/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // TODO: // * find out how the Chrome implementation deals with conflicts // TODO bug 1637465: Remove the Kinto-based storage implementation. import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; const KINTO_PROD_SERVER_URL = "https://webextensions.settings.services.mozilla.com/v1"; const KINTO_DEFAULT_SERVER_URL = KINTO_PROD_SERVER_URL; const STORAGE_SYNC_ENABLED_PREF = "webextensions.storage.sync.enabled"; const STORAGE_SYNC_SERVER_URL_PREF = "webextensions.storage.sync.serverURL"; const STORAGE_SYNC_SCOPE = "sync:addon_storage"; const STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_COLLECTION_NAME = "storage-sync-crypto"; const STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_KEYRING_RECORD_ID = "keys"; const STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_SALT_LENGTH_BYTES = 32; const FXA_OAUTH_OPTIONS = { scope: STORAGE_SYNC_SCOPE, }; // Default is 5sec, which seems a bit aggressive on the open internet const KINTO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 30000; import { Log } from "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { ExtensionUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs", BulkKeyBundle: "resource://services-sync/keys.sys.mjs", CollectionKeyManager: "resource://services-sync/record.sys.mjs", CommonUtils: "resource://services-common/utils.sys.mjs", CryptoUtils: "resource://services-crypto/utils.sys.mjs", ExtensionCommon: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs", FirefoxAdapter: "resource://services-common/kinto-storage-adapter.sys.mjs", Observers: "resource://services-common/observers.sys.mjs", Utils: "resource://services-sync/util.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { KintoHttpClient: "resource://services-common/kinto-http-client.js", Kinto: "resource://services-common/kinto-offline-client.js", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "fxAccounts", () => { return ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.sys.mjs" ).getFxAccountsSingleton(); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "prefPermitsStorageSync", STORAGE_SYNC_ENABLED_PREF, true ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "prefStorageSyncServerURL", STORAGE_SYNC_SERVER_URL_PREF, KINTO_DEFAULT_SERVER_URL ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "WeaveCrypto", function () { let { WeaveCrypto } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://services-crypto/WeaveCrypto.sys.mjs" ); return new WeaveCrypto(); }); const { DefaultMap } = ExtensionUtils; // Map of Extensions to Set<Contexts> to track contexts that are still // "live" and use storage.sync. const extensionContexts = new DefaultMap(() => new Set()); // Borrow logger from Sync. const log = Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Engine.Extension-Storage"); // A global that is fxAccounts, or null if (as on android) fxAccounts // isn't available. let _fxaService = null; if (AppConstants.platform != "android") { _fxaService = lazy.fxAccounts; } class ServerKeyringDeleted extends Error { constructor() { super( "server keyring appears to have disappeared; we were called to decrypt null" ); } } /** * Check for FXA and throw an exception if we don't have access. * * @param {object} fxAccounts The reference we were hoping to use to * access FxA * @param {string} action The thing we were doing when we decided to * see if we had access to FxA */ function throwIfNoFxA(fxAccounts, action) { if (!fxAccounts) { throw new Error( `${action} is impossible because FXAccounts is not available; are you on Android?` ); } } // Global ExtensionStorageSyncKinto instance that extensions and Fx Sync use. // On Android, because there's no FXAccounts instance, any syncing // operations will fail. export var extensionStorageSyncKinto = null; /** * Utility function to enforce an order of fields when computing an HMAC. * * @param {KeyBundle} keyBundle The key bundle to use to compute the HMAC * @param {string} id The record ID to use when computing the HMAC * @param {string} IV The IV to use when computing the HMAC * @param {string} ciphertext The ciphertext over which to compute the HMAC * @returns {string} The computed HMAC */ async function ciphertextHMAC(keyBundle, id, IV, ciphertext) { const hmacKey = lazy.CommonUtils.byteStringToArrayBuffer(keyBundle.hmacKey); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const data = encoder.encode(id + IV + ciphertext); const hmac = await lazy.CryptoUtils.hmac("SHA-256", hmacKey, data); return lazy.CommonUtils.bytesAsHex( lazy.CommonUtils.arrayBufferToByteString(hmac) ); } /** * Get the current user's hashed kB. * * @param {FXAccounts} fxaService The service to use to get the * current user. * @returns {string} sha256 of the user's kB as a hex string */ const getKBHash = async function (fxaService) { const key = await fxaService.keys.getKeyForScope(STORAGE_SYNC_SCOPE); return fxaService.keys.kidAsHex(key); }; /** * A "remote transformer" that the Kinto library