/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:tabstop=2: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // for strtod() #include <stdlib.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include "nsLookAndFeel.h" #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <gdk/gdk.h> #include <pango/pango.h> #include <pango/pango-fontmap.h> #include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h> #include "GRefPtr.h" #include "GUniquePtr.h" #include "nsGtkUtils.h" #include "gfxPlatformGtk.h" #include "mozilla/FontPropertyTypes.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/RelativeLuminanceUtils.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layout.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_widget.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_browser.h" #include "mozilla/AutoRestore.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h" #include "mozilla/WidgetUtilsGtk.h" #include "ScreenHelperGTK.h" #include "ScrollbarDrawing.h" #include "gtkdrawing.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsStyleConsts.h" #include "gfxFontConstants.h" #include "WidgetUtils.h" #include "nsWindow.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h" #include <cairo-gobject.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include "WidgetStyleCache.h" #include "prenv.h" #include "nsCSSColorUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::widget; #ifdef MOZ_LOGGING # include "mozilla/Logging.h" # include "nsTArray.h" # include "Units.h" static LazyLogModule gLnfLog("LookAndFeel"); # define LOGLNF(...) MOZ_LOG(gLnfLog, LogLevel::Debug, (__VA_ARGS__)) # define LOGLNF_ENABLED() MOZ_LOG_TEST(gLnfLog, LogLevel::Debug) #else # define LOGLNF(args) # define LOGLNF_ENABLED() false #endif /* MOZ_LOGGING */ #define GDK_COLOR_TO_NS_RGB(c) \ ((nscolor)NS_RGB(c.red >> 8, c.green >> 8, c.blue >> 8)) #define GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(c) \ ((nscolor)NS_RGBA((int)((c).red * 255), (int)((c).green * 255), \ (int)((c).blue * 255), (int)((c).alpha * 255))) static bool sIgnoreChangedSettings = false; static void OnSettingsChange() { if (sIgnoreChangedSettings) { return; } // TODO: We could be more granular here, but for now assume everything // changed. LookAndFeel::NotifyChangedAllWindows(widget::ThemeChangeKind::StyleAndLayout); widget::IMContextWrapper::OnThemeChanged(); } static void settings_changed_cb(GtkSettings*, GParamSpec*, void*) { OnSettingsChange(); } static bool sCSDAvailable; static nsCString GVariantToString(GVariant* aVariant) { nsCString ret; gchar* s = g_variant_print(aVariant, TRUE); if (s) { ret.Assign(s); g_free(s); } return ret; } static nsDependentCString GVariantGetString(GVariant* aVariant) { gsize len = 0; const gchar* v = g_variant_get_string(aVariant, &len); return nsDependentCString(v, len); } static void settings_changed_signal_cb(GDBusProxy* proxy, gchar* sender_name, gchar* signal_name, GVariant* parameters, gpointer user_data) { LOGLNF("Settings Change sender=%s signal=%s params=%s\n", sender_name, signal_name, GVariantToString(parameters).get()); if (strcmp(signal_name, "SettingChanged")) { NS_WARNING("Unknown change signal for settings"); return; } RefPtr<GVariant> ns = dont_AddRef(g_variant_get_child_value(parameters, 0)); RefPtr<GVariant> key = dont_AddRef(g_variant_get_child_value(parameters, 1)); // Third parameter is the value, but we don't care about it. if (!ns || !key || !g_variant_is_of_type(ns, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING) || !g_variant_is_of_type(key, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING)) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unexpected setting change signal parameters"); return; } auto* lnf = static_cast<nsLookAndFeel*>(user_data); auto nsStr = GVariantGetString(ns); auto keyStr = GVariantGetString(key); if (nsStr.Equals("org.freedesktop.appearance"_ns) && keyStr.Equals("color-scheme"_ns)) { lnf->OnColorSchemeSettingChanged(); } } nsLookAndFeel::nsLookAndFeel() { static constexpr nsLiteralCString kObservedSettings[] = { // Affects system font sizes. "notify::gtk-xft-dpi"_ns, // Affects mSystemTheme and mAltTheme as expected. "notify::gtk-theme-name"_ns, // System fonts? "notify::gtk-font-name"_ns, // prefers-reduced-motion "notify::gtk-enable-animations"_ns, // CSD media queries, etc. "notify::gtk-decoration-layout"_ns, // Text resolution affects system font and widget sizes. "notify::resolution"_ns, // These three Affect mCaretBlinkTime "notify::gtk-cursor-blink"_ns, "notify::gtk-cursor-blink-time"_ns, "notify::gtk-cursor-blink-timeout"_ns, // Affects SelectTextfieldsOnKeyFocus "notify::gtk-entry-select-on-focus"_ns, // Affects ScrollToClick "notify::gtk-primary-button-warps-slider"_ns, // Affects SubmenuDelay "notify::gtk-menu-popup-delay"_ns, // Affects DragThresholdX/Y "notify::gtk-dnd-drag-threshold"_ns, }; GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); for (const auto& setting : kObservedSettings) { g_signal_connect_after(settings, setting.get(), G_CALLBACK(settings_changed_cb), nullptr); } sCSDAvailable = nsWindow::GetSystemGtkWindowDecoration() != nsWindow::GTK_DECORATION_NONE; if (ShouldUsePortal(PortalKind::Settings)) { GUniquePtr<GError> error; mDBusSettingsProxy = dont_AddRef(g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync( G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, nullptr, "org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop", "/org/freedesktop/portal/desktop", "org.freedesktop.portal.Settings", nullptr, getter_Transfers(error))); if (mDBusSettingsProxy) { g_signal_connect(mDBusSettingsProxy, "g-signal", G_CALLBACK(settings_changed_signal_cb), this); } else { LOGLNF("Can't create DBus proxy for settings: %s\n", error->message); } } } nsLookAndFeel::~nsLookAndFeel() { if (mDBusSettingsProxy) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( mDBusSettingsProxy, FuncToGpointer(settings_changed_signal_cb), this); mDBusSettingsProxy = nullptr; } g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( gtk_settings_get_default(), FuncToGpointer(settings_changed_cb), nullptr); } #if 0 static void DumpStyleContext(GtkStyleContext* aStyle) { static auto sGtkStyleContextToString = reinterpret_cast<char* (*)(GtkStyleContext*, gint)>( dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "gtk_style_context_to_string")); char* str = sGtkStyleContextToString(aStyle, ~0); printf("%s\n", str); g_free(str); str = gtk_widget_path_to_string(gtk_style_context_get_path(aStyle)); printf("%s\n", str); g_free(str); } #endif // Modifies color |*aDest| as if a pattern of color |aSource| was painted with // CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER to a surface with color |*aDest|. static void ApplyColorOver(const GdkRGBA& aSource, GdkRGBA* aDest) { gdouble sourceCoef = aSource.alpha; gdouble destCoef = aDest->alpha * (1.0 - sourceCoef); gdouble resultAlpha = sourceCoef + destCoef; if (resultAlpha != 0.0) { // don't divide by zero destCoef /= resultAlpha; sourceCoef /= resultAlpha; aDest->red = sourceCoef * aSource.red + destCoef * aDest->red; aDest->green = sourceCoef * aSource.green + destCoef * aDest->green; aDest->blue = sourceCoef * aSource.blue + destCoef * aDest->blue; aDest->alpha = resultAlpha; } } static void GetLightAndDarkness(const GdkRGBA& aColor, double* aLightness, double* aDarkness) { double sum = aColor.red + aColor.green + aColor.blue; *aLightness = sum * aColor.alpha; *aDarkness = (3.0 - sum) * aColor.alpha; } static bool GetGradientColors(const GValue* aValue, GdkRGBA* aLightColor, GdkRGBA* aDarkColor) { if (!G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE(aValue, CAIRO_GOBJECT_TYPE_PATTERN)) { return false; } auto pattern = static_cast<cairo_pattern_t*>(g_value_get_boxed(aValue)); if (!pattern) { return false; } // Just picking the lightest and darkest colors as simple samples rather // than trying to blend, which could get messy if there are many stops. if (CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS != cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba(pattern, 0, nullptr, &aDarkColor->red, &aDarkColor->green, &aDarkColor->blue, &aDarkColor->alpha)) { return false; } double maxLightness, maxDarkness; GetLightAndDarkness(*aDarkColor, &maxLightness, &maxDarkness); *aLightColor = *aDarkColor; GdkRGBA stop; for (int index = 1; CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS == cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba(pattern, index, nullptr, &stop.red, &stop.green, &stop.blue, &stop.alpha); ++index) { double