const DIRECTORY_PATH = "/browser/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/"; var { LoginTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/LoginTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { TelemetryTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { PromptTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/PromptTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); add_setup(async function common_initialize() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["signon.rememberSignons", true], ["signon.testOnlyUserHasInteractedByPrefValue", true], ["signon.testOnlyUserHasInteractedWithDocument", true], ["toolkit.telemetry.ipcBatchTimeout", 0], ], }); if (LoginHelper.relatedRealmsEnabled) { await LoginTestUtils.remoteSettings.setupWebsitesWithSharedCredentials(); registerCleanupFunction(async function () { await LoginTestUtils.remoteSettings.cleanWebsitesWithSharedCredentials(); }); } }); registerCleanupFunction( async function cleanup_removeAllLoginsAndResetRecipes() { await SpecialPowers.popPrefEnv(); LoginTestUtils.clearData(); LoginTestUtils.resetGeneratedPasswordsCache(); clearHttpAuths(); Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); let recipeParent =; if (!recipeParent) { // No need to reset the recipes if the recipe module wasn't even loaded. return; } await recipeParent.then(recipeParentResult => recipeParentResult.reset()); await cleanupDoorhanger(); await cleanupPasswordNotifications(); await closePopup(document.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu")); await closePopup(document.getElementById("PopupAutoComplete")); } ); /** * Compared logins in storage to expected values * * @param {array} expectedLogins * An array of expected login properties * @return {nsILoginInfo[]} - All saved logins sorted by timeCreated */ function verifyLogins(expectedLogins = []) { let allLogins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); allLogins.sort((a, b) => a.timeCreated > b.timeCreated); Assert.equal( allLogins.length, expectedLogins.length, "Check actual number of logins matches the number of provided expected property-sets" ); for (let i = 0; i < expectedLogins.length; i++) { // if the test doesn't care about comparing properties for this login, just pass false/null. let expected = expectedLogins[i]; if (expected) { let login = allLogins[i]; if (typeof expected.timesUsed !== "undefined") { Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, expected.timesUsed, "Check timesUsed"); } if (typeof expected.passwordLength !== "undefined") { Assert.equal( login.password.length, expected.passwordLength, "Check passwordLength" ); } if (typeof expected.username !== "undefined") { Assert.equal(login.username, expected.username, "Check username"); } if (typeof expected.password !== "undefined") { Assert.equal(login.password, expected.password, "Check password"); } if (typeof expected.usedSince !== "undefined") { Assert.ok( login.timeLastUsed > expected.usedSince, "Check timeLastUsed" ); } if (typeof expected.passwordChangedSince !== "undefined") { Assert.ok( login.timePasswordChanged > expected.passwordChangedSince, "Check timePasswordChanged" ); } if (typeof expected.timeCreated !== "undefined") { Assert.equal( login.timeCreated, expected.timeCreated, "Check timeCreated" ); } } } return allLogins; } /** * Submit the content form and return a promise resolving to the username and * password values echoed out in the response * * @param {Object} [browser] - browser with the form * @param {String = ""} formAction - Optional url to set the form's action to before submitting * @param {Object = null} selectorValues - Optional object with field values to set before form submission * @param {Object = null} responseSelectors - Optional object with selectors to find the username and password in the response */ async function submitFormAndGetResults( browser, formAction = "", selectorValues, responseSelectors ) { async function contentSubmitForm([contentFormAction, contentSelectorValues]) { const { WrapPrivileged } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/WrapPrivileged.sys.mjs" ); let doc = content.document; let form = doc.querySelector("form"); if (contentFormAction) { form.action = contentFormAction; } for (let [sel, value] of Object.entries(contentSelectorValues)) { try { let field = doc.querySelector(sel); let gotInput = ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent( field, "input", "Got input event on " + sel ); // we don't get an input event if the new value == the old field.value = "###"; WrapPrivileged.wrap(field, this).setUserInput(value); await