/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include <dptabdat.hxx>
#include <dpcache.hxx>
#include <dpfilteredcache.hxx>
#include <dptabres.hxx>

#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <tools/date.hxx>

using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using ::std::vector;

ScDPTableData::CalcInfo::CalcInfo() :
    pInitState( nullptr ),
    pColRoot( nullptr ),
    pRowRoot( nullptr )

ScDPTableData::ScDPTableData(const ScDocument* pDoc) :
    nLastDateVal = nLastHier = nLastLevel = nLastRet = -1;      // invalid

    //TODO: reset before new calculation (in case the base date is changed)


OUString ScDPTableData::GetFormattedString(sal_Int32 nDim, const ScDPItemData& rItem, bool bLocaleIndependent) const
    const ScDPCache& rCache = GetCacheTable().getCache();
    return rCache.GetFormattedString(nDim, rItem, bLocaleIndependent);

tools::Long ScDPTableData::GetDatePart( tools::Long nDateVal, tools::Long nHierarchy, tools::Long nLevel )
    if ( nDateVal == nLastDateVal && nHierarchy == nLastHier && nLevel == nLastLevel )
        return nLastRet;

    Date aDate( 30,12,1899 );                   //TODO: get from source data (and cache here)
    aDate.AddDays( nDateVal);

    tools::Long nRet = 0;
    switch (nHierarchy)
            switch (nLevel)
                case 0: nRet = aDate.GetYear();                 break;
                case 1: nRet = (aDate.GetMonth()-1) / 3 + 1;    break;
                case 2: nRet = aDate.GetMonth();                break;
                case 3: nRet = aDate.GetDay();                  break;
                    OSL_FAIL("GetDatePart: wrong level");
            switch (nLevel)
                //TODO: use settings for different definitions
                case 0: nRet = aDate.GetYear();                 break;      //!...
                case 1: nRet = aDate.GetWeekOfYear();           break;
                case 2: nRet = static_cast<tools::Long>(aDate.GetDayOfWeek());      break;
                    OSL_FAIL("GetDatePart: wrong level");
            OSL_FAIL("GetDatePart: wrong hierarchy");

    nLastDateVal = nDateVal;
    nLastHier    = nHierarchy;
    nLastLevel   = nLevel;
    nLastRet     = nRet;

    return nRet;

bool ScDPTableData::IsRepeatIfEmpty()
    return false;

sal_uInt32 ScDPTableData::GetNumberFormat(sal_Int32)
    return 0;           // default format

bool ScDPTableData::IsBaseForGroup(sal_Int32) const
    return false;       // always false

sal_Int32 ScDPTableData::GetGroupBase(sal_Int32) const
    return -1;          // always none

bool ScDPTableData::IsNumOrDateGroup(sal_Int32) const
    return false;       // always false

bool ScDPTableData::IsInGroup( const ScDPItemData&, sal_Int32,
                               const ScDPItemData&, sal_Int32 ) const
    OSL_FAIL("IsInGroup shouldn't be called for non-group data");
    return false;

bool ScDPTableData::HasCommonElement( const ScDPItemData&, sal_Int32,
                                      const ScDPItemData&, sal_Int32 ) const
    OSL_FAIL("HasCommonElement shouldn't be called for non-group data");
    return false;
void ScDPTableData::FillRowDataFromCacheTable(sal_Int32 nRow, const ScDPFilteredCache& rCacheTable,
                                        const CalcInfo& rInfo, CalcRowData& rData)
    // column dimensions
    GetItemData(rCacheTable, nRow, rInfo.aColLevelDims, rData.aColData);

    // row dimensions
    GetItemData(rCacheTable, nRow, rInfo.aRowLevelDims, rData.aRowData);

    // page dimensions
    GetItemData(rCacheTable, nRow, rInfo.aPageDims, rData.aPageData);

    tools::Long nCacheColumnCount = rCacheTable.getCache().GetColumnCount();
    sal_Int32 n = rInfo.aDataSrcCols.size();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        tools::Long nDim = rInfo.aDataSrcCols[i];
        rData.aValues.emplace_back( );
        // #i111435# GetItemData needs dimension indexes including groups,
        // so the index must be checked here (groups aren't useful as data fields).
        if ( nDim < nCacheColumnCount )
            ScDPValue& rVal = rData.aValues.back();
            rCacheTable.getValue( rVal, static_cast<SCCOL>(nDim), static_cast<SCROW>(nRow));

