path: root/debian/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 15:01:31 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-07 15:01:31 +0000
commitc9cf025fadfe043f0f2f679e10d1207d8a158bb6 (patch)
tree3a94effe0bdc0a6814d8134f4ed840d7cc6b6f19 /debian/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
parentAdding upstream version 2.4.57. (diff)
Adding debian version 2.4.57-2.debian/2.4.57-2debian
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 949 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/debian/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/ b/debian/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..decc11b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/perl-framework/Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+package Apache::TestSmoke;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use Apache::Test ();
+use Apache::TestConfig ();
+use Apache::TestTrace;
+use Apache::TestHarness ();
+use Apache::TestRun (); # for core scan functions
+use Apache::TestSort;
+use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
+use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
+use FindBin;
+use POSIX ();
+use Symbol ();
+#use constant DEBUG => 1;
+# how many times to run all tests at the first iteration
+use constant DEFAULT_TIMES => 10;
+# if after this number of tries to reduce the number of tests fails we
+# give up on more tries
+use constant MAX_REDUCTION_TRIES => 50;
+my @num_opts = qw(times);
+my @string_opts = qw(order report);
+my @flag_opts = qw(help verbose bug_mode);
+my %order = map {$_ => 1} qw(random repeat);
+my %usage = (
+ 'times=N' => 'how many times to run the entire test suite' .
+ ' (default: ' . DEFAULT_TIMES . ')',
+ 'order=MODE' => 'modes: random, repeat' .
+ ' (default: random)',
+ 'report=FILENAME' => 'save report in a filename' .
+ ' (default: smoke-report-<date>.txt)',
+ 'verbose[=1]' => 'verbose output' .
+ ' (default: 0)',
+ 'bug_mode' => 'bug report mode' .
+ ' (default: 0)',
+sub new {
+ my($class, @argv) = @_;
+ my $self = bless {
+ seen => {}, # seen sequences and tried them md5 hash
+ results => {}, # final reduced sequences md5 hash
+ smoking_completed => 0,
+ tests => [],
+ total_iterations => 0,
+ total_reduction_attempts => 0,
+ total_reduction_successes => 0,
+ total_tests_run => 0,
+ }, ref($class)||$class;
+ $self->{test_config} = Apache::TestConfig->thaw;
+ $self->getopts(\@argv);
+ my $opts = $self->{opts};
+ chdir "$FindBin::Bin/..";
+ $self->{times} = $opts->{times} || DEFAULT_TIMES;
+ $self->{order} = $opts->{order} || 'random';
+ $self->{verbose} = $opts->{verbose} || 0;
+ $self->{run_iter} = $self->{times};
+ # this is like 'make test' but produces an output to be used in
+ # the bug report
+ if ($opts->{bug_mode}) {
+ $self->{bug_mode} = 1;
+ $self->{run_iter} = 1;
+ $self->{times} = 1;
+ $self->{verbose} = 1;
+ $self->{order} = 'random';
+ $self->{trace} = 'debug';
+ }
+ # specific tests end up in $self->{tests} and $self->{subtests};
+ # and get removed from $self->{argv}
+ $self->Apache::TestRun::split_test_args();
+ my $test_opts = {
+ verbose => $self->{verbose},
+ tests => $self->{tests},
+ order => $self->{order},
+ subtests => $self->{subtests} || [],
+ };
+ @{ $self->{tests} } = $self->get_tests($test_opts);
+ $self->{base_command} = "$^X $FindBin::Bin/TEST";
+ # options common to all
+ $self->{base_command} .= " -verbose" if $self->{verbose};
+ # options specific to the startup
+ $self->{start_command} = "$self->{base_command} -start";
+ $self->{start_command} .= " -trace=" . $self->{trace} if $self->{trace};
+ # options specific to the run
+ $self->{run_command} = "$self->{base_command} -run";
+ # options specific to the stop
+ $self->{stop_command} = "$self->{base_command} -stop";
+ $self;
+sub getopts {
+ my($self, $argv) = @_;
+ my %opts;
+ local *ARGV = $argv;
+ # permute : optional values can come before the options
+ # pass_through : all unknown things are to be left in @ARGV
+ Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(pass_through permute));
