use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(keep_alive => 1); my $iters = 10; if (!have_min_apache_version("2.4.0")) { # Not interested in 2.2 $iters = 0; } my $tests = 4 + $iters * 2; plan tests => $tests, need need_module('ext_filter'), need_cgi; my $content = GET_BODY("/apache/extfilter/out-foo/foobar.html"); chomp $content; ok t_cmp($content, "barbar", "sed output filter"); $content = GET_BODY("/apache/extfilter/out-slow/foobar.html"); chomp $content; ok t_cmp($content, "foobar", "slow filter process"); my $r = POST "/apache/extfilter/in-foo/modules/cgi/", content => "foobar\n"; ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "echo worked"); ok t_cmp($r->content, "barbar\n", "request body filtered"); # PR 60375 -- appears to be intermittent failure with 2.4.x ... but works with trunk? foreach (1..$iters) { $r = POST "/apache/extfilter/out-limit/modules/cgi/", content => "foo and bar\n"; ok t_cmp($r->code, 413, "got 413 error"); ok t_cmp($r->content, qr/413 Request Entity Too Large/, "got 413 error body"); }