Launcher Process Failure ping ============================= This ping is generated by the Firefox launcher process when it fails to successfully start the browser, or generated by the browser process when it fails to start a sandboxed process. Structure: .. code-block:: js { type: "launcher-process-failure", "version": 1, "id": , "creationDate": , "update_channel": , "build_id": , "build_version": , // Windows version number in format (UBR is optional, only available on Win10) "os_version": , // True if this build was running atop a Windows Server OS "server_os": , // The current user's OS locale setting "os_locale": , // CPU Architecture. One of the values from the Windows SYSTEM_INFO::wProcessorArchitecture field "cpu_arch": , "num_logical_cpus": , // True if the process was launched with Administrator privileges // but without User Account Control (= UAC) "is_admin_without_uac": , // The type of the process which failed to start as a sandboxed process. // If the launcher process fails to launch the browser process, this property is not set. "process_type": , "memory": { // Free space available in the page file, in bytes "total_phys": , // Available physical memory on the machine, in bytes "avail_phys": , // Free space available in the page file, in bytes "avail_page_file": , // Available virtual memory on the machine, in bytes "avail_virt": }, "xpcom_abi": , "launcher_error": { // The leaf name of the source file where the error was raised "source_file": , // The line number of the source file where the error was raised "source_line": , // The HRESULT error code of the error that was raised "hresult": , // First sixteen bytes of a function that we failed to hook (Nightly-only). // This field is added only on detour failures. "detour_orig_bytes": }, "security": { // A list of names of installed antivirus products "av": [ , ... ], // A list of names of installed antispyware products "antispyware": [ , ... ], // A list of names of installed firewall products "firewall": [ , ... ] }, // A mapping of all modules present in the failing process, including // their version numbers and an optional index into the signatures array "modules": { : [ , ], ... }, // A list of all signatures that were used to sign the binaries that are // listed in modules. "signatures": [ , ... ] } Version History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Firefox 82: Added ``detour_orig_bytes`` (`bug 1588245 `_). - Firefox 82: Added ``process_type`` (`bug 1630444 `_). - Firefox 71: Added ``is_admin_without_uac`` (`bug 1567605 `_). - Firefox 67: Initial release (`bug 1460433 `_).