/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.


#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/types.h>

namespace formula
    enum ParamClass : sal_uInt8
        Unknown = 0,    // MUST be zero for initialization mechanism!

        /** Out of bounds, function doesn't expect that many parameters.
            However, not necessarily returned if a module specific definition
            for example returns type Value for an unlisted function. */

        /** In array formula: single value to be passed. Results in JumpMatrix
            being created and multiple calls to function. Functions handling a
            formula::svDoubleRef by means of DoubleRefToPosSingleRef() or
            PopDoubleRefOrSingleRef() or GetDouble() or GetString() should have
            this. */

        /** In array formula: area reference must stay reference. Otherwise
            don't care. Functions handling a formula::svDoubleRef by means of
            PopDoubleRefOrSingleRef() should not have this. */

        /** Like Reference but the function accepts also a list of references
            (ocUnion svRefList) as one argument AND handles the special case of
            an array of references in array mode. Then the resulting argument
            for a parameter in JumpMatrix context may be an array of references
            which then is to be preferred over a result matrix. This final
            behaviour is the opposite of SuppressedReferenceOrForceArray. */

        /** In array formula: convert area reference to array. Function will be
            called only once if no Value type is involved. Functions able to
            handle a svMatrix parameter but not a formula::svDoubleRef parameter as area
            should have this. */

        /** Area reference must be converted to array in any case, and must
            also be propagated to subsequent operators and functions being part
            of a parameter of this function. */

        /** Area reference is not converted to array, but ForceArray must be
            propagated to subsequent operators and functions being part of a
            parameter of this function. Used with functions that treat
            references separately from arrays, but need the forced array
            calculation of parameters that are not references. */

        /** Same as ReferenceOrForceArray but suppressed / not inherited in the
            compiler's ForceArray context to indicate that a result of
            Reference in JumpMatrix context should use the result matrix
            instead of the array of references. Never used as initial parameter
            classification. */

        /** A function return forces the caller into array mode for this one
            call, making it behave like it had ForceArray but not propagated to
            any further operators in the same parameter. */


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