXY_AUTODETECT = 3;

   * Similar to startDownload, but connects to a BITS transfer that has already
   * been started.
   * @param id
   *        The GUID of the download to monitor.
   * @param monitorIntervalMs
   *        The number of milliseconds between download status notifications.
   * @param observer
   *        An observer to be notified of various events. OnStartRequest is
   *        called once the BITS job has been created. OnStopRequest is called
   *        when the file transfer has completed or when an error occurs. If
   *        this object implements nsIProgressEventSink, then its OnProgress
   *        method will be called as data is transferred.
   *        IMPORTANT NOTE: When OnStopRequest is called, the download has
   *                        completed, but nsIBitsRequest::complete() still
   *                        needs to be called to save the file to the
   *                        filesystem.
   * @param context
   *        User defined object forwarded to the observer's onProgress method.
   *        This parameter, unlike others for this interface, can be passed a
   *        null pointer.
   * @param callback
   *        The callback used to relay the response from BITS.
  void monitorDownload(in AUTF8String id,
                       in unsigned long monitorIntervalMs,
                       in nsIRequestObserver observer,
                       in nsISupports context,
                       in nsIBitsNewRequestCallback callback);

 * This callback interface is for use by the nsIBits interface for returning
 * results asynchronously to the caller.
[scriptable, uuid(aa12e433-5b9f-452d-b5c9-840a9541328b)]
interface nsIBitsNewRequestCallback : nsISupports
  void success(in nsIBitsRequest request);
  void failure(in nsBitsErrorType errorType,
               in nsBitsErrorAction errorAction,
               in nsBitsErrorStage errorStage);
  void failureNsresult(in nsBitsErrorType errorType,
                       in nsBitsErrorAction errorAction,
                       in nsBitsErrorStage errorStage,
                       in nsresult errorCode);
  void failureHresult(in nsBitsErrorType errorType,
                      in nsBitsErrorAction errorAction,
                      in nsBitsErrorStage errorStage,
                      in long errorCode);
  void failureString(in nsBitsErrorType errorType,
                     in nsBitsErrorAction errorAction,
                     in nsBitsErrorStage errorStage,
                     in AUTF8String errorMessage);

 * An interface for managing a running BITS download.
 * It would be preferable for the functions in this interface to return
 * Promises, but this interface is implemented in Rust, which does not yet have
 * support for Promises. There is a JS wrapper around this class that should be
 * preferred over using this interface directly, located in Bits.sys.mjs.
 * Methods of this class that take a nsIBitsCallback do not return or throw
 * errors. All errors will be reported through the callback. The only
 * things that should cause methods to directly throw errors are null arguments.
 * Note: Although the nsIBits interface derives from nsIRequest, implementations
 *       may not implement the loadGroup or loadFlags attributes.
 * Note: Once the file transfer has stopped (due to completion or error),
 *       calling any method besides complete() or cancel() will result in an
 *       error with type nsIBits::ERROR_TYPE_TRANSFER_ALREADY_COMPLETE.
 *       Calling complete() or cancel() again after either has already been
 *       called will also result in an ERROR_TYPE_TRANSFER_ALREADY_COMPLETE
 *       error.
 *       Attributes and nsIRequest::isPending() can still be accessed at any
 *       time.
[scriptable, uuid(ab9da0e9-06bf-4e73-bb1b-c0f2ea9ecc3e)]
interface nsIBitsRequest : nsIRequest
   * The BITS id of the download. This will be a string representing a UUID.
  readonly attribute AUTF8String bitsId;

   * The transfer result of the download, meant to be accessed after the
   * transfer has stopped (i.e. after the observer's onStopRequest method has
   * been called). Will be nsIBits::ERROR_TYPE_SUCCESS if the transfer is
   * successful (and before transfer completion). If the transfer failed, this
   * will be a different nsBitsErrorType value indicating the cause of the
   * failure.
  readonly attribute nsBitsErrorType transferError;

   * Requests a change to the frequency that Firefox is receiving download
   * status notifications.
   * @param monitorIntervalMs
   *        The new number of milliseconds between download status
   *        notifications.
   * @param callback
   *        The callback function used to relay success or failure.
  void changeMonitorInterval(in unsigned long monitorIntervalMs,
                             in nsIBitsCallback callback);

   * Cancels the download. This function is named this way to avoid conflict
   * with nsIRequest::cancel.
   * @param status
   *        The reason for cancelling the request. This must be a failure code
   *        rather than a success code like NS_OK.
   * @param callback
   *        The callback function used to relay success or failure.
  void cancelAsync(in nsresult status,
                   in nsIBitsCallback callback);

   * Sets the priority of the BITS job to high (i.e. foreground download).
   * @param callback
   *        The callback function used to relay success or failure.
  void setPriorityHigh(in nsIBitsCallback callback);

   * Sets the priority of the BITS job to low (i.e. background download).
   * @param callback
   *        The callback function used to relay success or failure.
  void setPriorityLow(in nsIBitsCallback callback);

   * Sets the BITS "no progress" timeout for the job.
   * @param timeoutSecs
   *        The new number of seconds for the timeout. After there has been
   *        no progress for this long, BITS will not retry the job following
   *        a transient error, producing instead a permanent error.
   * @param callback
   *        The callback function used to relay success or failure.
  void setNoProgressTimeout(in unsigned long timeoutSecs,
                             in nsIBitsCallback callback);

   * Completes the download, moving it out of the BITS system and onto the
   * disk location specified when startDownload was called.
   * @param callback
   *        The callback function used to relay success or failure.
  void complete(in nsIBitsCallback callback);

   * Suspends the download, preventing more data from being transferred until
   * the download is resumed. This function is named this way to avoid conflict
   * with nsIRequest::suspend.
   * @param callback
   *        The callback function used to relay success or failure.
  void suspendAsync(in nsIBitsCallback callback);

   * Resumes a previously suspended download. This function is named this way
   * to avoid conflict with nsIRequest::resume.
   * @param callback
   *        The callback function used to relay success or failure.
  void resumeAsync(in nsIBitsCallback callback);

 * This callback interface is for use by the nsIBitsRequest interface for
 * returning results asynchronously to the caller.
[scriptable, uuid(ea657e66-6bad-4e41-84d9-c6d107e9799d)]
interface nsIBitsCallback : nsISupports
  void success();
  void failure(in nsBitsErrorType errorType,
               in nsBitsErrorAction errorAction,
               in nsBitsErrorStage errorStage);
  void failureNsresult(in nsBitsErrorType errorType,
                       in nsBitsErrorAction errorAction,
                       in nsBitsErrorStage errorStage,
                       in nsresult errorCode);
  void failureHresult(in nsBitsErrorType errorType,
                      in nsBitsErrorAction errorAction,
                      in nsBitsErrorStage errorStage,
                      in long errorCode);
  void failureString(in nsBitsErrorType errorType,
                     in nsBitsErrorAction errorAction,
                     in nsBitsErrorStage errorStage,
                     in AUTF8String errorMessage);

#define NS_BITS_CID \
  { 0xa334de05, 0xb9de, 0x46a1, \
    { 0x98, 0xa9, 0x3f, 0x5c, 0xed, 0x82, 0x1e, 0x68 } }
#define NS_BITS_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/bits;1"