"use strict"; let { ExtensionTestCommon } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/ExtensionTestCommon.sys.mjs" ); const { PERMISSION_L10N_ID_OVERRIDES, PERMISSIONS_WITH_MESSAGE, permissionToL10nId, } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionPermissionMessages.sys.mjs" ); const EXTENSION_L10N_PATHS = [ "toolkit/global/extensions.ftl", "toolkit/global/extensionPermissions.ftl", "branding/brand.ftl", ]; // For Android, these strings are only used in tests. In the actual UI, the // warnings are in Android-Components, as explained in bug 1671453. const l10n = new Localization(EXTENSION_L10N_PATHS, true); // nativeMessaging is in PRIVILEGED_PERMS on Android. const IS_NATIVE_MESSAGING_PRIVILEGED = AppConstants.platform == "android"; const { createAppInfo } = AddonTestUtils; AddonTestUtils.init(this); AddonTestUtils.overrideCertDB(); AddonTestUtils.usePrivilegedSignatures = id => id.startsWith("privileged"); createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "42"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true); async function getManifestPermissions(extensionData) { let extension = ExtensionTestCommon.generate(extensionData); // Some tests contain invalid permissions; ignore the warnings about their invalidity. ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); await extension.loadManifest(); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); let result = extension.manifestPermissions; if (extension.manifest.manifest_version >= 3) { // In MV3, host permissions are optional by default. deepEqual(result.origins, [], "No origins by default in MV3"); let optional = extension.manifestOptionalPermissions; deepEqual(optional.permissions, [], "No tests use optional_permissions"); result.origins = optional.origins; } await extension.cleanupGeneratedFile(); return result; } function getPermissionWarnings(permissions, options) { let { msgs } = ExtensionData.formatPermissionStrings( { permissions }, options ); return msgs; } async function getPermissionWarningsForUpdate( oldExtensionData, newExtensionData ) { let oldPerms = await getManifestPermissions(oldExtensionData); let newPerms = await getManifestPermissions(newExtensionData); let difference = Extension.comparePermissions(oldPerms, newPerms); return getPermissionWarnings(difference); } // Tests that the callers of ExtensionData.formatPermissionStrings can customize the // mapping between the permission names and related localized strings. add_task(async function customized_permission_keys_mapping() { const mockLocalization = { formatMessagesSync: args => args.map(arg => ({ value: `Fake localized ${arg.id ?? arg}`, attributes: [], })), formatValueSync: key => `Fake localized ${key}`, formatValuesSync: args => args.map(arg => `Fake localized ${arg.id ?? arg}`), }; // Define a non-default mapping for permission names -> locale keys. const getKeyForPermission = perm => `custom-webext-perms-description-${perm}`; const manifest = { permissions: ["downloads", "proxy"], }; const expectedWarnings = mockLocalization.formatValuesSync( manifest.permissions.map(getKeyForPermission) ); try { for (let perm of manifest.permissions) { PERMISSION_L10N_ID_OVERRIDES.set(perm, getKeyForPermission(perm)); } const manifestPermissions = await getManifestPermissions({ manifest }); // Pass the callback function for the non-default key mapping to // ExtensionData.formatPermissionStrings() and verify it being used. const warnings = getPermissionWarnings(manifestPermissions, { localization: mockLocalization, }); deepEqual( warnings, expectedWarnings, "Got the expected string from customized permission mapping" ); } finally { for (let perm of manifest.permissions) { PERMISSION_L10N_ID_OVERRIDES.delete(perm); } } }); // Tests that permission description data is internally consistent add_task(async function permission_message_consistence() { for (let perm of PERMISSIONS_WITH_MESSAGE) { ok(permissionToL10nId(perm), `Message is provided for ${perm}`); } for (let [perm] of PERMISSION_L10N_ID_OVERRIDES) { ok(permissionToL10nId(perm), `Message is provided for ${perm}`); } }); // Tests that the expected permission warnings are generated for various // combinations of host permissions. add_task(async function host_permissions() { let permissionTestCases = [ { description: "Empty manifest without permissions", manifest: {}, expectedOrigins: [], expectedWarnings: [], }, { description: "Invalid match patterns", manifest: { permissions: [ "https:///", "https://", "https://*", "about:ugh", "about:*", "about://*/", "resource://*/", ], }, expectedOrigins: [], expectedWarnings: [], }, { description: "moz-extension: permissions", manifest: { permissions: ["moz-extension://*/*", "moz-extension://uuid/"], }, // moz-extension:-origin does not appear in the permission list, // but it is implicitly granted anyway. expectedOrigins: [], expectedWarnings: [], }, { description: "*. host permission", manifest: { // This permission is rejected by the manifest and ignored. permissions: ["http://*./"], }, expectedOrigins: [], expectedWarnings: [], }, { description: " permission", manifest: { permissions: [""], }, expectedOrigins: [""], expectedWarnings: [ l10n.formatValueSync("webext-perms-host-description-all-urls"), ], }, { description: "file: permissions", manifest: { permissions: ["file://*/"], }, expectedOrigins: ["file://*/"], expectedWarnings: [ l10n.formatValueSync("webext-perms-host-description-all-urls"), ], }, { description: "http: permission", manifest: { permissions: ["http://*/"], }, expectedOrigins: ["http://*/"], expectedWarnings: [ l10n.formatValueSync("webext-perms-host-description-all-urls"), ], }, { description: "*://*/ permission", manifest: { permissions: ["*://*/"], }, expectedOrigins: ["*://*/"], expectedWarnings: [ l10n.formatValueSync("webext-perms-host-description-all-urls"), ], }, { description: "content_script[*].matches", manifest: { content_scripts: [ { // This test uses the manifest file without loading the content script // file, so we can use a non-existing dummy file. js: ["dummy.js"], matches: ["https://*/"], }, ], }, expectedOrigins: ["https://*/"], expectedWarnings: [ l10n.formatValueSync("webext-perms-host-description-all-urls"), ], }, { description: "A few host permissions", manifest: { permissions: ["http://a/", "http://*.b/", "http://c/*"], }, expectedOrigins: ["http://a/", "http://*.b/", "http://c/*"], expectedWarnings: l10n.formatValuesSync([ // Wildcard hosts take precedence in the permission list. { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "b" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "a" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "c" }, }, ]), }, { description: "many host permission", manifest: { permissions: [ "http://a/", "http://b/", "http://c/", "http://d/", "http://e/*", "http://*.1/", "http://*.2/", "http://*.3/", "http://*.4/", ], }, expectedOrigins: [ "http://a/", "http://b/", "http://c/", "http://d/", "http://e/*", "http://*.1/", "http://*.2/", "http://*.3/", "http://*.4/", ], expectedWarnings: l10n.formatValuesSync([ // Wildcard hosts take precedence in the permission list. { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "1" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "2" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "3" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "4" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "a" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "b" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "c" }, }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-too-many-sites", args: { domainCount: 2 }, }, ]), options: { collapseOrigins: true, }, }, { description: "many host permissions without item limit in the warning list", manifest: { permissions: [ "http://a/", "http://b/", "http://c/", "http://d/", "http://e/*", "http://*.1/", "http://*.2/", "http://*.3/", "http://*.4/", "http://*.5/", ], }, expectedOrigins: [ "http://a/", "http://b/", "http://c/", "http://d/", "http://e/*", "http://*.1/", "http://*.2/", "http://*.3/", "http://*.4/", "http://*.5/", ], expectedWarnings: l10n.formatValuesSync([ { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "1" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "2" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "3" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "4" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "5" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "a" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "b" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "c" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "d" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "e" } }, ]), }, ]; for (let manifest_version of [2, 3]) { for (let { description, manifest, expectedOrigins, expectedWarnings, options, } of permissionTestCases) { manifest = Object.assign({}, manifest, { manifest_version }); if (manifest_version > 2) { manifest.host_permissions = manifest.permissions; manifest.permissions = []; } let manifestPermissions = await getManifestPermissions({ manifest }); deepEqual( manifestPermissions.origins, expectedOrigins, `Expected origins (${description})` ); deepEqual( manifestPermissions.permissions, [], `Expected no non-host permissions (${description})` ); let warnings = getPermissionWarnings(manifestPermissions, options); deepEqual( warnings, expectedWarnings, `Expected warnings (${description})` ); } } }); // Tests that the expected permission warnings are generated for a mix of host // permissions and API permissions. add_task(async function api_permissions() { let manifestPermissions = await getManifestPermissions({ isPrivileged: IS_NATIVE_MESSAGING_PRIVILEGED, manifest: { permissions: [ "activeTab", "webNavigation", "tabs", "nativeMessaging", "http://x/", "http://*.x/", "http://*.tld/", ], }, }); deepEqual( manifestPermissions, { origins: ["http://x/", "http://*.x/", "http://*.tld/"], permissions: ["activeTab", "webNavigation", "tabs", "nativeMessaging"], }, "Expected origins and permissions" ); deepEqual( getPermissionWarnings(manifestPermissions), l10n.formatValuesSync([ // Host permissions first, with wildcards on top. { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "x" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "tld" } }, { id: "webext-perms-host-description-one-site", args: { domain: "x" } }, // nativeMessaging permission warning first of all permissions. "webext-perms-description-nativeMessaging", // Other permissions in alphabetical order. // Note: activeTab has no permission warning string. "webext-perms-description-tabs", "webext-perms-description-webNavigation", ]), "Expected warnings" ); }); add_task(async function nativeMessaging_permission() { let manifestPermissions = await getManifestPermissions({ // isPrivileged: false, by default. manifest: { permissions: ["nativeMessaging"], }, }); if (IS_NATIVE_MESSAGING_PRIVILEGED) { // The behavior of nativeMessaging for unprivileged extensions on Android // is covered in // mobile/android/components/extensions/test/xpcshell/test_ext_native_messaging_permissions.js deepEqual( manifestPermissions, { origins: [], permissions: [] }, "nativeMessaging perm ignored for unprivileged extensions on Android" ); } else { deepEqual( manifestPermissions, { origins: [], permissions: ["nativeMessaging"] }, "nativeMessaging permission recognized for unprivileged extensions" ); } }); add_task( { pref_set: [["extensions.dnr.enabled", true]] }, async function declarativeNetRequest_permission_with_warning() { let manifestPermissions = await getManifestPermissions({ manifest: { manifest_version: 3, permissions: ["declarativeNetRequest", "declarativeNetRequestFeedback"], }, }); deepEqual( manifestPermissions, { origins: [], permissions: ["declarativeNetRequest", "declarativeNetRequestFeedback"], }, "Expected origins and permissions" ); deepEqual( getPermissionWarnings(manifestPermissions), l10n.formatValuesSync([ "webext-perms-description-declarativeNetRequest", "webext-perms-description-declarativeNetRequestFeedback", ]), "Expected warnings" ); } ); add_task( { pref_set: [["extensions.dnr.enabled", true]] }, async function declarativeNetRequest_permission_without_warning() { let manifestPermissions = await getManifestPermissions({ manifest: { manifest_version: 3, permissions: ["declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess"], }, }); deepEqual( manifestPermissions, { origins: [], permissions: ["declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess"] }, "Expected origins and permissions" ); deepEqual(getPermissionWarnings(manifestPermissions), [], "No warnings"); } ); // Tests that the expected permission warnings are generated for a mix of host // permissions and API permissions, for a privileged extension that uses the // mozillaAddons permission. add_task(async function privileged_with_mozillaAddons() { let manifestPermissions = await getManifestPermissions({ isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: [ "mozillaAddons", "mozillaAddons", "mozillaAddons", "resource://x/*", "http://a/", "about:reader*", ], }, }); deepEqual( manifestPermissions, { origins: ["resource://x/*", "http://a/", "about:reader*"], permissions: ["mozillaAddons"], }, "Expected origins and permissions for privileged add-on with mozillaAddons" ); deepEqual( getPermissionWarnings(manifestPermissions), [l10n.formatValueSync("webext-perms-host-description-all-urls")], "Expected warnings for privileged add-on with mozillaAddons permission." ); }); // Similar to the privileged_with_mozillaAddons test, except the test extension // is unprivileged and not allowed to use the mozillaAddons permission. add_task(async function unprivileged_with_mozillaAddons() { let manifestPermissions = await getManifestPermissions({ manifest: { permissions: [ "mozillaAddons", "mozillaAddons", "mozillaAddons", "resource://x/*", "http://a/", "about:reader*", ], }, }); deepEqual( manifestPermissions, { origins: ["http://a/"], permissions: [], }, "Expected origins and permissions for unprivileged add-on with mozillaAddons" ); deepEqual( getPermissionWarnings(manifestPermissions), [ l10n.formatValueSync("webext-perms-host-description-one-site", { domain: "a", }), ], "Expected warnings for unprivileged add-on with mozillaAddons permission." ); }); // Tests that an update with less permissions has no warning. add_task(async function update_drop_permission() { let warnings = await getPermissionWarningsForUpdate( { manifest: { permissions: ["", "https://a/", "http://b/"], }, }, { manifest: { permissions: [ "https://a/", "http://b/", "ftp://host_matching_all_urls/", ], }, } ); deepEqual( warnings, [], "An update with fewer permissions should not have any warnings" ); }); // Tests that an update that switches from "*://*/*" to "" does not // result in additional permission warnings. add_task(async function update_all_urls_permission() { let warnings = await getPermissionWarningsForUpdate( { manifest: { permissions: ["*://*/*"], }, }, { manifest: { permissions: [""], }, } ); deepEqual( warnings, [], "An update from a wildcard host to should not have any warnings" ); }); // Tests that an update where a new permission whose domain overlaps with // an existing permission does not result in additional permission warnings. add_task(async function update_change_permissions() { let warnings = await getPermissionWarningsForUpdate( { manifest: { permissions: ["https://a/", "http://*.b/", "http://c/", "http://f/"], }, }, { manifest: { permissions: [ // (no new warning) Unchanged