/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "mozilla/AbstractThread.h"
#include "mozilla/gtest/MozAssertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DocGroup.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Document.h"
#include "mozilla/SchedulerGroup.h"
#include "mozilla/TaskCategory.h"
#include "mozilla/PerformanceCounter.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
#include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsThread.h"

using namespace mozilla;
using mozilla::Runnable;
using mozilla::dom::DocGroup;
using mozilla::dom::Document;

/* A struct that describes a runnable to run and, optionally, a
 * docgroup to dispatch it to.
struct RunnableDescriptor {
  MOZ_IMPLICIT RunnableDescriptor(nsIRunnable* aRunnable,
                                  DocGroup* aDocGroup = nullptr)
      : mRunnable(aRunnable), mDocGroup(aDocGroup) {}

  RunnableDescriptor(RunnableDescriptor&& aDescriptor)
      : mRunnable(std::move(aDescriptor.mRunnable)),
        mDocGroup(std::move(aDescriptor.mDocGroup)) {}

  nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> mRunnable;
  RefPtr<DocGroup> mDocGroup;

/* Timed runnable which simulates some execution time
 * and can run some nested runnables.
class TimedRunnable final : public Runnable {
  explicit TimedRunnable(uint32_t aExecutionTime1, uint32_t aExecutionTime2)
      : Runnable("TimedRunnable"),
        mExecutionTime2(aExecutionTime2) {}

    for (uint32_t index = 0; index < mNestedRunnables.Length(); ++index) {
      if (index != 0) {
    return NS_OK;

  void AddNestedRunnable(RunnableDescriptor aDescriptor) {

  void Sleep(uint32_t aMilliseconds) {
    TimeStamp start = TimeStamp::Now();
    PR_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(aMilliseconds + 5));
    TimeStamp stop = TimeStamp::Now();
    mTotalSlept += (stop - start).ToMicroseconds();

  // Total sleep time, in microseconds.
  uint64_t TotalSlept() const { return mTotalSlept; }

  static void DispatchNestedRunnable(nsIRunnable* aRunnable,
                                     DocGroup* aDocGroup) {
    // Dispatch another runnable so nsThread::ProcessNextEvent is called
    // recursively
    nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> thread = do_GetMainThread();
    if (aDocGroup) {
      (void)DispatchWithDocgroup(aRunnable, aDocGroup);
    } else {
      thread->Dispatch(aRunnable, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL);
    (void)NS_ProcessNextEvent(thread, false);

  static nsresult DispatchWithDocgroup(nsIRunnable* aRunnable,
                                       DocGroup* aDocGroup) {
    nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = aRunnable;
    runnable = new SchedulerGroup::Runnable(runnable.forget(),
    return aDocGroup->Dispatch(TaskCategory::Other, runnable.forget());

  uint32_t mExecutionTime1;
  uint32_t mExecutionTime2;
  // When we sleep, the actual time we sleep might not match how long
  // we asked to sleep for.  Record how much we actually slept.
  uint64_t mTotalSlept = 0;
  nsTArray<RunnableDescriptor> mNestedRunnables;

/* test class used for all metrics tests
 * - sets up the enable_scheduler_timing pref
 * - provides a function to dispatch runnables and spin the loop

class ThreadMetrics : public ::testing::Test {
  explicit ThreadMetrics() = default;

  virtual void SetUp() {
    // FIXME: This is horribly sketchy and relies a ton on BrowsingContextGroup
    // not doing anything too fancy or asserting invariants it expects to be
    // held. We should probably try to rework this test or remove it completely
    // at some point when we can get away with it. Changes to BCGs frequently
    // cause this test to start failing as it doesn't behave like normal.

    // building the DocGroup structure
    RefPtr<dom::BrowsingContextGroup> group =
    MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(NS_NewHTMLDocument(getter_AddRefs(mDocument), true));
    MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(NS_NewHTMLDocument(getter_AddRefs(mDocument2), true));
    mDocGroup = group->AddDocument("key"_ns, mDocument);
    mDocGroup2 = group->AddDocument("key2"_ns, mDocument2);
    mCounter = mDocGroup->GetPerformanceCounter();
    mCounter2 = mDocGroup2->GetPerformanceCounter();
    mThreadMgr = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1");
    mOther = DispatchCategory(TaskCategory::Other).GetValue();
    mDispatchCount = (uint32_t)TaskCategory::Other + 1;

  virtual void TearDown() {
    // and remove the document from the doc group
    mDocGroup = nullptr;
    mDocGroup2 = nullptr;
    mDocument = nullptr;
    mDocument2 = nullptr;

