/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { Log } from "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs"; import { CertUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/CertUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { ServiceRequest: "resource://gre/modules/ServiceRequest.sys.mjs", }); // This will inherit settings from the "addons" logger. var logger = Log.repository.getLogger("addons.productaddons"); // We want to set the level of this logger independent from its parent to help // debug things like GMP updates. Link this to its own level pref. logger.manageLevelFromPref("extensions.logging.productaddons.level"); /** * Number of milliseconds after which we need to cancel `downloadXMLWithRequest` * and `conservativeFetch`. * * Bug 1087674 suggests that the XHR/ServiceRequest we use in * `downloadXMLWithRequest` may never terminate in presence of network nuisances * (e.g. strange antivirus behavior). This timeout is a defensive measure to * ensure that we fail cleanly in such case. */ const TIMEOUT_DELAY_MS = 20000; /** * Gets the status of an XMLHttpRequest either directly or from its underlying * channel. * * @param request * The XMLHttpRequest. * @returns {Object} result - An object containing the results. * @returns {integer} result.status - Request status code, if available, else the channel nsresult. * @returns {integer} result.channelStatus - Channel nsresult. * @returns {integer} result.errorCode - Request error code. */ function getRequestStatus(request) { let status = null; let errorCode = null; let channelStatus = null; try { status = request.status; } catch (e) {} try { errorCode = request.errorCode; } catch (e) {} try { channelStatus = request.channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIRequest).status; } catch (e) {} if (status == null) { status = channelStatus; } return { status, channelStatus, errorCode }; } /** * A wrapper around `ServiceRequest` that behaves like a limited `fetch()`. * This doesn't handle headers like fetch, but can be expanded as callers need. * * Use this in order to leverage the `beConservative` flag, for * example to avoid using HTTP3 to fetch critical data. * * @param input a resource * @returns a Response object */ async function conservativeFetch(input) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { const request = new lazy.ServiceRequest({ mozAnon: true }); request.timeout = TIMEOUT_DELAY_MS; request.onerror = () => { let err = new TypeError("NetworkError: Network request failed"); err.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.NETWORK_REQUEST_ERR; reject(err); }; request.ontimeout = () => { let err = new TypeError("Timeout: Network request failed"); err.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.NETWORK_TIMEOUT_ERR; reject(err); }; request.onabort = () => { let err = new DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError"); err.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.ABORT_ERR; reject(err); }; request.onload = () => { const responseAttributes = { status: request.status, statusText: request.statusText, url: request.responseURL, }; resolve(new Response(request.response, responseAttributes)); }; const method = "GET"; request.open(method, input, true); request.send(); }); } /** * Verifies the content signature on GMP's update.xml. When we fetch update.xml * balrog should send back content signature headers, which this function * is used to verify. * * @param data * The data received from balrog. I.e. the xml contents of update.xml. * @param contentSignatureHeader * The contents of the 'content-signature' header received along with * `data`. * @param trustedRoot * The identifier of the trusted root to use for certificate validation. * @return A promise that will resolve to nothing if the signature verification * succeeds, or rejects on failure, with an Error that sets its * addonCheckerErr property disambiguate failure cases and a message * explaining the error. */ async function verifyGmpContentSignature( data, contentSignatureHeader, trustedRoot ) { if (!contentSignatureHeader) { logger.warn( "Unexpected missing content signature header during content signature validation" ); let err = new Error( "Content signature validation failed: missing content signature header" ); err.