+ # grab from @ARGV only the options that we expect
+ GetOptions(\%opts, @flag_opts,
+ (map "$_=s", @string_opts),
+ (map "$_=i", @num_opts));
+ if (exists $opts{order} && !exists $order{$opts{order}}) {
+ error "unknown -order mode: $opts{order}";
+ $self->opt_help();
+ exit;
+ }
+ if ($opts{help}) {
+ $self->opt_help;
+ exit;
+ }
+ # min
+ $self->{opts} = \%opts;
+ $self->{argv} = [@ARGV];
+# XXX: need proper sub-classing
+# from Apache::TestHarness
+sub skip { Apache::TestHarness::skip(@_); }
+sub prune { Apache::TestHarness::prune(@_); }
+sub get_tests { Apache::TestHarness::get_tests(@_);}
+sub install_sighandlers {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $SIG{INT} = sub {
+ # make sure that there the server is down
+ $self->kill_proc();
+ $self->report_finish;
+ exit;
+ };
+END {
+ local $?; # preserve the exit status
+ eval {
+ Apache::TestRun->new(test_config =>
+ Apache::TestConfig->thaw)->scan_core;
+ };
+sub run {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ $self->Apache::TestRun::warn_core();
+ local $SIG{INT};
+ $self->install_sighandlers;
+ $self->report_start();
+ if ($self->{bug_mode}) {
+ # 'make test', but useful for bug reports
+ $self->run_bug_mode();
+ }
+ else {
+ # normal smoke
+ my $iter = 0;
+ while ($iter++ < $self->{run_iter}) {
+ my $last = $self->run_iter($iter);
+ last if $last;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{smoking_completed} = 1;
+ $self->report_finish();
+ exit;
+sub sep {
+ my($char, $title) = @_;
+ my $width = 60;
+ if ($title) {
+ my $side = int( ($width - length($title) - 2) / 2);
+ my $pad = ($side+1) * 2 + length($title) < $width ? 1 : 0;
+ return $char x $side . " $title " . $char x ($side+$pad);
+ }
+ else {
+ return $char x $width;
+ }
+my %log_files = ();
+use constant FH => 0;
+use constant POS => 1;
+sub logs_init {
+ my($self, @log_files) = @_;
+ for my $path (@log_files) {
+ my $fh = Symbol::gensym();
+ open $fh, "<$path" or die "Can't open $path: $!";
+ seek $fh, 0, POSIX::SEEK_END();
+ $log_files{$path}[FH] = $fh;
+ $log_files{$path}[POS] = tell $fh;
+ }
+sub logs_end {
+ for my $path (keys %log_files) {
+ close $log_files{$path}[FH];
+ }
+sub log_diff {
+ my($self, $path) = @_;
+ my $log = $log_files{$path};
+ die "no such log file: $path" unless $log;
+ my $fh = $log->[FH];
+ # no checkpoints were made yet?
+ unless (defined $log->[POS]) {
+ seek $fh, 0, POSIX::SEEK_END();
+ $log->[POS] = tell $fh;
+ return '';
+ }
+ seek $fh, $log->[POS], POSIX::SEEK_SET(); # not really needed
+ local $/; # slurp mode
+ my $diff = <$fh>;
+ seek $fh, 0, POSIX::SEEK_END(); # not really needed
+ $log->[POS] = tell $fh;
+ return $diff || '';
+# this is a special mode, which really just runs 't/TEST -start;
+# t/TEST -run; t/TEST -stop;' but it runs '-run' separately for each
+# test, and checks whether anything bad has happened after the run
+# of each test (i.e. either a test has failed, or a test may be successful,
+# but server may have dumped a core file, we detect that).
+sub run_bug_mode {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my $iter = 0;
+ warning "running t/TEST in the bug report mode";
+ my $reduce_iter = 0;
+ my @good = ();
+ # first time run all tests, or all specified tests
+ my @tests = @{ $self->{tests} }; # copy
+ my $bad = $self->run_test($iter, $reduce_iter, \@tests, \@good);
+ $self->{total_iterations}++;
+# returns true if for some reason no more iterations should be made
+sub run_iter {
+ my($self, $iter) = @_;
+ my $stop_now = 0;
+ my $reduce_iter = 0;
+ my @good = ();
+ warning "\n" . sep("-");
+ warning sprintf "[%03d-%02d-%02d] running all tests",
+ $iter, $reduce_iter, $self->{times};
+ # first time run all tests, or all specified tests
+ my @tests = @{ $self->{tests} }; # copy
+ # hack to ensure a new random seed is generated
+ Apache::TestSort->run(\@tests, $self);
+ my $bad = $self->run_test($iter, $reduce_iter, \@tests, \@good);
+ unless ($bad) {
+ $self->{total_iterations}++;
+ return $stop_now;
+ }
+ error "recorded a positive failure ('$bad'), " .