lightness, darkness; GetLightAndDarkness(stop, &lightness, &darkness); if (lightness > maxLightness) { maxLightness = lightness; *aLightColor = stop; } if (darkness > maxDarkness) { maxDarkness = darkness; *aDarkColor = stop; } } return true; } static bool GetColorFromImagePattern(const GValue* aValue, nscolor* aColor) { if (!G_TYPE_CHECK_VALUE_TYPE(aValue, CAIRO_GOBJECT_TYPE_PATTERN)) { return false; } auto pattern = static_cast<cairo_pattern_t*>(g_value_get_boxed(aValue)); if (!pattern) { return false; } cairo_surface_t* surface; if (cairo_pattern_get_surface(pattern, &surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { return false; } cairo_format_t format = cairo_image_surface_get_format(surface); if (format == CAIRO_FORMAT_INVALID) { return false; } int width = cairo_image_surface_get_width(surface); int height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(surface); int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(surface); if (!width || !height) { return false; } // Guesstimate the central pixel would have a sensible color. int x = width / 2; int y = height / 2; unsigned char* data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface); switch (format) { // Most (all?) GTK images / patterns / etc use ARGB32. case CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32: { size_t offset = x * 4 + y * stride; uint32_t* pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(data + offset); *aColor = gfx::sRGBColor::UnusualFromARGB(*pixel).ToABGR(); return true; } default: break; } return false; } static bool GetUnicoBorderGradientColors(GtkStyleContext* aContext, GdkRGBA* aLightColor, GdkRGBA* aDarkColor) { // Ubuntu 12.04 has GTK engine Unico-1.0.2, which overrides render_frame, // providing its own border code. Ubuntu 14.04 has // Unico-1.0.3+14.04.20140109, which does not override render_frame, and // so does not need special attention. The earlier Unico can be detected // by the -unico-border-gradient style property it registers. // gtk_style_properties_lookup_property() is checked first to avoid the // warning from gtk_style_context_get_property() when the property does // not exist. (gtk_render_frame() of GTK+ 3.16 no longer uses the // engine.) const char* propertyName = "-unico-border-gradient"; if (!gtk_style_properties_lookup_property(propertyName, nullptr, nullptr)) return false; // -unico-border-gradient is used only when the CSS node's engine is Unico. GtkThemingEngine* engine; GtkStateFlags state = gtk_style_context_get_state(aContext); gtk_style_context_get(aContext, state, "engine", &engine, nullptr); if (strcmp(g_type_name(G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(engine)), "UnicoEngine") != 0) return false; // draw_border() of Unico engine uses -unico-border-gradient // in preference to border-color. GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; gtk_style_context_get_property(aContext, propertyName, state, &value); bool result = GetGradientColors(&value, aLightColor, aDarkColor); g_value_unset(&value); return result; } // Sets |aLightColor| and |aDarkColor| to colors from |aContext|. Returns // true if |aContext| uses these colors to render a visible border. // If returning false, then the colors returned are a fallback from the // border-color value even though |aContext| does not use these colors to // render a border. static bool GetBorderColors(GtkStyleContext* aContext, GdkRGBA* aLightColor, GdkRGBA* aDarkColor) { // Determine whether the border on this style context is visible. GtkStateFlags state = gtk_style_context_get_state(aContext); GtkBorderStyle borderStyle; gtk_style_context_get(aContext, state, GTK_STYLE_PROPERTY_BORDER_STYLE, &borderStyle, nullptr); bool visible = borderStyle != GTK_BORDER_STYLE_NONE && borderStyle != GTK_BORDER_STYLE_HIDDEN; if (visible) { // GTK has an initial value of zero for border-widths, and so themes // need to explicitly set border-widths to make borders visible. GtkBorder border; gtk_style_context_get_border(aContext, state, &border); visible = border.top != 0 || border.right != 0 || border.bottom != 0 || border.left != 0; } if (visible && GetUnicoBorderGradientColors(aContext, aLightColor, aDarkColor)) return true; // The initial value for the border-color is the foreground color, and so // this will usually return a color distinct from the background even if // there is no visible border detected. gtk_style_context_get_border_color(aContext, state, aDarkColor); // TODO GTK3 - update aLightColor // for GTK_BORDER_STYLE_INSET/OUTSET/GROVE/RIDGE border styles. // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=978172#c25 *aLightColor = *aDarkColor; return visible; } static bool GetBorderColors(GtkStyleContext* aContext, nscolor* aLightColor, nscolor* aDarkColor) { GdkRGBA lightColor, darkColor; bool ret = GetBorderColors(aContext, &lightColor, &darkColor); *aLightColor = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(lightColor); *aDarkColor = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(darkColor); return ret; } // Finds ideal cell highlight colors used for unfocused+selected cells distinct // from both Highlight, used as focused+selected background, and the listbox // background which is assumed to be similar to -moz-field void nsLookAndFeel::PerThemeData::InitCellHighlightColors() { int32_t minLuminosityDifference = NS_SUFFICIENT_LUMINOSITY_DIFFERENCE_BG; int32_t backLuminosityDifference = NS_LUMINOSITY_DIFFERENCE(mMozWindowBackground, mFieldBackground); if (backLuminosityDifference >= minLuminosityDifference) { mMozCellHighlightBackground = mMozWindowBackground; mMozCellHighlightText = mMozWindowText; return; } uint16_t hue, sat, luminance; uint8_t alpha; mMozCellHighlightBackground = mFieldBackground; mMozCellHighlightText = mFieldText; NS_RGB2HSV(mMozCellHighlightBackground, hue, sat, luminance, alpha); uint16_t step = 30; // Lighten the color if the color is very dark if (luminance <= step) { luminance += step; } // Darken it if it is very light else if (luminance >= 255 - step) { luminance -= step; } // Otherwise, compute what works best depending on the text luminance. else { uint16_t textHue, textSat, textLuminance; uint8_t textAlpha; NS_RGB2HSV(mMozCellHighlightText, textHue, textSat, textLuminance, textAlpha); // Text is darker than background, use a lighter shade if (textLuminance < luminance) { luminance += step; } // Otherwise, use a darker shade else { luminance -= step; } } NS_HSV2RGB(mMozCellHighlightBackground, hue, sat, luminance, alpha); } void nsLookAndFeel::NativeInit() { EnsureInit(); } void nsLookAndFeel::RefreshImpl() { mInitialized = false; moz_gtk_refresh(); nsXPLookAndFeel::RefreshImpl(); } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::NativeGetColor(ColorID aID, ColorScheme aScheme, nscolor& aColor) { EnsureInit(); auto& theme = aScheme == ColorScheme::Light ? LightTheme() : DarkTheme(); return theme.GetColor(aID, aColor); } static bool ShouldUseColorForActiveDarkScrollbarThumb(nscolor aColor) { auto IsDifferentEnough = [](int32_t aChannel, int32_t aOtherChannel) { return std::abs(aChannel - aOtherChannel) > 10; }; return IsDifferentEnough(NS_GET_R(aColor), NS_GET_G(aColor)) || IsDifferentEnough(NS_GET_R(aColor), NS_GET_B(aColor)); } static bool ShouldUseThemedScrollbarColor(StyleSystemColor aID, nscolor aColor, bool aIsDark) { if (!aIsDark) { return true; } if (StaticPrefs::widget_non_native_theme_scrollbar_dark_themed()) { return true; } return aID == StyleSystemColor::ThemedScrollbarThumbActive && StaticPrefs::widget_non_native_theme_scrollbar_active_always_themed(); } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::PerThemeData::GetColor(ColorID aID, nscolor& aColor) const { nsresult res = NS_OK; switch (aID) { // These colors don't seem to be used for anything anymore in Mozilla // The CSS2 colors below are used. case ColorID::Appworkspace: // MDI background color case ColorID::Background: // desktop background case ColorID::Window: case ColorID::Windowframe: case ColorID::MozDialog: case ColorID::MozCombobox: aColor = mMozWindowBackground; break; case ColorID::Windowtext: case ColorID::MozDialogtext: aColor = mMozWindowText; break; case ColorID::IMESelectedRawTextBackground: case ColorID::IMESelectedConvertedTextBackground: case ColorID::MozDragtargetzone: case ColorID::Highlight: // preference selected item, aColor = mTextSelectedBackground; break; case ColorID::Highlighttext: if (NS_GET_A(mTextSelectedBackground) < 155) { aColor = NS_SAME_AS_FOREGROUND_COLOR; break; } [[fallthrough]]; case ColorID::IMESelectedRawTextForeground: case ColorID::IMESelectedConvertedTextForeground: aColor = mTextSelectedText; break; case ColorID::Selecteditem: aColor = mSelectedItem; break; case ColorID::Selecteditemtext: aColor = mSelectedItemText; break; case ColorID::Accentcolor: aColor = mAccentColor; break; case ColorID::Accentcolortext: aColor = mAccentColorText; break; case ColorID::MozCellhighlight: aColor = mMozCellHighlightBackground; break; case ColorID::MozCellhighlighttext: aColor = mMozCellHighlightText; break; case ColorID::IMERawInputBackground: case ColorID::IMEConvertedTextBackground: aColor = NS_TRANSPARENT; break; case ColorID::IMERawInputForeground: case ColorID::IMEConvertedTextForeground: aColor = NS_SAME_AS_FOREGROUND_COLOR; break; case ColorID::IMERawInputUnderline: case ColorID::IMEConvertedTextUnderline: aColor = NS_SAME_AS_FOREGROUND_COLOR; break; case ColorID::IMESelectedRawTextUnderline: case ColorID::IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderline: aColor = NS_TRANSPARENT; break; case ColorID::Scrollbar: aColor = mThemedScrollbar; break; case ColorID::ThemedScrollbar: aColor = mThemedScrollbar; if (!ShouldUseThemedScrollbarColor(aID, aColor, mIsDark)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } break; case ColorID::ThemedScrollbarInactive: aColor = mThemedScrollbarInactive; if (!ShouldUseThemedScrollbarColor(aID, aColor, mIsDark)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } break; case ColorID::ThemedScrollbarThumb: aColor = mThemedScrollbarThumb; if (!ShouldUseThemedScrollbarColor(aID, aColor, mIsDark)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } break; case ColorID::ThemedScrollbarThumbHover: aColor = mThemedScrollbarThumbHover; if (!ShouldUseThemedScrollbarColor(aID, aColor, mIsDark)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } break; case ColorID::ThemedScrollbarThumbActive: aColor = mThemedScrollbarThumbActive; if (!ShouldUseThemedScrollbarColor(aID, aColor, mIsDark)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } break; case ColorID::ThemedScrollbarThumbInactive: aColor = mThemedScrollbarThumbInactive; if (!ShouldUseThemedScrollbarColor(aID, aColor, mIsDark)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } break; // css2 http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/ui.html#system-colors case ColorID::Activeborder: // active window border aColor = mMozWindowActiveBorder; break; case ColorID::Inactiveborder: // inactive window border aColor = mMozWindowInactiveBorder; break; case ColorID::Graytext: // disabled text in windows, menus, etc. aColor = mMenuTextInactive; break; case ColorID::Activecaption: aColor = mTitlebarBackground; break; case ColorID::Captiontext: // text in active window caption (titlebar) aColor = mTitlebarText; break; case ColorID::Inactivecaption: // inactive window caption aColor = mTitlebarInactiveBackground; break; case ColorID::Inactivecaptiontext: // text in active window caption // (titlebar) aColor = mTitlebarInactiveText; break; case ColorID::Infobackground: // tooltip background color aColor = mInfoBackground; break; case ColorID::Infotext: // tooltip text color aColor = mInfoText; break; case ColorID::Menu: // menu background aColor = mMenuBackground; break; case ColorID::Menutext: // menu text aColor = mMenuText; break; case ColorID::Threedface: case ColorID::Buttonface: case ColorID::MozButtondisabledface: // 3-D face color aColor = mMozWindowBackground; break; case ColorID::Buttontext: // text on push buttons aColor = mButtonText; break; case ColorID::Buttonhighlight: // 3-D highlighted edge color case ColorID::Threedhighlight: // 3-D highlighted outer edge color aColor = mFrameOuterLightBorder; break; case ColorID::Buttonshadow: // 3-D shadow edge color case ColorID::Threedshadow: // 3-D shadow inner edge color aColor = mFrameInnerDarkBorder; break; case ColorID::Threedlightshadow: case ColorID::Buttonborder: case ColorID::MozDisabledfield: aColor = mIsDark ? *GenericDarkColor(aID) : NS_RGB(0xE0, 0xE0, 0xE0); break; case ColorID::Threeddarkshadow: aColor = mIsDark ? *GenericDarkColor(aID) : NS_RGB(0xDC, 0xDC, 0xDC); break; case ColorID::MozEventreerow: case ColorID::Field: aColor = mFieldBackground; break; case ColorID::Fieldtext: aColor = mFieldText; break; case ColorID::MozButtondefault: // default button border color aColor = mButtonDefault; break; case ColorID::MozButtonhoverface: case ColorID::MozButtonactiveface: aColor = mButtonHoverFace; break; case ColorID::MozButtonhovertext: aColor = mButtonHoverText; break; case ColorID::MozButtonactivetext: aColor = mButtonActiveText; break; case ColorID::MozMenuhover: aColor = mMenuHover; break; case ColorID::MozMenuhoverdisabled: aColor = NS_TRANSPARENT; break; case ColorID::MozMenuhovertext: aColor = mMenuHoverText; break; case ColorID::MozOddtreerow: aColor = mOddCellBackground; break; case ColorID::MozNativehyperlinktext: aColor = mNativeHyperLinkText; break; case ColorID::MozNativevisitedhyperlinktext: aColor = mNativeVisitedHyperLinkText; break; case ColorID::MozComboboxtext: aColor = mComboBoxText; break; case ColorID::MozColheadertext: aColor = mMozColHeaderText; break; case ColorID::MozColheaderhovertext: aColor = mMozColHeaderHoverText; break; case ColorID::SpellCheckerUnderline: case ColorID::Mark: case ColorID::Marktext: aColor = GetStandinForNativeColor( aID, mIsDark ? ColorScheme::Dark : ColorScheme::Light); break; default: /* default color is BLACK */ aColor = 0; res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; break; } return res; } static int32_t CheckWidgetStyle(GtkWidget* aWidget, const char* aStyle, int32_t aResult) { gboolean value = FALSE; gtk_widget_style_get(aWidget, aStyle, &value, nullptr); return value ? aResult : 0; } static int32_t ConvertGTKStepperStyleToMozillaScrollArrowStyle( GtkWidget* aWidget) { if (!aWidget) return mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrowStyle_Single; return CheckWidgetStyle(aWidget, "has-backward-stepper", mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrow_StartBackward) | CheckWidgetStyle(aWidget, "has-forward-stepper", mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrow_EndForward) | CheckWidgetStyle(aWidget, "has-secondary-backward-stepper", mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrow_EndBackward) | CheckWidgetStyle(aWidget, "has-secondary-forward-stepper", mozilla::LookAndFeel::eScrollArrow_StartForward); } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::NativeGetInt(IntID aID, int32_t& aResult) { nsresult res = NS_OK; // We use delayed initialization by EnsureInit() here // to make sure mozilla::Preferences is available (Bug 115807). // IntID::UseAccessibilityTheme is requested before user preferences // are read, and so EnsureInit(), which depends on preference values, // is deliberately delayed until required. switch (aID) { case IntID::ScrollButtonLeftMouseButtonAction: aResult = 0; break; case IntID::ScrollButtonMiddleMouseButtonAction: aResult = 1; break; case IntID::ScrollButtonRightMouseButtonAction: aResult = 2; break; case IntID::CaretBlinkTime: EnsureInit(); aResult = mCaretBlinkTime; break; case IntID::CaretBlinkCount: EnsureInit(); aResult = mCaretBlinkCount; break; case IntID::CaretWidth: aResult = 1; break; case IntID::ShowCaretDuringSelection: aResult = 0; break; case IntID::SelectTextfieldsOnKeyFocus: { GtkSettings* settings; gboolean select_on_focus; settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); g_object_get(settings, "gtk-entry-select-on-focus", &select_on_focus, nullptr); if (select_on_focus) aResult = 1; else aResult = 0; } break; case IntID::ScrollToClick: { GtkSettings* settings; gboolean warps_slider = FALSE; settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); if (g_object_class_find_property(G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS(settings), "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider")) { g_object_get(settings, "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider", &warps_slider, nullptr); } if (warps_slider) aResult = 1; else aResult = 0; } break; case IntID::SubmenuDelay: { GtkSettings* settings; gint delay; settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); g_object_get(settings, "gtk-menu-popup-delay", &delay, nullptr); aResult = (int32_t)delay; break; } case IntID::TooltipDelay: { aResult = 500; break; } case