/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs", }); AddonTestUtils.init(this); AddonTestUtils.createAppInfo( "xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "42" ); async function testManifest(manifest, expectedError) { ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); let normalized = await ExtensionTestUtils.normalizeManifest(manifest); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); if (expectedError) { ok( expectedError.test(normalized.error), `Should have an error for ${JSON.stringify(manifest)}, got ${ normalized.error }` ); } else { ok( !normalized.error, `Should not have an error ${JSON.stringify(manifest)}, ${ normalized.error }` ); } return normalized.errors; } async function testIconPaths(icon, manifest, expectedError) { let normalized = await ExtensionTestUtils.normalizeManifest(manifest); if (expectedError) { ok( expectedError.test(normalized.error), `Should have an error for ${JSON.stringify(icon)}` ); } else { ok(!normalized.error, `Should not have an error ${JSON.stringify(icon)}`); } } add_setup(async () => { await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); }); add_task(async function test_manifest() { let badpaths = ["", " ", "\t", "http://foo.com/icon.png"]; for (let path of badpaths) { await testIconPaths( path, { icons: path, }, /Error processing icons/ ); await testIconPaths( path, { icons: { 16: path, }, }, /Error processing icons/ ); } let paths = [ "icon.png", "/icon.png", "./icon.png", "path to an icon.png", " icon.png", ]; for (let path of paths) { // manifest.icons is an object await testIconPaths( path, { icons: path, }, /Error processing icons/ ); await testIconPaths(path, { icons: { 16: path, }, }); } }); add_task(async function test_manifest_warnings_on_unexpected_props() { let extension = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { background: { scripts: ["bg.js"], wrong_prop: true, }, }, files: { "bg.js": "", }, }); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); await extension.startup(); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); // Retrieve the warning message collected by the Extension class // packagingWarning method. const { warnings } = extension.extension; equal(warnings.length, 1, "Got the expected number of manifest warnings"); const expectedMessage = "Reading manifest: Warning processing background.wrong_prop"; ok( warnings[0].startsWith(expectedMessage), "Got the expected warning message format" ); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_mv2_scripting_permission_always_enabled() { let warnings = await testManifest({ manifest_version: 2, permissions: ["scripting"], }); Assert.deepEqual(warnings, [], "Got no warnings"); }); add_task( { pref_set: [["extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true]], }, async function test_mv3_scripting_permission_always_enabled() { let warnings = await testManifest({ manifest_version: 3, permissions: ["scripting"], }); Assert.deepEqual(warnings, [], "Got no warnings"); } ); add_task(async function test_simpler_version_format() { const TEST_CASES = [ // Valid cases { version: "0", expectWarning: false }, { version: "0.0", expectWarning: false }, { version: "0.0.0", expectWarning: false }, { version: "", expectWarning: false }, { version: "", expectWarning: false }, { version: "", expectWarning: false }, { version: "", expectWarning: false }, { version: "0.0.999999999", expectWarning: false }, { version: "", expectWarning: false }, { version: "0.999999999", expectWarning: false }, { version: "1", expectWarning: false }, { version: "1.0", expectWarning: false }, { version: "1.0.0", expectWarning: false }, { version: "", expectWarning: false }, { version: "", expectWarning: false }, { version: "999999999", expectWarning: false }, { version: "999999999.999999999.999999999.999999999", expectWarning: false, }, // Invalid cases { version: ".", expectWarning: true }, { version: ".999999999", expectWarning: true }, { version: "", expectWarning: true }, { version: "", expectWarning: true }, { version: "", expectWarning: true }, { version: "0.0.00001", expectWarning: true }, { version: "0.0.001", expectWarning: true }, { version: "", expectWarning: true }, { version: "0.01.0", expectWarning: true }, { version: "00001", expectWarning: true }, { version: "0001", expectWarning: true }, { version: "001", expectWarning: true }, { version: "01", expectWarning: true }, { version: "01.0", expectWarning: true }, { version: "099999", expectWarning: true }, { version: "0999999999", expectWarning: true }, { version: "1.00000", expectWarning: true }, { version: "1.1.