-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later local utils = require('test_utils') -- setup resolver modules = { 'hints > iterate' } -- test for default configuration local function test_default() -- get loaded root hints and change names to lowercase local hints_data = utils.table_keys_to_lower(hints.root()) -- root hints loaded from default location -- check correct ip address of a.root-server.net utils.contains(hints_data['a.root-servers.net.'], '', 'has IP address for a.root-servers.net.') end -- test loading from config file local function test_custom() -- load custom root hints file with fake ip address for a.root-server.net local err_msg = hints.root_file('hints_test.zone') same(err_msg, '', 'load root hints from file') -- get loaded root hints and change names to lowercase local hints_data = utils.table_keys_to_lower(hints.root()) isnt(hints_data['a.root-servers.net.'], nil, 'can retrieve root hints') -- check loaded ip address of a.root-server.net utils.not_contains(hints_data['a.root-servers.net.'], '', 'real IP address for a.root-servers.net. is replaced') utils.contains(hints_data['a.root-servers.net.'], '', 'real IP address for a.root-servers.net. is correct') end -- test that setting an address hint works (TODO: and NXDOMAIN) local function test_nxdomain() hints.config() -- clean start hints.use_nodata(false) hints.add_hosts('hints.test.hosts') -- TODO: prefilling or some other way of getting NXDOMAIN (instead of SERVFAIL) utils.check_answer('bad name gives NXDOMAIN', 'badname.lan', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) utils.check_answer('another type gives NXDOMAIN', 'myname.lan', kres.type.AAAA, kres.rcode.SERVFAIL) utils.check_answer('record itself is OK', 'myname.lan', kres.type.A, kres.rcode.NOERROR) end -- test that NODATA is correctly generated local function test_nodata() hints.config() -- clean start hints.use_nodata(true) -- default ATM but let's not depend on that hints['myname.lan'] = '2001:db8::1' utils.check_answer('another type gives NODATA', 'myname.lan', kres.type.MX, utils.NODATA) utils.check_answer('record itself is OK', 'myname.lan', kres.type.AAAA, kres.rcode.NOERROR) end return { test_default, test_custom, test_nxdomain, test_nodata, }