/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* mingw currently doesn't support windows.media.h, so we disable * the whole related class until this is fixed. * @TODO: Maybe contact MinGW Team for inclusion?*/ #ifndef __MINGW32__ # include "WindowsSMTCProvider.h" # include <windows.h> # include <windows.media.h> # include <winsdkver.h> # include <wrl.h> # include "nsMimeTypes.h" # include "mozilla/Assertions.h" # include "mozilla/Logging.h" # include "mozilla/Maybe.h" # include "mozilla/WidgetUtils.h" # include "mozilla/WindowsVersion.h" # include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h" # include "mozilla/dom/MediaControlUtils.h" # include "mozilla/media/MediaUtils.h" # include "nsThreadUtils.h" # pragma comment(lib, "runtimeobject.lib") using namespace ABI::Windows::Foundation; using namespace ABI::Windows::Media; using namespace ABI::Windows::Storage::Streams; using namespace Microsoft::WRL; using namespace Microsoft::WRL::Wrappers; using namespace mozilla; # ifndef RuntimeClass_Windows_Media_SystemMediaTransportControls # define RuntimeClass_Windows_Media_SystemMediaTransportControls \ L"Windows.Media.SystemMediaTransportControls" # endif # ifndef RuntimeClass_Windows_Storage_Streams_RandomAccessStreamReference # define RuntimeClass_Windows_Storage_Streams_RandomAccessStreamReference \ L"Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStreamReference" # endif # ifndef ISystemMediaTransportControlsInterop EXTERN_C const IID IID_ISystemMediaTransportControlsInterop; MIDL_INTERFACE("ddb0472d-c911-4a1f-86d9-dc3d71a95f5a") ISystemMediaTransportControlsInterop : public IInspectable { public: virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetForWindow( /* [in] */ __RPC__in HWND appWindow, /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFIID riid, /* [iid_is][retval][out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt void** mediaTransportControl) = 0; }; # endif /* __ISystemMediaTransportControlsInterop_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ extern mozilla::LazyLogModule gMediaControlLog; # undef LOG # define LOG(msg, ...) \ MOZ_LOG(gMediaControlLog, LogLevel::Debug, \ ("WindowSMTCProvider=%p, " msg, this, ##__VA_ARGS__)) static inline Maybe<mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey> TranslateKeycode( SystemMediaTransportControlsButton keycode) { switch (keycode) { case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton_Play: return Some(mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Play); case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton_Pause: return Some(mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Pause); case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton_Next: return Some(mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Nexttrack); case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton_Previous: return Some(mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Previoustrack); case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton_Stop: return Some(mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Stop); case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton_FastForward: return Some(mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Seekforward); case SystemMediaTransportControlsButton_Rewind: return Some(mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Seekbackward); default: return Nothing(); // Not supported Button } } static IAsyncInfo* GetIAsyncInfo(IAsyncOperation<unsigned int>* aAsyncOp) { MOZ_ASSERT(aAsyncOp); IAsyncInfo* asyncInfo; HRESULT hr = aAsyncOp->QueryInterface(IID_IAsyncInfo, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&asyncInfo)); // The assertion always works since IAsyncOperation implements IAsyncInfo MOZ_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); Unused << hr; MOZ_ASSERT(asyncInfo); return asyncInfo; } WindowsSMTCProvider::WindowsSMTCProvider() { LOG("Creating an empty and invisible window"); // In order to create a SMTC-Provider, we need a hWnd, which shall be created // dynamically from an invisible window. This leads to the following // boilerplate code. WNDCLASS wnd{}; wnd.lpszClassName = L"Firefox-MediaKeys"; wnd.hInstance = nullptr; wnd.