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#ifndef __com_sun_star_sheet_ExternalReference_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_sheet_ExternalReference_idl__

module com {  module sun {  module star {  module sheet {

/** Data structure to store information about an external reference.  An
    external reference can be either a single cell reference, a cell range
    reference, or a named range.

    @see FormulaMapGroupSpecialOffset::PUSH

    @since OOo 3.1
struct ExternalReference

    /** Index of an externally linked document.  Each externally-linked document
        has a unique index value.

        <p>You can get the index value of an external document from the
        corresponding com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLink
        instance through its attribute com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLink::TokenIndex.</p>

        @see com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLink
        @see com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLink::TokenIndex
    long Index;

//  /** Name of the sheet that the external reference points to.
//      <p>In case of a cell range reference that spans across multiple
//      sheets, this is the name of the first sheet in that range.</p>
//      <p>Note that an external range name ignores this value at the moment,
//      but <i>it may make use of this data in the future when Calc supports a
//      sheet-specific range name.</i></p>
//   */
//  string SheetName;

    /** Reference data.

        <p>This can store either SingleReference for a single
        cell reference, ComplexReference for a cell range
        reference, or simply a string for a defined name.</p>

        <p>The SingleReference::Sheet member shall contain
        the index of the external sheet cache containing the values of the
        externally referenced cells.</p>

        @see com::sun::star::sheet::SingleReference
        @see com::sun::star::sheet::ComplexReference
    any Reference;

}; }; }; };


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