-1", expectWarning: true }, { version: "1.1000000000", expectWarning: true }, { version: "1.1pre1aa", expectWarning: true }, { version: "1.2.1000000000", expectWarning: true }, { version: "", expectWarning: true }, { version: "", expectWarning: true }, { version: "1000000000", expectWarning: true }, { version: "1000000000.0.0.0", expectWarning: true }, { version: "999999999.", expectWarning: true }, ]; for (const { version, expectWarning } of TEST_CASES) { const normalized = await ExtensionTestUtils.normalizeManifest({ version }); if (expectWarning) { Assert.deepEqual( normalized.errors, [ `Warning processing version: version must be a version string ` + `consisting of at most 4 integers of at most 9 digits without ` + `leading zeros, and separated with dots`, ], `expected warning for version: ${version}` ); } else { Assert.deepEqual( normalized.errors, [], `expected no warning for version: ${version}` ); } } }); add_task(async function test_applications() { const id = "some@id"; const updateURL = "https://example.com/updates/"; let extension = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { manifest_version: 2, applications: { gecko: { id, update_url: updateURL }, }, }, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); await extension.startup(); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); Assert.deepEqual(extension.extension.warnings, [], "expected no warnings"); const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(extension.id); ok(addon, "got an add-on"); equal(addon.id, id, "got expected ID"); equal(addon.updateURL, updateURL, "got expected update URL"); await extension.unload(); }); add_task( { pref_set: [["extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true]], }, async function test_applications_key_mv3() { let warnings = await testManifest({ manifest_version: 3, applications: {}, }); Assert.deepEqual( warnings, [`Property "applications" is unsupported in Manifest Version 3`], `Manifest v3 with "applications" key logs an error.` ); } ); add_task(async function test_bss_gecko_android() { const addonId = "some@id"; const isAndroid = AppConstants.platform == "android"; const TEST_CASES = [ { title: "gecko_android overrides gecko", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "2", }, gecko_android: { strict_min_version: "1", strict_max_version: "1", }, }, expectedError: isAndroid ? `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 1. add-on maxVersion: 1.` : `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 2.`, }, { title: "strict_min_version in gecko_android overrides gecko.strict_min_version", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "3", }, gecko_android: { strict_min_version: "3", }, }, expectedError: isAndroid ? `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 3. add-on maxVersion: 3.` : `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 3.`, }, { title: "strict_max_version in gecko_android overrides gecko.strict_max_version", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "2", }, gecko_android: { strict_max_version: "3", }, }, expectedError: isAndroid ? `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 3.` : `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 2.`, }, { title: "no gecko_android", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "2", }, }, expectedError: `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 2.`, }, { title: "empty gecko_android", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "2", }, gecko_android: {}, }, expectedError: `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 2.`, }, { title: "empty strict min/max versions in gecko_android", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "2", }, gecko_android: { strict_min_version: "", strict_max_version: "", }, }, expectedError: `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 2.`, }, { title: "unsupported prop in gecko_android", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, strict_min_version: "2", strict_max_version: "2", }, gecko_android: { aPropThatIsNotSupported: "aPropThatIsNotSupported", }, }, expectedError: `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 2. add-on maxVersion: 2.`, }, { title: "only strict min/max version in gecko_android", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, }, gecko_android: { strict_min_version: "3", strict_max_version: "4", }, }, expectedError: isAndroid ? `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 3. add-on maxVersion: 4.` : null, }, { title: "only strict_min_version in gecko_android", browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: addonId, }, gecko_android: { // The app version is set to `42` at the top of the file. strict_min_version: "100", }, }, expectedError: isAndroid ? `Add-on ${addonId} is not compatible with application version. add-on minVersion: 100.` : null, }, ]; for (const { title, browser_specific_settings, expectedError, } of TEST_CASES) { info(`verifying: ${title}`); // This task is mainly about verifying `bss.gecko_android` and some test // cases require a "valid" compatibility range by default, which would // break the assumption below (that the install is going to fail). This is // why we skip null errors, but only on non-Android builds. if (expectedError === null) { notEqual( AppConstants.platform, "android", `${title} - expected no error on a non-Android build` ); continue; } const manifest = { manifest_version: 2, version: "1.0", browser_specific_settings, }; const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest, useAddonManager: "temporary", }); await Assert.rejects( extension.startup(), new RegExp(expectedError), `${title} - expected error: ${expectedError}` ); const addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(addonId); equal(addon, null, "add-on is not installed"); } });