use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; ## ## mod_session tests ## # Code, session data, dirty, expiry, content. my $checks_per_test = 5; # Session, API, Encoding, SessionEnv, SessionHeader, SessionMaxAge, # SessionExpiryUpdateInterval, SessionInclude/Exclude. my $num_tests = 2 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 7 + 3; my @todo = ( # Session writable after decode failure - PR 58171 53, 54, # Session writable after expired - PR 56052 88, 89 ); # Until the fix for PR 57300 is backported, sessions are always saved. if (!have_min_apache_version('2.4.41')) { my @todo_backport = ( 8, 18, 38, 43, 48, 58, 63, 133 ); push(@todo, @todo_backport); } plan tests => $num_tests * $checks_per_test, todo => \@todo, need need_module('session'), need_min_apache_version('2.3.0'); # APR time is in microseconds. use constant APR_TIME_PER_SEC => 1000000; # Don't use math ops, the result is too big for 32 Bit Perl # Use adding of trailing "0"s instead sub expiry_from_seconds { my $seconds = shift; return $seconds . "0" x (length(APR_TIME_PER_SEC) - 1); } # check_result(name, res, session, dirty, expiry, response) sub check_result { my $name = shift; my $res = shift; my $session = shift // '(none)'; my $dirty = shift // 0; my $expiry = shift // 0; my $response = shift // ''; ok t_cmp($res->code, 200, "response code ($name)"); my $gotSession = $res->header('X-Test-Session') // '(none)'; my $sessionData = $gotSession; if ($gotSession =~ /^(?:(.+)&)?expiry=([0-9]+)(?:&(.*))?$/i) { # Don't use math ops, $2 is too big for 32 Bit Perl # Use stripping of trailing "0"s instead my $gotExpiry = substr($2, 0, -1 * (length(APR_TIME_PER_SEC) - 1)); t_debug "expiry of $gotExpiry ($name)"; ok $expiry && time() < $gotExpiry; # Combine the remaining data (if there is any) without the expiry. $sessionData = join('&', grep(defined, ($1, $3))); } else { t_debug "no expiry ($name)"; ok !$expiry; } ok t_cmp($sessionData, $session, "session header ($name)"); my $got = $res->header('X-Test-Session-Dirty') // 0; ok t_cmp($got, $dirty, "session dirty ($name)"); $got = $res->content; chomp($got); ok t_cmp($got, $response, "body ($name)"); return $gotSession; } # check_get(name, path, session, dirty, expiry, response) sub check_get { my $name = shift; my $path = shift; t_debug "$name: GET $path"; my $res = GET "/sessiontest$path"; return check_result $name, $res, @_; } # check_post(name, path, data, session, dirty, expiry, response) sub check_post { my $name = shift; my $path = shift; my $data = shift; t_debug "$name: POST $path"; my $res = POST "/sessiontest$path", content => $data; return check_result $name, $res, @_; } # check_custom(name, result, session, dirty, expiry, response) sub check_custom { my $name = shift; my $res = shift; t_debug "$name"; return check_result $name, $res, @_; } my $session = 'test=value'; my $encoded_prefix = 'TestEncoded:'; my $encoded_session = $encoded_prefix . $session; my $create_session = 'action=set&name=test&value=value'; my $read_session = 'action=get&name=test'; # Session directive check_post 'Cannot write session when off', '/', $create_session; check_get 'New empty session is not saved', '/on'; # API optional functions check_post 'Set session', '/on', $create_session, $session, 1; check_post 'Get session', "/on?$session", $read_session, undef, 0, 0, 'value'; check_post 'Delete session', "/on?$session", 'action=set&name=test', '', 1; check_post 'Edit session', "/on?$session", 'action=set&name=test&value=', 'test=', 1; # Encoding hooks check_post 'Encode session', '/on/encode', $create_session, $encoded_session, 1; check_post 'Decode session', "/on/encode?$encoded_session", $read_session, undef, 0, 0, 'value'; check_get 'Custom decoder failure', "/on/encode?$session"; check_get 'Identity decoder failure', "/on?&=test"; check_post 'Session writable after decode failure', "/on/encode?$session", $create_session, $encoded_session, 1; # SessionEnv directive - requires mod_include if (have_module('include')) { check_custom 'SessionEnv Off', GET("/modules/session/env.shtml?$session"), undef, 0, 0, '(none)'; check_get 'SessionEnv On', "/on/env/on/env.shtml?$session", undef, 0, 0, $session; } else { for (1 .. 2 * $checks_per_test) { skip "SessionEnv tests require mod_include", 1; } } # SessionHeader directive check_custom 'SessionHeader', GET("/sessiontest/on?$session&another=1", 'X-Test-Session-Override' => 'another=5&last=7'), "$session&another=5&last=7", 1; # SessionMaxAge directive my $future_expiry = expiry_from_seconds(time() + 200); check_get 'SessionMaxAge adds expiry', "/on/expire?$session", $session, 0, 1; check_get 'Discard expired session', "/on/expire?$session&expiry=1", '', 0, 1; check_get 'Keep non-expired session', "/on/expire?$session&expiry=$future_expiry", $session, 0, 1; check_post 'Session writable after expired', '/on/expire?expiry=1', $create_session, $session, 1, 1; # SessionExpiryUpdateInterval directive - new in 2.4.41 if (have_module('version') && have_min_apache_version('2.4.41')) { my $max_expiry = expiry_from_seconds(time() + 100); my $threshold_expiry = expiry_from_seconds(time() + 40); check_get 'SessionExpiryUpdateInterval off by default', "/on/expire?$session&expiry=$max_expiry", $session, 0, 1; check_get 'SessionExpiryUpdateInterval skips save', "/on/expire/cache?$session&expiry=$max_expiry"; check_post 'Session readable when save skipped', "/on/expire/cache?$session&expiry=$max_expiry", $read_session, undef, 0, 0, 'value'; check_post 'Dirty overrides SessionExpiryUpdateInterval', "/on/expire/cache?$session&expiry=$max_expiry", $create_session, $session, 1, 1; check_get 'Old session always updates expiry', "/on/expire/cache?$session&expiry=$threshold_expiry", $session, 0, 1; check_get 'New empty session with expiry not saved', "/on/expire/cache"; check_post 'Can create session with SessionExpiryUpdateInterval', "/on/expire/cache", $create_session, $session, 1, 1; } else { for (1 .. 7 * $checks_per_test) { skip "SessionExpiryUpdateInterval tests require backporting"; } } # SessionInclude/Exclude directives check_post 'Cannot write session when not included', "/on/include?$session", $create_session; check_post 'Can read session when included', "/on/include/yes?$session", $read_session, undef, 0, 0, 'value'; check_post 'SessionExclude overrides SessionInclude', "/on/include/yes/no?$session", $create_session;