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc; GetLastError(); // Clear the error RegisterClass(&wnd); MOZ_ASSERT(!GetLastError()); mWindow = CreateWindowExW(0, L"Firefox-MediaKeys", L"Firefox Media Keys", 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); MOZ_ASSERT(mWindow); MOZ_ASSERT(!GetLastError()); } WindowsSMTCProvider::~WindowsSMTCProvider() { // Dispose the window MOZ_ASSERT(mWindow); if (!DestroyWindow(mWindow)) { LOG("Failed to destroy the hidden window. Error Code: %lu", GetLastError()); } if (!UnregisterClass(L"Firefox-MediaKeys", nullptr)) { // Note that this is logged when the class wasn't even registered. LOG("Failed to unregister the class. Error Code: %lu", GetLastError()); } } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::IsOpened() const { return mInitialized; } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::Open() { LOG("Opening Source"); MOZ_ASSERT(!mInitialized); if (!IsWin8Point1OrLater()) { LOG("Windows 8.1 or later is required for Media Key Support"); return false; } if (!InitDisplayAndControls()) { LOG("Failed to initialize the SMTC and its display"); return false; } if (!UpdateButtons()) { LOG("Failed to initialize the buttons"); return false; } if (!RegisterEvents()) { LOG("Failed to register SMTC key-event listener"); return false; } if (!EnableControl(true)) { LOG("Failed to enable SMTC control"); return false; } mInitialized = true; SetPlaybackState(mozilla::dom::MediaSessionPlaybackState::None); return mInitialized; } void WindowsSMTCProvider::Close() { MediaControlKeySource::Close(); // Prevent calling Set methods when init failed if (mInitialized) { SetPlaybackState(mozilla::dom::MediaSessionPlaybackState::None); UnregisterEvents(); ClearMetadata(); // We have observed an Windows issue, if we modify `mControls` , (such as // setting metadata, disable buttons) before disabling control, and those // operations are not done sequentially within a same main thread task, // then it would cause a problem where the SMTC wasn't clean up completely // and show the executable name. EnableControl(false); mInitialized = false; } } void WindowsSMTCProvider::SetPlaybackState( mozilla::dom::MediaSessionPlaybackState aState) { MOZ_ASSERT(mInitialized); MediaControlKeySource::SetPlaybackState(aState); HRESULT hr; // Note: we can't return the status of put_PlaybackStatus, but we can at least // assert it. switch (aState) { case mozilla::dom::MediaSessionPlaybackState::Paused: hr = mControls->put_PlaybackStatus( ABI::Windows::Media::MediaPlaybackStatus_Paused); break; case mozilla::dom::MediaSessionPlaybackState::Playing: hr = mControls->put_PlaybackStatus( ABI::Windows::Media::MediaPlaybackStatus_Playing); break; case mozilla::dom::MediaSessionPlaybackState::None: hr = mControls->put_PlaybackStatus( ABI::Windows::Media::MediaPlaybackStatus_Stopped); break; // MediaPlaybackStatus still supports Closed and Changing, which we don't // use (yet) default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Enum Inconsitency between PlaybackState and WindowsSMTCProvider"); break; } MOZ_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); Unused << hr; } void WindowsSMTCProvider::SetMediaMetadata( const mozilla::dom::MediaMetadataBase& aMetadata) { MOZ_ASSERT(mInitialized); SetMusicMetadata(aMetadata.mArtist, aMetadata.mTitle); LoadThumbnail(aMetadata.mArtwork); } void WindowsSMTCProvider::ClearMetadata() { MOZ_ASSERT(mDisplay); if (FAILED(mDisplay->ClearAll())) { LOG("Failed to clear SMTC display"); } mImageFetchRequest.DisconnectIfExists(); CancelPendingStoreAsyncOperation(); mThumbnailUrl.Truncate(); mProcessingUrl.Truncate(); mNextImageIndex = 0; mSupportedKeys = 0; } void WindowsSMTCProvider::SetSupportedMediaKeys( const MediaKeysArray& aSupportedKeys) { MOZ_ASSERT(mInitialized); uint32_t supportedKeys = 0; for (const mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey& key : aSupportedKeys) { supportedKeys |= GetMediaKeyMask(key); } if (supportedKeys == mSupportedKeys) { LOG("Supported keys stay the same"); return; } LOG("Update supported keys"); mSupportedKeys = supportedKeys; UpdateButtons(); } void WindowsSMTCProvider::UnregisterEvents() { if (mControls && mButtonPressedToken.value != 0) { mControls->remove_ButtonPressed(mButtonPressedToken); } } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::RegisterEvents() { MOZ_ASSERT(mControls); auto self = RefPtr<WindowsSMTCProvider>(this); auto callbackbtnPressed = Callback< ITypedEventHandler<SystemMediaTransportControls*, SystemMediaTransportControlsButtonPressedEventArgs*>>( [this, self](ISystemMediaTransportControls*, ISystemMediaTransportControlsButtonPressedEventArgs* pArgs) -> HRESULT { MOZ_ASSERT(pArgs); SystemMediaTransportControlsButton btn; if (FAILED(pArgs->get_Button(&btn))) { LOG("SystemMediaTransportControls: ButtonPressedEvent - Could " "not get Button."); return S_OK; // Propagating the error