will use to * encrypt/decrypt records when syncing. * * This is an "abstract base class". Subclass this and override * getKeys() to use it. */ class EncryptionRemoteTransformer { async encode(record) { const keyBundle = await this.getKeys(); if (record.ciphertext) { throw new Error("Attempt to reencrypt??"); } let id = await this.getEncodedRecordId(record); if (!id) { throw new Error("Record ID is missing or invalid"); } let IV = lazy.WeaveCrypto.generateRandomIV(); let ciphertext = await lazy.WeaveCrypto.encrypt( JSON.stringify(record), keyBundle.encryptionKeyB64, IV ); let hmac = await ciphertextHMAC(keyBundle, id, IV, ciphertext); const encryptedResult = { ciphertext, IV, hmac, id }; // Copy over the _status field, so that we handle concurrency // headers (If-Match, If-None-Match) correctly. // DON'T copy over "deleted" status, because then we'd leak // plaintext deletes. encryptedResult._status = record._status == "deleted" ? "updated" : record._status; if (record.hasOwnProperty("last_modified")) { encryptedResult.last_modified = record.last_modified; } return encryptedResult; } async decode(record) { if (!record.ciphertext) { // This can happen for tombstones if a record is deleted. if (record.deleted) { return record; } throw new Error("No ciphertext: nothing to decrypt?"); } const keyBundle = await this.getKeys(); // Authenticate the encrypted blob with the expected HMAC let computedHMAC = await ciphertextHMAC( keyBundle, record.id, record.IV, record.ciphertext ); if (computedHMAC != record.hmac) { lazy.Utils.throwHMACMismatch(record.hmac, computedHMAC); } // Handle invalid data here. Elsewhere we assume that cleartext is an object. let cleartext = await lazy.WeaveCrypto.decrypt( record.ciphertext, keyBundle.encryptionKeyB64, record.IV ); let jsonResult = JSON.parse(cleartext); if (!jsonResult || typeof jsonResult !== "object") { throw new Error( "Decryption failed: result is <" + jsonResult + ">, not an object." ); } if (record.hasOwnProperty("last_modified")) { jsonResult.last_modified = record.last_modified; } // _status: deleted records were deleted on a client, but // uploaded as an encrypted blob so we don't leak deletions. // If we get such a record, flag it as deleted. if (jsonResult._status == "deleted") { jsonResult.deleted = true; } return jsonResult; } /** * Retrieve keys to use during encryption. * * Returns a Promise<KeyBundle>. */ getKeys() { throw new Error("override getKeys in a subclass"); } /** * Compute the record ID to use for the encoded version of the * record. * * The default version just re-uses the record's ID. * * @param {object} record The record being encoded. * @returns {Promise<string>} The ID to use. */ getEncodedRecordId(record) { return Promise.resolve(record.id); } } /** * An EncryptionRemoteTransformer that provides a keybundle derived * from the user's kB, suitable for encrypting a keyring. */ class KeyRingEncryptionRemoteTransformer extends EncryptionRemoteTransformer { constructor(fxaService) { super(); this._fxaService = fxaService; } getKeys() { throwIfNoFxA(this._fxaService, "encrypting chrome.storage.sync records"); const self = this; return (async function () { let key = await self._fxaService.keys.getKeyForScope(STORAGE_SYNC_SCOPE); return lazy.BulkKeyBundle.fromJWK(key); })(); } // Pass through the kbHash field from the unencrypted record. If // encryption fails, we can use this to try to detect whether we are // being compromised or if the record here was encoded with a // different kB. async encode(record) { const encoded = await super.encode(record); encoded.kbHash = record.kbHash; return encoded; } async decode(record) { try { return await super.decode(record); } catch (e) { if (lazy.Utils.isHMACMismatch(e)) { const currentKBHash = await getKBHash(this._fxaService); if (record.kbHash != currentKBHash) { // Some other client encoded this with a kB that we don't // have access to. KeyRingEncryptionRemoteTransformer.throwOutdatedKB( currentKBHash, record.kbHash ); } } throw e; } } // Generator and discriminator for KB-is-outdated exceptions. static throwOutdatedKB(shouldBe, is) { throw new Error( `kB hash on record is outdated: should be ${shouldBe}, is ${is}` ); } static isOutdatedKB(exc) { const kbMessage = "kB hash on record is outdated: "; return ( exc && exc.message && exc.message.indexOf && exc.message.indexOf(kbMessage) == 0 ); } } /** * A Promise that centralizes initialization of ExtensionStorageSyncKinto. * * This centralizes the use of the Sqlite database, to which there is * only one connection which is shared by all threads. * * Fields in the object returned by this Promise: * * - connection: a Sqlite connection. Meant for internal use only. * - kinto: a KintoBase object, suitable for using in Firefox. All * collections in this database will use the same Sqlite connection. * * @returns {Promise<object>} */ async function storageSyncInit() { // Memoize the result to share the connection. if (storageSyncInit.promise === undefined) { const path = "storage-sync.sqlite"; storageSyncInit.promise = lazy.FirefoxAdapter.openConnection({ path }) .then(connection => { return { connection, kinto: new lazy.Kinto({ adapter: lazy.FirefoxAdapter, adapterOptions: { sqliteHandle: connection }, timeout: KINTO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, retry: 0, }), }; }) .catch(e => { // Ensure one failure doesn't break us forever. Cu.reportError(e); storageSyncInit.promise = undefined; throw e; }); } return storageSyncInit.promise; } // Kinto record IDs have two conditions: // // - They must contain only ASCII alphanumerics plus - and _. To fix // this, we encode all non-letters using _C_, where C is the // percent-encoded character, so space becomes _20_ // and underscore becomes _5F_. // // - They must start with an ASCII letter. To ensure this, we prefix // all keys with "key-". function keyToId(key) { function escapeChar(match) { return "_" + match.codePointAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() + "_"; } return "key-" + key.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, escapeChar); } // Convert a Kinto ID back into a chrome.storage key. // Returns null if a key couldn't be parsed. function idToKey(id) { function unescapeNumber(match, group1) { return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(group1, 16)); } // An escaped ID should match this regex. // An escaped ID should consist of only letters and numbers, plus // code points escaped as _[0-9a-f]+_. const ESCAPED_ID_FORMAT = /^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]|_[0-9A-F]+_)*$/; if (!id.startsWith("key-")) { return null; } const unprefixed = id.slice(4); // Verify that the ID is the correct format. if (!ESCAPED_ID_FORMAT.test(unprefixed)) { return null; } return unprefixed.replace(/_([0-9A-F]+)_/g, unescapeNumber); } // An "id schema" used to validate Kinto IDs and generate new ones. const storageSyncIdSchema = { // We should never generate IDs; chrome.storage only acts as a // key-value store, so we should always have a key. generate() { throw new Error("cannot generate IDs"); }, // See keyToId and idToKey for more details. validate(id) { return idToKey(id) !== null; }, }; // An "id schema" used for the system collection, which doesn't // require validation or generation of IDs. const cryptoCollectionIdSchema = { generate() { throw new Error("cannot generate IDs for system collection"); }, validate(id) { return true; }, }; /** * Wrapper around the crypto collection providing some handy utilities. */ class CryptoCollection { constructor(fxaService) { this._fxaService = fxaService; } async getCollection() { throwIfNoFxA(this._fxaService, "tried to access cryptoCollection"); const { kinto } = await storageSyncInit(); return kinto.collection(STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_COLLECTION_NAME, { idSchema: cryptoCollectionIdSchema, remoteTransformers: [ new KeyRingEncryptionRemoteTransformer(this._fxaService), ], }); } /** * Generate a new salt for use in hashing extension and record * IDs. * * @returns {string} A base64-encoded string of the salt */ getNewSalt() { return btoa( lazy.CryptoUtils.generateRandomBytesLegacy( STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_SALT_LENGTH_BYTES ) ); } /** * Retrieve the keyring record from the crypto collection. * * You can use this if you want to check metadata on the keyring * record rather than use the keyring itself. * * The keyring record, if present, should have the structure: * * - kbHash: a hash of the user's kB. When this changes, we will * try to sync the collection. * - uuid: a record identifier. This will only change when we wipe * the collection (due to kB getting reset). * - keys: a "WBO" form of a CollectionKeyManager. * - salts: a normal JS Object with keys being collection IDs and * values being base64-encoded salts to use when hashing IDs * for that collection. * * @returns {Promise<object>} */ async getKeyRingRecord() { const collection = await this.getCollection(); const cryptoKeyRecord = await collection.getAny( STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_KEYRING_RECORD_ID ); let data = cryptoKeyRecord.data; if (!data) { // This is a new keyring. Invent an ID for this record. If this // changes, it means a client replaced the keyring, so we need to // reupload everything. const uuid = Services.uuid.generateUUID().toString(); data = { uuid, id: STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_KEYRING_RECORD_ID }; } return data; } async getSalts() { const cryptoKeyRecord = await this.getKeyRingRecord(); return cryptoKeyRecord && cryptoKeyRecord.salts; } /** * Used for testing with a known salt. * * @param {string} extensionId The extension ID for which to set a * salt. * @param {string} salt The salt to use for this extension, as a * base64-encoded salt. */ async _setSalt(extensionId, salt) { const cryptoKeyRecord = await this.getKeyRingRecord(); cryptoKeyRecord.salts = cryptoKeyRecord.salts || {}; cryptoKeyRecord.salts[extensionId] = salt; await