  // this is used to get rid of transient events
  void initScheduler() { ProcessAllEvents(); }

  nsresult Dispatch(nsIRunnable* aRunnable) {
    return TimedRunnable::DispatchWithDocgroup(aRunnable, mDocGroup);

  void ProcessAllEvents() { mThreadMgr->SpinEventLoopUntilEmpty(); }

  uint32_t mOther;
  bool mOldPref;
  RefPtr<Document> mDocument;
  RefPtr<Document> mDocument2;
  RefPtr<DocGroup> mDocGroup;
  RefPtr<DocGroup> mDocGroup2;
  RefPtr<PerformanceCounter> mCounter;
  RefPtr<PerformanceCounter> mCounter2;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIThreadManager> mThreadMgr;
  uint32_t mDispatchCount;

TEST_F(ThreadMetrics, CollectMetrics) {
  nsresult rv;

  // Dispatching a runnable that will last for +50ms
  RefPtr<TimedRunnable> runnable = new TimedRunnable(25, 25);
  rv = Dispatch(runnable);

  // Flush the queue

  // Let's look at the task category "other" counter
  ASSERT_EQ(mCounter->GetDispatchCounter()[mOther], 1u);

  // other counters should stay empty
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDispatchCount; i++) {
    if (i != mOther) {
      ASSERT_EQ(mCounter->GetDispatchCounter()[i], 0u);

  // Did we get incremented in the docgroup ?
  uint64_t duration = mCounter->GetExecutionDuration();
  ASSERT_GE(duration, runnable->TotalSlept());

TEST_F(ThreadMetrics, CollectRecursiveMetrics) {
  nsresult rv;


  // Dispatching a runnable that will last for +50ms
  // and run another one recursively that lasts for 400ms
  RefPtr<TimedRunnable> runnable = new TimedRunnable(25, 25);
  nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> nested = new TimedRunnable(400, 0);
  rv = Dispatch(runnable);

  // Flush the queue

  // let's look at the counters
  ASSERT_EQ(mCounter->GetDispatchCounter()[mOther], 1u);

  // other counters should stay empty
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDispatchCount; i++) {
    if (i != mOther) {
      ASSERT_EQ(mCounter->GetDispatchCounter()[i], 0u);

  // did we get incremented in the docgroup ?
  uint64_t duration = mCounter->GetExecutionDuration();
  ASSERT_GE(duration, runnable->TotalSlept());

  // let's make sure we don't count the time spent in recursive calls
  ASSERT_LT(duration, runnable->TotalSlept() + 200000u);

TEST_F(ThreadMetrics, CollectMultipleRecursiveMetrics) {
  nsresult rv;


  // Dispatching a runnable that will last for +75ms
  // and run another two recursively that last for 400ms each.
  RefPtr<TimedRunnable> runnable = new TimedRunnable(25, 25);
  for (auto i : {1, 2}) {
    Unused << i;
    nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> nested = new TimedRunnable(400, 0);

  rv = Dispatch(runnable);

  // Flush the queue

  // let's look at the counters
  ASSERT_EQ(mCounter->GetDispatchCounter()[mOther], 1u);

  // other counters should stay empty
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDispatchCount; i++) {
    if (i != mOther) {
      ASSERT_EQ(mCounter->GetDispatchCounter()[i], 0u);

  // did we get incremented in the docgroup ?
  uint64_t duration = mCounter->GetExecutionDuration();
  ASSERT_GE(duration, runnable->TotalSlept());

  // let's make sure we don't count the time spent in recursive calls
  ASSERT_LT(duration, runnable->TotalSlept() + 200000u);

TEST_F(ThreadMetrics, CollectMultipleRecursiveMetricsWithTwoDocgroups) {
  nsresult rv;


  // Dispatching a runnable that will last for +75ms
  // and run another two recursively that last for 400ms each.  The
  // first nested runnable will have a docgroup, but the second will
  // not, to test that the time for first nested event is accounted
  // correctly.
  RefPtr<TimedRunnable> runnable = new TimedRunnable(25, 25);
  RefPtr<TimedRunnable> nested1 = new TimedRunnable(400, 0);
  runnable->AddNestedRunnable({nested1, mDocGroup2});
  nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> nested2 = new TimedRunnable(400, 0);

  rv = Dispatch(runnable);

  // Flush the queue

  // let's look at the counters
  ASSERT_EQ(mCounter->GetDispatchCounter()[mOther], 1u);

  // other counters should stay empty
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDispatchCount; i++) {
    if (i != mOther) {
      ASSERT_EQ(mCounter->GetDispatchCounter()[i], 0u);

  uint64_t duration = mCounter2->GetExecutionDuration();
  // Make sure this we incremented the timings for the first nested
  // runnable correctly.
  ASSERT_GE(duration, nested1->TotalSlept());
  ASSERT_LT(duration, nested1->TotalSlept() + 20000u);

  // And now for the outer runnable.
  duration = mCounter->GetExecutionDuration();
  ASSERT_GE(duration, runnable->TotalSlept());

  // let's make sure we don't count the time spent in recursive calls
  ASSERT_LT(duration, runnable->TotalSlept() + 200000u);