use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Apache::Test; use Apache::TestRequest; use Apache::TestUtil; plan tests => 4, need 'ssl', need_module('actions'), need_min_apache_version('2.2.7'); my $r; Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(ssl_opts => {SSL_version => 'TLSv13'}); Apache::TestRequest::scheme('https'); $r = GET "/"; my $tls13_works = $r->is_success; # Forget the above user agent settings, start fresh Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(reset => 1); # If TLS 1.3 worked, downgrade to TLS 1.2, otherwise use what works. if ($tls13_works) { t_debug "Downgrading to TLSv12"; Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(ssl_opts => {SSL_cipher_list => 'ALL', SSL_version => 'TLSv12'}); } else { Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(ssl_opts => {SSL_cipher_list => 'ALL'}); } Apache::TestRequest::user_agent_keepalive(1); Apache::TestRequest::scheme('https'); # Variation of the PR 12355 test which breaks per PR 43738. $r = POST "/modules/ssl/aes128/empty.pfa", content => "hello world"; ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "renegotiation on POST works"); ok t_cmp($r->content, "/modules/ssl/aes128/empty.pfa\nhello world", "request body matches response"); $r = POST "/modules/ssl/aes256/empty.pfa", content => "hello world"; ok t_cmp($r->code, 200, "renegotiation on POST works"); ok t_cmp($r->content, "/modules/ssl/aes256/empty.pfa\nhello world", "request body matches response");