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.VERIFICATION_MISSING_DATA_ERR; throw err; } // Split out the header. It should contain a the following fields, separated by a semicolon // - x5u - a URI to the cert chain. See also https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7515#section-4.1.5 // - p384ecdsa - the signature to verify. See also https://github.com/mozilla-services/autograph/blob/main/signer/contentsignaturepki/README.md const headerFields = contentSignatureHeader .split(";") // Split fields... .map(s => s.trim()) // Remove whitespace... .map(s => [ // Break each field into it's name and value. This more verbose version is // used instead of `split()` to handle values that contain = characters. This // shouldn't happen for the signature because it's base64_url (no = padding), // but it's not clear if it's possible for the x5u URL (as part of a query). // Guard anyway, better safe than sorry. s.substring(0, s.indexOf("=")), // Get field name... s.substring(s.indexOf("=") + 1), // and field value. ]); let x5u; let signature; for (const [fieldName, fieldValue] of headerFields) { if (fieldName == "x5u") { x5u = fieldValue; } else if (fieldName == "p384ecdsa") { // The signature needs to contain 'p384ecdsa', so stich it back together. signature = `p384ecdsa=${fieldValue}`; } } if (!x5u) { logger.warn("Unexpected missing x5u during content signature validation"); let err = Error("Content signature validation failed: missing x5u"); err.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.VERIFICATION_MISSING_DATA_ERR; throw err; } if (!signature) { logger.warn( "Unexpected missing signature during content signature validation" ); let err = Error("Content signature validation failed: missing signature"); err.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.VERIFICATION_MISSING_DATA_ERR; throw err; } // The x5u field should contain the location of the cert chain, fetch it. // Use `conservativeFetch` so we get conservative behaviour and ensure (more) // reliable fetching. const certChain = await (await conservativeFetch(x5u)).text(); const verifier = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/security/contentsignatureverifier;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIContentSignatureVerifier); let valid; try { valid = await verifier.asyncVerifyContentSignature( data, signature, certChain, "aus.content-signature.mozilla.org", trustedRoot ); } catch (err) { logger.warn(`Unexpected error while validating content signature: ${err}`); let newErr = new Error(`Content signature validation failed: ${err}`); newErr.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.VERIFICATION_FAILED_ERR; throw newErr; } if (!valid) { logger.warn("Unexpected invalid content signature found during validation"); let err = new Error("Content signature is not valid"); err.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.VERIFICATION_INVALID_ERR; throw err; } } /** * Downloads an XML document from a URL optionally testing the SSL certificate * for certain attributes. * * @param url * The url to download from. * @param allowNonBuiltIn * Whether to trust SSL certificates without a built-in CA issuer. * @param allowedCerts * The list of certificate attributes to match the SSL certificate * against or null to skip checks. * @return a promise that resolves to the ServiceRequest request on success or * rejects with a JS exception in case of error. */ function downloadXMLWithRequest( url, allowNonBuiltIn = false, allowedCerts = null ) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let request = new lazy.ServiceRequest(); // This is here to let unit test code override the ServiceRequest. if (request.wrappedJSObject) { request = request.wrappedJSObject; } request.open("GET", url, true); request.channel.notificationCallbacks = new CertUtils.BadCertHandler( allowNonBuiltIn ); // Prevent the request from reading from the cache. request.channel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE; // Prevent the request from writing to the cache. request.channel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.INHIBIT_CACHING; // Don't send any cookies request.channel.loadFlags |= Ci.nsIRequest.LOAD_ANONYMOUS; request.timeout = TIMEOUT_DELAY_MS; request.overrideMimeType("text/xml"); // The Cache-Control header is only interpreted by proxies and the // final destination. It does not help if a resource is already // cached locally. request.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0 servers might not implement Cache-Control and // might only implement Pragma: no-cache request.setRequestHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); let fail = event => { let request = event.target; let status = getRequestStatus(request); let message = "Failed downloading XML, status: " + status.status + ", channelStatus: " + status.channelStatus + ", errorCode: " + status.errorCode + ", reason: " + event.type; logger.warn(message); let ex = new Error(message); ex.status = status.status; if (event.type == "error") { ex.