"use strict"; const PROCESS_COUNT_PREF = "dom.ipc.processCount"; const { createAppInfo } = AddonTestUtils; AddonTestUtils.init(this); createAppInfo("xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "49"); const server = createHttpServer(); server.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data")); const BASE_URL = `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}/data`; add_task(async function setup_test_environment() { if (ExtensionTestUtils.remoteContentScripts) { // Start with one content process so that we can increase the number // later and test the behavior of a fresh content process. Services.prefs.setIntPref(PROCESS_COUNT_PREF, 1); } // Grant the optional permissions requested. function permissionObserver(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "webextension-optional-permission-prompt") { let { resolve } = subject.wrappedJSObject; resolve(true); } } Services.obs.addObserver( permissionObserver, "webextension-optional-permission-prompt" ); registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.obs.removeObserver( permissionObserver, "webextension-optional-permission-prompt" ); }); }); // Test that there is no userScripts API namespace when the manifest doesn't include a user_scripts // property. add_task(async function test_userScripts_manifest_property_required() { function background() { browser.test.assertEq( undefined, browser.userScripts, "userScripts API namespace should be undefined in the extension page" ); browser.test.sendMessage("background-page:done"); } async function contentScript() { browser.test.assertEq( undefined, browser.userScripts, "userScripts API namespace should be undefined in the content script" ); browser.test.sendMessage("content-script:done"); } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ background, manifest: { permissions: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], content_scripts: [ { matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script.js"], run_at: "document_start", }, ], }, files: { "content_script.js": contentScript, }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-page:done"); let url = `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html`; let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url); await extension.awaitMessage("content-script:done"); await extension.unload(); await contentPage.close(); }); // Test that userScripts can only matches origins that are subsumed by the extension permissions, // and that more origins can be allowed by requesting an optional permission. add_task(async function test_userScripts_matches_denied() { async function background() { async function registerUserScriptWithMatches(matches) { const scripts = await browser.userScripts.register({ js: [{ code: "" }], matches, }); await scripts.unregister(); } // These matches are supposed to be denied until the extension has been granted the // origin permission. const testMatches = [ "", "file://*/*", "https://localhost/*", "http://example.com/*", ]; browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async msg => { if (msg === "test-denied-matches") { for (let testMatch of testMatches) { await browser.test.assertRejects( registerUserScriptWithMatches([testMatch]), /Permission denied to register a user script for/, "Got the expected rejection when the extension permission does not subsume the userScript matches" ); } } else if (msg === "grant-all-urls") { await browser.permissions.request({ origins: [""] }); } else if (msg === "test-allowed-matches") { for (let testMatch of testMatches) { try { await registerUserScriptWithMatches([testMatch]); } catch (err) { browser.test.fail( `Unexpected rejection ${err} on matching ${JSON.stringify( testMatch )}` ); } } } else { browser.test.fail(`Received an unexpected ${msg} test message`); } browser.test.sendMessage(`${msg}:done`); }); browser.test.sendMessage("background-ready"); } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions: ["http://localhost/*"], optional_permissions: [""], user_scripts: {}, }, background, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-ready"); // Test that the matches not subsumed by the extension permissions are being denied. extension.sendMessage("test-denied-matches"); await extension.awaitMessage("test-denied-matches:done"); // Grant the optional permission. await withHandlingUserInput(extension, async () => { extension.sendMessage("grant-all-urls"); await extension.awaitMessage("grant-all-urls:done"); }); // Test that all the matches are now subsumed by the extension permissions. extension.sendMessage("test-allowed-matches"); await extension.awaitMessage("test-allowed-matches:done"); await extension.unload(); }); // Test that userScripts sandboxes: // - can be registered/unregistered from an extension page (and they are registered on both new and // existing processes). // - have no WebExtensions APIs available // - are able to access the target window and document add_task(async function test_userScripts_no_webext_apis() { async function background() { const matches = ["http://localhost/*/file_sample.html*"]; const sharedCode = { code: 'console.log("js code shared by multiple userScripts");', }; const userScriptOptions = { js: [ sharedCode, { code: ` window.addEventListener("load", () => { const webextAPINamespaces = this.browser ? Object.keys(this.browser) : undefined; document.body.innerHTML = "userScript loaded - " + JSON.stringify(webextAPINamespaces); }, {once: true}); `, }, ], runAt: "document_start", matches, scriptMetadata: { name: "test-user-script", arrayProperty: ["el1"], objectProperty: { nestedProp: "nestedValue" }, nullProperty: null, }, }; let script = await browser.userScripts.register(userScriptOptions); // Unregister and then register the same js code again, to verify that the last registered // userScript doesn't get assigned a revoked blob url (otherwise Extensioncontent.jsm // ScriptCache raises an error because it fails to compile the revoked blob url and the user // script will never be loaded). script.unregister(); script = await browser.userScripts.register(userScriptOptions); browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async msg => { if (msg !