this.upsert(cryptoKeyRecord); } /** * Hash an extension ID for a given user so that an attacker can't * identify the extensions a user has installed. * * The extension ID is assumed to be a string (i.e. series of * code points), and its UTF8 encoding is prefixed with the salt * for that collection and hashed. * * The returned hash must conform to the syntax for Kinto * identifiers, which (as of this writing) must match * [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*. We thus encode the hash using * "base64-url" without padding (so that we don't get any equals * signs (=)). For fear that a hash could start with a hyphen * (-) or an underscore (_), prefix it with "ext-". * * @param {string} extensionId The extension ID to obfuscate. * @returns {Promise<bytestring>} A collection ID suitable for use to sync to. */ extensionIdToCollectionId(extensionId) { return this.hashWithExtensionSalt( lazy.CommonUtils.encodeUTF8(extensionId), extensionId ).then(hash => `ext-${hash}`); } /** * Hash some value with the salt for the given extension. * * The value should be a "bytestring", i.e. a string whose * "characters" are values, each within [0, 255]. You can produce * such a bytestring using e.g. CommonUtils.encodeUTF8. * * The returned value is a base64url-encoded string of the hash. * * @param {bytestring} value The value to be hashed. * @param {string} extensionId The ID of the extension whose salt * we should use. * @returns {Promise<bytestring>} The hashed value. */ async hashWithExtensionSalt(value, extensionId) { const salts = await this.getSalts(); const saltBase64 = salts && salts[extensionId]; if (!saltBase64) { // This should never happen; salts should be populated before // we need them by ensureCanSync. throw new Error( `no salt available for ${extensionId}; how did this happen?` ); } const hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsICryptoHash ); hasher.init(hasher.SHA256); const salt = atob(saltBase64); const message = `${salt}\x00${value}`; const hash = lazy.CryptoUtils.digestBytes(message, hasher); return lazy.CommonUtils.encodeBase64URL(hash, false); } /** * Retrieve the actual keyring from the crypto collection. * * @returns {Promise<CollectionKeyManager>} */ async getKeyRing() { const cryptoKeyRecord = await this.getKeyRingRecord(); const collectionKeys = new lazy.CollectionKeyManager(); if (cryptoKeyRecord.keys) { collectionKeys.setContents( cryptoKeyRecord.keys, cryptoKeyRecord.last_modified ); } else { // We never actually use the default key, so it's OK if we // generate one multiple times. await collectionKeys.generateDefaultKey(); } // Pass through uuid field so that we can save it if we need to. collectionKeys.uuid = cryptoKeyRecord.uuid; return collectionKeys; } async updateKBHash(kbHash) { const coll = await this.getCollection(); await coll.update( { id: STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_KEYRING_RECORD_ID, kbHash: kbHash }, { patch: true } ); } async upsert(record) { const collection = await this.getCollection(); await collection.upsert(record); } async sync(extensionStorageSyncKinto) { const collection = await this.getCollection(); return extensionStorageSyncKinto._syncCollection(collection, { strategy: "server_wins", }); } /** * Reset sync status for ALL collections by directly * accessing the FirefoxAdapter. */ async resetSyncStatus() { const coll = await this.getCollection(); await coll.db.resetSyncStatus(); } // Used only for testing. async _clear() { const collection = await this.getCollection(); await collection.clear(); } } /** * An EncryptionRemoteTransformer for extension records. * * It uses the special "keys" record to find a key for a given * extension, thus its name * CollectionKeyEncryptionRemoteTransformer. * * Also, during encryption, it will replace the ID of the new record * with a hashed ID, using the salt for this collection. * * @param {string} extensionId The extension ID for which to find a key. */ let CollectionKeyEncryptionRemoteTransformer = class extends EncryptionRemoteTransformer { constructor(cryptoCollection, keyring, extensionId) { super(); this.cryptoCollection = cryptoCollection; this.keyring = keyring; this.extensionId = extensionId; } async getKeys() { if (!this.keyring.hasKeysFor([this.extensionId])) { // This should never happen. Keys should be created (and // synced) at the beginning of the sync cycle. throw new Error( `tried to encrypt records for ${this.extensionId}, but key is not present` ); } return this.keyring.keyForCollection(this.extensionId); } getEncodedRecordId(record) { // It isn't really clear whether kinto.js record IDs are // bytestrings or strings that happen to only contain ASCII // characters, so encode them to be sure. const id = lazy.CommonUtils.encodeUTF8(record.id); // Like extensionIdToCollectionId, the rules about Kinto record // IDs preclude equals signs or strings starting with a // non-alphanumeric, so prefix all IDs with a constant "id-". return this.cryptoCollection .hashWithExtensionSalt(id, this.extensionId) .then(hash => `id-${hash}`); } }; /** * Clean up now that one context is no longer using this extension's collection. * * @param {Extension} extension * The extension whose context just ended. * @param {Context} context * The context that just ended. */ function cleanUpForContext(extension, context) { const contexts = extensionContexts.get(extension); contexts.delete(context); if (contexts.size === 0) { // Nobody else is using this collection. Clean up. extensionContexts.delete(extension); } } /** * Generate a promise that produces the Collection for an extension. * * @param {Extension} extension * The extension whose collection needs to * be opened. * @param {object} options * Options to be passed to the call to `.collection()`. * @returns {Promise<Collection>} */ const openCollection = async function (extension, options = {}) { let collectionId = extension.id; const { kinto } = await storageSyncInit(); const coll = kinto.collection(collectionId, { ...options, idSchema: storageSyncIdSchema, }); return coll; }; export class ExtensionStorageSyncKinto { /** * @param {FXAccounts} fxaService (Optional) If not * present, trying to sync will fail. */ constructor(fxaService) { this._fxaService = fxaService; this.cryptoCollection = new CryptoCollection(fxaService); this.listeners = new WeakMap(); } /** * Get a set of extensions to sync (including the ones with an * active extension context that used the storage.sync API and * the extensions that are enabled and have been synced before). * * @returns {Promise<Set<Extension>>} * A promise which resolves to the set of the extensions to sync. */ async getExtensions() { // Start from the set of the extensions with an active // context that used the storage.sync APIs. const extensions = new Set(extensionContexts.keys()); const allEnabledExtensions = await lazy.AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes([ "extension", ]); // Get the existing extension collections salts. const keysRecord = await this.cryptoCollection.getKeyRingRecord(); // Add any enabled extensions that have been synced before. for (const addon of allEnabledExtensions) { if (this.hasSaltsFor(keysRecord, [addon.id])) { const policy = WebExtensionPolicy.getByID(addon.id); if (policy && policy.extension) { extensions.add(policy.extension); } } } return extensions; } async syncAll() { const extensions = await this.getExtensions(); const extIds = Array.from(extensions, extension => extension.id); log.debug(`Syncing extension settings for ${JSON.stringify(extIds)}`); if (!extIds.length) { // No extensions to sync. Get out. return; } await this.ensureCanSync(extIds); await this.checkSyncKeyRing(); const keyring = await this.cryptoCollection.getKeyRing(); const promises = Array.from(extensions, extension => { const remoteTransformers = [ new CollectionKeyEncryptionRemoteTransformer( this.cryptoCollection, keyring, extension.id ), ]; return openCollection(extension, { remoteTransformers }).then(coll => { return this.sync(extension, coll); }); }); await Promise.all(promises); } async sync(extension, collection) { throwIfNoFxA(this._fxaService, "syncing chrome.storage.sync"); const isSignedIn = !!(await this._fxaService.getSignedInUser()); if (!isSignedIn) { // FIXME: this should support syncing to self-hosted log.info("User was not signed into FxA; cannot sync"); throw new Error("Not signed in to FxA"); } const collectionId = await this.cryptoCollection.extensionIdToCollectionId( extension.id ); let syncResults; try { syncResults = await this._syncCollection(collection, { strategy: "client_wins", collection: collectionId, }); } catch (err) { log.warn("Syncing failed", err); throw err; } let changes = {}; for (const record of syncResults.created) { changes[record.key] = { newValue: record.data, }; } for (const record of syncResults.updated) { // N.B. It's safe to just pick old.key because it's not // possible to "rename" a record in the storage.sync API. const key = record.old.key; changes[key] = { oldValue: record.old.data, newValue: record.new.data, }; } for (const record of syncResults.deleted) { changes[record.key] = { oldValue: record.data, }; } for (const resolution of syncResults.resolved) { // FIXME: We can't send a "changed" notification because // kinto.js only provides the newly-resolved value. But should // we even send a notification? We use CLIENT_WINS so nothing // has really "changed" on this end. (The change will come on // the other end when it pulls down the update, which is handled // by the "updated" case above.) If we are going to send a // notification, what best values for "old" and "new"? This // might violate client code's assumptions, since from their // perspective, we were in state L, but this diff is from R -> // L. const accepted = resolution.accepted; changes[accepted.key] = { newValue: accepted.data, }; } if (Object.keys(changes).length) { this.notifyListeners(extension, changes); } log.info(`Successfully synced '${collection.name}'`); } /** * Utility function that