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.NETWORK_REQUEST_ERR; } else if (event.type == "abort") { ex.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.ABORT_ERR; } else if (event.type == "timeout") { ex.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.NETWORK_TIMEOUT_ERR; } reject(ex); }; let success = event => { logger.info("Completed downloading document"); let request = event.target; try { CertUtils.checkCert(request.channel, allowNonBuiltIn, allowedCerts); } catch (ex) { logger.error("Request failed certificate checks: " + ex); ex.status = getRequestStatus(request).requestStatus; ex.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.VERIFICATION_FAILED_ERR; reject(ex); return; } resolve(request); }; request.addEventListener("error", fail); request.addEventListener("abort", fail); request.addEventListener("timeout", fail); request.addEventListener("load", success); logger.info("sending request to: " + url); request.send(null); }); } /** * Downloads an XML document from a URL optionally testing the SSL certificate * for certain attributes, and/or testing the content signature. * * @param url * The url to download from. * @param allowNonBuiltIn * Whether to trust SSL certificates without a built-in CA issuer. * @param allowedCerts * The list of certificate attributes to match the SSL certificate * against or null to skip checks. * @param verifyContentSignature * When true, will verify the content signature information from the * response header. Failure to verify will result in an error. * @param trustedContentSignatureRoot * The trusted root to use for certificate validation. * Must be set if verifyContentSignature is true. * @return a promise that resolves to the DOM document downloaded or rejects * with a JS exception in case of error. */ async function downloadXML( url, allowNonBuiltIn = false, allowedCerts = null, verifyContentSignature = false, trustedContentSignatureRoot = null ) { let request = await downloadXMLWithRequest( url, allowNonBuiltIn, allowedCerts ); if (verifyContentSignature) { await verifyGmpContentSignature( request.response, request.getResponseHeader("content-signature"), trustedContentSignatureRoot ); } return request.responseXML; } /** * Parses a list of add-ons from a DOM document. * * @param document * The DOM document to parse. * @return null if there is no element otherwise an object containing * an array of the addons listed and a field notifying whether the * fallback was used. */ function parseXML(document) { // Check that the root element is correct if (document.documentElement.localName != "updates") { let err = new Error( "got node name: " + document.documentElement.localName + ", expected: updates" ); err.addonCheckerErr = ProductAddonChecker.XML_PARSE_ERR; throw err; } // Check if there are any addons elements in the updates element let addons = document.querySelector("updates:root > addons"); if (!addons) { return null; } let results = []; let addonList = document.querySelectorAll("updates:root > addons > addon"); for (let addonElement of addonList) { let addon = {}; for (let name of [ "id", "URL", "hashFunction", "hashValue", "version", "size", ]) { if (addonElement.hasAttribute(name)) { addon[name] = addonElement.getAttribute(name); } } addon.size = Number(addon.size) || undefined; results.push(addon); } return { usedFallback: false, addons: results, }; } /** * Downloads file from a URL using ServiceRequest. * * @param url * The url to download from. * @param options (optional) * @param options.httpsOnlyNoUpgrade * Prevents upgrade to https:// when HTTPS-Only Mode is enabled. * @return a promise that resolves to the path of a temporary file or rejects * with a JS exception in case of error. */ function downloadFile(url, options = { httpsOnlyNoUpgrade: false }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let sr = new lazy.ServiceRequest(); sr.onload = function (response) { logger.info("downloadFile File download. status=" + sr.status); if (sr.status != 200 && sr.status != 206) { reject(Components.Exception("File download failed", sr.status)); return; } (async function () { const path = await IOUtils.createUniqueFile( PathUtils.tempDir, "tmpaddon" ); logger.info(`Downloaded file will be saved to ${path}`); await IOUtils.write(path, new Uint8Array(sr.response)); return path; })().then(resolve, reject); }; let fail = event => { let request = event.target; let status = getRequestStatus(request); let message = "Failed downloading via ServiceRequest, status: " + status.status + ", channelStatus: " + status.channelStatus + ", errorCode: " + status.errorCode + ", reason: " + event.type; logger.warn(message); let ex = new Error(message); ex.status = status.status; reject(ex); }; sr.addEventListener("error", fail); sr.addEventListener("abort", fail); sr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; try { sr.open("GET", url); if (options.httpsOnlyNoUpgrade) { sr.channel.loadInfo.httpsOnlyStatus |= Ci.nsILoadInfo.HTTPS_ONLY_EXEMPT; } // Allow deprecated HTTP request from SystemPrincipal sr.channel.loadInfo.allowDeprecatedSystemRequests = true; sr.send(null); } catch (ex) { reject(ex); } }); } /** * Verifies that a downloaded file matches what was expected. * * @param properties * The properties to check, `hashFunction` with `hashValue` * are supported. Any properties missing won't be checked. * @param path * The path of the file to check. * @return a promise that resolves if the file matched or rejects with a JS * exception in case of error. */ var verifyFile = async function (properties, path) { if (properties.size !== undefined) { let stat = await IOUtils.stat(path); if (stat.size != properties.size) { throw new Error( "Downloaded file was " + stat.size + " bytes but expected " + properties.size + " bytes." ); } } if (properties.hashFunction !== undefined) { let expectedDigest = properties.hashValue.toLowerCase(); let digest = await IOUtils.computeHexDigest(path, properties.hashFunction); if (digest != expectedDigest) { throw new Error( "Hash was `" + digest + "` but expected `" + expectedDigest + "`." ); } } }; export const ProductAddonChecker = { // More specific error names to help debug and report failures. NETWORK_REQUEST_ERR: "NetworkRequestError", NETWORK_TIMEOUT_ERR: "NetworkTimeoutError", ABORT_ERR: "AbortError", // Doesn't have network prefix to work with existing convention. VERIFICATION_MISSING_DATA_ERR: "VerificationMissingDataError", VERIFICATION_FAILED_ERR: "VerificationFailedError", VERIFICATION_INVALID_ERR: "VerificationInvalidError", XML_PARSE_ERR: "XMLParseError", /** * Downloads a list of add-ons from a URL optionally testing the SSL * certificate for certain attributes, and/or testing the content signature. * * @param url * The url to download from. * @param allowNonBuiltIn * Whether to trust SSL certificates without a built-in CA issuer. * @param allowedCerts * The list of certificate attributes to match the SSL certificate * against or null to skip checks. * @param verifyContentSignature * When true, will verify the content signature information from the * response header. Failure to verify will result in an error. * @param trustedContentSignatureRoot * The trusted root to use for certificate validation. * Must be set if verifyContentSignature is true. * @return a promise that resolves to an object containing the list of add-ons * and whether the local fallback was used, or rejects with a JS * exception in case of error. In the case of an error, a best effort * is made to set the error addonCheckerErr property to one of the * more specific names used by the product addon checker. */ getProductAddonList( url, allowNonBuiltIn = false, allowedCerts = null, verifyContentSignature = false, trustedContentSignatureRoot = null ) { return downloadXML( url, allowNonBuiltIn, allowedCerts, verifyContentSignature, trustedContentSignatureRoot ).then(parseXML); }, /** * Downloads an add-on to a local file and checks that it matches the expected * file. The caller is responsible for deleting the temporary file returned. * * @param addon * The addon to download. * @param options (optional) * @param options.httpsOnlyNoUpgrade * Prevents upgrade to https:// when HTTPS-Only Mode is enabled. * @return a promise that resolves to the temporary file downloaded or rejects * with a JS exception in case of error. */ async downloadAddon(addon, options = { httpsOnlyNoUpgrade: false }) { let path = await downloadFile(addon.URL, options); try { await verifyFile(addon, path); return path; } catch (e) { await IOUtils.remove(path); throw e; } }, }; // For test use only. export const ProductAddonCheckerTestUtils = { /** * Used to override ServiceRequest calls with a mock request. * @param mockRequest The mocked ServiceRequest object. * @param callback Method called with the overridden ServiceRequest. The override * is undone after the callback returns. */ async overrideServiceRequest(mockRequest, callback) { let originalServiceRequest = lazy.ServiceRequest; lazy.ServiceRequest = function () { return mockRequest; }; try { return await callback(); } finally { lazy.ServiceRequest = originalServiceRequest; } }, };