/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "md.h" #include "md_crypt.h" #include "md_json.h" #include "md_http.h" #include "md_log.h" #include "md_result.h" #include "md_reg.h" #include "md_store.h" #include "md_util.h" #include "md_tailscale.h" typedef struct { apr_pool_t *pool; md_proto_driver_t *driver; const char *unix_socket_path; md_t *md; apr_array_header_t *chain; md_pkey_t *pkey; } ts_ctx_t; static apr_status_t ts_init(md_proto_driver_t *d, md_result_t *result) { ts_ctx_t *ts_ctx; apr_uri_t uri; const char *ca_url; apr_status_t rv = APR_SUCCESS; md_result_set(result, APR_SUCCESS, NULL); ts_ctx = apr_pcalloc(d->p, sizeof(*ts_ctx)); ts_ctx->pool = d->p; ts_ctx->driver = d; ts_ctx->chain = apr_array_make(d->p, 5, sizeof(md_cert_t *)); ca_url = (d->md->ca_urls && !apr_is_empty_array(d->md->ca_urls))? APR_ARRAY_IDX(d->md->ca_urls, 0, const char*) : NULL; if (!ca_url) { ca_url = MD_TAILSCALE_DEF_URL; } rv = apr_uri_parse(d->p, ca_url, &uri); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_printf(result, rv, "error parsing CA URL `%s`", ca_url); goto leave; } if (uri.scheme && uri.scheme[0] && strcmp("file", uri.scheme)) { rv = APR_ENOTIMPL; md_result_printf(result, rv, "non `file` URLs not supported, CA URL is `%s`", ca_url); goto leave; } if (uri.hostname && uri.hostname[0] && strcmp("localhost", uri.hostname)) { rv = APR_ENOTIMPL; md_result_printf(result, rv, "non `localhost` URLs not supported, CA URL is `%s`", ca_url); goto leave; } ts_ctx->unix_socket_path = uri.path; d->baton = ts_ctx; leave: return rv; } static apr_status_t ts_preload_init(md_proto_driver_t *d, md_result_t *result) { return ts_init(d, result); } static apr_status_t ts_preload(md_proto_driver_t *d, md_store_group_t load_group, md_result_t *result) { apr_status_t rv; md_t *md; md_credentials_t *creds; md_pkey_spec_t *pkspec; apr_array_header_t *all_creds; const char *name; int i; name = d->md->name; md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_DEBUG, 0, d->p, "%s: preload start", name); /* Load data from MD_SG_STAGING and save it into "load_group". */ if (APR_SUCCESS != (rv = md_load(d->store, MD_SG_STAGING, name, &md, d->p))) { md_result_set(result, rv, "loading staged md.json"); goto leave; } /* tailscale generates one cert+key with key specification being whatever * it chooses. Use the NULL spec here. */ all_creds = apr_array_make(d->p, 5, sizeof(md_credentials_t*)); pkspec = NULL; if (APR_SUCCESS != (rv = md_creds_load(d->store, MD_SG_STAGING, name, pkspec, &creds, d->p))) { md_result_printf(result, rv, "loading staged credentials"); goto leave; } if (!creds->chain) { rv = APR_ENOENT; md_result_printf(result, rv, "no certificate in staged credentials"); goto leave; } if (APR_SUCCESS != (rv = md_check_cert_and_pkey(creds->chain, creds->pkey))) { md_result_printf(result, rv, "certificate and private key do not match in staged credentials"); goto leave; } APR_ARRAY_PUSH(all_creds, md_credentials_t*) = creds; md_result_activity_setn(result, "purging store tmp space"); rv = md_store_purge(d->store, d->p, load_group, name); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_set(result, rv, NULL); goto leave; } md_result_activity_setn(result, "saving staged md/privkey/pubcert"); if (APR_SUCCESS != (rv = md_save(d->store, d->p, load_group, md, 1))) { md_result_set(result, rv, "writing md.json"); goto leave; } for (i = 0; i < all_creds->nelts; ++i) { creds = APR_ARRAY_IDX(all_creds, i, md_credentials_t*); if (APR_SUCCESS != (rv = md_creds_save(d->store, d->p, load_group, name, creds, 1))) { md_result_printf(result, rv, "writing credentials #%d", i); goto leave; } } md_result_set(result, APR_SUCCESS, "saved staged data successfully"); leave: md_result_log(result, MD_LOG_DEBUG); return rv; } static apr_status_t rv_of_response(const md_http_response_t *res) { switch (res->status) { case 200: return APR_SUCCESS; case 400: return APR_EINVAL; case 401: /* sectigo returns this instead of 403 */ case 403: return APR_EACCES; case 404: return APR_ENOENT; default: return APR_EGENERAL; } return APR_SUCCESS; } static apr_status_t on_get_cert(const md_http_response_t *res, void *baton) { ts_ctx_t *ts_ctx = baton; apr_status_t rv; rv = rv_of_response(res); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto leave; apr_array_clear(ts_ctx->chain); rv = md_cert_chain_read_http(ts_ctx->chain, ts_ctx->pool, res); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto leave; leave: return rv; } static apr_status_t on_get_key(const md_http_response_t *res, void *baton) { ts_ctx_t *ts_ctx = baton; apr_status_t rv; rv = rv_of_response(res); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto leave; rv = md_pkey_read_http(&ts_ctx->pkey, ts_ctx->pool, res); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) goto leave; leave: return rv; } static apr_status_t ts_renew(md_proto_driver_t *d, md_result_t *result) { const char *name, *domain, *url; apr_status_t rv = APR_ENOENT; ts_ctx_t *ts_ctx = d->baton; md_http_t *http; const md_pubcert_t *pubcert; md_cert_t *old_cert, *new_cert; int reset_staging = d->reset; /* "renewing" the certificate from tailscale. Since tailscale has its * own ideas on when to do this, we can only inspect the certificate * it gives us and see if it is different from the current one we have. * (if we have any. first time, lacking a cert, any it gives us is * considered as 'renewed'.) */ name = d->md->name; md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_DEBUG, 0, d->p, "%s: renewing cert", name); /* When not explicitly told to reset, we check the existing data. If * it is incomplete or old, we trigger the reset for a clean start. */ if (!reset_staging) { md_result_activity_setn(result, "Checking staging area"); rv = md_load(d->store, MD_SG_STAGING, d->md->name, &ts_ctx->md, d->p); if (APR_SUCCESS == rv) { /* So, we have a copy in staging, but is it a recent or an old one? */ if (md_is_newer(d->store, MD_SG_DOMAINS, MD_SG_STAGING, d->md->name, d->p)) { reset_staging = 1; } } else if (APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rv)) { reset_staging = 1; rv = APR_SUCCESS; } } if (reset_staging) { md_result_activity_setn(result, "Resetting staging area"); /* reset the staging area for this domain */ rv = md_store_purge(d->store, d->p, MD_SG_STAGING, d->md->name); md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_TRACE1, rv, d->p, "%s: reset staging area", d->md->name); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv && !APR_STATUS_IS_ENOENT(rv)) { md_result_printf(result, rv, "resetting staging area"); goto leave; } rv = APR_SUCCESS; ts_ctx->md = NULL; } if (!ts_ctx->md || !md_array_str_eq(ts_ctx->md->ca_urls, d->md->ca_urls, 1)) { md_result_activity_printf(result, "Resetting staging for %s", d->md->name); /* re-initialize staging */ md_log_perror(MD_LOG_MARK, MD_LOG_DEBUG, 0, d->p, "%s: setup staging", d->md->name); md_store_purge(d->store, d->p, MD_SG_STAGING, d->md->name); ts_ctx->md = md_copy(d->p, d->md); rv = md_save(d->store, d->p, MD_SG_STAGING, ts_ctx->md, 0); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_printf(result, rv, "Saving MD information in staging area."); md_result_log(result, MD_LOG_ERR); goto leave; } } if (!ts_ctx->unix_socket_path) { rv = APR_ENOTIMPL; md_result_set(result, rv, "only unix sockets are supported for tailscale connections"); goto leave; } rv = md_util_is_unix_socket(ts_ctx->unix_socket_path, d->p); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_printf(result, rv, "tailscale socket not available, may not be up: %s", ts_ctx->unix_socket_path); goto leave; } rv = md_http_create(&http, d->p, apr_psprintf(d->p, "Apache mod_md/%s", MOD_MD_VERSION), NULL); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_set(result, rv, "creating http context"); goto leave; } md_http_set_unix_socket_path(http, ts_ctx->unix_socket_path); domain = (d->md->domains->nelts > 0)? APR_ARRAY_IDX(d->md->domains, 0, const char*) : NULL; if (!domain) { rv = APR_EINVAL; md_result_set(result, rv, "no domain names available"); } url = apr_psprintf(d->p, "http://localhost/localapi/v0/cert/%s?type=crt", domain); rv = md_http_GET_perform(http, url, NULL, on_get_cert, ts_ctx); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_set(result, rv, "retrieving certificate from tailscale"); goto leave; } if (ts_ctx->chain->nelts <= 0) { rv = APR_ENOENT; md_result_set(result, rv, "tailscale returned no certificates"); goto leave; } /* Got the key and the chain, is it new? */ rv = md_reg_get_pubcert(&pubcert, d->reg,d->md, 0, d->p); if (APR_SUCCESS == rv) { old_cert = APR_ARRAY_IDX(pubcert->certs, 0, md_cert_t*); new_cert = APR_ARRAY_IDX(ts_ctx->chain, 0, md_cert_t*); if (md_certs_are_equal(old_cert, new_cert)) { /* tailscale has not renewed the certificate, yet */ rv = APR_ENOENT; md_result_set(result, rv, "tailscale has not renewed the certificate yet"); /* let's check this daily */ md_result_delay_set(result, apr_time_now() + apr_time_from_sec(MD_SECS_PER_DAY)); goto leave; } } /* We have a new certificate (or had none before). * Get the key and store both in STAGING. */ url = apr_psprintf(d->p, "http://localhost/localapi/v0/cert/%s?type=key", domain); rv = md_http_GET_perform(http, url, NULL, on_get_key, ts_ctx); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_set(result, rv, "retrieving key from tailscale"); goto leave; } rv = md_pkey_save(d->store, d->p, MD_SG_STAGING, name, NULL, ts_ctx->pkey, 1); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_set(result, rv, "saving private key"); goto leave; } rv = md_pubcert_save(d->store, d->p, MD_SG_STAGING, name, NULL, ts_ctx->chain, 1); if (APR_SUCCESS != rv) { md_result_printf(result, rv, "saving new certificate chain."); goto leave; } md_result_set(result, APR_SUCCESS, "A new tailscale certificate has been retrieved successfully and can " "be used. A graceful server restart is recommended."); leave: md_result_log(result, MD_LOG_DEBUG); return rv; } static apr_status_t ts_complete_md(md_t *md, apr_pool_t *p) { (void)p; if (!md->ca_urls) { md->ca_urls = apr_array_make(p, 3, sizeof(const char *)); APR_ARRAY_PUSH(md->ca_urls, const char*) = MD_TAILSCALE_DEF_URL; } return APR_SUCCESS; } static md_proto_t TAILSCALE_PROTO = { MD_PROTO_TAILSCALE, ts_init, ts_renew, ts_preload_init, ts_preload, ts_complete_md, }; apr_status_t md_tailscale_protos_add(apr_hash_t *protos, apr_pool_t *p) { (void)p; apr_hash_set(protos, MD_PROTO_TAILSCALE, sizeof(MD_PROTO_TAILSCALE)-1, &TAILSCALE_PROTO); return APR_SUCCESS; }