gotInput; } catch (ex) { throw new Error( `submitForm: Couldn't set value of field at: ${sel}: ${ex.message}` ); } } form.submit(); } let loadPromise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [[formAction, selectorValues]], contentSubmitForm ); await loadPromise; let result = await getFormSubmitResponseResult( browser, formAction, responseSelectors ); return result; } /** * Wait for a given result page to load and return a promise resolving to an object with the parsed-out * username/password values from the response * * @param {Object} [browser] - browser which is loading this page * @param {String} resultURL - the path or filename to look for in the content.location * @param {Object = null} - Optional object with selectors to find the username and password in the response */ async function getFormSubmitResponseResult( browser, resultURL = "/formsubmit.sjs", { username = "#user", password = "#pass" } = {} ) { // default selectors are for the response page produced by formsubmit.sjs let fieldValues = await ContentTask.spawn( browser, { resultURL, usernameSelector: username, passwordSelector: password, }, async function ({ resultURL, usernameSelector, passwordSelector }) { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return ( content.location.pathname.endsWith(resultURL) && content.document.readyState == "complete" ); }, `Wait for form submission load (${resultURL})`); let username = content.document.querySelector(usernameSelector).textContent; // Bug 1686071: Since generated passwords can have special characters in them, // we need to unescape the characters. These special characters are automatically escaped // when we submit a form in `submitFormAndGetResults`. // Otherwise certain tests will intermittently fail when these special characters are present in the passwords. let password = unescape( content.document.querySelector(passwordSelector).textContent ); return { username, password, }; } ); return fieldValues; } /** * Loads a test page in `DIRECTORY_URL` which automatically submits to formsubmit.sjs and returns a * promise resolving with the field values when the optional `aTaskFn` is done. * * @param {String} aPageFile - test page file name which auto-submits to formsubmit.sjs * @param {Function} aTaskFn - task which can be run before the tab closes. * @param {String} [aOrigin=""] - origin of the server to use * to load `aPageFile`. */ function testSubmittingLoginForm( aPageFile, aTaskFn, aOrigin = "" ) { return BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: aOrigin + DIRECTORY_PATH + aPageFile, }, async function (browser) { Assert.ok(true, "loaded " + aPageFile); let fieldValues = await getFormSubmitResponseResult( browser, "/formsubmit.sjs" ); Assert.ok(true, "form submission loaded"); if (aTaskFn) { await aTaskFn(fieldValues, browser); } return fieldValues; } ); } /** * Loads a test page in `DIRECTORY_URL` which automatically submits to formsubmit.sjs and returns a * promise resolving with the field values when the optional `aTaskFn` is done. * * @param {String} aPageFile - test page file name which auto-submits to formsubmit.sjs * @param {Function} aTaskFn - task which can be run before the tab closes. * @param {String} [aOrigin=""] - origin of the server to use * to load `aPageFile`. */ function testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( aPageFile, aTaskFn, aOrigin = "" ) { return testSubmittingLoginForm(aPageFile, aTaskFn, aOrigin); } function checkOnlyLoginWasUsedTwice({ justChanged }) { // Check to make sure we updated the timestamps and use count on the // existing login that was submitted for the test. let logins = Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); Assert.ok(logins[0] instanceof Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo, "metainfo QI"); Assert.equal( logins[0].timesUsed, 2, "check .timesUsed for existing login submission" ); Assert.ok( logins[0].timeCreated < logins[0].timeLastUsed, "timeLastUsed bumped" ); if (justChanged) { Assert.equal( logins[0].timeLastUsed, logins[0].timePasswordChanged, "timeLastUsed == timePasswordChanged" ); } else { Assert.equal( logins[0].timeCreated, logins[0].timePasswordChanged, "timeChanged not updated" ); } } function clearHttpAuths() { let authMgr = Cc[";1"].getService( Ci.nsIHttpAuthManager ); authMgr.clearAll(); } // Begin popup notification (doorhanger) functions // const REMEMBER_BUTTON = "button"; const NEVER_MENUITEM = 0; const CHANGE_BUTTON = "button"; const DONT_CHANGE_BUTTON = "secondaryButton"; const REMOVE_LOGIN_MENUITEM = 0; /** * Checks if we have