add_task(async function run_test() { if (!(";1" in Cc)) { dump( "INFO | test_crash_modules.js | Can't test crashreporter in a non-libxul build.\n" ); return; } await do_crash( function () { const { ctypes } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ctypes.sys.mjs" ); // Load and unload a DLL so that it will show up as unloaded in the minidump let lib ="wininet"); lib.close(); }, async function (mdump, extra, extraFile) { runMinidumpAnalyzer(mdump); // Refresh updated extra data extra = await IOUtils.readJSON(extraFile.path); // Check unloaded modules const unloadedModules = extra.StackTraces.unloaded_modules; Assert.ok(!!unloadedModules, "The unloaded_modules field exists"); Assert.notEqual(unloadedModules.find(e => e.filename == "wininet.DLL")); // Check the module signature information const sigInfo = JSON.parse(extra.ModuleSignatureInfo); Assert.ok( !!sigInfo["Microsoft Windows"], "The module signature info contains valid data" ); Assert.greater( sigInfo["Microsoft Windows"].length, 0, "Multiple signed binaries were found" ); }, // process will exit with a zero exit status true ); });