probably wouldn't help. } Maybe<mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey> keyCode = TranslateKeycode(btn); if (keyCode.isSome() && IsOpened()) { OnButtonPressed(keyCode.value()); } return S_OK; }); if (FAILED(mControls->add_ButtonPressed(callbackbtnPressed.Get(), &mButtonPressedToken))) { LOG("SystemMediaTransportControls: Failed at " "registerEvents().add_ButtonPressed()"); return false; } return true; } void WindowsSMTCProvider::OnButtonPressed( mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey aKey) const { if (!IsKeySupported(aKey)) { LOG("key: %s is not supported", ToMediaControlKeyStr(aKey)); return; } for (auto& listener : mListeners) { listener->OnActionPerformed(mozilla::dom::MediaControlAction(aKey)); } } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::EnableControl(bool aEnabled) const { MOZ_ASSERT(mControls); return SUCCEEDED(mControls->put_IsEnabled(aEnabled)); } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::UpdateButtons() const { static const mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey kKeys[] = { mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Play, mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Pause, mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Previoustrack, mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Nexttrack, mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Stop}; bool success = true; for (const mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey& key : kKeys) { if (!EnableKey(key, IsKeySupported(key))) { success = false; LOG("Failed to set %s=%s", ToMediaControlKeyStr(key), IsKeySupported(key) ? "true" : "false"); } } return success; } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::IsKeySupported( mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey aKey) const { return mSupportedKeys & GetMediaKeyMask(aKey); } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::EnableKey(mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey aKey, bool aEnable) const { MOZ_ASSERT(mControls); switch (aKey) { case mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Play: return SUCCEEDED(mControls->put_IsPlayEnabled(aEnable)); case mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Pause: return SUCCEEDED(mControls->put_IsPauseEnabled(aEnable)); case mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Previoustrack: return SUCCEEDED(mControls->put_IsPreviousEnabled(aEnable)); case mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Nexttrack: return SUCCEEDED(mControls->put_IsNextEnabled(aEnable)); case mozilla::dom::MediaControlKey::Stop: return SUCCEEDED(mControls->put_IsStopEnabled(aEnable)); default: LOG("No button for %s", ToMediaControlKeyStr(aKey)); return false; } } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::InitDisplayAndControls() { // As Open() might be called multiple times, "cache" the results of the COM // API if (mControls && mDisplay) { return true; } ComPtr<ISystemMediaTransportControlsInterop> interop; HRESULT hr = GetActivationFactory( HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Media_SystemMediaTransportControls) .Get(), interop.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("SystemMediaTransportControls: Failed at instantiating the " "Interop object"); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(interop); if (!mControls && FAILED(interop->GetForWindow( mWindow, IID_PPV_ARGS(mControls.GetAddressOf())))) { LOG("SystemMediaTransportControls: Failed at GetForWindow()"); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(mControls); if (!mDisplay && FAILED(mControls->get_DisplayUpdater(mDisplay.GetAddressOf()))) { LOG("SystemMediaTransportControls: Failed at get_DisplayUpdater()"); } MOZ_ASSERT(mDisplay); return true; } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::SetMusicMetadata(const nsString& aArtist, const nsString& aTitle) { MOZ_ASSERT(mDisplay); ComPtr<IMusicDisplayProperties> musicProps; HRESULT hr = mDisplay->put_Type(MediaPlaybackType::MediaPlaybackType_Music); MOZ_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); Unused << hr; hr = mDisplay->get_MusicProperties(musicProps.