/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { Sqlite: "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.sys.mjs", }); const MAX_LENGTH = Ci.nsIContentPrefService2.GROUP_NAME_MAX_LENGTH; const LONG_DATA_URL = `data:,${new Array(MAX_LENGTH).fill("x").join("")}`; // Dump of version we migrate from const schema_queries = [ "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF", "CREATE TABLE groups (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL)", `INSERT INTO groups VALUES (1,'foo.com'), (2,'bar.com'), (3,''), (4,'file:///d/test.file'), (5,'${LONG_DATA_URL}')`, "CREATE TABLE settings (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT NOT NULL)", `INSERT INTO settings VALUES (1,'zoom-setting'), (2,'browser.download.lastDir')`, `CREATE TABLE prefs (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, groupID INTEGER REFERENCES groups(id), settingID INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES settings(id), value BLOB, timestamp INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)`, `INSERT INTO prefs VALUES (1,1,1,0.5,0), (2,1,2,'/download/dir',0), (3,2,1,0.3,0), (4,NULL,1,0.1,0), (5,3,2,'/download/dir',0), (6,4,2,'/download/dir',0), (7,5,1,0.7,0)`, "CREATE INDEX groups_idx ON groups(name)", "CREATE INDEX settings_idx ON settings(name)", "CREATE INDEX prefs_idx ON prefs(timestamp, groupID, settingID)", ]; add_setup(async function () { let conn = await Sqlite.openConnection({ path: PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "content-prefs.sqlite"), }); Assert.equal(await conn.getSchemaVersion(), 0); await conn.executeTransaction(async () => { for (let query of schema_queries) { await conn.execute(query); } }); await conn.setSchemaVersion(4); await conn.close(); }); add_task(async function test() { // Test migrated db content. await schemaVersionIs(CURRENT_DB_VERSION); let dbExpectedState = [ [null, "zoom-setting", 0.1], ["bar.com", "zoom-setting", 0.3], ["foo.com", "zoom-setting", 0.5], [LONG_DATA_URL.substring(0, MAX_LENGTH - 1), "zoom-setting", 0.7], ["foo.com", "browser.download.lastDir", "/download/dir"], ]; await dbOK(dbExpectedState); });