a password capture popup notification * of the right type and with the right label. * * @param {String} aKind The desired `passwordNotificationType` ("any" for any type) * @param {Object} [popupNotifications = PopupNotifications] * @param {Object} [browser = null] Optional browser whose notifications should be searched. * @return the found password popup notification. */ function getCaptureDoorhanger( aKind, popupNotifications = PopupNotifications, browser = null ) { Assert.ok(true, "Looking for " + aKind + " popup notification"); let notification = popupNotifications.getNotification("password", browser); if (!aKind) { throw new Error( "getCaptureDoorhanger needs aKind to be a non-empty string" ); } if (aKind !== "any" && notification) { Assert.equal( notification.options.passwordNotificationType, aKind, "Notification type matches." ); if (aKind == "password-change") { Assert.equal( notification.mainAction.label, "Update", "Main action label matches update doorhanger." ); } else if (aKind == "password-save") { Assert.equal( notification.mainAction.label, "Save", "Main action label matches save doorhanger." ); } } return notification; } async function getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen( aKind, popupNotifications = PopupNotifications, browser = null ) { let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger(aKind, popupNotifications, browser); if (notif && !notif.dismissed) { if (popupNotifications.panel.state !== "open") { await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( popupNotifications.panel, "popupshown" ); } } return notif; } async function waitForDoorhanger(browser, type) { let notif; await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { notif = PopupNotifications.getNotification("password", browser); if (notif && type !== "any") { return ( notif.options.passwordNotificationType == type && notif.anchorElement && BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(notif.anchorElement) ); } return notif; }, `Waiting for a ${type} notification`); return notif; } async function hideDoorhangerPopup() { info("hideDoorhangerPopup"); if (!PopupNotifications.isPanelOpen) { return; } let { panel } = PopupNotifications; let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popuphidden"); panel.hidePopup(); await promiseHidden; info("got popuphidden from notification panel"); } function getDoorhangerButton(aPopup, aButtonIndex) { let notifications = aPopup.owner.panel.children; Assert.ok(!!notifications.length, "at least one notification displayed"); Assert.ok(true, notifications.length + " notification(s)"); let notification = notifications[0]; if (aButtonIndex == "button") { return notification.button; } else if (aButtonIndex == "secondaryButton") { return notification.secondaryButton; } return notification.menupopup.querySelectorAll("menuitem")[aButtonIndex]; } /** * Clicks the specified popup notification button. * * @param {Element} aPopup Popup Notification element * @param {Number} aButtonIndex Number indicating which button to click. * See the constants in this file. */ function clickDoorhangerButton(aPopup, aButtonIndex) { Assert.ok(true, "Looking for action at index " + aButtonIndex); let button = getDoorhangerButton(aPopup, aButtonIndex); if (aButtonIndex == "button") { Assert.ok(true, "Triggering main action"); } else if (aButtonIndex == "secondaryButton") { Assert.ok(true, "Triggering secondary action"); } else { Assert.ok(true, "Triggering menuitem # " + aButtonIndex); } button.doCommand(); } async function cleanupDoorhanger(notif) { let PN = notif ? notif.owner : PopupNotifications; if (notif) { notif.remove(); } let promiseHidden = PN.isPanelOpen ? BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(PN.panel, "popuphidden") : Promise.resolve(); PN.panel.hidePopup(); await promiseHidden; } async function cleanupPasswordNotifications( popupNotifications = PopupNotifications ) { let notif; while ((notif = popupNotifications.getNotification("password"))) { notif.remove(); } } async function clearMessageCache(browser) { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { const { LoginManagerChild } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/LoginManagerChild.sys.mjs" ); let docState = LoginManagerChild.forWindow(content).stateForDocument( content.document ); docState.lastSubmittedValuesByRootElement = new content.WeakMap(); }); } /** * Checks the doorhanger's username and password. * * @param {String} username The username. * @param {String} password The password. */ async function checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword(username, password) { await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return ( document.getElementById("password-notification-username").value == username && document.getElementById("password-notification-password").value == password ); }, "Wait for nsLoginManagerPrompter writeDataToUI() to update to the correct username/password values"); } /** * Change the doorhanger's username and password input values. * * @param {object} newValues * named values to update * @param {string} [newValues.password = undefined] * An optional string value to replace whatever is in the password field * @param {string} [newValues.username = undefined] * An optional string value to replace whatever is in the username field * @param {Object} [popupNotifications = PopupNotifications] */ async function updateDoorhangerInputValues( newValues, popupNotifications = PopupNotifications ) { let { panel } = popupNotifications; if (popupNotifications.panel.state !== "open") { await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(popupNotifications.panel, "popupshown"); } Assert.equal(panel.state, "open", "Check the doorhanger is already open"); let notifElem = panel.childNodes[0]; // Note: setUserInput does not reliably dispatch input events from chrome elements? async function setInputValue(target, value) { info(`setInputValue: on target: ${}, value: ${value}`); target.focus();; info( `setInputValue: current value: '${target.value}', setting new value '${value}'` ); await EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Backspace"); await EventUtils.sendString(value); await EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab"); return Promise.resolve(); } let passwordField = notifElem.querySelector( "#password-notification-password" ); let usernameField = notifElem.querySelector( "#password-notification-username" ); if (typeof newValues.password !== "undefined") { if (passwordField.value !== newValues.password) { await setInputValue(passwordField, newValues.password); } } if (typeof newValues.username !== "undefined") { if (usernameField.value !== newValues.username) { await setInputValue(usernameField, newValues.username); } } } /** * Open doorhanger autocomplete popup and select a username value. * * @param {string} text the text value of the username that should be selected. * Noop if `text` is falsy. */ async function selectDoorhangerUsername(text) { await _selectDoorhanger( text, "#password-notification-username", "#password-notification-username-dropmarker" ); } /** * Open doorhanger autocomplete popup and select a password value. * * @param {string} text the text value of the password that should be selected. * Noop if `text` is falsy. */ async function selectDoorhangerPassword(text) { await _selectDoorhanger( text, "#password-notification-password", "#password-notification-password-dropmarker" ); } async function _selectDoorhanger(text, inputSelector, dropmarkerSelector) { if (!text) { return; } info("Opening doorhanger suggestion popup"); let doorhangerPopup = document.getElementById("password-notification"); let dropmarker = doorhangerPopup.querySelector(dropmarkerSelector); let autocompletePopup = document.getElementById("PopupAutoComplete"); let popupShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( autocompletePopup, "popupshown" ); // the dropmarker gets un-hidden async when looking up username suggestions await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => !dropmarker.hidden); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(dropmarker, {}); await popupShown; let suggestions = [ ...document .getElementById("PopupAutoComplete") .getElementsByTagName("richlistitem"), ].filter(richlistitem => !richlistitem.collapsed); let suggestionText = richlistitem => richlistitem.querySelector(".ac-title-text").innerHTML ); let targetIndex = suggestionText.indexOf(text); Assert.ok(targetIndex != -1, "Suggestions include expected text"); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( autocompletePopup, "popuphidden" ); info("Selecting doorhanger suggestion"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(suggestions[targetIndex], {}); await promiseHidden; } // End popup notification (doorhanger) functions // async function openPasswordManager(openingFunc, waitForFilter) { info("waiting for new tab to open"); let tabPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForNewTab( gBrowser, url => url.includes("about:logins") && !url.includes("entryPoint="), true ); await openingFunc(); let tab = await tabPromise; Assert.ok(tab, "got password management tab"); let filterValue; if (waitForFilter) { filterValue = await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], async () => { let loginFilter = Cu.waiveXrays( content.document .querySelector("login-list") .shadowRoot.querySelector("login-filter") ); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => !!loginFilter.value, "wait for login-filter to have a value" ); return loginFilter.value; }); } return { filterValue, close() { BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); }, }; } // Autocomplete popup related functions // async function openACPopup( popup, browser, inputSelector, iframeBrowsingContext = null ) { let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(popup, "popupshown"); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser); info("content window focused"); // Focus the username field to open the popup. let target = iframeBrowsingContext || browser; await SpecialPowers.spawn( target, [[inputSelector]], function openAutocomplete(sel) { content.document.querySelector(sel).focus(); } ); let shown = await promiseShown; Assert.ok(shown, "autocomplete popup shown"); return shown; } async function closePopup(popup) { if (popup.state == "closed") { await Promise.resolve(); } else { let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(popup, "popuphidden"); popup.hidePopup(); await promiseHidden; } } async function fillGeneratedPasswordFromOpenACPopup( browser, passwordInputSelector ) { let popup = browser.ownerDocument.getElementById("PopupAutoComplete"); let item; await new Promise(requestAnimationFrame); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { item = popup.querySelector(`[originaltype="generatedPassword"]`); return item && !EventUtils.isHidden(item); }, "Waiting for item to become visible"); let inputEventPromise = ContentTask.spawn( browser, [passwordInputSelector], async function waitForInput(inputSelector) { let passwordInput = content.document.querySelector(inputSelector); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent( passwordInput, "input", "Password input value changed" ); } ); let passwordGeneratedPromise = listenForTestNotification( "PasswordEditedOrGenerated" ); info("Clicking the generated password AC item"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(item, {}); info("Waiting for the content input value to change"); await inputEventPromise; info("Waiting for the passwordGeneratedPromise"); await passwordGeneratedPromise; } // Contextmenu functions // /** * Synthesize mouse clicks to open the password manager context menu popup * for a target password input element. * * assertCallback should return true if we should continue or else false. */ async function openPasswordContextMenu( browser, input, assertCallback = null, browsingContext = null, openFillMenu = null ) { const doc = browser.ownerDocument; const CONTEXT_MENU = doc.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu"); const POPUP_HEADER = doc.getElementById("fill-login"); const LOGIN_POPUP = doc.getElementById("fill-login-popup"); if (!browsingContext) { browsingContext = browser.browsingContext; } let contextMenuShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( CONTEXT_MENU, "popupshown" ); // Synthesize a right mouse click over the password input element, we have to trigger // both events because formfill code relies on this event happening before the contextmenu // (which it does for real user input) in order to not show the password autocomplete. let eventDetails = { type: "mousedown", button: 2 }; await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( input, eventDetails, browsingContext ); // Synthesize a contextmenu event to actually open the context menu. eventDetails = { type: "contextmenu", button: 2 }; await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter( input, eventDetails, browsingContext ); await contextMenuShownPromise; if (assertCallback) { let shouldContinue = await assertCallback(); if (!shouldContinue) { return; } } if (openFillMenu) { // Open the fill login menu. let popupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( LOGIN_POPUP, "popupshown" ); POPUP_HEADER.openMenu(true); await popupShownPromise; } } /** * Listen for the login manager test notification specified by * expectedMessage. Possible messages: * FormProcessed - a form was processed after page load. * FormSubmit - a form was just submitted. * PasswordEditedOrGenerated - a password was filled in or modified. * * The count is the number of that messages to wait for. This should * typically be used when waiting for the FormProcessed message for a page * that has subframes to ensure