<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'/> <title>Native Key Bindings for Cocoa Test</title> <!-- Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ --> <script src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <script src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"></script> <script src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/NativeKeyCodes.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="editable" contenteditable> <p>Stretching attack nullam stuck in a tree zzz, suspendisse cras nec suspendisse lick suscipit. Nunc egestas amet litter box, nullam climb the curtains biting I don't like that food tristique biting sleep on your keyboard non. Lay down in your way cras nec tempus chase the red dot cras nec, pharetra pharetra eat the grass leap run orci turpis attack. Consectetur sleep in the sink eat I don't like that food, knock over the lamp catnip in viverra tail flick zzz meow etiam enim. Ac ac hiss shed everywhere kittens rhoncus, attack your ankles zzz iaculis kittens. Nullam pellentesque rip the couch iaculis rhoncus nibh, give me fish orci turpis purr sleep on your face quis nunc bibendum.</p> <p>Neque jump on the table bat iaculis, adipiscing sleep on your keyboard jump vel justo shed everywhere suspendisse lick. Zzz enim faucibus hairball faucibus, pharetra sunbathe biting bat leap rip the couch attack. Tortor nibh in viverra quis hairball nam, vulputate adipiscing sleep on your keyboard purr knock over the lamp orci turpis. Vestibulum I don't like that food et chase the red dot, adipiscing neque bibendum rutrum accumsan quis rhoncus claw. Leap accumsan vehicula enim biting sleep on your face, pharetra nam accumsan egestas kittens sunbathe. Pharetra chase the red dot sniff non eat the grass, vulputate fluffy fur aliquam puking judging you.</p> <p>Claw purr sollicitudin sollicitudin lay down in your way consectetur, pellentesque vehicula zzz orci turpis consectetur. I don't like that food rhoncus pellentesque sniff attack, rhoncus tortor attack your ankles iaculis scratched hiss vel. Tortor zzz tortor nullam rip the couch rutrum, bat enim ut leap hairball iaculis. Bibendum sunbathe elit suspendisse nibh, puking adipiscing sleep on your face sleep on your face zzz catnip. Judging you rutrum bat sunbathe sleep on your face, jump on the table leap tincidunt a faucibus sleep in the sink. Stuck in a tree tristique zzz hiss in viverra nullam, quis tortor pharetra attack.</p> </div> <textarea id="textarea" cols="80"> Stretching attack nullam stuck in a tree zzz, suspendisse cras nec suspendisse lick suscipit. Nunc egestas amet litter box, nullam climb the curtains biting I don't like that food tristique biting sleep on your keyboard non. Lay down in your way cras nec tempus chase the red dot cras nec, pharetra pharetra eat the grass leap run orci turpis attack. Consectetur sleep in the sink eat I don't like that food, knock over the lamp catnip in viverra tail flick zzz meow etiam enim. Ac ac hiss shed everywhere kittens rhoncus, attack your ankles zzz iaculis kittens. Nullam pellentesque rip the couch iaculis rhoncus nibh, give me fish orci turpis purr sleep on your face quis nunc bibendum. Neque jump on the table bat iaculis, adipiscing sleep on your keyboard jump vel justo shed everywhere suspendisse lick. Zzz enim faucibus hairball faucibus, pharetra sunbathe biting bat leap rip the couch attack. Tortor nibh in viverra quis hairball nam, vulputate adipiscing sleep on your keyboard purr knock over the lamp orci turpis. Vestibulum I don't like that food et chase the red dot, adipiscing neque bibendum rutrum accumsan quis rhoncus claw. Leap accumsan vehicula enim biting sleep on your face, pharetra nam accumsan egestas kittens sunbathe. Pharetra chase the red dot sniff non eat the grass, vulputate fluffy fur aliquam puking judging you. Claw purr sollicitudin sollicitudin lay down in your way consectetur, pellentesque vehicula zzz orci turpis consectetur. I don't like that food rhoncus pellentesque sniff attack, rhoncus tortor attack your ankles iaculis scratched hiss vel. Tortor zzz tortor nullam rip the couch rutrum, bat enim ut leap hairball iaculis. Bibendum sunbathe elit suspendisse nibh, puking adipiscing sleep on your face sleep on your face zzz catnip. Judging you rutrum bat sunbathe sleep on your face, jump on the table leap tincidunt a faucibus sleep in the sink. Stuck in a tree tristique zzz hiss in viverra nullam, quis tortor pharetra attack. </textarea> <input id="input" type="text" value="Stretching attack nullam stuck in a tree zzz, suspendisse cras nec suspendisse lick suscipit. Nunc egestas amet litter box, nullam climb the curtains biting I don't like that food tristique biting sleep on your keyboard non. Lay down in your way cras nec tempus chase the red dot cras nec, pharetra pharetra eat the grass leap run orci turpis attack. Consectetur sleep in the sink eat I don't like that food, knock over the lamp catnip in viverra tail flick zzz meow etiam enim. Ac ac hiss shed everywhere kittens rhoncus, attack your ankles zzz iaculis kittens. Nullam pellentesque rip the couch iaculis rhoncus nibh, give me fish orci turpis purr sleep on your face quis nunc bibendum."