use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; use Apache::TestConfig (); my $tests = 3; my $server_suppresses_interim = 1; if (!have_min_apache_version("2.4.10")) { $tests = 1; $server_suppresses_interim = 0; } plan tests => $tests, need_module 'proxy'; Apache::TestRequest::module("proxy_http_reverse"); Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(requests_redirectable => 0); my $r = GET("/reverse/"); ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "reverse proxy to index.html"); if (have_cgi) { if ($server_suppresses_interim) { # XXX: This doesn't work in 2.2.x w/o at least r1588519 because LWP # sees the unexpected interim response and stops. $r = GET("/reverse/modules/cgi/"); ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "small number of interim responses - CVE-2008-2364"); $r = GET("/reverse/modules/cgi/"); ok t_cmp($r->code, 502, "large number of interim responses - CVE-2008-2364"); } } else { skip "skipping tests without CGI module" foreach (1..2); }