IntID::MenusCanOverlapOSBar: // we want XUL popups to be able to overlap the task bar. aResult = 1; break; case IntID::SkipNavigatingDisabledMenuItem: aResult = 1; break; case IntID::DragThresholdX: case IntID::DragThresholdY: { gint threshold = 0; g_object_get(gtk_settings_get_default(), "gtk-dnd-drag-threshold", &threshold, nullptr); aResult = threshold; } break; case IntID::ScrollArrowStyle: { GtkWidget* scrollbar = GetWidget(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL); aResult = ConvertGTKStepperStyleToMozillaScrollArrowStyle(scrollbar); break; } case IntID::TreeOpenDelay: aResult = 1000; break; case IntID::TreeCloseDelay: aResult = 1000; break; case IntID::TreeLazyScrollDelay: aResult = 150; break; case IntID::TreeScrollDelay: aResult = 100; break; case IntID::TreeScrollLinesMax: aResult = 3; break; case IntID::AlertNotificationOrigin: aResult = NS_ALERT_TOP; break; case IntID::IMERawInputUnderlineStyle: case IntID::IMEConvertedTextUnderlineStyle: aResult = static_cast<int32_t>(StyleTextDecorationStyle::Solid); break; case IntID::IMESelectedRawTextUnderlineStyle: case IntID::IMESelectedConvertedTextUnderline: aResult = static_cast<int32_t>(StyleTextDecorationStyle::None); break; case IntID::SpellCheckerUnderlineStyle: aResult = static_cast<int32_t>(StyleTextDecorationStyle::Wavy); break; case IntID::MenuBarDrag: EnsureInit(); aResult = mSystemTheme.mMenuSupportsDrag; break; case IntID::ScrollbarButtonAutoRepeatBehavior: aResult = 1; break; case IntID::SwipeAnimationEnabled: aResult = 1; break; case IntID::ContextMenuOffsetVertical: case IntID::ContextMenuOffsetHorizontal: aResult = 2; break; case IntID::GTKCSDAvailable: aResult = sCSDAvailable; break; case IntID::GTKCSDMaximizeButton: EnsureInit(); aResult = mCSDMaximizeButton; break; case IntID::GTKCSDMinimizeButton: EnsureInit(); aResult = mCSDMinimizeButton; break; case IntID::GTKCSDCloseButton: EnsureInit(); aResult = mCSDCloseButton; break; case IntID::GTKCSDReversedPlacement: EnsureInit(); aResult = mCSDReversedPlacement; break; case IntID::PrefersReducedMotion: { aResult = mPrefersReducedMotion; break; } case IntID::SystemUsesDarkTheme: { EnsureInit(); if (mColorSchemePreference) { aResult = *mColorSchemePreference == ColorScheme::Dark; } else { aResult = mSystemTheme.mIsDark; } break; } case IntID::GTKCSDMaximizeButtonPosition: aResult = mCSDMaximizeButtonPosition; break; case IntID::GTKCSDMinimizeButtonPosition: aResult = mCSDMinimizeButtonPosition; break; case IntID::GTKCSDCloseButtonPosition: aResult = mCSDCloseButtonPosition; break; case IntID::UseAccessibilityTheme: // If high contrast is enabled, enable prefers-reduced-transparency media // query as well as there is no dedicated option. case IntID::PrefersReducedTransparency: EnsureInit(); aResult = mSystemTheme.mHighContrast; break; case IntID::InvertedColors: // No GTK API for checking if inverted colors is enabled aResult = 0; break; case IntID::TitlebarRadius: { EnsureInit(); aResult = EffectiveTheme().mTitlebarRadius; break; } case IntID::AllowOverlayScrollbarsOverlap: { aResult = 1; break; } case IntID::ScrollbarFadeBeginDelay: { aResult = 1000; break; } case IntID::ScrollbarFadeDuration: { aResult = 400; break; } case IntID::ScrollbarDisplayOnMouseMove: { aResult = 1; break; } case IntID::PanelAnimations: aResult = [&]() -> bool { if (!sCSDAvailable) { // Disabled on systems without CSD, see bug 1385079. return false; } if (GdkIsWaylandDisplay()) { // Disabled on wayland, see bug 1800442 and bug 1800368. return false; } if (IsKdeDesktopEnvironment()) { // Disabled on KDE, see bug 1813070. return false; } return true; }(); break; case IntID::UseOverlayScrollbars: { aResult = StaticPrefs::widget_gtk_overlay_scrollbars_enabled(); break; } case IntID::TouchDeviceSupportPresent: aResult = widget::WidgetUtilsGTK::IsTouchDeviceSupportPresent() ? 1 : 0; break; default: aResult = 0; res = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return res; } nsresult nsLookAndFeel::NativeGetFloat(FloatID aID, float& aResult) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; switch (aID) { case FloatID::IMEUnderlineRelativeSize: aResult = 1.0f; break; case FloatID::SpellCheckerUnderlineRelativeSize: aResult = 1.0f; break; case FloatID::CaretAspectRatio: EnsureInit(); aResult = mSystemTheme.mCaretRatio; break; case FloatID::TextScaleFactor: aResult = gfxPlatformGtk::GetFontScaleFactor(); break; default: aResult = -1.0; rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return rv; } static void GetSystemFontInfo(GtkStyleContext* aStyle, nsString* aFontName, gfxFontStyle* aFontStyle) { aFontStyle->style = FontSlantStyle::NORMAL; // As in // https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/gtkwidget.c?h=3.22.19#n10333 PangoFontDescription* desc; gtk_style_context_get(aStyle, gtk_style_context_get_state(aStyle), "font", &desc, nullptr); aFontStyle->systemFont = true; constexpr auto quote = u"\""_ns; NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 family(pango_font_description_get_family(desc)); *aFontName = quote + family + quote; aFontStyle->weight = FontWeight::FromInt(pango_font_description_get_weight(desc)); // FIXME: Set aFontStyle->stretch correctly! aFontStyle->stretch = FontStretch::NORMAL; float size = float(pango_font_description_get_size(desc)) / PANGO_SCALE; // |size| is now either pixels or pango-points (not Mozilla-points!) if (!pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute(desc)) { // |size| is in pango-points, so convert to pixels. size *= float(gfxPlatformGtk::GetFontScaleDPI()) / POINTS_PER_INCH_FLOAT; } // |size| is now pixels but not scaled for the hidpi displays, aFontStyle->size = size; pango_font_description_free(desc); } bool nsLookAndFeel::NativeGetFont(FontID aID, nsString& aFontName, gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle) { return mSystemTheme.GetFont(aID, aFontName, aFontStyle); } bool nsLookAndFeel::PerThemeData::GetFont(FontID aID, nsString& aFontName, gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle) const { switch (aID) { case FontID::Menu: // css2 case FontID::MozPullDownMenu: // css3 aFontName = mMenuFontName; aFontStyle = mMenuFontStyle; break; case FontID::MozField: // css3 case FontID::MozList: // css3 aFontName = mFieldFontName; aFontStyle = mFieldFontStyle; break; case FontID::MozButton: // css3 aFontName = mButtonFontName; aFontStyle = mButtonFontStyle; break; case FontID::Caption: // css2 case FontID::Icon: // css2 case FontID::MessageBox: // css2 case FontID::SmallCaption: // css2 case FontID::StatusBar: // css2 default: aFontName = mDefaultFontName; aFontStyle = mDefaultFontStyle; break; } // Convert GDK pixels to CSS pixels. // When "layout.css.devPixelsPerPx" > 0, this is not a direct conversion. // The difference produces a scaling of system fonts in proportion with // other scaling from the change in CSS pixel sizes. aFontStyle.size /= LookAndFeel::GetTextScaleFactor(); return true; } // Check color contrast according to // https://www.w3.org/TR/AERT/#color-contrast static bool HasGoodContrastVisibility(GdkRGBA& aColor1, GdkRGBA& aColor2) { int32_t luminosityDifference = NS_LUMINOSITY_DIFFERENCE( GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(aColor1), GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(aColor2)); if (luminosityDifference < NS_SUFFICIENT_LUMINOSITY_DIFFERENCE) { return false; } double colorDifference = std::abs(aColor1.red - aColor2.red) + std::abs(aColor1.green - aColor2.green) + std::abs(aColor1.blue - aColor2.blue); return (colorDifference * 255.0 > 500.0); } // Check if the foreground/background colors match with default white/black // html page colors. static bool IsGtkThemeCompatibleWithHTMLColors() { GdkRGBA white = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; GdkRGBA black = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; GtkStyleContext* style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_WINDOW); GdkRGBA textColor; gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &textColor); // Theme text color and default white html page background if (!HasGoodContrastVisibility(textColor, white)) { return false; } GdkRGBA backgroundColor; gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &backgroundColor); // Theme background color and default white html page background if (HasGoodContrastVisibility(backgroundColor, white)) { return false; } // Theme background color and default black text color return HasGoodContrastVisibility(backgroundColor, black); } static