/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Return a web-based URL for a given file based on the testing directory. * @param {String} fileName * file that caller wants its web-based url */ function GetTestWebBasedURL(fileName) { return ( getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace( "chrome://mochitests/content", "http://example.org" ) + fileName ); } const kNS_PER_MS = 1000000; function printProcInfo(procInfo) { info( ` pid: ${procInfo.pid}, type = parent, cpu time = ${ procInfo.cpuTime / kNS_PER_MS }ms` ); for (let child of procInfo.children) { info( ` pid: ${child.pid}, type = ${child.type}, cpu time = ${ child.cpuTime / kNS_PER_MS }ms` ); } } // It would be nice to have an API to list all the statically defined labels of // a labeled_counter. Hopefully bug 1672273 will help with this. const kGleanProcessTypeLabels = [ "parent.active", "parent.active.playing-audio", "parent.active.playing-video", "parent.inactive", "parent.inactive.playing-audio", "parent.inactive.playing-video", "prealloc", "privilegedabout", "rdd", "socket", "web.background", "web.background-perceivable", "web.foreground", "extension", "gpu", "gmplugin", "utility", "__other__", ]; async function getChildCpuTime(pid) { return (await ChromeUtils.requestProcInfo()).children.find(p => p.pid == pid) .cpuTime; } add_task(async () => { // Temporarily open a new foreground tab to make the current tab a background // tab, and burn some CPU time in it while it's in the background. const kBusyWaitForMs = 50; let cpuTimeSpentOnBackgroundTab; let firstBrowser = gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser; let processPriorityChangedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.contentTopicObserved( firstBrowser.browsingContext, "ipc:process-priority-changed" ); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( GetTestWebBasedURL("dummy.html"), async () => { await processPriorityChangedPromise; // We can't be sure that a busy loop lasting for a specific duration // will use the same amount of CPU time, as that would require a core // to be fully available for our busy loop, which is unlikely on single // core hardware. // To be able to have a predictable amount of CPU time used, we need to // check using ChromeUtils.requestProcInfo how much CPU time has actually // been spent. let pid = firstBrowser.frameLoader.remoteTab.osPid; let initalCpuTime = await getChildCpuTime(pid); let afterCpuTime; do { await SpecialPowers.spawn( firstBrowser, [kBusyWaitForMs], async kBusyWaitForMs => { let startTime = Date.now(); while (Date.now() - startTime < 10) { // Burn CPU time... } } ); afterCpuTime = await getChildCpuTime(pid); } while (afterCpuTime - initalCpuTime < kBusyWaitForMs * kNS_PER_MS); cpuTimeSpentOnBackgroundTab = Math.floor( (afterCpuTime - initalCpuTime) / kNS_PER_MS ); } ); let beforeProcInfo = await ChromeUtils.requestProcInfo(); await Services.fog.testFlushAllChildren(); let cpuTimeByType = {}, gpuTimeByType = {}; for (let label of kGleanProcessTypeLabels) { cpuTimeByType[label] = Glean.power.cpuTimePerProcessTypeMs[label].testGetValue(); gpuTimeByType[label] = Glean.power.gpuTimePerProcessTypeMs[label].testGetValue(); } let totalCpuTime = Glean.power.totalCpuTimeMs.testGetValue(); let totalGpuTime = Glean.power.totalGpuTimeMs.testGetValue(); let afterProcInfo = await ChromeUtils.requestProcInfo(); info("CPU time from ProcInfo before calling testFlushAllChildren:"); printProcInfo(beforeProcInfo); info("CPU time for each label:"); let totalCpuTimeByType = 0; for (let label of kGleanProcessTypeLabels) { totalCpuTimeByType += cpuTimeByType[label] ?? 0; info(` ${label} = ${cpuTimeByType[label]}`); } info("CPU time from ProcInfo after calling testFlushAllChildren:"); printProcInfo(afterProcInfo); Assert.equal( totalCpuTimeByType, totalCpuTime, "The sum of CPU time used by all process types should match totalCpuTimeMs" ); // In infra the parent process time will be reported as parent.inactive, // but when running the test locally the user might move the mouse a bit. let parentTime = (cpuTimeByType["parent.active"] || 0) + (cpuTimeByType["parent.inactive"] || 0); Assert.greaterOrEqual( parentTime, Math.floor(beforeProcInfo.cpuTime / kNS_PER_MS), "reported parent cpu time should be at least what the first requestProcInfo returned" ); Assert.lessOrEqual( parentTime, Math.ceil(afterProcInfo.cpuTime / kNS_PER_MS), "reported parent cpu time should be at most what the second requestProcInfo returned" ); kGleanProcessTypeLabels .filter(label => label.startsWith("parent.") && label.includes(".playing-")) .forEach(label => { Assert.strictEqual( cpuTimeByType[label], undefined, `no media was played so the CPU time for ${label} should be undefined` ); }); if (beforeProcInfo.children.some(p => p.type == "preallocated")) { Assert.greaterOrEqual( cpuTimeByType.prealloc, beforeProcInfo.children.reduce( (time, p) => time + (p.type == "preallocated" ? Math.floor(p.cpuTime / kNS_PER_MS) : 0), 0 ), "reported cpu time for preallocated content processes should be at least the sum of what the first requestProcInfo returned." ); // We can't compare with the values returned by the second requestProcInfo // call because one preallocated content processes has been turned into // a normal content process when we opened a tab. } else { info( "no preallocated content process existed when we started our test, but some might have existed before" ); } if (beforeProcInfo.children.some(p => p.type == "privilegedabout")) { Assert.greaterOrEqual( cpuTimeByType.privilegedabout, 1, "we used some CPU time in a foreground tab, but don't know how much as the process might have started as preallocated" ); } for (let label of [ "rdd", "socket", "extension", "gpu", "gmplugin", "utility", ]) { if (!kGleanProcessTypeLabels.includes(label)) { Assert.ok( false, `coding error in the test, ${label} isn't part of ${kGleanProcessTypeLabels.join( ", " )}` ); } if (beforeProcInfo.children.some(p => p.type == label)) { Assert.greaterOrEqual( cpuTimeByType[label], Math.floor( beforeProcInfo.children.find(p => p.type == label).cpuTime / kNS_PER_MS ), "reported cpu time for " + label + " process should be at least what the first requestProcInfo returned." ); Assert.lessOrEqual( cpuTimeByType[label], Math.ceil( afterProcInfo.children.find(p => p.type == label).cpuTime / kNS_PER_MS ), "reported cpu time for " + label + " process should be at most what the second requestProcInfo returned." ); } else { info( "no " + label + " process existed when we started our test, but some might have existed before" ); } } Assert.greaterOrEqual( cpuTimeByType["web.background"], cpuTimeSpentOnBackgroundTab, "web.background should be at least the time we spent." ); Assert.greaterOrEqual( cpuTimeByType["web.foreground"], 1, "we used some CPU time in a foreground tab, but don't know how much" ); // We only have web.background-perceivable CPU time if a muted video was // played in a background tab. Assert.strictEqual( cpuTimeByType["web.background-perceivable"], undefined, "CPU time should only be recorded in the web.background-perceivable label" ); // __other__ should be undefined, if it is not, we have a missing label in the metrics.yaml file. Assert.strictEqual( cpuTimeByType.__other__, undefined, "no CPU time should be recorded in the __other__ label" ); info("GPU time for each label:"); let totalGpuTimeByType = undefined; for (let label of kGleanProcessTypeLabels) { if (gpuTimeByType[label] !== undefined) { totalGpuTimeByType = (totalGpuTimeByType || 0) + gpuTimeByType[label]; } info(` ${label} = ${gpuTimeByType[label]}`); } Assert.equal( totalGpuTimeByType, totalGpuTime, "The sum of GPU time used by all process types should match totalGpuTimeMs" ); // __other__ should be undefined, if it is not, we have a missing label in the metrics.yaml file. Assert.strictEqual( gpuTimeByType.__other__, undefined, "no GPU time should be recorded in the __other__ label" ); // Now test per-thread CPU time. // We don't test parentActive as the user is not marked active on infra. let processTypes = [ "parentInactive", "contentBackground", "contentForeground", ]; if (beforeProcInfo.children.some(p => p.type == "gpu")) { processTypes.push("gpuProcess"); } // The list of accepted labels is not accessible to the JS code, so test only the main thread. const kThreadName = "geckomain"; if (AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD) { for (let processType of processTypes) { Assert.greater( Glean.powerCpuMsPerThread[processType][kThreadName].testGetValue(), 0, `some CPU time should have been recorded for the ${processType} main thread` ); Assert.greater( Glean.powerWakeupsPerThread[processType][kThreadName].testGetValue(), 0, `some thread wake ups should have been recorded for the ${processType} main thread` ); } } else { // We are not recording per thread CPU use outside of the Nightly channel. for (let processType of processTypes) { Assert.equal( Glean.powerCpuMsPerThread[processType][kThreadName].testGetValue(), undefined, `no CPU time should have been recorded for the ${processType} main thread` ); Assert.equal( Glean.powerWakeupsPerThread[processType][kThreadName].testGetValue(), undefined, `no thread wake ups should have been recorded for the ${processType} main thread` ); } } }); add_task(async function test_tracker_power() { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [ ["privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", false], ["privacy.trackingprotection.annotate_channels", true], ], }); let initialValues = []; for (let trackerType of [ "ad", "analytics", "cryptomining", "fingerprinting", "social", "unknown", ]) { initialValues[trackerType] = Glean.power.cpuTimePerTrackerTypeMs[trackerType].testGetValue() || 0; } await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( GetTestWebBasedURL("dummy.html"), async () => { // Load a tracker in a subframe, as we only record CPU time used by third party trackers. await SpecialPowers.spawn( gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser, [ GetTestWebBasedURL("dummy.html").replace( "example.org", "trackertest.org" ), ], async frameUrl => { let iframe = content.document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.setAttribute("src", frameUrl); await new content.Promise(resolve => { iframe.onload = resolve; content.document.body.appendChild(iframe); }); } ); } ); await Services.fog.testFlushAllChildren(); let unknownTrackerCPUTime = Glean.power.cpuTimePerTrackerTypeMs.unknown.testGetValue() || 0; Assert.greater( unknownTrackerCPUTime, initialValues.unknown, "The CPU time of unknown trackers should have increased" ); for (let trackerType of [ "ad", "analytics", "cryptomining", "fingerprinting", "social", ]) { Assert.equal( Glean.power.cpuTimePerTrackerTypeMs[trackerType].testGetValue() || 0, initialValues[trackerType], `no new CPU time should have been recorded for ${trackerType} trackers` ); } });