"use strict"; const server = createHttpServer(); server.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data")); const BASE_URL = `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}/data`; // ExtensionContent.jsm needs to know when it's running from xpcshell, // to use the right timeout for content scripts executed at document_idle. ExtensionTestUtils.mockAppInfo(); add_task(async function test_contentscript_runAt() { function background() { browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener( ([msg, expectedStates, readyState], sender) => { if (msg == "chrome-namespace-ok") { browser.test.sendMessage(msg); return; } browser.test.assertEq("script-run", msg, "message type is correct"); browser.test.assertTrue( expectedStates.includes(readyState), `readyState "${readyState}" is one of [${expectedStates}]` ); browser.test.sendMessage("script-run-" + expectedStates[0]); } ); } function contentScriptStart() { browser.runtime.sendMessage([ "script-run", ["loading"], document.readyState, ]); } function contentScriptEnd() { browser.runtime.sendMessage([ "script-run", ["interactive", "complete"], document.readyState, ]); } function contentScriptIdle() { browser.runtime.sendMessage([ "script-run", ["complete"], document.readyState, ]); } function contentScript() { let manifest = browser.runtime.getManifest(); void manifest.applications.gecko.id; browser.runtime.sendMessage(["chrome-namespace-ok"]); } let extensionData = { manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "contentscript@tests.mozilla.org" }, }, content_scripts: [ { matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script_start.js"], run_at: "document_start", }, { matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script_end.js"], run_at: "document_end", }, { matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script_idle.js"], run_at: "document_idle", }, { matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script_idle.js"], // Test default `run_at`. }, { matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script.js"], run_at: "document_idle", }, ], }, background, files: { "content_script_start.js": contentScriptStart, "content_script_end.js": contentScriptEnd, "content_script_idle.js": contentScriptIdle, "content_script.js": contentScript, }, }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extensionData); let loadingCount = 0; let interactiveCount = 0; let completeCount = 0; extension.onMessage("script-run-loading", () => { loadingCount++; }); extension.onMessage("script-run-interactive", () => { interactiveCount++; }); let completePromise = new Promise(resolve => { extension.onMessage("script-run-complete", () => { completeCount++; if (completeCount > 1) { resolve(); } }); }); let chromeNamespacePromise = extension.awaitMessage("chrome-namespace-ok"); await extension.startup(); let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage( `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html` ); await Promise.all([completePromise, chromeNamespacePromise]); await contentPage.close(); equal(loadingCount, 1, "document_start script ran exactly once"); equal(interactiveCount, 1, "document_end script ran exactly once"); equal(completeCount, 2, "document_idle script ran exactly twice"); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_contentscript_window_open() { if (AppConstants.DEBUG && ExtensionTestUtils.remoteContentScripts) { return; } let script = async () => { /* globals x */ browser.test.assertEq(1, x, "Should only run once"); if (top !== window) { // Wait for our parent page to load, then set a timeout to wait for the // document.open call, so we make sure to not tear down the extension // until after we've done the document.open. await new Promise(resolve => { top.addEventListener("load", () => setTimeout(resolve, 0), { once: true, }); }); } browser.test.sendMessage("content-script", [location.href, top === window]); }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "contentscript@tests.mozilla.org" }, }, content_scripts: [ { matches: [""], js: ["content_script.js"], run_at: "document_start", match_about_blank: true, all_frames: true, }, ], }, files: { "content_script.js": ` var x = (x || 0) + 1; (${script})(); `, }, }); await extension.startup(); let url = `${BASE_URL}/file_document_open.html`; let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url); let [pageURL, pageIsTop] = await extension.awaitMessage("content-script"); // Sometimes we get a content script load for the initial about:blank // top level frame here, sometimes we don't. Either way is fine, as long as we // don't get two loads into the same document.open() document. if (pageURL === "about:blank") { equal(pageIsTop, true); [pageURL, pageIsTop] = await extension.awaitMessage("content-script"); } Assert.deepEqual([pageURL, pageIsTop], [url, true]); let [frameURL, isTop] = await extension.awaitMessage("content-script"); Assert.deepEqual([frameURL, isTop], [url, false]); await contentPage.close(); await extension.unload(); }); // This test verify that a cached script is still able to catch the document // while it is still loading (when we do not block the document parsing as // we do for a non cached script). add_task(async function test_cached_contentscript_on_document_start() { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { content_scripts: [ { matches: ["http://localhost/*/file_document_open.html"], js: ["content_script.js"], run_at: "document_start", }, ], }, files: { "content_script.js": ` browser.test.sendMessage("content-script-loaded", { url: window.location.href, documentReadyState: document.readyState, }); `, }, }); await extension.startup(); let url = `${BASE_URL}/file_document_open.html`; let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url); let msg = await extension.awaitMessage("content-script-loaded"); Assert.deepEqual( msg, { url, documentReadyState: "loading", }, "Got the expected url and document.readyState from a non cached script" ); // Reload the page and check that the cached content script is still able to // run on document_start. await contentPage.loadURL(url); let msgFromCached = await extension.awaitMessage("content-script-loaded"); Assert.deepEqual( msgFromCached, { url, documentReadyState: "loading", }, "Got the expected url and document.readyState from a cached script" ); await extension.unload(); await contentPage.close(); });