handles the common stuff about syncing all * Kinto collections (including "meta" collections like the crypto * one). * * @param {Collection} collection * @param {object} options * Additional options to be passed to sync(). * @returns {Promise<SyncResultObject>} */ _syncCollection(collection, options) { // FIXME: this should support syncing to self-hosted return this._requestWithToken( `Syncing ${collection.name}`, function (token) { const allOptions = Object.assign( {}, { remote: lazy.prefStorageSyncServerURL, headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + token, }, }, options ); return collection.sync(allOptions); } ); } // Make a Kinto request with a current FxA token. // If the response indicates that the token might have expired, // retry the request. async _requestWithToken(description, f) { throwIfNoFxA( this._fxaService, "making remote requests from chrome.storage.sync" ); const fxaToken = await this._fxaService.getOAuthToken(FXA_OAUTH_OPTIONS); try { return await f(fxaToken); } catch (e) { if (e && e.response && e.response.status == 401) { // Our token might have expired. Refresh and retry. log.info("Token might have expired"); await this._fxaService.removeCachedOAuthToken({ token: fxaToken }); const newToken = await this._fxaService.getOAuthToken( FXA_OAUTH_OPTIONS ); // If this fails too, let it go. return f(newToken); } // Otherwise, we don't know how to handle this error, so just reraise. log.error(`${description}: request failed`, e); throw e; } } /** * Helper similar to _syncCollection, but for deleting the user's bucket. * * @returns {Promise<void>} */ _deleteBucket() { log.error("Deleting default bucket and everything in it"); return this._requestWithToken("Clearing server", function (token) { const headers = { Authorization: "Bearer " + token }; const kintoHttp = new lazy.KintoHttpClient( lazy.prefStorageSyncServerURL, { headers: headers, timeout: KINTO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, } ); return kintoHttp.deleteBucket("default"); }); } async ensureSaltsFor(keysRecord, extIds) { const newSalts = Object.assign({}, keysRecord.salts); for (let collectionId of extIds) { if (newSalts[collectionId]) { continue; } newSalts[collectionId] = this.cryptoCollection.getNewSalt(); } return newSalts; } /** * Check whether the keys record (provided) already has salts for * all the extensions given in extIds. * * @param {object} keysRecord A previously-retrieved keys record. * @param {Array<string>} extIds The IDs of the extensions which * need salts. * @returns {boolean} */ hasSaltsFor(keysRecord, extIds) { if (!keysRecord.salts) { return false; } for (let collectionId of extIds) { if (!keysRecord.salts[collectionId]) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Recursive promise that terminates when our local collectionKeys, * as well as that on the server, have keys for all the extensions * in extIds. * * @param {Array<string>} extIds * The IDs of the extensions which need keys. * @returns {Promise<CollectionKeyManager>} */ async ensureCanSync(extIds) { const keysRecord = await this.cryptoCollection.getKeyRingRecord(); const collectionKeys = await this.cryptoCollection.getKeyRing(); if ( collectionKeys.hasKeysFor(extIds) && this.hasSaltsFor(keysRecord, extIds) ) { return collectionKeys; } log.info(`Need to create keys and/or salts for ${JSON.stringify(extIds)}`); const kbHash = await getKBHash(this._fxaService); const newKeys = await collectionKeys.ensureKeysFor(extIds); const newSalts = await this.ensureSaltsFor(keysRecord, extIds); const newRecord = { id: STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_KEYRING_RECORD_ID, keys: newKeys.asWBO().cleartext, salts: newSalts, uuid: collectionKeys.uuid, // Add a field for the current kB hash. kbHash: kbHash, }; await this.cryptoCollection.upsert(newRecord); const result = await this._syncKeyRing(newRecord); if (result.resolved.length) { // We had a conflict which was automatically resolved. We now // have a new keyring which might have keys for the // collections. Recurse. return this.ensureCanSync(extIds); } // No conflicts. We're good. return newKeys; } /** * Update the kB in the crypto record. */ async updateKeyRingKB() { throwIfNoFxA(this._fxaService, 'use of chrome.storage.sync "keyring"'); const isSignedIn = !!(await this._fxaService.getSignedInUser()); if (!isSignedIn) { // Although this function is meant to be called on login, // it's not unreasonable to check any time, even if we aren't // logged in. // // If we aren't logged in, we don't have any information about // the user's kB, so we can't be sure that the user changed // their kB, so just return. return; } const thisKBHash = await getKBHash(this._fxaService); await this.cryptoCollection.updateKBHash(thisKBHash); } /** * Make sure the keyring is up to date and synced. * * This is called on syncs to make sure that we don't sync anything * to any collection unless the key for that collection is on the * server. */ async checkSyncKeyRing() { await this.updateKeyRingKB(); const cryptoKeyRecord = await this.cryptoCollection.getKeyRingRecord(); if (cryptoKeyRecord && cryptoKeyRecord._status !