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to get music properties"); return false; } hr = musicProps->put_Artist(HStringReference(aArtist.get()).Get()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to set the music's artist"); return false; } hr = musicProps->put_Title(HStringReference(aTitle.get()).Get()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to set the music's title"); return false; } hr = mDisplay->Update(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to refresh the display"); return false; } return true; } void WindowsSMTCProvider::LoadThumbnail( const nsTArray<mozilla::dom::MediaImage>& aArtwork) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); // TODO: Sort the images by the preferred size or format. mArtwork = aArtwork; mNextImageIndex = 0; // Abort the loading if // 1) thumbnail is being updated, and one in processing is in the artwork // 2) thumbnail is not being updated, and one in use is in the artwork if (!mProcessingUrl.IsEmpty()) { LOG("Load thumbnail while image: %s is being processed", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mProcessingUrl).get()); if (mozilla::dom::IsImageIn(mArtwork, mProcessingUrl)) { LOG("No need to load thumbnail. The one being processed is in the " "artwork"); return; } } else if (!mThumbnailUrl.IsEmpty()) { if (mozilla::dom::IsImageIn(mArtwork, mThumbnailUrl)) { LOG("No need to load thumbnail. The one in use is in the artwork"); return; } } // If there is a pending image store operation, that image must be different // from the new image will be loaded below, so the pending one should be // cancelled. CancelPendingStoreAsyncOperation(); // Remove the current thumbnail on the interface ClearThumbnail(); // Then load the new thumbnail asynchronously LoadImageAtIndex(mNextImageIndex++); } void WindowsSMTCProvider::LoadImageAtIndex(const size_t aIndex) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (aIndex >= mArtwork.Length()) { LOG("Stop loading thumbnail. No more available images"); mImageFetchRequest.DisconnectIfExists(); mProcessingUrl.Truncate(); return; } const mozilla::dom::MediaImage& image = mArtwork[aIndex]; // TODO: No need to fetch the default image and do image processing since the // the default image is local file and it's trustworthy. For the default // image, we can use `CreateFromFile` to create the IRandomAccessStream. We // should probably cache it since it could be used very often (Bug 1643102) if (!mozilla::dom::IsValidImageUrl(image.mSrc)) { LOG("Skip the image with invalid URL. Try next image"); mImageFetchRequest.DisconnectIfExists(); LoadImageAtIndex(mNextImageIndex++); return; } mImageFetchRequest.DisconnectIfExists(); mProcessingUrl = image.mSrc; mImageFetcher = mozilla::MakeUnique<mozilla::dom::FetchImageHelper>(image); RefPtr<WindowsSMTCProvider> self = this; mImageFetcher->FetchImage() ->Then( AbstractThread::MainThread(), __func__, [this, self](const nsCOMPtr<imgIContainer>& aImage) { LOG("The image is fetched successfully"); mImageFetchRequest.Complete(); // Although IMAGE_JPEG or IMAGE_BMP are valid types as well, but a // png image with transparent background will be converted into a // jpeg/bmp file with a colored background. IMAGE_PNG format seems // to be the best choice for now. uint32_t size = 0; char* src = nullptr; // Only used to hold the image data nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inputStream; nsresult rv = mozilla::dom::GetEncodedImageBuffer( aImage, nsLiteralCString(IMAGE_PNG), getter_AddRefs(inputStream), &size, &src); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !inputStream || size == 0 || !src) { LOG("Failed to get the image buffer info. Try next image"); LoadImageAtIndex(mNextImageIndex++); return; } LoadImage(src, size); }, [this, self](bool) { LOG("Failed to fetch image. Try next image"); mImageFetchRequest.Complete(); LoadImageAtIndex(mNextImageIndex++); }) ->Track(mImageFetchRequest); } void WindowsSMTCProvider::LoadImage(const char* aImageData, uint32_t aDataSize) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); // 1. Use mImageDataWriter to write the binary data of image into mImageStream // 2. Refer the image by mImageStreamReference and then set it to the SMTC // In case of the race condition between they are being destroyed and the // async operation for image loading, mImageDataWriter, mImageStream, and // mImageStreamReference are member variables HRESULT hr = ActivateInstance( HStringReference( RuntimeClass_Windows_Storage_Streams_InMemoryRandomAccessStream) .Get(), mImageStream.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to make mImageStream refer to an instance of " "InMemoryRandomAccessStream"); return; } ComPtr<IOutputStream> outputStream; hr = mImageStream.As(&outputStream); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed when query IOutputStream interface from mImageStream"); return; } ComPtr<IDataWriterFactory> dataWriterFactory; hr = GetActivationFactory( HStringReference(RuntimeClass_Windows_Storage_Streams_DataWriter).Get(), dataWriterFactory.