nsCString GetGtkSettingsStringKey(const char* aKey) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); nsCString ret; GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); char* value = nullptr; g_object_get(settings, aKey, &value, nullptr); if (value) { ret.Assign(value); g_free(value); } return ret; } static nsCString GetGtkTheme() { return GetGtkSettingsStringKey("gtk-theme-name"); } static bool GetPreferDarkTheme() { GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); gboolean preferDarkTheme = FALSE; g_object_get(settings, "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", &preferDarkTheme, nullptr); return preferDarkTheme == TRUE; } // It seems GTK doesn't have an API to query if the current theme is "light" or // "dark", so we synthesize it from the CSS2 Window/WindowText colors instead, // by comparing their luminosity. static bool GetThemeIsDark() { GdkRGBA bg, fg; GtkStyleContext* style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_WINDOW); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &bg); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &fg); return RelativeLuminanceUtils::Compute(GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(bg)) < RelativeLuminanceUtils::Compute(GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(fg)); } void nsLookAndFeel::RestoreSystemTheme() { LOGLNF("RestoreSystemTheme(%s, %d, %d)\n", mSystemTheme.mName.get(), mSystemTheme.mPreferDarkTheme, mSystemThemeOverridden); if (!mSystemThemeOverridden) { return; } // Available on Gtk 3.20+. static auto sGtkSettingsResetProperty = (void (*)(GtkSettings*, const gchar*))dlsym( RTLD_DEFAULT, "gtk_settings_reset_property"); GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); if (sGtkSettingsResetProperty) { sGtkSettingsResetProperty(settings, "gtk-theme-name"); sGtkSettingsResetProperty(settings, "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme"); } else { g_object_set(settings, "gtk-theme-name", mSystemTheme.mName.get(), "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", mSystemTheme.mPreferDarkTheme, nullptr); } moz_gtk_refresh(); mSystemThemeOverridden = false; } static bool AnyColorChannelIsDifferent(nscolor aColor) { return NS_GET_R(aColor) != NS_GET_G(aColor) || NS_GET_R(aColor) != NS_GET_B(aColor); } void nsLookAndFeel::ConfigureAndInitializeAltTheme() { GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); bool fellBackToDefaultTheme = false; // Try to select the opposite variant of the current theme first... LOGLNF(" toggling gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme\n"); g_object_set(settings, "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", !mSystemTheme.mIsDark, nullptr); moz_gtk_refresh(); // Toggling gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme is not enough generally to // switch from dark to light theme. If the theme didn't change, and we have // a dark theme, try to first remove -Dark{,er,est} from the theme name to // find the light variant. if (mSystemTheme.mIsDark && mSystemTheme.mIsDark == GetThemeIsDark()) { nsCString potentialLightThemeName = mSystemTheme.mName; // clang-format off constexpr nsLiteralCString kSubstringsToRemove[] = { "-darkest"_ns, "-darker"_ns, "-dark"_ns, "-Darkest"_ns, "-Darker"_ns, "-Dark"_ns, "_darkest"_ns, "_darker"_ns, "_dark"_ns, "_Darkest"_ns, "_Darker"_ns, "_Dark"_ns, }; // clang-format on bool found = false; for (auto& s : kSubstringsToRemove) { potentialLightThemeName = mSystemTheme.mName; potentialLightThemeName.ReplaceSubstring(s, ""_ns); if (potentialLightThemeName.Length() != mSystemTheme.mName.Length()) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { g_object_set(settings, "gtk-theme-name", potentialLightThemeName.get(), nullptr); moz_gtk_refresh(); } } if (mSystemTheme.mIsDark == GetThemeIsDark()) { // If the theme still didn't change enough, fall back to Adwaita with the // appropriate color preference. g_object_set(settings, "gtk-theme-name", "Adwaita", "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", !mSystemTheme.mIsDark, nullptr); moz_gtk_refresh(); // If it _still_ didn't change enough, and we're dark, try to set // Adwaita-dark as a theme name. This might be needed in older GTK versions. if (!mSystemTheme.mIsDark && !GetThemeIsDark()) { g_object_set(settings, "gtk-theme-name", "Adwaita-dark", nullptr); moz_gtk_refresh(); } fellBackToDefaultTheme = true; } mAltTheme.Init(); // Some of the alt theme colors we can grab from the system theme, if we fell // back to the default light / dark themes. if (fellBackToDefaultTheme) { if (StaticPrefs::widget_gtk_alt_theme_selection()) { mAltTheme.mTextSelectedText = mSystemTheme.mTextSelectedText; mAltTheme.mTextSelectedBackground = mSystemTheme.mTextSelectedBackground; } if (StaticPrefs::widget_gtk_alt_theme_scrollbar_active() && (!mAltTheme.mIsDark || ShouldUseColorForActiveDarkScrollbarThumb( mSystemTheme.mThemedScrollbarThumbActive))) { mAltTheme.mThemedScrollbarThumbActive = mSystemTheme.mThemedScrollbarThumbActive; } if (StaticPrefs::widget_gtk_alt_theme_accent()) { mAltTheme.mAccentColor = mSystemTheme.mAccentColor; mAltTheme.mAccentColorText = mSystemTheme.mAccentColorText; } } // Special case for Adwaita: In GTK3 we don't have more proper accent colors, // so we use the selected background colors. Those colors, however, don't have // much contrast in dark mode (see bug 1741293). We know, however, that GTK4 // uses the light accent color for the dark theme, see: // // https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/libadwaita/doc/main/named-colors.html#accent-colors // // So we manually do that. if (mSystemTheme.mName.EqualsLiteral("Adwaita") || mSystemTheme.mName.EqualsLiteral("Adwaita-dark")) { auto& dark = mSystemTheme.mIsDark ? mSystemTheme : mAltTheme; auto& light = mSystemTheme.mIsDark ? mAltTheme : mSystemTheme; dark.mAccentColor = light.mAccentColor; dark.mAccentColorText = light.mAccentColorText; } // Right now we're using the opposite color-scheme theme, make sure to record // it. mSystemThemeOverridden = true; } Maybe<ColorScheme> nsLookAndFeel::ComputeColorSchemeSetting() { { // Check the pref explicitly here. Usually this shouldn't be needed, but // since we can only load one GTK theme at a time, and the pref will // override the effective value that the rest of gecko assumes for the // "system" color scheme, we need to factor it in our GTK theme decisions. int32_t pref = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(Preferences::GetInt("ui.systemUsesDarkTheme", &pref))) { return Some(pref ? ColorScheme::Dark : ColorScheme::Light); } } if (!mDBusSettingsProxy) { return Nothing(); } GUniquePtr<GError> error; RefPtr<GVariant> variant = dont_AddRef(g_dbus_proxy_call_sync( mDBusSettingsProxy, "Read", g_variant_new("(ss)", "org.freedesktop.appearance", "color-scheme"), G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, StaticPrefs::widget_gtk_settings_portal_timeout_ms(), nullptr, getter_Transfers(error))); if (!variant) { LOGLNF("color-scheme query error: %s\n", error->message); return Nothing(); } LOGLNF("color-scheme query result: %s\n", GVariantToString(variant).get()); variant = dont_AddRef(g_variant_get_child_value(variant, 0)); while (variant && g_variant_is_of_type(variant, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARIANT)) { // Unbox the return value. variant = dont_AddRef(g_variant_get_variant(variant)); } if (!variant || !g_variant_is_of_type(variant, G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32)) { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unexpected color-scheme query return value"); return Nothing(); } switch (g_variant_get_uint32(variant)) { default: MOZ_FALLTHROUGH_ASSERT("Unexpected color-scheme query return value"); case 0: break; case 1: return Some(ColorScheme::Dark); case 2: return Some(ColorScheme::Light); } return Nothing(); } void nsLookAndFeel::Initialize() { LOGLNF("nsLookAndFeel::Initialize"); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!mInitialized); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "LookAndFeel init should be done on the main thread"); mInitialized = true; GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!settings)) { NS_WARNING("EnsureInit: No settings"); return; } AutoRestore<bool> restoreIgnoreSettings(sIgnoreChangedSettings); sIgnoreChangedSettings = true; // Our current theme may be different from the system theme if we're matching // the Firefox theme or using the alt