void ScDPTableData::ProcessRowData(CalcInfo& rInfo, const CalcRowData& rData, bool bAutoShow)
    if (!bAutoShow)
        LateInitParams aColParams(rInfo.aColDims, rInfo.aColLevels, false);
        LateInitParams aRowParams(rInfo.aRowDims, rInfo.aRowLevels, true);
        // root always init child
        aColParams.SetInitAllChildren( false);
        aRowParams.SetInitAllChildren( false);

        rInfo.pColRoot->LateInitFrom(aColParams, rData.aColData, 0, *rInfo.pInitState);
        rInfo.pRowRoot->LateInitFrom(aRowParams, rData.aRowData, 0, *rInfo.pInitState);

    if ( ( !rInfo.pColRoot->GetChildDimension() || rInfo.pColRoot->GetChildDimension()->IsValidEntry(rData.aColData) ) &&
         ( !rInfo.pRowRoot->GetChildDimension() || rInfo.pRowRoot->GetChildDimension()->IsValidEntry(rData.aRowData) ) )
        //TODO: single process method with ColMembers, RowMembers and data !!!
        if (rInfo.pColRoot->GetChildDimension())
            vector<SCROW> aEmptyData;
            rInfo.pColRoot->GetChildDimension()->ProcessData(rData.aColData, nullptr, aEmptyData, rData.aValues);

        rInfo.pRowRoot->ProcessData(rData.aRowData, rInfo.pColRoot->GetChildDimension(),
                                    rData.aColData, rData.aValues);

void ScDPTableData::CalcResultsFromCacheTable(const ScDPFilteredCache& rCacheTable, CalcInfo& rInfo, bool bAutoShow)
    sal_Int32 nRowSize = rCacheTable.getRowSize();
    for (sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowSize; ++nRow)
        sal_Int32 nLastRow;
        if (!rCacheTable.isRowActive(nRow, &nLastRow))
            nRow = nLastRow;

        CalcRowData aData;
        FillRowDataFromCacheTable(nRow, rCacheTable, rInfo, aData);
        ProcessRowData(rInfo, aData, bAutoShow);

void ScDPTableData::GetItemData(const ScDPFilteredCache& rCacheTable, sal_Int32 nRow,
                                const vector<sal_Int32>& rDims, vector<SCROW>& rItemData)
    sal_Int32 nDimSize = rDims.size();
    rItemData.reserve(rItemData.size() + nDimSize);
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nDimSize; ++i)
        sal_Int32 nDim = rDims[i];

        if (getIsDataLayoutDimension(nDim))
            rItemData.push_back( -1 );

        nDim = GetSourceDim( nDim );
        if ( nDim >= rCacheTable.getCache().GetColumnCount() )

        SCROW nId= rCacheTable.getCache().GetItemDataId( static_cast<SCCOL>(nDim), static_cast<SCROW>(nRow), IsRepeatIfEmpty());
        rItemData.push_back( nId );

sal_Int32 ScDPTableData::GetMembersCount( sal_Int32 nDim )
    if ( nDim > MAXCOL )
        return 0;
    return GetCacheTable().getFieldEntries( nDim ).size();

const ScDPItemData* ScDPTableData::GetMemberByIndex( sal_Int32 nDim, sal_Int32 nIndex )
    if ( nIndex >= GetMembersCount( nDim ) )
        return nullptr;

    const ::std::vector<SCROW>& nMembers = GetCacheTable().getFieldEntries( nDim );

    return GetCacheTable().getCache().GetItemDataById( static_cast<SCCOL>(nDim), static_cast<SCROW>(nMembers[nIndex]) );

const ScDPItemData* ScDPTableData::GetMemberById( sal_Int32 nDim, sal_Int32 nId)
    return GetCacheTable().getCache().GetItemDataById(nDim, static_cast<SCROW>(nId));

const std::vector< SCROW >& ScDPTableData::GetColumnEntries( sal_Int32 nColumn )
    return GetCacheTable().getFieldEntries( nColumn );

sal_Int32 ScDPTableData::GetSourceDim( sal_Int32 nDim )
    return nDim;

sal_Int32 ScDPTableData::Compare( sal_Int32 nDim, sal_Int32 nDataId1, sal_Int32 nDataId2)
    if ( getIsDataLayoutDimension(nDim) )
        return 0;

    if ( nDataId1 > nDataId2 )
        return 1;
    else if ( nDataId1 == nDataId2 )
        return 0;
        return -1;

void ScDPTableData::Dump() const

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