== "synced") { // We haven't successfully synced the keyring since the last // change. This could be because kB changed and we touched the // keyring, or it could be because we failed to sync after // adding a key. Either way, take this opportunity to sync the // keyring. await this._syncKeyRing(cryptoKeyRecord); } } async _syncKeyRing(cryptoKeyRecord) { throwIfNoFxA(this._fxaService, 'syncing chrome.storage.sync "keyring"'); try { // Try to sync using server_wins. // // We use server_wins here because whatever is on the server is // at least consistent with itself -- the crypto in the keyring // matches the crypto on the collection records. This is because // we generate and upload keys just before syncing data. // // It's possible that we can't decode the version on the server. // This can happen if a user is locked out of their account, and // does a "reset password" to get in on a new device. In this // case, we are in a bind -- we can't decrypt the record on the // server, so we can't merge keys. If this happens, we try to // figure out if we're the one with the correct (new) kB or if // we just got locked out because we have the old kB. If we're // the one with the correct kB, we wipe the server and reupload // everything, including a new keyring. // // If another device has wiped the server, we need to reupload // everything we have on our end too, so we detect this by // adding a UUID to the keyring. UUIDs are preserved throughout // the lifetime of a keyring, so the only time a keyring UUID // changes is when a new keyring is uploaded, which only happens // after a server wipe. So when we get a "conflict" (resolved by // server_wins), we check whether the server version has a new // UUID. If so, reset our sync status, so that we'll reupload // everything. const result = await this.cryptoCollection.sync(this); if (result.resolved.length) { // Automatically-resolved conflict. It should // be for the keys record. const resolutionIds = result.resolved.map(resolution => resolution.id); if (resolutionIds > 1) { // This should never happen -- there is only ever one record // in this collection. log.error( `Too many resolutions for sync-storage-crypto collection: ${JSON.stringify( resolutionIds )}` ); } const keyResolution = result.resolved[0]; if (keyResolution.id != STORAGE_SYNC_CRYPTO_KEYRING_RECORD_ID) { // This should never happen -- there should only ever be the // keyring in this collection. log.error( `Strange conflict in sync-storage-crypto collection: ${JSON.stringify( resolutionIds )}` ); } // Due to a bug in the server-side code (see // https://github.com/Kinto/kinto/issues/1209), lots of users' // keyrings were deleted. We discover this by trying to push a // new keyring (because the user aded a new extension), and we // get a conflict. We have SERVER_WINS, so the client will // accept this deleted keyring and delete it locally. Discover // this and undo it. if (keyResolution.accepted === null) { log.error("Conflict spotted -- the server keyring was deleted"); await this.cryptoCollection.upsert(keyResolution.rejected); // It's possible that the keyring on the server that was // deleted had keys for other extensions, which had already // encrypted data. For this to happen, another client would // have had to upload the keyring and then the delete happened // before this client did a sync (and got the new extension // and tried to sync the keyring again). Just to be safe, // let's signal that something went wrong and we should wipe // the bucket. throw new ServerKeyringDeleted(); } if (keyResolution.accepted.uuid != cryptoKeyRecord.uuid) { log.info( `Detected a new UUID (${keyResolution.accepted.uuid}, was ${cryptoKeyRecord.uuid}). Resetting sync status for everything.` ); await this.cryptoCollection.resetSyncStatus(); // Server version is now correct. Return that result. return result; } } // No conflicts, or conflict was just someone else adding keys. return result; } catch (e) { if ( KeyRingEncryptionRemoteTransformer.isOutdatedKB(e) || e instanceof ServerKeyringDeleted || // This is another way that ServerKeyringDeleted can // manifest; see bug 1350088 for more details. e.message.includes("Server has been flushed.") ) { // Check if our token is still valid, or if we got locked out // between starting the sync and talking to Kinto. const isSessionValid = await this._fxaService.checkAccountStatus(); if (isSessionValid) { log.error( "Couldn't decipher old keyring; deleting the default bucket and resetting sync status" ); await this._deleteBucket(); await this.cryptoCollection.resetSyncStatus(); // Reupload our keyring, which is the only new keyring. // We don't want client_wins here because another device // could have uploaded another keyring in the meantime. return this.cryptoCollection.sync(this); } } throw e; } } registerInUse(extension, context) { // Register that the extension and context are in use. const contexts = extensionContexts.get(extension); if (!contexts.has(context)) { // New context. Register it and make sure it cleans itself up // when it closes. contexts.add(context); context.callOnClose({ close: () => cleanUpForContext(extension, context), }); } } /** * Get the collection for an extension, and register the extension * as being "in use". * * @param {Extension} extension * The extension for which we are seeking * a collection. * @param {Context} context * The context of the extension, so that we can * stop syncing the collection when the extension ends. * @returns {Promise<Collection>} */ getCollection(extension, context) { if (lazy.prefPermitsStorageSync !