permission from old extension. "https://a/", // (no new warning) Different schemes, host should match "*.b" wildcard. "ftp://ftp.b/", "ws://ws.b/", "wss://wss.b", "https://https.b/", "http://http.b/", "*://*.b/", "http://b/", // (expect warning) Wildcard was added. "http://*.c/", // (no new warning) file:-scheme, but host "f" is same as "http://f/". "file://f/", // (expect warning) New permission was added. "proxy", ], }, } ); deepEqual( warnings, l10n.formatValuesSync([ { id: "webext-perms-host-description-wildcard", args: { domain: "c" } }, "webext-perms-description-proxy", ]), "Expected permission warnings for new permissions only" ); }); // Tests that a privileged extension with the mozillaAddons permission can be // updated without errors. add_task(async function update_privileged_with_mozillaAddons() { let warnings = await getPermissionWarningsForUpdate( { isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: ["mozillaAddons", "resource://a/"], }, }, { isPrivileged: true, manifest: { permissions: ["mozillaAddons", "resource://a/", "resource://b/"], }, } ); deepEqual( warnings, [ l10n.formatValueSync("webext-perms-host-description-one-site", { domain: "b", }), ], "Expected permission warnings for new host only" ); }); // Tests that an unprivileged extension cannot get privileged permissions // through an update. add_task(async function update_unprivileged_with_mozillaAddons() { // Unprivileged let warnings = await getPermissionWarningsForUpdate( { manifest: { permissions: ["mozillaAddons", "resource://a/"], }, }, { manifest: { permissions: ["mozillaAddons", "resource://a/", "resource://b/"], }, } ); deepEqual( warnings, [], "resource:-scheme is unsupported for unprivileged extensions" ); }); // Tests that invalid permission warning for privileged permissions requested // are not emitted for privileged extensions, only for unprivileged extensions. add_task( async function test_invalid_permission_warning_on_privileged_permission() { await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); const MANIFEST_WARNINGS = [ "Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: mozillaAddons", "Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: resource://x/", "Reading manifest: Invalid extension permission: about:reader*", ]; async function testInvalidPermissionWarning({ isPrivileged }) { let id = isPrivileged ? "privileged-addon@mochi.test" : "nonprivileged-addon@mochi.test"; let expectedWarnings = isPrivileged ? [] : MANIFEST_WARNINGS; const ext = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ useAddonManager: "permanent", manifest: { permissions: ["mozillaAddons", "resource://x/", "about:reader*"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id } }, }, background() {}, }); await ext.startup(); const { warnings } = ext.extension; Assert.deepEqual( warnings, expectedWarnings, `Got the expected warning for ${id}` ); await ext.unload(); } await testInvalidPermissionWarning({ isPrivileged: false }); await testInvalidPermissionWarning({ isPrivileged: true }); info("Test invalid permission warning on ExtensionData instance"); // Generate an extension (just to be able to reuse its rootURI for the // ExtensionData instance created below). let generatedExt = ExtensionTestCommon.generate({ manifest: { permissions: ["mozillaAddons", "resource://x/", "about:reader*"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "extension-data@mochi.test" }, }, }, }); // Verify that XPIInstall.jsm will not collect the warning for the // privileged permission as expected. async function getWarningsFromExtensionData({ isPrivileged }) { let extData; if (typeof isPrivileged == "function") { // isPrivileged expected to be computed asynchronously. extData = await ExtensionData.constructAsync({ rootURI: generatedExt.rootURI, checkPrivileged: isPrivileged, }); } else { extData = new ExtensionData(generatedExt.rootURI, isPrivileged); } await extData.loadManifest(); // This assertion is just meant to prevent the test to pass if there were // no warnings because some errors prevented the warnings to be // collected). Assert.deepEqual( extData.errors, [], "No errors collected by the ExtensionData instance" ); return extData.warnings; } Assert.deepEqual( await getWarningsFromExtensionData({ isPrivileged: undefined }), MANIFEST_WARNINGS, "Got warnings about privileged permissions by default" ); Assert.deepEqual( await getWarningsFromExtensionData({ isPrivileged: false }), MANIFEST_WARNINGS, "Got warnings about privileged permissions for non-privileged extensions" ); Assert.deepEqual( await getWarningsFromExtensionData({ isPrivileged: true }), [], "No warnings about privileged permissions on privileged extensions" ); Assert.deepEqual( await getWarningsFromExtensionData({ isPrivileged: async () => false }), MANIFEST_WARNINGS, "Got warnings about privileged permissions for non-privileged extensions (async)" ); Assert.deepEqual( await getWarningsFromExtensionData({ isPrivileged: async () => true }), [], "No warnings about privileged permissions on privileged extensions (async)" ); // Cleanup the generated xpi file. await generatedExt.cleanupGeneratedFile(); await AddonTestUtils.promiseShutdownManager(); } );