theme intentionally due to the // color-scheme preference. Make sure to restore the original system theme. RestoreSystemTheme(); // First initialize global settings. InitializeGlobalSettings(); // Record our system theme settings now. mSystemTheme.Init(); // Find the alternative-scheme theme (light if the system theme is dark, or // vice versa), configure it and initialize it. ConfigureAndInitializeAltTheme(); LOGLNF("System Theme: %s. Alt Theme: %s\n", mSystemTheme.mName.get(), mAltTheme.mName.get()); // Go back to the system theme or keep the alt theme configured, depending on // Firefox theme or user color-scheme preference. ConfigureFinalEffectiveTheme(); RecordTelemetry(); } void nsLookAndFeel::OnColorSchemeSettingChanged() { if (NS_WARN_IF(mColorSchemePreference == ComputeColorSchemeSetting())) { // We sometimes get duplicate color-scheme changes from dbus, avoid doing // extra work if not needed. return; } OnSettingsChange(); } void nsLookAndFeel::InitializeGlobalSettings() { GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); mColorSchemePreference = ComputeColorSchemeSetting(); gboolean enableAnimations = false; g_object_get(settings, "gtk-enable-animations", &enableAnimations, nullptr); mPrefersReducedMotion = !enableAnimations; gint blink_time = 0; // In milliseconds gint blink_timeout = 0; // in seconds gboolean blink; g_object_get(settings, "gtk-cursor-blink-time", &blink_time, "gtk-cursor-blink-timeout", &blink_timeout, "gtk-cursor-blink", &blink, nullptr); // From // https://docs.gtk.org/gtk3/property.Settings.gtk-cursor-blink-timeout.html: // // Setting this to zero has the same effect as setting // GtkSettings:gtk-cursor-blink to FALSE. // mCaretBlinkTime = blink && blink_timeout ? (int32_t)blink_time : 0; if (mCaretBlinkTime) { // blink_time * 2 because blink count is a full blink cycle. mCaretBlinkCount = std::max(1, int32_t(std::ceil(float(blink_timeout * 1000) / (float(blink_time) * 2.0f)))); } else { mCaretBlinkCount = -1; } mCSDCloseButton = false; mCSDMinimizeButton = false; mCSDMaximizeButton = false; mCSDCloseButtonPosition = 0; mCSDMinimizeButtonPosition = 0; mCSDMaximizeButtonPosition = 0; // We need to initialize whole CSD config explicitly because it's queried // as -moz-gtk* media features. ButtonLayout buttonLayout[TOOLBAR_BUTTONS]; size_t activeButtons = GetGtkHeaderBarButtonLayout(Span(buttonLayout), &mCSDReversedPlacement); for (size_t i = 0; i < activeButtons; i++) { // We check if a button is represented on the right side of the tabbar. // Then we assign it a value from 3 to 5, instead of 0 to 2 when it is on // the left side. const ButtonLayout& layout = buttonLayout[i]; int32_t* pos = nullptr; switch (layout.mType) { case MOZ_GTK_HEADER_BAR_BUTTON_MINIMIZE: mCSDMinimizeButton = true; pos = &mCSDMinimizeButtonPosition; break; case MOZ_GTK_HEADER_BAR_BUTTON_MAXIMIZE: mCSDMaximizeButton = true; pos = &mCSDMaximizeButtonPosition; break; case MOZ_GTK_HEADER_BAR_BUTTON_CLOSE: mCSDCloseButton = true; pos = &mCSDCloseButtonPosition; break; default: break; } if (pos) { *pos = i; } } } void nsLookAndFeel::ConfigureFinalEffectiveTheme() { MOZ_ASSERT(mSystemThemeOverridden, "By this point, the alt theme should be configured"); const bool shouldUseSystemTheme = [&] { // NOTE: We can't call ColorSchemeForChrome directly because this might run // while we're computing it. switch (ColorSchemeSettingForChrome()) { case ChromeColorSchemeSetting::Light: return !mSystemTheme.mIsDark; case ChromeColorSchemeSetting::Dark: return mSystemTheme.mIsDark; case ChromeColorSchemeSetting::System: break; }; if (!mColorSchemePreference) { return true; } bool preferenceIsDark = *mColorSchemePreference == ColorScheme::Dark; return preferenceIsDark == mSystemTheme.mIsDark; }(); const bool usingSystem = !mSystemThemeOverridden; LOGLNF("OverrideSystemThemeIfNeeded(matchesSystem=%d, usingSystem=%d)\n", shouldUseSystemTheme, usingSystem); if (shouldUseSystemTheme) { RestoreSystemTheme(); } else if (usingSystem) { LOGLNF("Setting theme %s, %d\n", mAltTheme.mName.get(), mAltTheme.mPreferDarkTheme); GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default(); if (mSystemTheme.mName == mAltTheme.mName) { // Prefer setting only gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme, so we can still // get notified from notify::gtk-theme-name if the user changes the theme. g_object_set(settings, "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", mAltTheme.mPreferDarkTheme, nullptr); } else { g_object_set(settings, "gtk-theme-name", mAltTheme.mName.get(), "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", mAltTheme.mPreferDarkTheme, nullptr); } moz_gtk_refresh(); mSystemThemeOverridden = true; } } static nscolor GetBackgroundColor( GtkStyleContext* aStyle, nscolor aForForegroundColor, GtkStateFlags aState = GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, nscolor aOverBackgroundColor = NS_TRANSPARENT) { GdkRGBA gdkColor; gtk_style_context_get_background_color(aStyle, aState, &gdkColor); nscolor color = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(gdkColor); if (NS_GET_A(color)) { if (color != aOverBackgroundColor) { return color; } } // Try to synthesize a color from a background-image. GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; gtk_style_context_get_property(aStyle, "background-image", aState, &value); auto cleanup = MakeScopeExit([&] { g_value_unset(&value); }); if (GetColorFromImagePattern(&value, &color)) { return color; } { GdkRGBA light, dark; if (GetGradientColors(&value, &light, &dark)) { nscolor l = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(light); nscolor d = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(dark); // Return the one with more contrast. // TODO(emilio): This could do interpolation or what not but seems // overkill. return NS_LUMINOSITY_DIFFERENCE(l, aForForegroundColor) > NS_LUMINOSITY_DIFFERENCE(d, aForForegroundColor) ? l : d; } } return NS_TRANSPARENT; } static bool GetNamedColorPair(GtkStyleContext* aStyle, const char* aBgName, const char* aFgName, nscolor* aBg, nscolor* aFg) { GdkRGBA bg, fg; if (!gtk_style_context_lookup_color(aStyle, aBgName, &bg) || !gtk_style_context_lookup_color(aStyle, aFgName, &fg)) { return false; } *aBg = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(bg); *aFg = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(fg); // If the colors are semi-transparent and the theme provides a // background color, blend with them to get the "final" color, see // bug 1717077. if (NS_GET_A(*aBg) != 255 && (gtk_style_context_lookup_color(aStyle, "bg_color", &bg) || gtk_style_context_lookup_color(aStyle, "theme_bg_color", &bg))) { *aBg = NS_ComposeColors(GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(bg), *aBg); } // A semi-transparent foreground color would be kinda silly, but is done // for symmetry. if (NS_GET_A(*aFg) != 255 && (gtk_style_context_lookup_color(aStyle, "fg_color", &fg) || gtk_style_context_lookup_color(aStyle, "theme_fg_color", &fg))) { *aFg = NS_ComposeColors(GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(fg), *aFg); } return true; } static void EnsureColorPairIsOpaque(nscolor& aBg, nscolor& aFg) { // Blend with white, ensuring the color is opaque, so that the UI doesn't have // to care about alpha. aBg = NS_ComposeColors(NS_RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), aBg); aFg = NS_ComposeColors(aBg, aFg); } static void PreferDarkerBackground(nscolor& aBg, nscolor& aFg) { // We use the darker one unless the foreground isn't really a color (is all // white / black / gray) and the background is, in which case we stick to what // we have. if (RelativeLuminanceUtils::Compute(aBg) > RelativeLuminanceUtils::Compute(aFg) && (AnyColorChannelIsDifferent(aFg) || !AnyColorChannelIsDifferent(aBg))) { std::swap(aBg, aFg); } } void nsLookAndFeel::PerThemeData::Init() { mName = GetGtkTheme(); GtkStyleContext* style; mHighContrast = StaticPrefs::widget_content_gtk_high_contrast_enabled() && mName.Find("HighContrast"_ns) >= 0; mPreferDarkTheme = GetPreferDarkTheme(); mIsDark = GetThemeIsDark(); mCompatibleWithHTMLLightColors = !mIsDark && IsGtkThemeCompatibleWithHTMLColors(); GdkRGBA color; // Some themes style the <trough>, while others style the <scrollbar> // itself, so we look at both and compose the colors. style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mThemedScrollbar = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP, &color); mThemedScrollbarInactive = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_TROUGH_VERTICAL); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mThemedScrollbar = NS_ComposeColors(mThemedScrollbar, GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color)); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP, &color); mThemedScrollbarInactive = NS_ComposeColors(mThemedScrollbarInactive, GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color)); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_VERTICAL); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mThemedScrollbarThumb = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); mThemedScrollbarThumbHover = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_background_color( style, GtkStateFlags(GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT | GTK_STATE_FLAG_ACTIVE), &color); mThemedScrollbarThumbActive = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP, &color); mThemedScrollbarThumbInactive = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // Make sure that the thumb is visible, at least. const bool fallbackToUnthemedColors = [&] { if (!StaticPrefs::widget_gtk_theme_scrollbar_colors_enabled()) { return true; } if (!ShouldHonorThemeScrollbarColors()) { return true; } // If any of the scrollbar thumb colors are fully transparent, fall back to // non-native ones. if (!NS_GET_A(mThemedScrollbarThumb) || !NS_GET_A(mThemedScrollbarThumbHover) || !NS_GET_A(mThemedScrollbarThumbActive)) { return true; } // If the thumb and track are the same color and opaque, fall back to // non-native colors as well. if (mThemedScrollbar == mThemedScrollbarThumb && NS_GET_A(mThemedScrollbar) == 0xff) { return true; } return false; }(); if (fallbackToUnthemedColors) { if (mIsDark) { // Taken from Adwaita-dark. mThemedScrollbar = NS_RGB(0x31, 0x31, 0x31); mThemedScrollbarInactive = NS_RGB(0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d); mThemedScrollbarThumb = NS_RGB(0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa4); mThemedScrollbarThumbInactive = NS_RGB(0x59, 0x5a, 0x5a); } else { // Taken from Adwaita. mThemedScrollbar = NS_RGB(0xce, 0xce, 0xce); mThemedScrollbarInactive = NS_RGB(0xec, 0xed, 0xef); mThemedScrollbarThumb = NS_RGB(0x82, 0x81, 0x7e); mThemedScrollbarThumbInactive = NS_RGB(0xce, 0xcf, 0xce); } mThemedScrollbarThumbHover = ThemeColors::AdjustUnthemedScrollbarThumbColor( mThemedScrollbarThumb, dom::ElementState::HOVER); mThemedScrollbarThumbActive = ThemeColors::AdjustUnthemedScrollbarThumbColor( mThemedScrollbarThumb, dom::ElementState::ACTIVE); } // The label is not added to a parent widget, but shared for constructing // different style contexts. The node hierarchy is constructed only on // the label style context. GtkWidget* labelWidget = gtk_label_new("M"); g_object_ref_sink(labelWidget); // Window colors style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_WINDOW); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mMozWindowText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); mMozWindowBackground = GetBackgroundColor(style, mMozWindowText); gtk_style_context_get_border_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mMozWindowActiveBorder = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_border_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE, &color); mMozWindowInactiveBorder = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_WINDOW_CONTAINER); { GtkStyleContext* labelStyle = CreateStyleForWidget(labelWidget, style); GetSystemFontInfo(labelStyle, &mDefaultFontName, &mDefaultFontStyle); g_object_unref(labelStyle); } // tooltip foreground and background style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TOOLTIP_BOX_LABEL); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mInfoText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TOOLTIP); mInfoBackground = GetBackgroundColor(style, mInfoText); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_MENUITEM); { GtkStyleContext* accelStyle = CreateStyleForWidget(gtk_accel_label_new("M"), style); GetSystemFontInfo(accelStyle, &mMenuFontName, &mMenuFontStyle); gtk_style_context_get_color(accelStyle, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mMenuText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(accelStyle, GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE, &color); mMenuTextInactive = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); g_object_unref(accelStyle); } const auto effectiveHeaderBarStyle = HeaderBarShouldDrawContainer(MOZ_GTK_HEADER_BAR) ? MOZ_GTK_HEADERBAR_FIXED : MOZ_GTK_HEADER_BAR; style = GetStyleContext(effectiveHeaderBarStyle); { gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mTitlebarText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); mTitlebarBackground = GetBackgroundColor(style, mTitlebarText); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP, &color); mTitlebarInactiveText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); mTitlebarInactiveBackground = GetBackgroundColor(style, mTitlebarText, GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP); mTitlebarRadius = IsSolidCSDStyleUsed() ? 0 : GetBorderRadius(style); } style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_MENUPOPUP); mMenuBackground = [&] { nscolor color = GetBackgroundColor(style, mMenuText); if (NS_GET_A(color)) { return color; } // Some themes only style menupopups with the backdrop pseudo-class. Since a // context / popup menu always seems to match that, try that before giving // up. color = GetBackgroundColor(style, mMenuText, GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP); if (NS_GET_A(color)) { return color; } // If we get here we couldn't figure out the right color to use. Rather than // falling back to transparent, fall back to the window background. NS_WARNING( "Couldn't find menu background color, falling back to window " "background"); return mMozWindowBackground; }(); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_MENUITEM); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); mMenuHoverText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); mMenuHover = NS_ComposeColors( mMenuBackground, GetBackgroundColor(style, mMenuHoverText, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, mMenuBackground)); GtkWidget* parent = gtk_fixed_new(); GtkWidget* window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_POPUP); GtkWidget* treeView = gtk_tree_view_new(); GtkWidget* linkButton = gtk_link_button_new("http://example.com/"); GtkWidget* menuBar = gtk_menu_bar_new(); GtkWidget* menuBarItem = gtk_menu_item_new(); GtkWidget* entry = gtk_entry_new(); GtkWidget* textView = gtk_text_view_new(); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), treeView); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), linkButton); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), menuBar); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menuBar), menuBarItem); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), parent); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), entry); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), textView); // Text colors GdkRGBA bgColor; // If the text window background is translucent, then the background of // the textview root node is visible. style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TEXT_VIEW); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &bgColor); style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TEXT_VIEW_TEXT); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); ApplyColorOver(color, &bgColor); mFieldBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(bgColor); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mFieldText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // Selected text and background { GtkStyleContext* selectionStyle = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TEXT_VIEW_TEXT_SELECTION); auto GrabSelectionColors = [&](GtkStyleContext* style) { gtk_style_context_get_background_color( style, static_cast<GtkStateFlags>(GTK_STATE_FLAG_FOCUSED | GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED), &color); mTextSelectedBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color( style, static_cast<GtkStateFlags>(GTK_STATE_FLAG_FOCUSED | GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED), &color); mTextSelectedText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); }; GrabSelectionColors(selectionStyle); if (mTextSelectedBackground == mTextSelectedText) { // Some