/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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#pragma once

#include <drawinglayer/drawinglayerdllapi.h>

#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/groupprimitive2d.hxx>

namespace drawinglayer::primitive2d
        /** UnifiedTransparencePrimitive2D class

            This primitive encapsulates a child hierarchy and defines
            that it shall be visualized with the given transparency. That
            transparency is unique for all contained geometry, so that
            e.g. overlapping polygons in the child geometry will not show
            regions of combined transparency, but be all rendered with the
            defined, single transparency.
        class DRAWINGLAYER_DLLPUBLIC UnifiedTransparencePrimitive2D final : public GroupPrimitive2D
            /// the unified transparence
            double                              mfTransparence;

            /// constructor
                Primitive2DContainer&& rChildren,
                double fTransparence);

            /// data read access
            double getTransparence() const { return mfTransparence; }

            /// compare operator
            virtual bool operator==(const BasePrimitive2D& rPrimitive) const override;

            /// own getB2DRange implementation to include transparent geometries to BoundRect calculations
            virtual basegfx::B2DRange getB2DRange(const geometry::ViewInformation2D& rViewInformation) const override;

            /// create decomposition
            virtual void get2DDecomposition(Primitive2DDecompositionVisitor& rVisitor, const geometry::ViewInformation2D& rViewInformation) const override;

            /// provide unique ID
            virtual sal_uInt32 getPrimitive2DID() const override;
} // end of namespace drawinglayer::primitive2d

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