#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # # Utility which takes a username and password # on the command line and generates a username # sha1-encrytped password on the stdout. # # Typical usage: # ./htpasswd-sha1.pl dirkx MySecret >> sha1-passwd # # This is public domain code. Do whatever you want with it. # It was originally included in Clinton Wong's Apache 1.3.6 SHA1/ldif # patch distribution as sample code for generating entries for # Apache password files using SHA1. use MIME::Base64; # http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/MIME/ use Digest::SHA1; # http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/MD5/ if ($#ARGV!=1) { die "Usage $0: user password\n" } print $ARGV[0], ':{SHA}', encode_base64( Digest::SHA1::sha1($ARGV[1]) );