== "register-new-script") { return; } await script.unregister(); await browser.userScripts.register({ ...userScriptOptions, scriptMetadata: { name: "test-new-script" }, js: [ sharedCode, { code: ` window.addEventListener("load", () => { const webextAPINamespaces = this.browser ? Object.keys(this.browser) : undefined; document.body.innerHTML = "new userScript loaded - " + JSON.stringify(webextAPINamespaces); }, {once: true}); `, }, ], }); browser.test.sendMessage("script-registered"); }); const scriptToRemove = await browser.userScripts.register({ js: [ sharedCode, { code: ` window.addEventListener("load", () => { document.body.innerHTML = "unexpected unregistered userScript loaded"; }, {once: true}); `, }, ], runAt: "document_start", matches, scriptMetadata: { name: "user-script-to-remove", }, }); browser.test.assertTrue( "unregister" in script, "Got an unregister method on the userScript API object" ); // Remove the last registered user script. await scriptToRemove.unregister(); browser.test.sendMessage("background-ready"); } let extensionData = { manifest: { permissions: ["http://localhost/*/file_sample.html"], user_scripts: {}, }, background, }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extensionData); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-ready"); let url = `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html?testpage=1`; let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage( url, ExtensionTestUtils.remoteContentScripts ? { remote: true } : undefined ); let result = await contentPage.spawn([], async () => { return { textContent: this.content.document.body.textContent, url: this.content.location.href, readyState: this.content.document.readyState, }; }); Assert.deepEqual( result, { textContent: "userScript loaded - undefined", url, readyState: "complete", }, "The userScript executed on the expected url and no access to the WebExtensions APIs" ); // If the tests is running with "remote content process" mode, test that the userScript // are being correctly registered in newly created processes (received as part of the sharedData). if (ExtensionTestUtils.remoteContentScripts) { info( "Test content script are correctly created on a newly created process" ); await extension.sendMessage("register-new-script"); await extension.awaitMessage("script-registered"); // Update the process count preference, so that we can test that the newly registered user script // is propagated as expected into the newly created process. Services.prefs.setIntPref(PROCESS_COUNT_PREF, 2); const url2 = `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html?testpage=2`; let contentPage2 = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url2, { remote: true, }); let result2 = await contentPage2.spawn([], async () => { return { textContent: this.content.document.body.textContent, url: this.content.location.href, readyState: this.content.document.readyState, }; }); Assert.deepEqual( result2, { textContent: "new userScript loaded - undefined", url: url2, readyState: "complete", }, "The userScript executed on the expected url and no access to the WebExtensions APIs" ); await contentPage2.close(); } await contentPage.close(); await extension.unload(); }); // This test verify that a cached script is still able to catch the document // while it is still loading (when we do not block the document parsing as // we do for a non cached script). add_task(async function test_cached_userScript_on_document_start() { function apiScript() { browser.userScripts.onBeforeScript.addListener(script => { script.defineGlobals({ sendTestMessage(name, params) { return browser.test.sendMessage(name, params); }, }); }); } async function background() { function userScript() { this.sendTestMessage("user-script-loaded", { url: window.location.href, documentReadyState: document.readyState, }); } await browser.userScripts.register({ js: [ { code: `(${userScript})();`, }, ], runAt: "document_start", matches: ["http://localhost/*/file_sample.html"], }); browser.test.sendMessage("user-script-registered"); } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions: ["http://localhost/*/file_sample.html"], user_scripts: { api_script: "api-script.js", // The following is an unexpected manifest property, that we expect to be ignored and // to not prevent the test extension from being installed and run as expected. unexpected_manifest_key: "test-unexpected-key", }, }, background, files: { "api-script.js": apiScript, }, }); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(false); await extension.startup(); ExtensionTestUtils.failOnSchemaWarnings(true); await extension.awaitMessage("user-script-registered"); let url = `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html`; let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url); let msg = await extension.awaitMessage("user-script-loaded"); Assert.deepEqual( msg, { url, documentReadyState: "loading", }, "Got the expected url and document.readyState from a non cached user script" ); // Reload the page and check that the cached content script is still able to // run on document_start. await contentPage.loadURL(url); let msgFromCached = await extension.awaitMessage("user-script-loaded"); Assert.deepEqual( msgFromCached, { url, documentReadyState: "loading", }, "Got the expected url and document.readyState from a cached user script" ); await contentPage.close(); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_userScripts_pref_disabled() { async function run_userScript_on_pref_disabled_test() { async function background() { let promise = (async () => { await browser.userScripts.register({ js: [ { code: "throw new Error('This userScripts should not be registered')", }, ], runAt: "document_start", matches: [""], }); })(); await browser.test.assertRejects( promise, /userScripts APIs are currently experimental/, "Got the expected error from userScripts.register when the userScripts API is disabled" ); browser.test.sendMessage("background-page:done"); } async function contentScript() { let promise = (async () => { browser.userScripts.onBeforeScript.addListener(() => {}); })(); await browser.test.assertRejects( promise, /userScripts APIs are currently experimental/, "Got the expected error from userScripts.onBeforeScript when the userScripts API is disabled" ); browser.test.sendMessage("content-script:done"); } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ background, manifest: { permissions: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], user_scripts: { api_script: "" }, content_scripts: [ { matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script.js"], run_at: "document_start", }, ], }, files: { "content_script.js": contentScript, }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-page:done"); let url = `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html`; let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url); await extension.awaitMessage("content-script:done"); await extension.unload(); await contentPage.close(); } await runWithPrefs( [["extensions.webextensions.userScripts.enabled", false]], run_userScript_on_pref_disabled_test ); }); // This test verify that userScripts.onBeforeScript API Event is not available without // a "user_scripts.api_script" property in the manifest. add_task(async function test_user_script_api_script_required() { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { content_scripts: [ { matches: ["http://localhost/*/file_sample.html"], js: ["content_script.js"], run_at: "document_start", }, ], user_scripts: {}, }, files: { "content_script.js": function () { browser.test.assertEq( undefined, browser.userScripts && browser.userScripts.onBeforeScript, "Got an undefined onBeforeScript property as expected" ); browser.test.sendMessage("no-onBeforeScript:done"); }, }, }); await extension.startup(); let url = `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html`; let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url); await extension.awaitMessage("no-onBeforeScript:done"); await extension.unload(); await contentPage.close(); }); add_task(async function test_scriptMetaData() { function getTestCases(isUserScriptsRegister) { return [ // When scriptMetadata is not set (or undefined), it is treated as if it were null. // In the API script, the metadata is then expected to be null. isUserScriptsRegister ? undefined : null, // Falsey null, "", false, 0, // Truthy true, 1, "non-empty string", // Objects ["some array with value"], { "some object": "with value" }, ]; } async function background() { for (let scriptMetadata of getTestCases(true)) { await browser.userScripts.register({ js: [{ file: "userscript.js" }], runAt: "document_end", matches: ["http://localhost/*/file_sample.html"], scriptMetadata, }); } browser.test.sendMessage("background-page:done"); } function apiScript() { let testCases = getTestCases(false); let i = 0; browser.userScripts.onBeforeScript.addListener(script => { script.defineGlobals({ checkMetadata() { let expectation = testCases[i]; let metadata = script.metadata; if (typeof expectation === "object" && expectation !== null) { // Non-primitive values cannot be compared with assertEq, // so serialize both and just verify that they are equal. expectation = JSON.stringify(expectation); metadata = JSON.stringify(script.metadata); } browser.test.assertEq( expectation, metadata, `Expected metadata at call ${i}` ); if (++i === testCases.length) { browser.test.sendMessage("apiscript:done"); } }, }); }); } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ background: `${getTestCases};(${background})()`, manifest: { permissions: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], user_scripts: { api_script: "apiscript.js", }, }, files: { "apiscript.js": `${getTestCases};(${apiScript})()`, "userscript.js": "checkMetadata();", }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-page:done"); const pageUrl = `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html`; info(`Load content page: ${pageUrl}`); const page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(pageUrl); await extension.awaitMessage("apiscript:done"); await page.close(); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_userScriptOptions_js_property_required() { function background() { const userScriptOptions = { runAt: "document_start", matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], }; browser.test.assertThrows( () => browser.userScripts.register(userScriptOptions), /Type error for parameter userScriptOptions \(Property \"js\" is required\)/, "Got the expected error from userScripts.register when js property is missing" ); browser.test.sendMessage("done"); } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ background, manifest: { permissions: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], user_scripts: {}, }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("done"); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_userScripts_are_unregistered_on_unload() { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], user_scripts: { api_script: "api_script.js", }, }, files: { "userscript.js": "", "extpage.html": ``, "extpage.js": async function extPage() { await browser.userScripts.register({ js: [{ file: "userscript.js" }], matches: ["http://localhost/*/file_sample.html"], }); browser.test.sendMessage("user-script-registered"); }, }, }); await extension.startup(); equal( // In order to read the `registeredContentScripts` map, we need to access // the extension embedded in the `ExtensionWrapper` first. extension.extension.registeredContentScripts.size, 0, "no user scripts registered yet" ); const url = `moz-extension://${extension.uuid}/extpage.html`; info(`loading extension page: ${url}`); const page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url); info("waiting for the user script to be registered"); await extension.awaitMessage("user-script-registered"); equal( extension.extension.registeredContentScripts.size, 1, "got registered user scripts in the extension content scripts map" ); await page.close(); equal( extension.extension.registeredContentScripts.size, 0, "user scripts unregistered from the extension content scripts map" ); await extension.unload(); });