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to get an activation factory for IDataWriterFactory"); return; } hr = dataWriterFactory->CreateDataWriter(outputStream.Get(), mImageDataWriter.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to create mImageDataWriter that writes data to mImageStream"); return; } hr = mImageDataWriter->WriteBytes( aDataSize, reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(const_cast<char*>(aImageData))); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to write data to mImageStream"); return; } hr = mImageDataWriter->StoreAsync(&mStoreAsyncOperation); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to create a DataWriterStoreOperation for mStoreAsyncOperation"); return; } // Upon the image is stored in mImageStream, set the image to the SMTC // interface auto onStoreCompleted = Callback< IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<unsigned int>>( [this, self = RefPtr<WindowsSMTCProvider>(this), aImageUrl = nsString(mProcessingUrl)]( IAsyncOperation<unsigned int>* aAsyncOp, AsyncStatus aStatus) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (aStatus != AsyncStatus::Completed) { LOG("Asynchronous operation is not completed"); return E_ABORT; } HRESULT hr = S_OK; IAsyncInfo* asyncInfo = GetIAsyncInfo(aAsyncOp); asyncInfo->get_ErrorCode(&hr); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to get termination status of the asynchronous operation"); return hr; } if (!UpdateThumbnail(aImageUrl)) { LOG("Failed to update thumbnail"); } // If an error occurs above: // - If aImageUrl is not mProcessingUrl. It's fine. // - If aImageUrl is mProcessingUrl, then mProcessingUrl won't be reset. // Therefore the thumbnail will remain empty until a new image whose // url is different from mProcessingUrl is loaded. return S_OK; }); hr = mStoreAsyncOperation->put_Completed(onStoreCompleted.Get()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to set callback on completeing the asynchronous operation"); } } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::SetThumbnail(const nsAString& aUrl) { MOZ_ASSERT(mDisplay); MOZ_ASSERT(mImageStream); MOZ_ASSERT(!aUrl.IsEmpty()); ComPtr<IRandomAccessStreamReferenceStatics> streamRefFactory; HRESULT hr = GetActivationFactory( HStringReference( RuntimeClass_Windows_Storage_Streams_RandomAccessStreamReference) .Get(), streamRefFactory.GetAddressOf()); auto cleanup = MakeScopeExit([this, self = RefPtr<WindowsSMTCProvider>(this)] { LOG("Clean mThumbnailUrl"); mThumbnailUrl.Truncate(); }); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to get an activation factory for " "IRandomAccessStreamReferenceStatics type"); return false; } hr = streamRefFactory->CreateFromStream(mImageStream.Get(), mImageStreamReference.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to create mImageStreamReference from mImageStream"); return false; } hr = mDisplay->put_Thumbnail(mImageStreamReference.Get()); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to update thumbnail"); return false; } hr = mDisplay->Update(); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG("Failed to refresh display"); return false; } // No need to clean mThumbnailUrl since thumbnail is set successfully cleanup.release(); mThumbnailUrl = aUrl; return true; } void WindowsSMTCProvider::ClearThumbnail() { MOZ_ASSERT(mDisplay); HRESULT hr = mDisplay->put_Thumbnail(nullptr); MOZ_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = mDisplay->Update(); MOZ_ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); Unused << hr; mThumbnailUrl.Truncate(); } bool WindowsSMTCProvider::UpdateThumbnail(const nsAString& aUrl) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!IsOpened()) { LOG("Abort the thumbnail update: SMTC is closed"); return false; } if (aUrl != mProcessingUrl) { LOG("Abort the thumbnail update: The image from %s is out of date", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aUrl).get()); return false; } mProcessingUrl.Truncate(); if (!SetThumbnail(aUrl)) { LOG("Failed to update thumbnail"); return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(mThumbnailUrl == aUrl); LOG("The thumbnail is updated to the image from: %s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mThumbnailUrl).get()); return true; } void WindowsSMTCProvider::CancelPendingStoreAsyncOperation() const { if (mStoreAsyncOperation) { IAsyncInfo* asyncInfo = GetIAsyncInfo(mStoreAsyncOperation.Get()); asyncInfo->Cancel(); } } #endif // __MINGW32__