/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { FormLikeFactory: "resource://gre/modules/FormLikeFactory.sys.mjs", FormAutofillHandler: "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillHandler.sys.mjs", }); export class FormStateManager { constructor(onSubmit, onAutofillCallback) { /** * @type {WeakMap} mapping FormLike root HTML elements to FormAutofillHandler objects. */ this._formsDetails = new WeakMap(); /** * @type {object} The object where to store the active items, e.g. element, * handler, section, and field detail. */ this._activeItems = {}; this.onSubmit = onSubmit; this.onAutofillCallback = onAutofillCallback; } /** * Get the active input's information from cache which is created after page * identified. * * @returns {object | null} * Return the active input's information that cloned from content cache * (or return null if the information is not found in the cache). */ get activeFieldDetail() { if (!this._activeItems.fieldDetail) { let formDetails = this.activeFormDetails; if (!formDetails) { return null; } for (let detail of formDetails) { let detailElement = detail.elementWeakRef.get(); if (detailElement && this.activeInput == detailElement) { this._activeItems.fieldDetail = detail; break; } } } return this._activeItems.fieldDetail; } /** * Get the active form's information from cache which is created after page * identified. * * @returns {Array | null} * Return target form's information from content cache * (or return null if the information is not found in the cache). * */ get activeFormDetails() { let formHandler = this.activeHandler; return formHandler ? formHandler.fieldDetails : null; } get activeInput() { let elementWeakRef = this._activeItems.elementWeakRef; return elementWeakRef ? elementWeakRef.get() : null; } get activeHandler() { const activeInput = this.activeInput; if (!activeInput) { return null; } // XXX: We are recomputing the activeHandler every time to avoid keeping a // reference on the active element. This might be called quite frequently // so if _getFormHandler/findRootForField become more costly, we should // look into caching this result (eg by adding a weakmap). let handler = this._getFormHandler(activeInput); if (handler) { handler.focusedInput = activeInput; } return handler; } get activeSection() { let formHandler = this.activeHandler; return formHandler ? formHandler.activeSection : null; } /** * Get the form's handler from cache which is created after page identified. * * @param {HTMLInputElement} element Focused input which triggered profile searching * @returns {Array | null} * Return target form's handler from content cache * (or return null if the information is not found in the cache). * */ _getFormHandler(element) { if (!element) { return null; } let rootElement = lazy.FormLikeFactory.findRootForField(element); return this._formsDetails.get(rootElement); } identifyAutofillFields(element) { let formHandler = this._getFormHandler(element); if (!formHandler) { let formLike = lazy.FormLikeFactory.createFromField(element); formHandler = new lazy.FormAutofillHandler( formLike, this.onSubmit, this.onAutofillCallback ); } else if (!formHandler.updateFormIfNeeded(element)) { return formHandler.fieldDetails; } this._formsDetails.set(formHandler.form.rootElement, formHandler); return formHandler.collectFormFields(); } updateActiveInput(element) { if (!element) { this._activeItems = {}; return; } this._activeItems = { elementWeakRef: Cu.getWeakReference(element), fieldDetail: null, }; } getRecords(formElement, handler) { handler = handler || this._formsDetails.get(formElement); const records = handler?.createRecords(); if ( !handler || !records || !Object.values(records).some(typeRecords => typeRecords.length) ) { return null; } return records; } } export default FormStateManager;