+ "will try to minimize the input now";
+ my $command = $self->{base_command};
+ # does the test fail on its own
+ {
+ $reduce_iter++;
+ warning sprintf "[%03d-%02d-%02d] trying '$bad' on its own",
+ $iter, $reduce_iter, 1;
+ my @good = ();
+ my @tests = ($bad);
+ my $bad = $self->run_test($iter, $reduce_iter, \@tests, \@good);
+ # if a test is failing on its own there is no point to
+ # continue looking for other sequences
+ if ($bad) {
+ $stop_now = 1;
+ $self->{total_iterations}++;
+ unless ($self->sequence_seen($self->{results}, [@good, $bad])) {
+ $self->report_success($iter, $reduce_iter, "$command $bad", 1);
+ }
+ return $stop_now;
+ }
+ }
+ # positive failure
+ my $ok_tests = @good;
+ my $reduction_success = 0;
+ my $done = 0;
+ while (@good > 1) {
+ my $tries = 0;
+ my $reduce_sub = $self->reduce_stream(\@good);
+ $reduce_iter++;
+ while ($tries++ < MAX_REDUCTION_TRIES) {
+ $self->{total_reduction_attempts}++;
+ my @try = @{ $reduce_sub->() };
+ # reduction stream is empty (tried all?)
+ unless (@try) {
+ $done = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ warning sprintf "\n[%03d-%02d-%02d] trying %d tests",
+ $iter, $reduce_iter, $tries, scalar(@try);
+ my @ok = ();
+ my @tests = (@try, $bad);
+ my $new_bad = $self->run_test($iter, $reduce_iter, \@tests, \@ok);
+ if ($new_bad) {
+ # successful reduction
+ $reduction_success++;
+ @good = @ok;
+ $tries = 0;
+ my $num = @ok;
+ error "*** reduction $reduce_iter succeeded ($num tests) ***";
+ $self->{total_reduction_successes}++;
+ $self->log_successful_reduction($iter, \@ok);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # last round of reducing has failed, so we give up
+ if ($done || $tries >= MAX_REDUCTION_TRIES){
+ error "no further reductions were made";
+ $done = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # we have a minimal failure sequence at this point (to the extend
+ # of success of our attempts to reduce)
+ # report the sequence if we didn't see such one yet in the
+ # previous iterations
+ unless ($self->sequence_seen($self->{results}, [@good, $bad])) {
+ # if no reduction succeeded, it's 0
+ $reduce_iter = 0 unless $reduction_success;
+ $self->report_success($iter, $reduce_iter,
+ "$command @good $bad", @good + 1);
+ }
+ $self->{total_iterations}++;
+ return $stop_now;
+# my $sub = $self->reduce_stream(\@items);
+sub reduce_stream {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my @items = @{+shift};
+ my $items = @items;
+ my $odd = $items % 2 ? 1 : 0;
+ my $middle = int($items/2) - 1;
+ my $c = 0;
+ return sub {
+ $c++; # remember stream's state
+ # a single item is not reduce-able
+ return \@items if $items == 1;
+ my @try = ();
+ my $max_repeat_tries = 50; # avoid seen sequences
+ my $repeat = 0;
+ while ($repeat++ <= $max_repeat_tries) {
+ # try to use a binary search
+ if ($c == 1) {
+ # right half
+ @try = @items[($middle+1)..($items-1)];
+ }
+ elsif ($c == 2) {
+ # left half
+ @try = @items[0..$middle];
+ }
+ # try to use a random window size alg
+ else {
+ my $left = int rand($items);
+ $left = $items - 1 if $left == $items - 1;
+ my $right = $left + int rand($items - $left);
+ $right = $items - 1 if $right >= $items;
+ @try = @items[$left..$right];
+ }
+ if ($self->sequence_seen($self->{seen}, \@try)) {
+ @try = ();
+ }
+ else {
+ last; # found an unseen sequence
+ }
+ }
+ return \@try;
+ }
+sub sequence_seen {
+ my ($self, $rh_store, $ra_tests) = @_;
+ require Digest::MD5;
+ my $digest = Digest::MD5::md5_hex(join '', @$ra_tests);
+ #error $self->{seen};
+ return $rh_store->{$digest}++ ? 1 : 0
+sub run_test {
+ require IPC::Run3;
+ my($self, $iter, $count, $tests, $ra_ok) = @_;
+ my $bad = '';
+ my $ra_nok = [];
+ #warning "$self->{base_command} @$tests";
+ $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die "pipe broke" };
+ # start server
+ {
+ my $command = $self->{start_command};
+ my $log = '';
+ IPC::Run3::run3($command, undef, \$log, \$log);
+ my $started_ok = ($log =~ /started/) ? 1 : 0;