all have been handled. * * Returns a promise that will passed additional data specific to the message. */ function listenForTestNotification(expectedMessage, count = 1) { return new Promise(resolve => { LoginManagerParent.setListenerForTests((msg, data) => { if (msg == expectedMessage && --count == 0) { LoginManagerParent.setListenerForTests(null); info("listenForTestNotification, resolving for message: " + msg); resolve(data); } }); }); } /** * Use the contextmenu to fill a field with a generated password */ async function doFillGeneratedPasswordContextMenuItem(browser, passwordInput) { await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser); await openPasswordContextMenu(browser, passwordInput); let generatedPasswordItem = document.getElementById( "fill-login-generated-password" ); let generatedPasswordSeparator = document.getElementById( "passwordmgr-items-separator" ); Assert.ok( BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(generatedPasswordItem), "generated password item is visible" ); Assert.ok( BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(generatedPasswordSeparator), "separator is visible" ); let popup = document.getElementById("PopupAutoComplete"); Assert.ok(popup, "Got popup"); let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(popup, "popupshown"); await new Promise(resolve => { SimpleTest.executeSoon(resolve); }); let contextMenu = document.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu"); contextMenu.activateItem(generatedPasswordItem); await promiseShown; await fillGeneratedPasswordFromOpenACPopup(browser, passwordInput); } // Content form helpers async function changeContentFormValues( browser, selectorValues, shouldBlur = true ) { for (let [sel, value] of Object.entries(selectorValues)) { info("changeContentFormValues, update: " + sel + ", to: " + value); await changeContentInputValue(browser, sel, value, shouldBlur); await TestUtils.waitForTick(); } } async function changeContentInputValue( browser, selector, str, shouldBlur = true ) { await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser.ownerGlobal); let oldValue = await ContentTask.spawn(browser, [selector], function (sel) { return content.document.querySelector(sel).value; }); if (str === oldValue) { info("no change needed to value of " + selector + ": " + oldValue); return; } info(`changeContentInputValue: from "${oldValue}" to "${str}"`); await ContentTask.spawn( browser, { selector, str, shouldBlur }, async function ({ selector, str, shouldBlur }) { const EventUtils = ContentTaskUtils.getEventUtils(content); let input = content.document.querySelector(selector); input.focus(); if (!str) {; await EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Backspace", {}, content); } else if (input.value.startsWith(str)) { info( `New string is substring of value: ${str.length}, ${input.value.length}` ); input.setSelectionRange(str.length, input.value.length); await EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Backspace", {}, content); } else if (str.startsWith(input.value)) { info( `New string appends to value: ${input.value}, ${str.substring( input.value.length )}` ); input.setSelectionRange(input.value.length, input.value.length); await EventUtils.sendString(str.substring(input.value.length), content); } else {; await EventUtils.sendString(str, content); } if (shouldBlur) { let changedPromise = ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(input, "change"); input.blur(); await changedPromise; } Assert.equal(str, input.value, `Expected value '${str}' is set on input`); } ); info("Input value changed"); await TestUtils.waitForTick(); } async function verifyConfirmationHint( browser, forceClose, anchorID = "password-notification-icon" ) { let hintElem = browser.ownerGlobal.ConfirmationHint._panel; await BrowserTestUtils.waitForPopupEvent(hintElem, "shown"); try { Assert.equal(hintElem.state, "open", "hint popup is open"); Assert.ok( BrowserTestUtils.is_visible(hintElem.anchorNode), "hint anchorNode is visible" ); Assert.equal(, anchorID, "Hint should be anchored on the expected notification icon" ); info("verifyConfirmationHint, hint is shown and has its anchorNode"); if (forceClose) { await closePopup(hintElem); } else { info("verifyConfirmationHint, assertion ok, wait for poopuphidden"); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForPopupEvent(hintElem, "hidden"); info("verifyConfirmationHint, hintElem popup is hidden"); } } catch (ex) { Assert.ok(false, "Confirmation hint not shown: " + ex.message); } finally { info("verifyConfirmationHint promise finalized"); } }