== true) { return Promise.reject({ message: `Please set ${STORAGE_SYNC_ENABLED_PREF} to true in about:config`, }); } this.registerInUse(extension, context); return openCollection(extension); } async set(extension, items, context) { const coll = await this.getCollection(extension, context); const keys = Object.keys(items); const ids = keys.map(keyToId); const changes = await coll.execute( txn => { let changes = {}; for (let [i, key] of keys.entries()) { const id = ids[i]; let item = items[key]; let { oldRecord } = txn.upsert({ id, key, data: item, }); changes[key] = { newValue: item, }; if (oldRecord) { // Extract the "data" field from the old record, which // represents the value part of the key-value store changes[key].oldValue = oldRecord.data; } } return changes; }, { preloadIds: ids } ); this.notifyListeners(extension, changes); } async remove(extension, keys, context) { const coll = await this.getCollection(extension, context); keys = [].concat(keys); const ids = keys.map(keyToId); let changes = {}; await coll.execute( txn => { for (let [i, key] of keys.entries()) { const id = ids[i]; const res = txn.deleteAny(id); if (res.deleted) { changes[key] = { oldValue: res.data.data, }; } } return changes; }, { preloadIds: ids } ); if (Object.keys(changes).length) { this.notifyListeners(extension, changes); } } /* Wipe local data for all collections without causing the changes to be synced */ async clearAll() { const extensions = await this.getExtensions(); const extIds = Array.from(extensions, extension => extension.id); log.debug(`Clearing extension data for ${JSON.stringify(extIds)}`); if (extIds.length) { const promises = Array.from(extensions, extension => { return openCollection(extension).then(coll => { return coll.clear(); }); }); await Promise.all(promises); } // and clear the crypto collection. const cc = await this.cryptoCollection.getCollection(); await cc.clear(); } async clear(extension, context) { // We can't call Collection#clear here, because that just clears // the local database. We have to explicitly delete everything so // that the deletions can be synced as well. const coll = await this.getCollection(extension, context); const res = await coll.list(); const records = res.data; const keys = records.map(record => record.key); await this.remove(extension, keys, context); } async get(extension, spec, context) { const coll = await this.getCollection(extension, context); let keys, records; if (spec === null) { records = {}; const res = await coll.list(); for (let record of res.data) { records[record.key] = record.data; } return records; } if (typeof spec === "string") { keys = [spec]; records = {}; } else if (Array.isArray(spec)) { keys = spec; records = {}; } else { keys = Object.keys(spec); records = Cu.cloneInto(spec, {}); } for (let key of keys) { const res = await coll.getAny(keyToId(key)); if (res.data && res.data._status != "deleted") { records[res.data.key] = res.data.data; } } return records; } async getBytesInUse(extension, keys, context) { // This is defined by the chrome spec as being the length of the key and // the length of the json repr of the value. let size = 0; let data = await this.get(extension, keys, context); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { size += key.length + JSON.stringify(value).length; } return size; } addOnChangedListener(extension, listener, context) { let listeners = this.listeners.get(extension) || new Set(); listeners.add(listener); this.listeners.set(extension, listeners); this.registerInUse(extension, context); } removeOnChangedListener(extension, listener) { let listeners = this.listeners.get(extension); listeners.delete(listener); if (listeners.size == 0) { this.listeners.delete(extension); } } notifyListeners(extension, changes) { lazy.Observers.notify("ext.storage.sync-changed"); let listeners = this.listeners.get(extension) || new Set(); if (listeners) { for (let listener of listeners) { lazy.ExtensionCommon.runSafeSyncWithoutClone(listener, changes); } } } } extensionStorageSyncKinto = new ExtensionStorageSyncKinto(_fxaService); // For test use only. export const KintoStorageTestUtils = { CollectionKeyEncryptionRemoteTransformer, CryptoCollection, EncryptionRemoteTransformer, KeyRingEncryptionRemoteTransformer, cleanUpForContext, idToKey, keyToId, };