old distros/themes don't properly use the .selection style, so // fall back to the regular text view style. GrabSelectionColors(style); } // Default selected item color is the selection background / foreground // colors, but we prefer named colors, as those are more general purpose // than the actual selection style, which might e.g. be too-transparent. // // NOTE(emilio): It's unclear which one of the theme_selected_* or the // selected_* pairs should we prefer, in all themes that define both that // I've found, they're always the same. if (!GetNamedColorPair(style, "selected_bg_color", "selected_fg_color", &mSelectedItem, &mSelectedItemText) && !GetNamedColorPair(style, "theme_selected_bg_color", "theme_selected_fg_color", &mSelectedItem, &mSelectedItemText)) { mSelectedItem = mTextSelectedBackground; mSelectedItemText = mTextSelectedText; } EnsureColorPairIsOpaque(mSelectedItem, mSelectedItemText); // In a similar fashion, default accent color is the selected item/text // pair, but we also prefer named colors, if available. // // accent_{bg,fg}_color is not _really_ a gtk3 thing (it's a gtk4 thing), // but if gtk 3 themes want to specify these we let them, see: // // https://gnome.pages.gitlab.gnome.org/libadwaita/doc/main/named-colors.html#accent-colors if (!GetNamedColorPair(style, "accent_bg_color", "accent_fg_color", &mAccentColor, &mAccentColorText)) { mAccentColor = mSelectedItem; mAccentColorText = mSelectedItemText; } EnsureColorPairIsOpaque(mAccentColor, mAccentColorText); PreferDarkerBackground(mAccentColor, mAccentColorText); } // Button text color style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_BUTTON); { GtkStyleContext* labelStyle = CreateStyleForWidget(labelWidget, style); GetSystemFontInfo(labelStyle, &mButtonFontName, &mButtonFontStyle); g_object_unref(labelStyle); } gtk_style_context_get_border_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mButtonDefault = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mButtonText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); mButtonHoverText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_ACTIVE, &color); mButtonActiveText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); mButtonHoverFace = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); if (!NS_GET_A(mButtonHoverFace)) { mButtonHoverFace = mMozWindowBackground; } // Combobox text color style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_COMBOBOX_ENTRY_TEXTAREA); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mComboBoxText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // GTK's guide to fancy odd row background colors: // 1) Check if a theme explicitly defines an odd row color // 2) If not, check if it defines an even row color, and darken it // slightly by a hardcoded value (gtkstyle.c) // 3) If neither are defined, take the base background color and // darken that by a hardcoded value style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TREEVIEW); // Get odd row background color gtk_style_context_save(style); gtk_style_context_add_region(style, GTK_STYLE_REGION_ROW, GTK_REGION_ODD); gtk_style_context_get_background_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mOddCellBackground = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_restore(style); // Column header colors style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_TREE_HEADER_CELL); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &color); mMozColHeaderText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, &color); mMozColHeaderHoverText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // Compute cell highlight colors InitCellHighlightColors(); // GtkFrame has a "border" subnode on which Adwaita draws the border. // Some themes do not draw on this node but draw a border on the widget // root node, so check the root node if no border is found on the border // node. style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_FRAME_BORDER); bool themeUsesColors = GetBorderColors(style, &mFrameOuterLightBorder, &mFrameInnerDarkBorder); if (!themeUsesColors) { style = GetStyleContext(MOZ_GTK_FRAME); GetBorderColors(style, &mFrameOuterLightBorder, &mFrameInnerDarkBorder); } // Some themes have a unified menu bar, and support window dragging on it gboolean supports_menubar_drag = FALSE; GParamSpec* param_spec = gtk_widget_class_find_style_property( GTK_WIDGET_GET_CLASS(menuBar), "window-dragging"); if (param_spec) { if (g_type_is_a(G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_TYPE(param_spec), G_TYPE_BOOLEAN)) { gtk_widget_style_get(menuBar, "window-dragging", &supports_menubar_drag, nullptr); } } mMenuSupportsDrag = supports_menubar_drag; // TODO: It returns wrong color for themes which // sets link color for GtkLabel only as we query // GtkLinkButton style here. style = gtk_widget_get_style_context(linkButton); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_LINK, &color); mNativeHyperLinkText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); gtk_style_context_get_color(style, GTK_STATE_FLAG_VISITED, &color); mNativeVisitedHyperLinkText = GDK_RGBA_TO_NS_RGBA(color); // invisible character styles guint value; g_object_get(entry, "invisible-char", &value, nullptr); mInvisibleCharacter = char16_t(value); // caret styles gtk_widget_style_get(entry, "cursor-aspect-ratio", &mCaretRatio, nullptr); GetSystemFontInfo(gtk_widget_get_style_context(entry), &mFieldFontName, &mFieldFontStyle); gtk_widget_destroy(window); g_object_unref(labelWidget); if (LOGLNF_ENABLED()) { LOGLNF("Initialized theme %s (%d)\n", mName.get(), mPreferDarkTheme); for (auto id : MakeEnumeratedRange(ColorID::End)) { nscolor color; nsresult rv = GetColor(id, color); LOGLNF(" * color %d: pref=%s success=%d value=%x\n", int(id), GetColorPrefName(id), NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? color : 0); } LOGLNF(" * titlebar-radius: %d\n", mTitlebarRadius); } } // virtual char16_t nsLookAndFeel::GetPasswordCharacterImpl() { EnsureInit(); return mSystemTheme.mInvisibleCharacter; } bool nsLookAndFeel::GetEchoPasswordImpl() { return false; } bool nsLookAndFeel::GetDefaultDrawInTitlebar() { return sCSDAvailable; } void nsLookAndFeel::GetThemeInfo(nsACString& aInfo) { aInfo.Append(mSystemTheme.mName); aInfo.Append(" / "); aInfo.Append(mAltTheme.mName); } bool nsLookAndFeel::WidgetUsesImage(WidgetNodeType aNodeType) { static constexpr GtkStateFlags sFlagsToCheck[]{ GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT, GtkStateFlags(GTK_STATE_FLAG_PRELIGHT | GTK_STATE_FLAG_ACTIVE), GTK_STATE_FLAG_BACKDROP, GTK_STATE_FLAG_INSENSITIVE}; GtkStyleContext* style = GetStyleContext(aNodeType); GValue value = G_VALUE_INIT; for (GtkStateFlags state : sFlagsToCheck) { gtk_style_context_get_property(style, "background-image", state, &value); bool hasPattern = G_VALUE_TYPE(&value) == CAIRO_GOBJECT_TYPE_PATTERN && g_value_get_boxed(&value); g_value_unset(&value); if (hasPattern) { return true; } } return false; } void nsLookAndFeel::RecordLookAndFeelSpecificTelemetry() { // Gtk version we're on. nsString version; version.AppendPrintf("%d.%d", gtk_major_version, gtk_minor_version); Telemetry::ScalarSet(Telemetry::ScalarID::WIDGET_GTK_VERSION, version); // Whether the current Gtk theme has scrollbar buttons. bool hasScrollbarButtons = GetInt(LookAndFeel::IntID::ScrollArrowStyle) != eScrollArrow_None; mozilla::Telemetry::ScalarSet( mozilla::Telemetry::ScalarID::WIDGET_GTK_THEME_HAS_SCROLLBAR_BUTTONS, hasScrollbarButtons); // Whether the current Gtk theme uses something other than a solid color // background for scrollbar parts. bool scrollbarUsesImage = !ShouldHonorThemeScrollbarColors(); mozilla::Telemetry::ScalarSet( mozilla::Telemetry::ScalarID::WIDGET_GTK_THEME_SCROLLBAR_USES_IMAGES, scrollbarUsesImage); } bool nsLookAndFeel::ShouldHonorThemeScrollbarColors() { // If the Gtk theme uses anything other than solid color backgrounds for Gtk // scrollbar parts, this is a good indication that painting XUL scrollbar part // elements using colors extracted from the theme won't provide good results. return !WidgetUsesImage(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL) && !WidgetUsesImage(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_CONTENTS_VERTICAL) && !WidgetUsesImage(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_TROUGH_VERTICAL) && !WidgetUsesImage(MOZ_GTK_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_VERTICAL); } #undef LOGLNF #undef LOGLNF_ENABLED