/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; /* exported IS_ANDROID_BUILD, IS_OOP, valueSum, clearHistograms, getSnapshots, promiseTelemetryRecorded, assertDNRTelemetryMetricsDefined, assertDNRTelemetryMetricsNoSamples, assertDNRTelemetryMetricsGetValueEq, assertDNRTelemetryMetricsSamplesCount, resetTelemetryData, setupTelemetryForTests */ ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { ContentTaskUtils: "resource://testing-common/ContentTaskUtils.sys.mjs", }); // Allows to run xpcshell telemetry test also on products (e.g. Thunderbird) where // that telemetry wouldn't be actually collected in practice (but to be sure // that it will work on those products as well by just adding the product in // the telemetry metric definitions if it turns out we want to). Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "toolkit.telemetry.testing.overrideProductsCheck", true ); const IS_OOP = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.webextensions.remote"); // Initializing and asserting the expected telemetry is currently conditioned // on this const. // TODO(Bug 1752139) remove this along with initializing and asserting the expected // telemetry also for android build, once `Services.fog.testResetFOG()` is implemented // for Android builds. const IS_ANDROID_BUILD = AppConstants.platform === "android"; const WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_RUNNING_TIME_MS = "WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_RUNNING_TIME_MS"; const WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_RUNNING_TIME_MS_BY_ADDONID = "WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_RUNNING_TIME_MS_BY_ADDONID"; const WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_IDLE_RESULT_COUNT = "WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_IDLE_RESULT_COUNT"; const WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_IDLE_RESULT_COUNT_BY_ADDONID = "WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_IDLE_RESULT_COUNT_BY_ADDONID"; // Keep this in sync with the order in Histograms.json for "WEBEXT_EVENTPAGE_IDLE_RESULT_COUNT": // the position of the category string determines the index of the values collected in the categorial // histogram and so the existing labels should be kept in the exact same order and any new category // to be added in the future should be appended to the existing ones. const HISTOGRAM_EVENTPAGE_IDLE_RESULT_CATEGORIES = [ "suspend", "reset_other", "reset_event", "reset_listeners", "reset_nativeapp", "reset_streamfilter", ]; function valueSum(arr) { return Object.values(arr).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); } function clearHistograms() { Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForHistograms("main", true /* clear */); Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForKeyedHistograms("main", true /* clear */); } function clearScalars() { Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForScalars("main", true /* clear */); Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForKeyedScalars("main", true /* clear */); } function getSnapshots(process) { return Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForHistograms("main", false /* clear */)[ process ]; } function getKeyedSnapshots(process) { return Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForKeyedHistograms( "main", false /* clear */ )[process]; } // TODO Bug 1357509: There is no good way to make sure that the parent received // the histogram entries from the extension and content processes. Let's stick // to the ugly, spinning the event loop until we have a good approach. function promiseTelemetryRecorded(id, process, expectedCount) { let condition = () => { let snapshot = Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForHistograms( "main", false /* clear */ )[process][id]; return snapshot && valueSum(snapshot.values) >= expectedCount; }; return ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(condition); } function promiseKeyedTelemetryRecorded( id, process, expectedKey, expectedCount ) { let condition = () => { let snapshot = Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForKeyedHistograms( "main", false /* clear */ )[process][id]; return ( snapshot && snapshot[expectedKey] && valueSum(snapshot[expectedKey].values) >= expectedCount ); }; return ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(condition); } function assertHistogramSnapshot( histogramId, { keyed, processSnapshot, expectedValue }, msg ) { let histogram; if (keyed) { histogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById(histogramId); } else { histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(histogramId); } let res = processSnapshot(histogram.snapshot()); Assert.deepEqual(res, expectedValue, msg); return res; } function assertHistogramEmpty(histogramId) { assertHistogramSnapshot( histogramId, { processSnapshot: snapshot => snapshot.sum, expectedValue: 0, }, `No data recorded for histogram: ${histogramId}.` ); } function assertKeyedHistogramEmpty(histogramId) { assertHistogramSnapshot( histogramId, { keyed: true, processSnapshot: snapshot => Object.keys(snapshot).length, expectedValue: 0, }, `No data recorded for histogram: ${histogramId}.