+ unless ($started_ok) {
+ error "failed to start server\n $log";
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ }
+ my $t_logs = $self->{test_config}->{vars}->{t_logs};
+ my @log_files = map { catfile $t_logs, $_ } qw(error_log access_log);
+ $self->logs_init(@log_files);
+ # run tests
+ {
+ my $command = $self->{run_command};
+ my $max_len = 1;
+ for my $test (@$tests) {
+ $max_len = length $test if length $test > $max_len;
+ }
+ for my $test (@$tests) {
+ (my $test_name = $test) =~ s/\.t$//;
+ my $fill = "." x ($max_len - length $test_name);
+ $self->{total_tests_run}++;
+ my $test_command = "$command $test";
+ my $log = '';
+ IPC::Run3::run3($test_command, undef, \$log, \$log);
+ my $ok = ($log =~ /All tests successful|NOTESTS/) ? 1 : 0;
+ my @core_files_msg = $self->Apache::TestRun::scan_core_incremental(1);
+ # if the test has caused core file(s) it's not ok
+ $ok = 0 if @core_files_msg;
+ if ($ok == 1) {
+ push @$ra_ok, $test;
+ if ($self->{verbose}) {
+ if ($log =~ m/NOTESTS/) {
+ print STDERR "$test_name${fill}skipped\n";
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "$test_name${fill}ok\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # need to run log_diff to reset the position of the fh
+ my %log_diffs = map { $_ => $self->log_diff($_) } @log_files;
+ }
+ elsif ($ok == 0) {
+ push @$ra_nok, $test;
+ $bad = $test;
+ if ($self->{verbose}) {
+ print STDERR "$test_name${fill}FAILED\n";
+ error sep("-");
+ # give server some time to finish the
+ # logging. it's ok to wait long time since we have
+ # to deal with an error
+ sleep 5;
+ my %log_diffs = map { $_ => $self->log_diff($_) } @log_files;
+ # client log
+ error "\t\t*** run log ***";
+ $log =~ s/^/ /mg;
+ print STDERR "$log\n";
+ # server logs
+ for my $path (@log_files) {
+ next unless length $log_diffs{$path};
+ error "\t\t*** $path ***";
+ $log_diffs{$path} =~ s/^/ /mg;
+ print STDERR "$log_diffs{$path}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (@core_files_msg) {
+ unless ($self->{verbose}) {
+ # currently the output of 'run log' already
+ # includes the information about core files once
+ # Test::Harness::Straps allows us to run callbacks
+ # after each test, and we move back to run all
+ # tests at once, we will log the message here
+ error "$test_name caused core";
+ print STDERR join "\n", @core_files_msg, "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($self->{verbose}) {
+ error sep("-");
+ }
+ unless ($self->{bug_mode}) {
+ # normal smoke stop the run, but in the bug_mode
+ # we want to complete all the tests
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self->logs_end();
+ # stop server
+ $self->kill_proc();
+ if ($self->{bug_mode}) {
+ warning sep("-");
+ if (@$ra_nok == 0) {
+ printf STDERR "All tests successful (%d)\n", scalar @$ra_ok;
+ }
+ else {
+ error sprintf "error running %d tests out of %d\n",
+ scalar(@$ra_nok), scalar @$ra_ok + @$ra_nok;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return $bad;
+ }
+sub report_start {
+ my($self) = shift;
+ my $time = scalar localtime;
+ $self->{start_time} = $time;
+ $time =~ s/\s/_/g;
+ $time =~ s/:/-/g; # winFU
+ my $file = $self->{opts}->{report} ||
+ catfile Apache::Test::vars('top_dir'), "smoke-report-$time.txt";
+ $self->{runtime}->{report} = $file;
+ info "Report file: $file";
+ open my $fh, ">$file" or die "cannot open $file for writing: $!";
+ $self->{fh} = $fh;
+ my $sep = sep("-");
+ my $title = sep('=', "Special Tests Sequence Failure Finder Report");
+ print $fh <<EOM;
+First iteration used:
+$self->{base_command} @{$self->{tests}}
+sub report_success {
+ my($self, $iter, $reduce_iter, $sequence, $tests) = @_;
+ my @report = ("iteration $iter ($tests tests):\n",
+ "\t$sequence\n",
+ "(made $reduce_iter successful reductions)\n\n");
+ print @report;
+ if (my $fh = $self->{fh}) {
+ print $fh @report;
+ }
+sub report_finish {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my $start_time = $self->{start_time};
