/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; add_setup(clickTestSetup); /** * Insert a test rule with the specified runContext. * @param {RunContext} - The runContext to set for the rule. See nsIClickRule * for documentation. */ function insertTestRules({ runContext }) { info("Clearing existing rules"); Services.cookieBanners.resetRules(false); info("Inserting test rules. " + JSON.stringify({ runContext })); info("Add opt-out click rule for DOMAIN_A."); let ruleA = Cc["@mozilla.org/cookie-banner-rule;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsICookieBannerRule ); ruleA.id = genUUID(); ruleA.domains = [TEST_DOMAIN_A]; ruleA.addClickRule( "div#banner", false, runContext, null, "button#optOut", "button#optIn" ); Services.cookieBanners.insertRule(ruleA); } /** * Test that banner clicking only runs if the context matches the runContext * specified in the click rule. */ add_task(async function test_embedded_iframe() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["cookiebanners.service.mode", Ci.nsICookieBannerService.MODE_REJECT], ], }); insertTestRules({ runContext: Ci.nsIClickRule.RUN_TOP }); await openIframeAndVerify({ win: window, domain: TEST_DOMAIN_A, testURL: TEST_PAGE_A, visible: true, expected: "NoClick", }); await openPageAndVerify({ win: window, domain: TEST_DOMAIN_A, testURL: TEST_PAGE_A, visible: false, expected: "OptOut", }); insertTestRules({ runContext: Ci.nsIClickRule.RUN_CHILD }); await openIframeAndVerify({ win: window, domain: TEST_DOMAIN_A, testURL: TEST_PAGE_A, visible: false, expected: "OptOut", }); await openPageAndVerify({ win: window, domain: TEST_DOMAIN_A, testURL: TEST_PAGE_A, visible: true, expected: "NoClick", }); insertTestRules({ runContext: Ci.nsIClickRule.RUN_ALL }); await openIframeAndVerify({ win: window, domain: TEST_DOMAIN_A, testURL: TEST_PAGE_A, visible: false, expected: "OptOut", }); await openPageAndVerify({ win: window, domain: TEST_DOMAIN_A, testURL: TEST_PAGE_A, visible: false, expected: "OptOut", }); });