` ); } function assertHistogramCategoryNotEmpty( histogramId, { category, categories, keyed, key }, msg ) { let message = msg; if (!msg) { message = `Data recorded for histogram: ${histogramId}, category "${category}"`; if (keyed) { message += `, key "${key}"`; } } assertHistogramSnapshot( histogramId, { keyed, processSnapshot: snapshot => { const categoryIndex = categories.indexOf(category); if (keyed) { return { [key]: snapshot[key] ? snapshot[key].values[categoryIndex] > 0 : null, }; } return snapshot.values[categoryIndex] > 0; }, expectedValue: keyed ? { [key]: true } : true, }, message ); } function setupTelemetryForTests() { // FOG needs a profile directory to put its data in. do_get_profile(); // FOG needs to be initialized in order for data to flow. Services.fog.initializeFOG(); } function resetTelemetryData() { if (IS_ANDROID_BUILD) { info("Skip testResetFOG on android builds"); return; } Services.fog.testResetFOG(); // Clear histograms data recorded in the unified telemetry // (needed to make sure we can keep asserting that the same // amount of samples collected by Glean should also be found // in the related mirrored unified telemetry probe after we // have reset Glean metrics data using testResetFOG). clearHistograms(); clearScalars(); } function assertDNRTelemetryMetricsDefined(metrics) { const metricsNotFound = metrics.filter(metricDetails => { const { metric, label } = metricDetails; if (!Glean.extensionsApisDnr[metric]) { return true; } if (label) { return !Glean.extensionsApisDnr[metric][label]; } return false; }); Assert.deepEqual( metricsNotFound, [], `All expected extensionsApisDnr Glean metrics should be found` ); } function assertDNRTelemetryMirrored({ gleanMetric, gleanLabel, unifiedName, unifiedType, }) { assertDNRTelemetryMetricsDefined([ { metric: gleanMetric, label: gleanLabel }, ]); const gleanData = gleanLabel ? Glean.extensionsApisDnr[gleanMetric][gleanLabel].testGetValue() : Glean.extensionsApisDnr[gleanMetric].testGetValue(); if (!unifiedName) { Assert.ok( false, `Unexpected missing unifiedName parameter on call to assertDNRTelemetryMirrored` ); return; } let unifiedData; switch (unifiedType) { case "histogram": { let found = false; try { const histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById(unifiedName); found = !!histogram; } catch (err) { Cu.reportError(err); } Assert.ok(found, `Expect an histogram named ${unifiedName} to be found`); unifiedData = Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForHistograms("main", false) .parent[unifiedName]; break; } case "keyedScalar": { const snapshot = Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForKeyedScalars( "main", false ); if (unifiedName in (snapshot?.parent || {})) { unifiedData = snapshot.parent[unifiedName][gleanLabel]; } break; } case "scalar": { const snapshot = Services.telemetry.getSnapshotForScalars("main", false); if (unifiedName in (snapshot?.parent || {})) { unifiedData = snapshot.parent[unifiedName]; } break; } default: Assert.ok( false, `Unexpected unifiedType ${unifiedType} on call to assertDNRTelemetryMirrored` ); return; } if (gleanData == undefined) { Assert.deepEqual( unifiedData, undefined, `Expect mirrored unified telemetry ${unifiedType} ${unifiedName} has no samples as Glean ${gleanMetric}` ); } else { switch (unifiedType) { case "histogram": { Assert.deepEqual( valueSum(unifiedData.values), valueSum(gleanData.values), `Expect mirrored unified telemetry ${unifiedType} ${unifiedName} has samples mirrored from Glean ${gleanMetric}` ); break; } case "scalar": case "keyedScalar": { Assert.deepEqual( unifiedData, gleanData, `Expect mirrored unified telemetry ${unifiedType} ${unifiedName} has samples mirrored from Glean ${gleanMetric}` ); break; } } } } function assertDNRTelemetryMetricsNoSamples(metrics, msg) { assertDNRTelemetryMetricsDefined(metrics); for (const metricDetails of metrics) { const { metric, label } = metricDetails; if (IS_ANDROID_BUILD) { info( `Skip assertions on collected samples for extensionsApisDnr.${metric} on android builds (${msg})` ); return; } const gleanData = label ? Glean.extensionsApisDnr[metric][label].testGetValue() : Glean.extensionsApisDnr[metric].testGetValue(); Assert.deepEqual( gleanData, undefined, `Expect no sample for Glean metric extensionApisDnr.${metric} (${msg}): ${gleanData}` ); if (metricDetails.mirroredName) { const { mirroredName, mirroredType } = metricDetails; assertDNRTelemetryMirrored({ gleanMetric: metric, gleanLabel: label, unifiedName: mirroredName, unifiedType: mirroredType, }); } } } function assertDNRTelemetryMetricsGetValueEq(metrics, msg) { assertDNRTelemetryMetricsDefined(metrics); for (const metricDetails of metrics) { const { metric, label, expectedGetValue } = metricDetails; if (IS_ANDROID_BUILD) { info( `Skip assertions on collected samples for extensionsApisDnr.${metric} on android builds` ); return; } const gleanData = label ? Glean.extensionsApisDnr[metric][label].testGetValue() : Glean.extensionsApisDnr[metric].testGetValue(); Assert.deepEqual( gleanData, expectedGetValue, `Got expected value set on Glean metric extensionApisDnr.${metric}${ label ? `.${label}` : "" } (${msg})` ); if (metricDetails.mirroredName) { const { mirroredName, mirroredType } = metricDetails; assertDNRTelemetryMirrored({ gleanMetric: metric, gleanLabel: label, unifiedName: mirroredName, unifiedType: mirroredType, }); } } } function assertDNRTelemetryMetricsSamplesCount(metrics, msg) { assertDNRTelemetryMetricsDefined(metrics); // This assertion helpers doesn't currently handle labeled metrics, // raise an explicit error to catch if one is included by mistake. const labeledMetricsFound = metrics.filter(metric => !!metric.label); if (labeledMetricsFound.length) { throw new Error( `Unexpected labeled metrics in call to assertDNRTelemetryMetricsSamplesCount: ${labeledMetricsFound}` ); } for (const metricDetails of metrics) { const { metric, expectedSamplesCount } = metricDetails; if (IS_ANDROID_BUILD) { info( `Skip assertions on collected samples for extensionsApisDnr.${metric} on android builds` ); return; } const gleanData = Glean.extensionsApisDnr[metric].testGetValue(); Assert.notEqual( gleanData, undefined, `Got some sample for Glean metric extensionApisDnr.${metric}: ${ gleanData && JSON.stringify(gleanData) }` ); Assert.equal( valueSum(gleanData.values), expectedSamplesCount, `Got the expected number of samples for Glean metric extensionsApisDnr.${metric} (${msg})` ); // Make sure we are accumulating meaningfull values in the sample, // if we do have samples for the bucket "0" it likely means we have // not been collecting the value correctly (e.g. typo in the property // name being collected). Assert.ok( !gleanData.values["0"], `No sample for Glean metric extensionsApisDnr.${metric} should be collected for the bucket "0"` ); if (metricDetails.mirroredName) { const { mirroredName, mirroredType } = metricDetails; assertDNRTelemetryMirrored({ gleanMetric: metric, unifiedName: mirroredName, unifiedType: mirroredType, }); } } }