+ my $end_time = scalar localtime;
+ if (my $fh = delete $self->{fh}) {
+ my $failures = scalar keys %{ $self->{results} };
+ my $sep = sep("-");
+ my $cfg_as_string = $self->build_config_as_string;
+ my $unique_seqs = scalar keys %{ $self->{results} };
+ my $attempts = $self->{total_reduction_attempts};
+ my $successes = $self->{total_reduction_successes};
+ my $completion = $self->{smoking_completed}
+ ? "Completed"
+ : "Not Completed (aborted by user)";
+ my $status = "Unknown";
+ if ($self->{total_iterations} > 0) {
+ if ($failures) {
+ $status = "*** NOT OK ***";
+ }
+ else {
+ $status = "+++ OK +++";
+ }
+ }
+ my $title = sep('=', "Summary");
+ my $iter_made = sprintf "Iterations (%s) made : %d",
+ $self->{order}, $self->{total_iterations};
+ print $fh <<EOM;
+Completion : $completion
+Status : $status
+Tests run : $self->{total_tests_run}
+ if ($attempts > 0 && $failures) {
+ my $reduction_stats = sprintf "%d/%d (%d%% success)",
+ $attempts, $successes, $successes / $attempts * 100;
+ print $fh <<EOM;
+Unique sequences found : $unique_seqs
+Reduction tries/success : $reduction_stats
+ }
+ print $fh <<EOM;
+--- Started at: $start_time ---
+--- Ended at: $end_time ---
+The smoke testing was run on the system with the following
+-- this report was generated by $0
+ close $fh;
+ }
+# in case the smoke gets killed before it had a chance to finish and
+# write the report, at least we won't lose the last successful reduction
+# XXX: this wasn't needed before we switched to IPC::Run3, since
+# Ctrl-C would log the collected data, but it doesn't work with
+# IPC::Run3. So if that gets fixed, we can remove that function
+sub log_successful_reduction {
+ my($self, $iter, $tests) = @_;
+ my $file = $self->{runtime}->{report} . ".$iter.temp";
+ debug "saving in $file";
+ open my $fh, ">$file" or die "cannot open $file for writing: $!";
+ print $fh join " ", @$tests;
+ close $fh;
+sub build_config_as_string {
+ Apache::TestConfig::as_string();
+sub kill_proc {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my $command = $self->{stop_command};
+ my $log = '';
+ require IPC::Run3;
+ IPC::Run3::run3($command, undef, \$log, \$log);
+ my $stopped_ok = ($log =~ /shutdown/) ? 1 : 0;
+ unless ($stopped_ok) {
+ error "failed to stop server\n $log";
+ }
+sub opt_help {
+ my $self = shift;
+ print <<EOM;
+usage: t/SMOKE [options ...] [tests]
+ where the options are:
+ for (sort keys %usage){
+ printf " -%-16s %s\n", $_, $usage{$_};
+ }
+ print <<EOM;
+ if 'tests' argument is not provided all available tests will be run
+# generate t/SMOKE script (or a different filename) which will drive
+# Apache::TestSmoke
+sub generate_script {
+ my ($class, $file) = @_;
+ $file ||= catfile 't', 'SMOKE';
+ my $content = join "\n",
+ "BEGIN { eval { require blib && blib->import; } }",
+ Apache::TestConfig->perlscript_header,
+ "use $class;",
+ "$class->new(\@ARGV)->run;";
+ Apache::Test::basic_config()->write_perlscript($file, $content);
+=head1 NAME
+Apache::TestSmoke - Special Tests Sequence Failure Finder
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # get the usage and the default values
+ % t/SMOKE -help
+ # repeat all tests 5 times and save the report into
+ # the file 'myreport'
+ % t/SMOKE -times=5 -report=myreport
+ # run all tests default number of iterations, and repeat tests
+ # default number of times
+ % t/SMOKE
+ # same as above but work only the specified tests
+ % t/SMOKE foo/bar foo/tar
+ # run once a sequence of tests in a non-random mode
+ # e.g. when trying to reduce a known long sequence that fails
+ % t/SMOKE -order=rotate -times=1 foo/bar foo/tar
+ # show me each currently running test
+ # it's not the same as running the tests in the verbose mode
+ % t/SMOKE -verbose
+ # run t/TEST, but show any problems after *each* tests is run
+ # useful for bug reports (it actually runs t/TEST -start, then
+ # t/TEST -run for each test separately and finally t/TEST -stop
+ % t/SMOKE -bug_mode
