use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; my @testcasespaths = ( ['/modules/speling/nocase/'], ['/modules/speling/caseonly/'], ); my @testcases = ( ## File Test CheckCaseOnly Off On ['good.html', "normal", 200, 200], ['god.html', "omission", 301, 404], ['goood.html', "insertion", 301, 404], ['godo.html', "transposition", 301, 404], ['go_d.html', "wrong character", 301, 404], ['good.wrong_ext', "wrong extension", 300, 300], ['GOOD.wrong_ext', "NC wrong extension", 300, 300], ['Bad.html', "wrong filename", 404, 404], ['dogo.html', "double transposition", 404, 404], ['XooX.html', "double wrong character", 404, 404], ['several0.html', "multiple choice", 300, 404], ); # macOS HFS is case-insensitive but case-preserving so the below tests # would cause misleading failures if ($^O ne "darwin") { push (@testcases, ['GOOD.html', "case", 301, 301]); } plan tests => scalar @testcasespaths * scalar @testcases * 2, need 'mod_speling'; my $r; my $code = 2; # Disable redirect local $Apache::TestRequest::RedirectOK = 0; foreach my $p (@testcasespaths) { foreach my $t (@testcases) { ## #local $Apache::TestRequest::RedirectOK = 0; $r = GET($p->[0] . $t->[0]); # Checking for return code ok t_cmp($r->code, $t->[$code], "Checking " . $t->[1] . ". Expecting: ". $t->[$code]); # Checking that the expected filename is in the answer if ($t->[$code] != 200 && $t->[$code] != 404) { ok t_cmp($r->content, qr/good\.html|several1\.html/, "Redirect ok"); } else { skip "Skipping. No redirect with status " . $t->[$code]; } } $code = $code+1; }