> <script type="text/javascript"> SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); let synthesizedKeys = []; let expectations = []; // Move to beginning of line synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_LeftArrow, {ctrlKey: true}, "\uf702", "\uf702"]); expectations.push({ editable: [0, 0], textarea: [0, 0], input: [0, 0], }); // Move to end of line synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_RightArrow, {ctrlKey: true}, "\uf703", "\uf703"]); expectations.push({ editable: [73, 73], textarea: [72, 72], input: [732, 732], }); // Move down synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_N, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u000e", "n"]); expectations.push({ editable: [140, 140], textarea: [145, 145], input: [732, 732], }); // Move to beginning of line synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_LeftArrow, {ctrlKey: true}, "\uf702", "\uf702"]); expectations.push({ editable: [73, 73], textarea: [73, 73], input: [0, 0], }); // Move word right and modify selection synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_RightArrow, {altKey: true, shiftKey: true}, "\uf703", "\uf703"]); expectations.push({ editable: [73, 84], textarea: [73, 90], input: [0, 10], }); // Move word right synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_RightArrow, {altKey: true}, "\uf703", "\uf703"]); expectations.push({ editable: [84, 84], textarea: [90, 90], input: [10, 10], }); // Move word right synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_RightArrow, {altKey: true}, "\uf703", "\uf703"]); expectations.push({ editable: [89, 89], textarea: [95, 95], input: [17, 17], }); // Move down and modify selection synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_DownArrow, {shiftKey: true}, "\uf701", "\uf701"]); expectations.push({ editable: [89, 171], textarea: [95, 175], input: [17, 732], }); // Move backward and modify selection synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_B, {ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true}, "\u0002", "B"]); expectations.push({ editable: [89, 170], textarea: [95, 174], input: [17, 731], }); // Delete forward synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_D, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u0004", "d"]); expectations.push({ editable: [89, 89], textarea: [95, 95], input: [17, 17], }); // Delete backward synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_H, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u0008", "h"]); expectations.push({ editable: [88, 88], textarea: [94, 94], input: [16, 16], }); // Move backward synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_B, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u0002", "b"]); expectations.push({ editable: [87, 87], textarea: [93, 93], input: [15, 15], }); // Move to beginning of paragraph (line for now) synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_A, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u0001", "a"]); expectations.push({ editable: [73, 73], textarea: [73, 73], input: [0, 0], }); // Move forward synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_F, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u0006", "f"]); expectations.push({ editable: [74, 74], textarea: [74, 74], input: [1, 1], }); // Move word right synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_RightArrow, {altKey: true}, "\uf703", "\uf703"]); expectations.push({ editable: [84, 84], textarea: [90, 90], input: [10, 10], }); // Move word right synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_RightArrow, {altKey: true}, "\uf703", "\uf703"]); expectations.push({ editable: [88, 88], textarea: [94, 94], input: [17, 17], }); // Delete to end of paragraph (line for now) synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_K, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u000b", "k"]); expectations.push({ editable: [88, 88], textarea: [94, 94], input: [17, 17], }); // Move backward and modify selection synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_B, {ctrlKey: true, shiftKey: true}, "\u0002", "B"]); expectations.push({ editable: [88, 87], textarea: [93, 94], input: [16, 17], }); // Move to end of paragraph (line for now) synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_E, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u0005", "e"]); expectations.push({ editable: [139, 139], textarea: [94, 94], input: [17, 17], }); // Move up synthesizedKeys.push([KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EN_US, MAC_VK_ANSI_P, {ctrlKey: true}, "\u0010", "p"]); expectations.push({ editable: [73, 73], textarea: [21, 21], input: [0, 0], }); function checkWindowSelection(aElement, aSelection) { let selection = window.getSelection(); is(selection.anchorOffset, aSelection[aElement.id][0], aElement.id + ": Incorrect anchor offset"); is(selection.focusOffset, aSelection[aElement.id][1], aElement.id + ": Incorrect focus offset"); } function checkElementSelection(aElement, aSelection) { is(aElement.selectionStart, aSelection[aElement.id][0], aElement.id + ": Incorrect selection start"); is(aElement.selectionEnd, aSelection[aElement.id][1], aElement.id + ": Incorrect selection end"); } function* testRun(aElement, aSelectionCheck, aCallback) { if (document.activeElement) { document.activeElement.blur(); } aElement.focus(); for (let i = 0; i < synthesizedKeys.length; i++) { synthesizedKeys[i].push(function() { aSelectionCheck(aElement, expectations[i]); continueTest(); }); var synthOk = synthesizeNativeKey.apply(null, synthesizedKeys[i]); synthesizedKeys[i].pop(); yield synthOk; } } function* doTest() { yield* testRun(document.getElementById("editable"), checkWindowSelection); yield* testRun(document.getElementById("textarea"), checkElementSelection); yield* testRun(document.getElementById("input"), checkElementSelection); } let gTestContinuation = null; function continueTest() { if (!gTestContinuation) { gTestContinuation = doTest(); } var ret = gTestContinuation.next(); if (ret.done) { SimpleTest.finish(); } else { is(ret.value, true, "Successfully synthesized key"); } } SimpleTest.waitForFocus(continueTest); </script> </body> </html>