+ # now read the created report file
+=head2 The Problem
+When we try to test a stateless machine (i.e. all tests are
+independent), running all tests once ensures that all tested things
+properly work. However when a state machine is tested (i.e. where a
+run of one test may influence another test) it's not enough to run all
+the tests once to know that the tested features actually work. It's
+quite possible that if the same tests are run in a different order
+and/or repeated a few times, some tests may fail. This usually
+happens when some tests don't restore the system under test to its
+pristine state at the end of the run, which may influence other tests
+which rely on the fact that they start on pristine state, when in fact
+it's not true anymore. In fact it's possible that a single test may
+fail when run twice or three times in a sequence.
+=head2 The Solution
+To reduce the possibility of such dependency errors, it's helpful to
+run random testing repeated many times with many different srand
+seeds. Of course if no failures get spotted that doesn't mean that
+there are no tests inter-dependencies, which may cause a failure in
+production. But random testing definitely helps to spot many problems
+and can give better test coverage.
+=head2 Resolving Sequence Problems
+When this kind of testing is used and a failure is detected there are
+two problems:
+=item 1
+First is to be able to reproduce the problem so if we think we fixed
+it, we could verify the fix. This one is easy, just remember the
+sequence of tests run till the failed test and rerun the same sequence
+once again after the problem has been fixed.
+=item 2
+Second is to be able to understand the cause of the problem. If during
+the random test the failure has happened after running 400 tests, how
+can we possibly know which previously running tests has caused to the
+failure of the test 401. Chances are that most of the tests were clean
+and don't have inter-dependency problem. Therefore it'd be very
+helpful if we could reduce the long sequence to a minimum. Preferably
+1 or 2 tests. That's when we can try to understand the cause of the
+detected problem.
+This utility attempts to solve both problems, and at the end of each
+iteration print a minimal sequence of tests causing to a failure. This
+doesn't always succeed, but works in many cases.
+This utility:
+=item 1
+Runs the tests randomly until the first failure is detected. Or
+non-randomly if the option I<-order> is set to I<repeat> or I<rotate>.
+=item 2
+Then it tries to reduce that sequence of tests to a minimum, and this
+sequence still causes to the same failure.
+=item 3
+(XXX: todo): then it reruns the minimal sequence in the verbose mode
+and saves the output.
+=item 4
+It reports all the successful reductions as it goes to STDOUT and
+report file of the format: smoke-report-<date>.txt.
+In addition the systems build parameters are logged into the report
+file, so the detected problems could be reproduced.
+=item 5
+Goto 1 and run again using a new random seed, which potentially should
+detect different failures.
+=head1 Reduction Algorithm
+Currently for each reduction path, the following reduction algorithms
+get applied:
+=item 1
+Binary search: first try the upper half then the lower.
+=item 2
+Random window: randomize the left item, then the right item and return
+the items between these two points.
+=head1 t/SMOKE.PL
+I<t/SMOKE.PL> is driving this module, if you don't have it, create it:
+ #!perl
+ use strict;
+ use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+ use FindBin;
+ use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../Apache-Test/lib";
+ use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
+ use Apache::TestSmoke ();
+ Apache::TestSmoke->new(@ARGV)->run;
+usually I<Makefile.PL> converts it into I<t/SMOKE> while adjusting the
+perl path, but you create I<t/SMOKE> in first place as well.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Stas Bekman